blob: 252ec11fdf843255f01560707119687a71391965 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "base/file_util_proxy.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/platform_file.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_file_info.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h"
#include "webkit/plugins/webkit_plugins_export.h"
#include "webkit/quota/quota_types.h"
namespace webkit {
namespace ppapi {
class PluginDelegate;
// This class is created per PPB_FileIO_Impl instance and provides
// write operations for quota-managed files (i.e. files of
class QuotaFileIO {
typedef base::FileUtilProxy::WriteCallback WriteCallback;
typedef base::FileUtilProxy::StatusCallback StatusCallback;
WEBKIT_PLUGINS_EXPORT QuotaFileIO(PP_Instance instance,
base::PlatformFile file,
const GURL& path_url,
PP_FileSystemType type);
// Performs write or setlength operation with quota checks.
// Returns true when the operation is successfully dispatched.
// |bytes_to_write| must be geater than zero.
// |callback| will be dispatched when the operation completes.
// Otherwise it returns false and |callback| will not be dispatched.
// |callback| will not be dispatched either when this instance is
// destroyed before the operation completes.
// SetLength/WillSetLength cannot be called while there're any in-flight
// operations. For Write/WillWrite it is guaranteed that |callback| are
// always dispatched in the same order as Write being called.
WEBKIT_PLUGINS_EXPORT bool Write(int64_t offset,
const char* buffer,
int32_t bytes_to_write,
const WriteCallback& callback);
WEBKIT_PLUGINS_EXPORT bool WillWrite(int64_t offset,
int32_t bytes_to_write,
const WriteCallback& callback);
WEBKIT_PLUGINS_EXPORT bool SetLength(int64_t length,
const StatusCallback& callback);
WEBKIT_PLUGINS_EXPORT bool WillSetLength(int64_t length,
const StatusCallback& callback);
// Returns the plugin delegate or NULL if the resource has outlived the
// instance.
PluginDelegate* GetPluginDelegate() const;
class PendingOperationBase;
class WriteOperation;
class SetLengthOperation;
bool CheckIfExceedsQuota(int64_t new_file_size) const;
void WillUpdate();
void DidWrite(WriteOperation* op, int64_t written_offset_end);
void DidSetLength(base::PlatformFileError error, int64_t new_file_size);
bool RegisterOperationForQuotaChecks(PendingOperationBase* op);
void DidQueryInfoForQuota(base::PlatformFileError error_code,
const base::PlatformFileInfo& file_info);
void DidQueryAvailableSpace(int64_t avail_space);
void DidQueryForQuotaCheck();
// The plugin instance that owns this (via PPB_FileIO_Impl).
PP_Instance pp_instance_;
// The file information associated to this instance.
base::PlatformFile file_;
GURL file_url_;
quota::StorageType storage_type_;
// Pending operations that are waiting quota checks and pending
// callbacks that are to be fired after the operation;
// we use two separate queues for them so that we can safely dequeue the
// pending callbacks while enqueueing new operations. (This could
// happen when callbacks are dispatched synchronously due to error etc.)
std::deque<PendingOperationBase*> pending_operations_;
std::deque<PendingOperationBase*> pending_callbacks_;
// Valid only while there're pending quota checks.
int64_t cached_file_size_;
int64_t cached_available_space_;
// Quota-related queries and errors occurred during in-flight quota checks.
int outstanding_quota_queries_;
int outstanding_errors_;
// For parallel writes bookkeeping.
int64_t max_written_offset_;
int inflight_operations_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<QuotaFileIO> weak_factory_;
} // namespace ppapi
} // namespace webkit