blob: 7217282fa932bb984ad31150a0b18630df91b586 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "components/ukm/test_ukm_recorder.h"
// A UKM entry consists of named metrics with int64_t values. Use a map to
// specify expected metrics to test against an actual entry for tests.
// A value of |nullopt| implies a value shouldn't exist for the given metric
// name.
using UkmMetricMap = std::map<const char*, base::Optional<int64_t>>;
using SourceUkmMetricMap =
std::map<ukm::SourceId, std::pair<GURL, UkmMetricMap>>;
// Helper class to check entries have been logged as expected into UKM.
// Tests use this by validating new entries after they are logged. The helper
// skips already-validated entries when checking new entries, and expects new
// entries to be validated in the order they were logged. This ensures
// unexpected entries are not logged in between expected entries.
class UkmEntryChecker {
// Expects that the next untested entry for |entry_name| matches the value
// and the given URL if |source_url| is not empty.
// Use this function to verify a single expected event.
// This function increments |num_entries_[entry_name]| by 1, so entries after
// this one will still be considered new/untested.
void ExpectNewEntry(const std::string& entry_name,
const GURL& source_url,
const UkmMetricMap& expected_metrics);
// Expects that |expected_entries.size()| new entries have been recorded for
// |entry_name|, in any order. For each expected entry, checks that its
// metrics match one of the newly recorded entries.
// Use this function when expecting multiple entries to be logged at once.
void ExpectNewEntries(const std::string& entry_name,
const std::vector<UkmMetricMap>& expected_entries);
// Like ExpectNewEntries(), but entries are keyed by source ID. For each
// recorded entry (as identified by its source ID), checks the values and the
// source's URL if the expected URL is not empty.
void ExpectNewEntriesBySource(const std::string& entry_name,
const SourceUkmMetricMap& expected_data);
// Returns number of new entries that have been recorded for |entry_name|.
// Entries are considered new until they have been validated with
// ExpectNewEntries() or similar.
// Thus, this returns the difference between the number of entries in UKM and
// the number of entries that have been validated.
int NumNewEntriesRecorded(const std::string& entry_name) const;
// Returns number of entries for |entry_name|.
size_t NumEntries(const std::string& entry_name) const;
// Returns the last recorded entry for |entry_name|.
const ukm::mojom::UkmEntry* LastUkmEntry(const std::string& entry_name) const;
ukm::TestAutoSetUkmRecorder ukm_recorder_;
// Keyed by entry name, and tracks the expected number of entries to ensure we
// don't log duplicate or incorrect entries.
// |num_entries_| records the number of entries that have been expected via
// calls to ExpectNewEntries() or similar.
std::map<std::string, size_t> num_entries_;