blob: 10f11e1e9805116330406c223590fa7502459459 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdlib>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/profiler/stack_sampling_profiler.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <intrin.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <alloca.h>
// STACK_SAMPLING_PROFILER_SUPPORTED is used to conditionally enable the tests
// below for supported platforms (currently Win x64).
#if defined(_WIN64)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#pragma intrinsic(_ReturnAddress)
namespace base {
using SamplingParams = StackSamplingProfiler::SamplingParams;
using Frame = StackSamplingProfiler::Frame;
using Module = StackSamplingProfiler::Module;
using Sample = StackSamplingProfiler::Sample;
using CallStackProfile = StackSamplingProfiler::CallStackProfile;
using CallStackProfiles = StackSamplingProfiler::CallStackProfiles;
namespace {
// Configuration for whether to allocate dynamic stack memory.
enum DynamicStackAllocationConfig { USE_ALLOCA, NO_ALLOCA };
// Signature for a target function that is expected to appear in the stack. See
// SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled() below. The return value should be a program
// counter pointer near the end of the function.
using TargetFunction = const void*(*)(WaitableEvent*, WaitableEvent*);
// A thread to target for profiling, whose stack is guaranteed to contain
// SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled() when coordinated with the main thread.
class TargetThread : public PlatformThread::Delegate {
TargetThread(DynamicStackAllocationConfig allocation_config);
// PlatformThread::Delegate:
void ThreadMain() override;
// Waits for the thread to have started and be executing in
// SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled().
void WaitForThreadStart();
// Allows the thread to return from SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled() and finish
// execution.
void SignalThreadToFinish();
// This function is guaranteed to be executing between calls to
// WaitForThreadStart() and SignalThreadToFinish() when invoked with
// |thread_started_event_| and |finish_event_|. Returns a program counter
// value near the end of the function. May be invoked with null WaitableEvents
// to just return the program counter.
// This function is static so that we can get a straightforward address
// for it in one of the tests below, rather than dealing with the complexity
// of a member function pointer representation.
static const void* SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled(
WaitableEvent* thread_started_event,
WaitableEvent* finish_event);
// Works like SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled() but additionally allocates memory
// on the stack with alloca. Note that this must be a separate function from
// SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled because on Windows x64 the compiler sets up
// dynamic frame handling whenever alloca appears in a function, even if only
// conditionally invoked.
static const void* SignalAndWaitUntilSignaledWithAlloca(
WaitableEvent* thread_started_event,
WaitableEvent* finish_event);
PlatformThreadId id() const { return id_; }
// Returns the current program counter, or a value very close to it.
static const void* GetProgramCounter();
WaitableEvent thread_started_event_;
WaitableEvent finish_event_;
PlatformThreadId id_;
const DynamicStackAllocationConfig allocation_config_;
TargetThread::TargetThread(DynamicStackAllocationConfig allocation_config)
: thread_started_event_(false, false), finish_event_(false, false),
id_(0), allocation_config_(allocation_config) {}
void TargetThread::ThreadMain() {
id_ = PlatformThread::CurrentId();
if (allocation_config_ == USE_ALLOCA) {
} else {
SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled(&thread_started_event_, &finish_event_);
void TargetThread::WaitForThreadStart() {
void TargetThread::SignalThreadToFinish() {
// static
// Disable inlining for this function so that it gets its own stack frame.
NOINLINE const void* TargetThread::SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled(
WaitableEvent* thread_started_event,
WaitableEvent* finish_event) {
if (thread_started_event && finish_event) {
// Volatile to prevent a tail call to GetProgramCounter().
const void* volatile program_counter = GetProgramCounter();
return program_counter;
// static
// Disable inlining for this function so that it gets its own stack frame.
NOINLINE const void* TargetThread::SignalAndWaitUntilSignaledWithAlloca(
WaitableEvent* thread_started_event,
WaitableEvent* finish_event) {
const size_t alloca_size = 100;
// Memset to 0 to generate a clean failure.
std::memset(alloca(alloca_size), 0, alloca_size);
if (thread_started_event && finish_event) {
// Volatile to prevent a tail call to GetProgramCounter().
const void* volatile program_counter = GetProgramCounter();
return program_counter;
// static
// Disable inlining for this function so that it gets its own stack frame.
NOINLINE const void* TargetThread::GetProgramCounter() {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
return _ReturnAddress();
return __builtin_return_address(0);
// Called on the profiler thread when complete, to collect profiles.
void SaveProfiles(CallStackProfiles* profiles,
const CallStackProfiles& pending_profiles) {
*profiles = pending_profiles;
// Called on the profiler thread when complete. Collects profiles produced by
// the profiler, and signals an event to allow the main thread to know that that
// the profiler is done.
void SaveProfilesAndSignalEvent(CallStackProfiles* profiles,
WaitableEvent* event,
const CallStackProfiles& pending_profiles) {
*profiles = pending_profiles;
// Executes the function with the target thread running and executing within
// SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled() or SignalAndWaitUntilSignaledWithAlloca(),
// depending on the value of |allocation_config|. Performs all necessary target
// thread startup and shutdown work before and afterward.
template <class Function>
void WithTargetThread(Function function,
DynamicStackAllocationConfig allocation_config) {
TargetThread target_thread(allocation_config);
PlatformThreadHandle target_thread_handle;
EXPECT_TRUE(PlatformThread::Create(0, &target_thread, &target_thread_handle));
template <class Function>
void WithTargetThread(Function function) {
WithTargetThread(function, NO_ALLOCA);
// Captures profiles as specified by |params| on the TargetThread, and returns
// them in |profiles|. Waits up to |profiler_wait_time| for the profiler to
// complete.
void CaptureProfiles(const SamplingParams& params, TimeDelta profiler_wait_time,
CallStackProfiles* profiles) {
WithTargetThread([&params, profiles, profiler_wait_time](
PlatformThreadId target_thread_id) {
WaitableEvent sampling_thread_completed(true, false);
const StackSamplingProfiler::CompletedCallback callback =
Bind(&SaveProfilesAndSignalEvent, Unretained(profiles),
StackSamplingProfiler profiler(target_thread_id, params, callback);
// If this executable was linked with /INCREMENTAL (the default for non-official
// debug and release builds on Windows), function addresses do not correspond to
// function code itself, but instead to instructions in the Incremental Link
// Table that jump to the functions. Checks for a jump instruction and if
// present does a little decompilation to find the function's actual starting
// address.
const void* MaybeFixupFunctionAddressForILT(const void* function_address) {
#if defined(_WIN64)
const unsigned char* opcode =
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(function_address);
if (*opcode == 0xe9) {
// This is a relative jump instruction. Assume we're in the ILT and compute
// the function start address from the instruction offset.
const int32* offset = reinterpret_cast<const int32*>(opcode + 1);
const unsigned char* next_instruction =
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(offset + 1);
return next_instruction + *offset;
return function_address;
// Searches through the frames in |sample|, returning an iterator to the first
// frame that has an instruction pointer within |target_function|. Returns
// sample.end() if no such frames are found.
Sample::const_iterator FindFirstFrameWithinFunction(
const Sample& sample,
TargetFunction target_function) {
uintptr_t function_start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(
MaybeFixupFunctionAddressForILT(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(
uintptr_t function_end =
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target_function(nullptr, nullptr));
for (auto it = sample.begin(); it != sample.end(); ++it) {
if ((it->instruction_pointer >= function_start) &&
(it->instruction_pointer <= function_end))
return it;
return sample.end();
// Formats a sample into a string that can be output for test diagnostics.
std::string FormatSampleForDiagnosticOutput(
const Sample& sample,
const std::vector<Module>& modules) {
std::string output;
for (const Frame& frame: sample) {
output += StringPrintf(
"0x%p %s\n", reinterpret_cast<const void*>(frame.instruction_pointer),
return output;
// Returns a duration that is longer than the test timeout. We would use
// TimeDelta::Max() but
TimeDelta AVeryLongTimeDelta() { return TimeDelta::FromDays(1); }
} // namespace
// Checks that the basic expected information is present in a sampled call stack
// profile.
#define MAYBE_Basic Basic
#define MAYBE_Basic DISABLED_Basic
TEST(StackSamplingProfilerTest, MAYBE_Basic) {
SamplingParams params;
params.sampling_interval = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0);
params.samples_per_burst = 1;
std::vector<CallStackProfile> profiles;
CaptureProfiles(params, AVeryLongTimeDelta(), &profiles);
// Check that the profile and samples sizes are correct, and the module
// indices are in range.
ASSERT_EQ(1u, profiles.size());
const CallStackProfile& profile = profiles[0];
ASSERT_EQ(1u, profile.samples.size());
EXPECT_EQ(params.sampling_interval, profile.sampling_period);
const Sample& sample = profile.samples[0];
for (const auto& frame : sample) {
ASSERT_GE(frame.module_index, 0u);
ASSERT_LT(frame.module_index, profile.modules.size());
// Check that the stack contains a frame for
// TargetThread::SignalAndWaitUntilSignaled() and that the frame has this
// executable's module.
Sample::const_iterator loc = FindFirstFrameWithinFunction(
ASSERT_TRUE(loc != sample.end())
<< "Function at "
<< MaybeFixupFunctionAddressForILT(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(
<< " was not found in stack:\n"
<< FormatSampleForDiagnosticOutput(sample, profile.modules);
FilePath executable_path;
EXPECT_TRUE(PathService::Get(FILE_EXE, &executable_path));
EXPECT_EQ(executable_path, profile.modules[loc->module_index].filename);
// Checks that the profiler handles stacks containing dynamically-allocated
// stack memory.
#define MAYBE_Alloca Alloca
#define MAYBE_Alloca DISABLED_Alloca
TEST(StackSamplingProfilerTest, MAYBE_Alloca) {
SamplingParams params;
params.sampling_interval = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0);
params.samples_per_burst = 1;
std::vector<CallStackProfile> profiles;
WithTargetThread([&params, &profiles](
PlatformThreadId target_thread_id) {
WaitableEvent sampling_thread_completed(true, false);
const StackSamplingProfiler::CompletedCallback callback =
Bind(&SaveProfilesAndSignalEvent, Unretained(&profiles),
StackSamplingProfiler profiler(target_thread_id, params, callback);
// Look up the sample.
ASSERT_EQ(1u, profiles.size());
const CallStackProfile& profile = profiles[0];
ASSERT_EQ(1u, profile.samples.size());
const Sample& sample = profile.samples[0];
// Check that the stack contains a frame for
// TargetThread::SignalAndWaitUntilSignaledWithAlloca().
Sample::const_iterator loc = FindFirstFrameWithinFunction(
ASSERT_TRUE(loc != sample.end())
<< "Function at "
<< MaybeFixupFunctionAddressForILT(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(
<< " was not found in stack:\n"
<< FormatSampleForDiagnosticOutput(sample, profile.modules);
// Checks that the fire-and-forget interface works.
#define MAYBE_StartAndRunAsync StartAndRunAsync
#define MAYBE_StartAndRunAsync DISABLED_StartAndRunAsync
TEST(StackSamplingProfilerTest, MAYBE_StartAndRunAsync) {
// StartAndRunAsync requires the caller to have a message loop.
MessageLoop message_loop;
SamplingParams params;
params.samples_per_burst = 1;
CallStackProfiles profiles;
WithTargetThread([&params, &profiles](PlatformThreadId target_thread_id) {
WaitableEvent sampling_thread_completed(false, false);
const StackSamplingProfiler::CompletedCallback callback =
Bind(&SaveProfilesAndSignalEvent, Unretained(&profiles),
StackSamplingProfiler::StartAndRunAsync(target_thread_id, params, callback);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, profiles.size());
// Checks that the expected number of profiles and samples are present in the
// call stack profiles produced.
#define MAYBE_MultipleProfilesAndSamples MultipleProfilesAndSamples
#define MAYBE_MultipleProfilesAndSamples DISABLED_MultipleProfilesAndSamples
TEST(StackSamplingProfilerTest, MAYBE_MultipleProfilesAndSamples) {
SamplingParams params;
params.burst_interval = params.sampling_interval =
params.bursts = 2;
params.samples_per_burst = 3;
std::vector<CallStackProfile> profiles;
CaptureProfiles(params, AVeryLongTimeDelta(), &profiles);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, profiles.size());
EXPECT_EQ(3u, profiles[0].samples.size());
EXPECT_EQ(3u, profiles[1].samples.size());
// Checks that no call stack profiles are captured if the profiling is stopped
// during the initial delay.
#define MAYBE_StopDuringInitialDelay StopDuringInitialDelay
#define MAYBE_StopDuringInitialDelay DISABLED_StopDuringInitialDelay
TEST(StackSamplingProfilerTest, MAYBE_StopDuringInitialDelay) {
SamplingParams params;
params.initial_delay = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(60);
std::vector<CallStackProfile> profiles;
CaptureProfiles(params, TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0), &profiles);
// Checks that the single completed call stack profile is captured if the
// profiling is stopped between bursts.
#define MAYBE_StopDuringInterBurstInterval StopDuringInterBurstInterval
#define MAYBE_StopDuringInterBurstInterval DISABLED_StopDuringInterBurstInterval
TEST(StackSamplingProfilerTest, MAYBE_StopDuringInterBurstInterval) {
SamplingParams params;
params.sampling_interval = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0);
params.burst_interval = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(60);
params.bursts = 2;
params.samples_per_burst = 1;
std::vector<CallStackProfile> profiles;
CaptureProfiles(params, TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(50), &profiles);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, profiles.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, profiles[0].samples.size());
// Checks that incomplete call stack profiles are captured.
#define MAYBE_StopDuringInterSampleInterval StopDuringInterSampleInterval
#define MAYBE_StopDuringInterSampleInterval \
TEST(StackSamplingProfilerTest, MAYBE_StopDuringInterSampleInterval) {
SamplingParams params;
params.sampling_interval = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(60);
params.samples_per_burst = 2;
std::vector<CallStackProfile> profiles;
CaptureProfiles(params, TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(50), &profiles);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, profiles.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, profiles[0].samples.size());
// Checks that we can destroy the profiler while profiling.
#define MAYBE_DestroyProfilerWhileProfiling DestroyProfilerWhileProfiling
#define MAYBE_DestroyProfilerWhileProfiling \
TEST(StackSamplingProfilerTest, MAYBE_DestroyProfilerWhileProfiling) {
SamplingParams params;
params.sampling_interval = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10);
CallStackProfiles profiles;
WithTargetThread([&params, &profiles](PlatformThreadId target_thread_id) {
scoped_ptr<StackSamplingProfiler> profiler;
profiler.reset(new StackSamplingProfiler(
target_thread_id, params, Bind(&SaveProfiles, Unretained(&profiles))));
// Wait longer than a sample interval to catch any use-after-free actions by
// the profiler thread.
// Checks that the same profiler may be run multiple times.
#define MAYBE_CanRunMultipleTimes CanRunMultipleTimes
#define MAYBE_CanRunMultipleTimes DISABLED_CanRunMultipleTimes
TEST(StackSamplingProfilerTest, MAYBE_CanRunMultipleTimes) {
SamplingParams params;
params.sampling_interval = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0);
params.samples_per_burst = 1;
std::vector<CallStackProfile> profiles;
CaptureProfiles(params, AVeryLongTimeDelta(), &profiles);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, profiles.size());
CaptureProfiles(params, AVeryLongTimeDelta(), &profiles);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, profiles.size());
// Checks that requests to start profiling while another profile is taking place
// are ignored.
#define MAYBE_ConcurrentProfiling ConcurrentProfiling
#define MAYBE_ConcurrentProfiling DISABLED_ConcurrentProfiling
TEST(StackSamplingProfilerTest, MAYBE_ConcurrentProfiling) {
WithTargetThread([](PlatformThreadId target_thread_id) {
SamplingParams params[2];
params[0].initial_delay = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10);
params[0].sampling_interval = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0);
params[0].samples_per_burst = 1;
params[1].sampling_interval = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0);
params[1].samples_per_burst = 1;
CallStackProfiles profiles[2];
ScopedVector<WaitableEvent> sampling_completed;
ScopedVector<StackSamplingProfiler> profiler;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
sampling_completed.push_back(new WaitableEvent(false, false));
const StackSamplingProfiler::CompletedCallback callback =
Bind(&SaveProfilesAndSignalEvent, Unretained(&profiles[i]),
new StackSamplingProfiler(target_thread_id, params[i], callback));
// Wait for one profiler to finish.
size_t completed_profiler =
WaitableEvent::WaitMany(&sampling_completed[0], 2);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, profiles[completed_profiler].size());
size_t other_profiler = 1 - completed_profiler;
// Give the other profiler a chance to run and observe that it hasn't.
// Start the other profiler again and it should run.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, profiles[other_profiler].size());
} // namespace base