blob: 7f97e970ab9f97d6ad623961501e34ece80eee55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "chrome/browser/upgrade_detector/build_state_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/upgrade_detector/installed_version_poller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/upgrade_detector/upgrade_detector.h"
#include "components/variations/service/variations_service.h"
namespace base {
class Clock;
template <typename T>
class NoDestructor;
class TickClock;
} // namespace base
// This class contains the non-CrOS desktop implementation of the detector.
class UpgradeDetectorImpl : public UpgradeDetector,
public BuildStateObserver,
public variations::VariationsService::Observer {
// Returns the currently installed Chrome version, which may be newer than the
// one currently running. Not supported on Android, iOS or ChromeOS. Must be
// run on a thread where I/O operations are allowed.
static base::Version GetCurrentlyInstalledVersion();
// Returns the global instance.
static UpgradeDetectorImpl* GetInstance();
// UpgradeDetector:
void Init() override;
void Shutdown() override;
base::TimeDelta GetHighAnnoyanceLevelDelta() override;
base::Time GetHighAnnoyanceDeadline() override;
// BuildStateObserver:
void OnUpdate(const BuildState* build_state) override;
UpgradeDetectorImpl(const base::Clock* clock,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
~UpgradeDetectorImpl() override;
// Sends out a notification and starts a one shot timer to wait until
// notifying the user.
void UpgradeDetected(UpgradeAvailable upgrade_available);
// variations::VariationsService::Observer:
void OnExperimentChangesDetected(Severity severity) override;
// Trigger an "on upgrade" notification based on the specified |time_passed|
// interval. Exposed as protected for testing.
void NotifyOnUpgradeWithTimePassed(base::TimeDelta time_passed);
base::TimeDelta GetThresholdForLevel(UpgradeNotificationAnnoyanceLevel level);
// The index of a level in stages_.
enum LevelIndex {
kStagesIndexHigh = 0,
kStagesIndexElevated = 1,
kStagesIndexLow = 2,
kStagesIndexVeryLow = 3,
friend class base::NoDestructor<UpgradeDetectorImpl>;
// Returns the index of |level| in |stages_|.
static LevelIndex AnnoyanceLevelToStagesIndex(
UpgradeNotificationAnnoyanceLevel level);
// Returns the annoyance level of |index| in |stages_|.
static UpgradeNotificationAnnoyanceLevel StageIndexToAnnoyanceLevel(
size_t index);
// UpgradeDetector:
void OnRelaunchNotificationPeriodPrefChanged() override;
// Starts the upgrade notification timer that will check periodically whether
// enough time has elapsed to update the severity (which maps to visual
// badging) of the notification.
void StartUpgradeNotificationTimer();
// Lazy-initialization for the various threshold deltas (idempotent).
void InitializeThresholds();
void DoInitializeThresholds();
void StartOutdatedBuildDetector();
void DetectOutdatedInstall();
// The function that sends out a notification (after a certain time has
// elapsed) that lets the rest of the UI know we should start notifying the
// user that a new version is available.
void NotifyOnUpgrade();
base::Optional<InstalledVersionPoller> installed_version_poller_;
// A timer used to periodically check if the build has become outdated.
base::OneShotTimer outdated_build_timer_;
// A timer used to move through the various upgrade notification stages and
// schedule calls to NotifyUpgrade.
base::OneShotTimer upgrade_notification_timer_;
// True if auto update is turned on.
bool is_auto_update_enabled_;
// True if test switches that simulate an outdated install are present on the
// command line.
const bool simulating_outdated_;
// True if test switches are present on the command line.
const bool is_testing_;
// The various deltas from detection time to the different annoyance levels;
// lazy-initialized by InitializeThresholds.
std::array<base::TimeDelta, kNumStages> stages_;
// The date the binaries were built.
base::Time build_date_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<UpgradeDetectorImpl> weak_factory_{this};