blob: cdebd66e4df526dbdd68b8d7185af71f9325ec04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_client.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_client_implementation_type.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_method_call_status.h"
#include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/login_manager/dbus-constants.h"
namespace cryptohome {
class AccountIdentifier;
namespace login_manager {
class PolicyDescriptor;
class StartArcMiniContainerRequest;
class UpgradeArcContainerRequest;
} // namespace login_manager
namespace chromeos {
// SessionManagerClient is used to communicate with the session manager.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT SessionManagerClient : public DBusClient {
// The result type received from session manager on request to retrieve the
// policy. Used to define the buckets for an enumerated UMA histogram.
// Hence,
// (a) existing enumerated constants should never be deleted or reordered.
// (b) new constants should be inserted immediately before COUNT.
enum class RetrievePolicyResponseType {
// Other type of error while retrieving policy data (e.g. D-Bus timeout).
// The policy was retrieved successfully.
// Retrieve policy request issued before session started (deprecated, use
// Session manager failed to encode the policy data.
// Session manager failed to get the policy service, possibly because a user
// session hasn't started yet or the account id was invalid.
// Has to be the last value of enumeration. Used for UMA.
// Interface for observing changes from the session manager.
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Called when the owner key is set.
virtual void OwnerKeySet(bool success) {}
// Called when the property change is complete.
virtual void PropertyChangeComplete(bool success) {}
// Called after EmitLoginPromptVisible is called.
virtual void EmitLoginPromptVisibleCalled() {}
// Called when the ARC instance is stopped after it had already started.
// |clean| is true if the instance was stopped as a result of an explicit
// request, false if it died unexpectedly.
// |container_instance_id| is the identifier of the container instance.
// See details for StartArcInstanceCallback.
virtual void ArcInstanceStopped(
login_manager::ArcContainerStopReason reason,
const std::string& container_instance_id) {}
// Interface for performing actions on behalf of the stub implementation.
class StubDelegate {
virtual ~StubDelegate() {}
// Locks the screen. Invoked by the stub when RequestLockScreen() is called.
// In the real implementation of SessionManagerClient::RequestLockScreen(),
// a lock request is forwarded to the session manager; in the stub, this is
// short-circuited and the screen is locked immediately.
virtual void LockScreenForStub() = 0;
// Sets the delegate used by the stub implementation. Ownership of |delegate|
// remains with the caller.
virtual void SetStubDelegate(StubDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// Adds or removes an observer.
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
virtual bool HasObserver(const Observer* observer) const = 0;
// Returns the most recent screen-lock state received from session_manager.
// This method should only be called by low-level code that is unable to
// depend on UI code and get the lock state from it instead.
virtual bool IsScreenLocked() const = 0;
// Kicks off an attempt to emit the "login-prompt-visible" upstart signal.
virtual void EmitLoginPromptVisible() = 0;
// Kicks off an attempt to emit the "ash-initialized" upstart signal.
virtual void EmitAshInitialized() = 0;
// Restarts the browser job, passing |argv| as the updated command line.
// The session manager requires a RestartJob caller to open a socket pair and
// pass one end while holding the local end open for the duration of the call.
// The session manager uses this to determine whether the PID the restart
// request originates from belongs to the browser itself.
// This method duplicates |socket_fd| so it's OK to close the FD without
// waiting for the result.
virtual void RestartJob(int socket_fd,
const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Sends the user's password to the session manager.
virtual void SaveLoginPassword(const std::string& password) = 0;
// Starts the session for the user.
virtual void StartSession(
const cryptohome::AccountIdentifier& cryptohome_id) = 0;
// Stops the current session.
virtual void StopSession() = 0;
// Starts the factory reset.
virtual void StartDeviceWipe() = 0;
// Triggers a TPM firmware update.
virtual void StartTPMFirmwareUpdate(const std::string& update_mode) = 0;
// Sends a request to lock the screen to session_manager. Locking occurs
// asynchronously.
virtual void RequestLockScreen() = 0;
// Notifies session_manager that Chrome has shown the lock screen.
virtual void NotifyLockScreenShown() = 0;
// Notifies session_manager that Chrome has hidden the lock screen.
virtual void NotifyLockScreenDismissed() = 0;
// Notifies that supervised user creation have started.
virtual void NotifySupervisedUserCreationStarted() = 0;
// Notifies that supervised user creation have finished.
virtual void NotifySupervisedUserCreationFinished() = 0;
// Map that is used to describe the set of active user sessions where |key|
// is cryptohome id and |value| is user_id_hash.
using ActiveSessionsMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
// The ActiveSessionsCallback is used for the RetrieveActiveSessions()
// method. It receives |sessions| argument where the keys are cryptohome_ids
// for all users that are currently active.
using ActiveSessionsCallback =
DBusMethodCallback<ActiveSessionsMap /* sessions */>;
// Enumerates active user sessions. Usually Chrome naturally keeps track of
// active users when they are added into current session. When Chrome is
// restarted after crash by session_manager it only receives cryptohome id and
// user_id_hash for one user. This method is used to retrieve list of all
// active users.
virtual void RetrieveActiveSessions(ActiveSessionsCallback callback) = 0;
// TODO( Change the policy storage interface so that it has
// a single StorePolicy, RetrievePolicy, BlockingRetrivePolicy method that
// takes a PolicyDescriptor.
// Used for RetrieveDevicePolicy, RetrievePolicyForUser and
// RetrieveDeviceLocalAccountPolicy. Takes a serialized protocol buffer as
// string. Upon success, we will pass a protobuf and SUCCESS |response_type|
// to the callback. On failure, we will pass "" and the details of error type
// in |response_type|.
using RetrievePolicyCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(RetrievePolicyResponseType response_type,
const std::string& protobuf)>;
// Fetches the device policy blob stored by the session manager. Upon
// completion of the retrieve attempt, we will call the provided callback.
// DEPRECATED, use RetrievePolicy() instead.
virtual void RetrieveDevicePolicy(RetrievePolicyCallback callback) = 0;
// Same as RetrieveDevicePolicy() but blocks until a reply is received, and
// populates the policy synchronously. Returns SUCCESS when successful, or
// the corresponding error from enum in case of a failure.
// This may only be called in situations where blocking the UI thread is
// considered acceptable (e.g. restarting the browser after a crash or after
// a flag change).
// TODO( Get rid of blocking calls.
// DEPRECATED, use BlockingRetrievePolicy() instead.
virtual RetrievePolicyResponseType BlockingRetrieveDevicePolicy(
std::string* policy_out) = 0;
// Fetches the user policy blob stored by the session manager for the given
// |cryptohome_id|. Upon completion of the retrieve attempt, we will call the
// provided callback.
// DEPRECATED, use RetrievePolicy() instead.
virtual void RetrievePolicyForUser(
const cryptohome::AccountIdentifier& cryptohome_id,
RetrievePolicyCallback callback) = 0;
// Same as RetrievePolicyForUser() but blocks until a reply is received, and
// populates the policy synchronously. Returns SUCCESS when successful, or
// the corresponding error from enum in case of a failure.
// This may only be called in situations where blocking the UI thread is
// considered acceptable (e.g. restarting the browser after a crash or after
// a flag change).
// TODO( Get rid of blocking calls.
// DEPRECATED, use BlockingRetrievePolicy() instead.
virtual RetrievePolicyResponseType BlockingRetrievePolicyForUser(
const cryptohome::AccountIdentifier& cryptohome_id,
std::string* policy_out) = 0;
// Fetches the user policy blob for a hidden user home mount. |callback| is
// invoked upon completition.
// DEPRECATED, use RetrievePolicy() instead.
virtual void RetrievePolicyForUserWithoutSession(
const cryptohome::AccountIdentifier& cryptohome_id,
RetrievePolicyCallback callback) = 0;
// Fetches the policy blob associated with the specified device-local account
// from session manager. |callback| is invoked up on completion.
// DEPRECATED, use RetrievePolicy() instead.
virtual void RetrieveDeviceLocalAccountPolicy(
const std::string& account_id,
RetrievePolicyCallback callback) = 0;
// Same as RetrieveDeviceLocalAccountPolicy() but blocks until a reply is
// received, and populates the policy synchronously. Returns SUCCESS when
// successful, or the corresponding error from enum in case of a failure.
// This may only be called in situations where blocking the UI thread is
// considered acceptable (e.g. restarting the browser after a crash or after
// a flag change).
// TODO( Get rid of blocking calls.
// DEPRECATED, use BlockingRetrievePolicy() instead.
virtual RetrievePolicyResponseType BlockingRetrieveDeviceLocalAccountPolicy(
const std::string& account_id,
std::string* policy_out) = 0;
// Fetches a policy blob stored by the session manager. Invokes |callback|
// upon completion.
virtual void RetrievePolicy(const login_manager::PolicyDescriptor& descriptor,
RetrievePolicyCallback callback) = 0;
// Same as RetrievePolicy() but blocks until a reply is
// received, and populates the policy synchronously. Returns SUCCESS when
// successful, or the corresponding error from enum in case of a failure.
// This may only be called in situations where blocking the UI thread is
// considered acceptable (e.g. restarting the browser after a crash or after
// a flag change).
// TODO( Get rid of blocking calls.
virtual RetrievePolicyResponseType BlockingRetrievePolicy(
const login_manager::PolicyDescriptor& descriptor,
std::string* policy_out) = 0;
// Attempts to asynchronously store |policy_blob| as device policy. Upon
// completion of the store attempt, we will call callback.
virtual void StoreDevicePolicy(const std::string& policy_blob,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Attempts to asynchronously store |policy_blob| as user policy for the
// given |cryptohome_id|. Upon completion of the store attempt, we will call
// callback.
virtual void StorePolicyForUser(
const cryptohome::AccountIdentifier& cryptohome_id,
const std::string& policy_blob,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Sends a request to store a policy blob for the specified device-local
// account. The result of the operation is reported through |callback|.
virtual void StoreDeviceLocalAccountPolicy(
const std::string& account_id,
const std::string& policy_blob,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Sends a request to store a |policy_blob| to Session Manager. The storage
// location is determined by |descriptor|. The result of the operation is
// reported through |callback|.
virtual void StorePolicy(const login_manager::PolicyDescriptor& descriptor,
const std::string& policy_blob,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Returns whether session manager can be used to restart Chrome in order to
// apply per-user session flags.
virtual bool SupportsRestartToApplyUserFlags() const = 0;
// Sets the flags to be applied next time by the session manager when Chrome
// is restarted inside an already started session for a particular user.
virtual void SetFlagsForUser(
const cryptohome::AccountIdentifier& cryptohome_id,
const std::vector<std::string>& flags) = 0;
using StateKeysCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::vector<std::string>& state_keys)>;
// Get the currently valid server-backed state keys for the device.
// Server-backed state keys are opaque, device-unique, time-dependent,
// client-determined identifiers that are used for keying state in the cloud
// for the device to retrieve after a device factory reset.
// The state keys are returned asynchronously via |callback|. The callback
// is invoked with an empty state key vector in case of errors. If the time
// sync fails or there's no network, the callback is never invoked.
virtual void GetServerBackedStateKeys(StateKeysCallback callback) = 0;
// StartArcMiniContainer starts a container with only a handful of ARC
// processes for Chrome OS login screen. In case of success, callback will be
// called with |container_instance_id| set to a string. The ID is passed to
// ArcInstanceStopped() to identify which instance is stopped. In case of
// error, |container_instance_id| will be nullopt.
using StartArcMiniContainerCallback =
DBusMethodCallback<std::string /* container_instance_id */>;
virtual void StartArcMiniContainer(
const login_manager::StartArcMiniContainerRequest& request,
StartArcMiniContainerCallback callback) = 0;
// UpgradeArcContainer upgrades a mini-container to a full ARC container. In
// case of success, success_callback is called. |server_socket| should be
// accept(2)ed to connect to the ArcBridgeService Mojo channel. In case of
// error, error_callback will be called with a |low_free_disk_space| signaling
// whether the failure was due to low free disk space.
using UpgradeArcContainerCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(base::ScopedFD server_socket)>;
using UpgradeErrorCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool low_free_disk_space)>;
virtual void UpgradeArcContainer(
const login_manager::UpgradeArcContainerRequest& request,
UpgradeArcContainerCallback success_callback,
UpgradeErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously stops the ARC instance. Upon completion, invokes
// |callback| with the result; true on success, false on failure (either
// session manager failed to stop an instance or session manager can not be
// reached).
virtual void StopArcInstance(VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Adjusts the amount of CPU the ARC instance is allowed to use. When
// |restriction_state| is CONTAINER_CPU_RESTRICTION_FOREGROUND the limit is
// adjusted so ARC can use all the system's CPU if needed. When it is
// CONTAINER_CPU_RESTRICTION_BACKGROUND, ARC can only use tightly restricted
// CPU resources. The ARC instance is started in a state that is more
// supported, the function asynchronously runs the |callback| with false.
virtual void SetArcCpuRestriction(
login_manager::ContainerCpuRestrictionState restriction_state,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Emits the "arc-booted" upstart signal.
virtual void EmitArcBooted(const cryptohome::AccountIdentifier& cryptohome_id,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously retrieves the timestamp which ARC instance is invoked.
// Returns nullopt if there is no ARC instance or ARC is not available.
virtual void GetArcStartTime(
DBusMethodCallback<base::TimeTicks> callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously removes all ARC user data for the user whose cryptohome is
// located by |cryptohome_id|. Upon completion, invokes |callback| with the
// result; true on success, false on failure (either session manager failed
// to remove user data or session manager can not be reached).
virtual void RemoveArcData(const cryptohome::AccountIdentifier& cryptohome_id,
VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) = 0;
// Creates the instance.
static SessionManagerClient* Create(DBusClientImplementationType type);
~SessionManagerClient() override;
// Create() should be used instead.
} // namespace chromeos