blob: 0c0b1aca9864906c07f7bf1f32e5d809eab651ba [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="file:///gen/layout_test_data/mojo/public/js/mojo_bindings.js"></script>
<script src="file:///gen/device/vr/public/mojom/vr_service.mojom.js"></script>
<script src="../external/wpt/resources/chromium/webxr-test.js"></script>
<script src="resources/vr-test-utils.js "></script>
<canvas id="webgl-canvas"></canvas>
<script src="resources/presentation-setup.js"></script>
let fakeDisplays = fakeVRDisplays();
// This test verifies that an application can hand off from window.rAF
// to vrDisplay.rAF, specifically where there is no pending vrDisplay.rAF
// at the time presentation starts.
// Caveat: This does *not* suffice to fully verify the current Android/GVR
// implementation. In the real implementation, the normal window VSync events
// (including window.rAF processing tied to them) are shut down, but in the
// layout test they continue running. So it's possible for this test to pass
// even though the scenario doesn't work in the real implementation. Keeping
// it as a layout test anyway as a sanity check - if this fails, we definitely
// have a problem.
vr_test( (t) => {
return navigator.getVRDisplays().then( (displays) => {
let display = displays[0];
let usingDisplayRAF = false;
function onAnimationFrame() {
if (display.isPresenting) {
if (usingDisplayRAF) {
usingDisplayRAF = true;
} else {
runWithUserGesture( () => {
display.requestPresent([{ source : webglCanvas }]).then( () => {
t.step( () => {
}, "Display should be presenting");
}, (err) => {
t.step( () => {
}, "requestPresent rejected");
}, (err) => {
t.step( () => {
assert_unreached("getVRDisplays rejected");
}, [fakeDisplays["Pixel"]],
"requestAnimationFrame properly switches from window to vrDisplay");