blob: be5abf9bb37fe9e848739d04920fa4572bcd532f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/core/browser/referrer_chain_provider.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/core/proto/csd.pb.h"
#include "components/sessions/core/session_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class Profile;
namespace safe_browsing {
class SafeBrowsingNavigationObserver;
struct NavigationEvent;
struct ResolvedIPAddress;
// User data stored in DownloadItem for referrer chain information.
class ReferrerChainData : public base::SupportsUserData::Data {
ReferrerChainData(std::unique_ptr<ReferrerChain> referrer_chain,
size_t referrer_chain_length,
size_t recent_navigation_to_collect);
~ReferrerChainData() override;
ReferrerChain* GetReferrerChain();
size_t referrer_chain_length() { return referrer_chain_length_; }
size_t recent_navigations_to_collect() {
return recent_navigations_to_collect_;
// Unique user data key used to get and set referrer chain data in
// DownloadItem.
static const char kDownloadReferrerChainDataKey[];
std::unique_ptr<ReferrerChain> referrer_chain_;
// This is the actual referrer chain length before appending recent navigation
// events;
size_t referrer_chain_length_;
// |recent_navigations_to_collect_| is controlled by finch parameter. If the
// user is incognito mode or hasn't enabled extended reporting, this value is
// always 0.
size_t recent_navigations_to_collect_;
// Struct that manages insertion, cleanup, and lookup of NavigationEvent
// objects. Its maximum size is kNavigationRecordMaxSize.
struct NavigationEventList {
explicit NavigationEventList(std::size_t size_limit);
// Finds the most recent navigation event that navigated to |target_url| and
// its associated |target_main_frame_url| in the tab with ID |target_tab_id|.
// If navigation happened in the main frame, |target_url| and
// |target_main_frame_url| are the same.
// If |target_url| is empty, we use its main frame url (a.k.a.
// |target_main_frame_url|) to search for navigation events.
// If |target_tab_id| is invalid, we look for all tabs for the most
// recent navigation to |target_url| or |target_main_frame_url|.
// For some cases, the most recent navigation to |target_url| may not be
// relevant.
// For example, url1 in window A opens url2 in window B, url1 then opens an
// about:blank page window C and injects script code in it to trigger a
// delayed event (e.g. a download) in Window D. Before the event occurs, url2
// in window B opens a different about:blank page in window C.
// A ---- C - D
// \ /
// B
// In this case, FindNavigationEvent() will think url2 in Window B is the
// referrer of about::blank in Window C since this navigation is more recent.
// However, it does not prevent us to attribute url1 in Window A as the cause
// of all these navigations.
NavigationEvent* FindNavigationEvent(const base::Time& last_event_timestamp,
const GURL& target_url,
const GURL& target_main_frame_url,
SessionID target_tab_id);
// Finds the most recent retargeting NavigationEvent that satisfies the
// |target_tab_id|.
NavigationEvent* FindRetargetingNavigationEvent(
const base::Time& last_event_timestamp,
SessionID target_tab_id);
void RecordNavigationEvent(std::unique_ptr<NavigationEvent> nav_event);
// Removes stale NavigationEvents and return the number of items removed.
std::size_t CleanUpNavigationEvents();
std::size_t Size() { return navigation_events_.size(); }
NavigationEvent* Get(std::size_t index) {
return navigation_events_[index].get();
const base::circular_deque<std::unique_ptr<NavigationEvent>>&
navigation_events() {
return navigation_events_;
base::circular_deque<std::unique_ptr<NavigationEvent>> navigation_events_;
const std::size_t size_limit_;
// Manager class for SafeBrowsingNavigationObserver, which is in charge of
// cleaning up stale navigation events, and identifying landing page/landing
// referrer for a specific Safe Browsing event.
class SafeBrowsingNavigationObserverManager
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SafeBrowsingNavigationObserverManager>,
public ReferrerChainProvider {
// Helper function to check if user gesture is older than
// kUserGestureTTLInSecond.
static bool IsUserGestureExpired(const base::Time& timestamp);
// Helper function to strip ref fragment from a URL. Many pages end up with a
// fragment (e.g. at the end due to in-page
// navigation or a single "#" at the end due to navigation triggered by
// href="#" and javascript onclick function. We don't want to have separate
// entries for these cases in the maps.
static GURL ClearURLRef(const GURL& url);
// Checks if we should enable observing navigations for safe browsing purpose.
// Return true if the safe browsing safe browsing service is enabled and
// initialized.
static bool IsEnabledAndReady(Profile* profile);
// Sanitize referrer chain by only keeping origin information of all URLs.
static void SanitizeReferrerChain(ReferrerChain* referrer_chain);
// Adds |nav_event| to |navigation_event_list_|. Object pointed to by
// |nav_event| will be no longer accessible after this function.
void RecordNavigationEvent(std::unique_ptr<NavigationEvent> nav_event);
void RecordUserGestureForWebContents(content::WebContents* web_contents);
void OnUserGestureConsumed(content::WebContents* web_contents);
bool HasUserGesture(content::WebContents* web_contents);
bool HasUnexpiredUserGesture(content::WebContents* web_contents);
void RecordHostToIpMapping(const std::string& host, const std::string& ip);
// Clean-ups need to be done when a WebContents gets destroyed.
void OnWebContentDestroyed(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Removes all the observed NavigationEvents, user gestures, and resolved IP
// addresses that are older than kNavigationFootprintTTLInSecond.
void CleanUpStaleNavigationFootprints();
// Based on the |target_url| and |target_tab_id|, traces back the observed
// NavigationEvents in navigation_event_list_ to identify the sequence of
// navigations leading to the target, with the coverage limited to
// |user_gesture_count_limit| number of user gestures. Then converts these
// identified NavigationEvents into ReferrerChainEntrys and append them to
// |out_referrer_chain|.
AttributionResult IdentifyReferrerChainByEventURL(
const GURL& event_url,
SessionID event_tab_id, // Invalid if tab id is unknown or not available.
int user_gesture_count_limit,
ReferrerChain* out_referrer_chain) override;
// Based on the |web_contents| associated with an event, traces back the
// observed NavigationEvents in |navigation_event_list_| to identify the
// sequence of navigations leading to the event hosting page, with the
// coverage limited to |user_gesture_count_limit| number of user gestures.
// Then converts these identified NavigationEvents into ReferrerChainEntrys
// and append them to |out_referrer_chain|.
AttributionResult IdentifyReferrerChainByWebContents(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
int user_gesture_count_limit,
ReferrerChain* out_referrer_chain) override;
// Based on the |initiating_frame_url| and its associated |tab_id|, traces
// back the observed NavigationEvents in navigation_event_list_ to identify
// those navigations leading to this |initiating_frame_url|. If this
// initiating frame has a user gesture, we trace back with the coverage
// limited to |user_gesture_count_limit|-1 number of user gestures, otherwise
// we trace back |user_gesture_count_limit| number of user gestures. We then
// converts these identified NavigationEvents into ReferrerChainEntrys and
// appends them to |out_referrer_chain|.
AttributionResult IdentifyReferrerChainByHostingPage(
const GURL& initiating_frame_url,
const GURL& initiating_main_frame_url,
SessionID tab_id,
bool has_user_gesture,
int user_gesture_count_limit,
ReferrerChain* out_referrer_chain);
// Records the creation of a new WebContents by |source_web_contents|. This is
// used to detect cross-frame and cross-tab navigations.
void RecordNewWebContents(content::WebContents* source_web_contents,
int source_render_process_id,
int source_render_frame_id,
const GURL& target_url,
ui::PageTransition page_transition,
content::WebContents* target_web_contents,
bool renderer_initiated);
// Based on user state, attribution result and finch parameter, calculates the
// number of recent navigations we want to append to the referrer chain.
static size_t CountOfRecentNavigationsToAppend(const Profile& profile,
AttributionResult result);
// Appends |recent_navigation_count| number of recent navigation events to
// referrer chain in reverse chronological order.
void AppendRecentNavigations(size_t recent_navigation_count,
ReferrerChain* out_referrer_chain);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<
friend class TestNavigationObserverManager;
friend class SBNavigationObserverBrowserTest;
friend class SBNavigationObserverTest;
struct GurlHash {
std::size_t operator()(const GURL& url) const {
return std::hash<std::string>()(url.spec());
typedef std::unordered_map<content::WebContents*, base::Time> UserGestureMap;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<ResolvedIPAddress>>
virtual ~SafeBrowsingNavigationObserverManager();
NavigationEventList* navigation_event_list() {
return &navigation_event_list_;
HostToIpMap* host_to_ip_map() { return &host_to_ip_map_; }
// Remove stale entries from navigation_event_list_ if they are older than
// kNavigationFootprintTTLInSecond (2 minutes).
void CleanUpNavigationEvents();
// Remove stale entries from user_gesture_map_ if they are older than
// kNavigationFootprintTTLInSecond (2 minutes).
void CleanUpUserGestures();
// Remove stale entries from host_to_ip_map_ if they are older than
// kNavigationFootprintTTLInSecond (2 minutes).
void CleanUpIpAddresses();
bool IsCleanUpScheduled() const;
void ScheduleNextCleanUpAfterInterval(base::TimeDelta interval);
void AddToReferrerChain(ReferrerChain* referrer_chain,
NavigationEvent* nav_event,
const GURL& destination_main_frame_url,
ReferrerChainEntry::URLType type);
// Helper function to get the remaining referrer chain when we've already
// traced back |current_user_gesture_count| number of user gestures.
// This function modifies the |out_referrer_chain| and |out_result|.
void GetRemainingReferrerChain(NavigationEvent* last_nav_event_traced,
int current_user_gesture_count,
int user_gesture_count_limit,
ReferrerChain* out_referrer_chain,
AttributionResult* out_result);
// navigation_event_list_ keeps track of all the observed navigations. Since
// the same url can be requested multiple times across different tabs and
// frames, this list of NavigationEvents are ordered by navigation finish
// time. Entries in navigation_event_list_ will be removed if they are older
// than 2 minutes since their corresponding navigations finish or there are
// more than kNavigationRecordMaxSize entries.
NavigationEventList navigation_event_list_;
// user_gesture_map_ keeps track of the timestamp of last user gesture in
// in each WebContents. We assume for majority of cases, a navigation
// shortly after a user gesture indicate this navigation is user initiated.
UserGestureMap user_gesture_map_;
// Host to timestamped IP addresses map that covers all the main frame and
// subframe URLs' hosts. Since it is possible for a host to resolve to more
// than one IP in even a short period of time, we map a single host to a
// vector of ResolvedIPAddresss.
HostToIpMap host_to_ip_map_;
base::OneShotTimer cleanup_timer_;
} // namespace safe_browsing