blob: d5d8d01f14779b7ca0410d00f77aaa2a7bd493f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
class GURL;
namespace weblayer {
// These types are sent over IPC and across different versions. Never remove
// or change the order.
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.weblayer_private
enum class NavigationState {
// Waiting to receive initial response data.
kWaitingResponse = 0,
// Processing the response.
kReceivingBytes = 1,
// The navigation succeeded. Any NavigationObservers would have had
// NavigationCompleted() called.
kComplete = 2,
// The navigation failed. IsErrorPage() will return true, and any
// NavigationObservers would have had NavigationFailed() called.
kFailed = 3,
class Navigation {
virtual ~Navigation() {}
// The URL the frame is navigating to. This may change during the navigation
// when encountering a server redirect.
virtual GURL GetURL() = 0;
// Returns the redirects that occurred on the way to the current page. The
// current page is the last one in the list (so even when there's no redirect,
// there will be one entry in the list).
virtual const std::vector<GURL>& GetRedirectChain() = 0;
virtual NavigationState GetState() = 0;
// Returns the status code of the navigation. Returns 0 if the navigation
// hasn't completed yet or if a response wasn't received.
virtual int GetHttpStatusCode() = 0;
// Whether the navigation happened without changing document. Examples of
// same document navigations are:
// * reference fragment navigations
// * pushState/replaceState
// * same page history navigation
virtual bool IsSameDocument() = 0;
// Whether the navigation resulted in an error page (e.g. interstitial). Note
// that if an error page reloads, this will return true even though
// GetNetErrorCode will be kNoError.
virtual bool IsErrorPage() = 0;
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.weblayer_private
enum LoadError {
kNoError = 0, // Navigation completed successfully.
kHttpClientError = 1, // Server responded with 4xx status code.
kHttpServerError = 2, // Server responded with 5xx status code.
kSSLError = 3, // Certificate error.
kConnectivityError = 4, // Problem connecting to server.
kOtherError = 5, // An error not listed above occurred.
// Return information about the error, if any, that was encountered while
// loading the page.
virtual LoadError GetLoadError() = 0;
} // namespace weblayer