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let testName = "inlineVerticalFieldOfView is set appropriately on inline sessions";
let fakeDeviceInitParams = { supportsImmersive:false };
let requestSessionModes = [ 'inline' ];
// These are the numbers that we expect chrome to clamp to.
let minFOV = 0.01;
let maxFOV = 3.13;
let defaultFOV = Math.PI/2;
function assertApproximatelyEqual(a, b, step, epsilon = FLOAT_EPSILON) {
assert_less_than(Math.abs(a - b), epsilon, step);
let testFunction = function(session, t, fakeDeviceController) {
// Session must have a baseLayer or frame requests will be ignored.
baseLayer: new XRWebGLLayer(session, gl, { compositionDisabled: true })
// Helper method because the renderState does not (per the spec) get updated
// until the next rAF after it was updated, so this method returns a promise
// which will resolve when the updated state should be applied.
function updateAndApplyInlineFOV(fov) {
inlineVerticalFieldOfView: fov
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
session.requestAnimationFrame(() => { resolve(); });
// Helper method to keep the line length reasonable with a long attribute name
// and ensure that the nullable value actually has a value.
function getFOV() {
let fov = session.renderState.inlineVerticalFieldOfView;
t.step(() => {
assert_not_equals(fov, null);
return fov;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Begin by validating that the default is set as expected/specced.
t.step(() => {
assertApproximatelyEqual(getFOV(), defaultFOV, "default");
// Set something below min, and assert that it is set to the min.
updateAndApplyInlineFOV(-10).then(() => {
t.step(() => {
assertApproximatelyEqual(getFOV(), minFOV, "min");
// Set something above the max and assert that it is set to the max.
updateAndApplyInlineFOV(10).then(()=> {
t.step(()=> {
assertApproximatelyEqual(getFOV(), maxFOV, "max");
// Set to something reasonable and assert that the value gets set.
let normalFOV = 1.5;
updateAndApplyInlineFOV(normalFOV).then(() => {
t.step(() => {
assertApproximatelyEqual(getFOV(), normalFOV, "normal");
testFunction, fakeDeviceInitParams, requestSessionModes, testName);