blob: 55ed1582fdef0282c58d104e6dc463befc08d998 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ash.personalization_app.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/big_buffer.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// This should be kept in sync with |ash::WallpaperLayout|
enum WallpaperLayout {
// Center the wallpaper on the desktop without scaling it. The wallpaper
// may be cropped.
// Scale the wallpaper (while preserving its aspect ratio) to cover the
// desktop; the wallpaper may be cropped.
// Scale the wallpaper (without preserving its aspect ratio) to match the
// desktop's size.
// Tile the wallpaper over the background without scaling it.
// This should be kept in sync with |ash::WallpaperType|
enum WallpaperType {
kDaily = 0, // Surprise wallpaper. Changes once a day if enabled.
kCustomized = 1, // Selected by user.
kDefault = 2, // Default.
/* kUnknown = 3 */ // Removed.
kOnline = 4, // WallpaperInfo.location denotes an URL.
kPolicy = 5, // Controlled by policy, can't be changed by the user.
kThirdParty = 6, // Current wallpaper is set by a third party app.
kDevice = 7, // Current wallpaper is the device policy controlled
// wallpaper. It shows on the login screen if the device
// is an enterprise managed device.
kOneShot = 8, // Current wallpaper is shown one-time only, which doesn't
// belong to a particular user and isn't saved to file. It
// goes away when another wallpaper is shown or the
// browser process exits. Note: the image will never be
// blurred or dimmed.
// kGooglePhotos = 9, // Deprecated: b/229788402
kDailyGooglePhotos = 10, // WallpaperInfo.location contains the Google Photos
// album id.
kOnceGooglePhotos = 11, // WallpaperInfo.location contains the Google Photos
// photo id.
// The image type specific to online wallpapers. This should be kept in sync
// with |backdrop::Image::ImageType|.
enum OnlineImageType {
kUnknown = 0,
kLight = 1,
kDark = 2,
// Values for the user-level setting indicating access to Google Photos data.
enum GooglePhotosEnablementState {
// Setting could not be retrieved due to a network or server error, or the
// server returned an unknown setting state.
kError = 0,
// An enterprise setting prevents this user from accessing Google Photos data.
kDisabled = 1,
// This user can access Google Photos data.
kEnabled = 2,
// WallpaperCollection contains a list of |WallpaperImage| objects.
struct WallpaperCollection {
// This ID is used as the argument to |FetchImagesForCollection|.
string id;
// Name of this collection to be displayed to the user.
string name;
// The preview image URLs of this collection.
array<url.mojom.Url> previews;
// Encapsulates metadata for a Google Photos album, which is itself displayed in
// the UI and from which a user may select a photo as their wallpaper.
struct GooglePhotosAlbum {
// Unique identifier for this album.
string id;
// User-generated album title to be displayed.
string title;
// Number of photos stored within this album.
int32 photo_count;
// URL to the bytes of the album's displayed cover photo.
url.mojom.Url preview;
// Represents the server-provided response to a Google Photos albums request.
struct FetchGooglePhotosAlbumsResponse {
// List of non-empty Google Photos albums (absent on error).
array<GooglePhotosAlbum>? albums;
// Token that allows the client to fetch more albums not returned in the
// current query (absent if the last of the albums was returned).
string? resume_token;
// Represents a single image that can be set as user wallpaper.
struct WallpaperImage {
// URL of the image file to be displayed in the UI.
url.mojom.Url url;
// Localized attribution text such as "Photo by John Doe".
array<string> attribution;
// Unique opaque identifier for this image.
uint64 asset_id;
// The identifier of a unit of images e.g. Dark/Light variants of the same
// wallpaper.
uint64 unit_id;
// The type of the online image .i.e kLight, kDark, etc.
OnlineImageType type;
// Encapsulates metadata for a Google Photos photo, which can be displayed as a
// tile in the wallpaper picker UI or chosen as the device wallpaper.
struct GooglePhotosPhoto {
// Unique identifier for this photo.
string id;
// A string which uniquely identifies a Google Photos photo across albums.
// Note that the same photo appearing in multiple albums will have a unique
// |id| for each album in which it appears, but the |dedup_key| is shared
// across albums.
string? dedup_key;
// Display name of the photo, derived from the photo's server-side filename.
string name;
// Human-readable string representation of the date the photo was
// taken, e.g., "Monday, March 6, 2008", translated into the user's current
// locale.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 date;
// URL of the image to be displayed in the UI.
url.mojom.Url url;
// Location from the photo's Google Photos metadata. Can be a geographic
// place or a user-assigned alias such as "Home" or "Work".
string? location;
// Represents the server-provided response to a Google Photos photos request.
struct FetchGooglePhotosPhotosResponse {
// List of photos from the user's Google Photos library (absent on error).
array<GooglePhotosPhoto>? photos;
// Token that allows the client to fetch more photos not returned in the
// current query (absent if the last of the photos was returned).
string? resume_token;
// Represents the response to a daily refresh request.
struct SetDailyRefreshResponse {
// Indicates whether the request is successful.
bool success;
// Indicates whether the request forces the current wallpaper image to
// refresh.
bool force_refresh;
// Represents the currently selected wallpaper image.
struct CurrentWallpaper {
// Attribution text such as "Photo by John Doe" or the file name of the local
// image.
array<string> attribution;
// The layout of the image.
WallpaperLayout layout;
// The type of the image.
WallpaperType type;
// A unique identifier for the image. This is used to identify which
// |WallpaperImage| or local image the user has selected.
string key;
// Receives updated wallpaper information whenever it is changed.
interface WallpaperObserver {
// Triggered by |WallpaperControllerObserver::OnWallpaperPreviewEnded|.
// Triggered by |WallpaperControllerObserver::OnWallpaperChanged|. Retrieves
// updated wallpaper information and calls the observer. |image| will be null
// if there is an error retrieving wallpaper information.
OnWallpaperChanged(CurrentWallpaper? image);
// Provides APIs to retrieve Wallpaper information. This API is exposed only to
// the Personalization App (chrome://personalization). It is a mojom wrapper for
// APIs found in |backdrop_wallpaper.proto| and |WallpaperController| APIs to
// change the user's wallpaper in Ash.
interface WallpaperProvider {
// Called to force the browser window to make the native views transparent
// so that the user can see wallpaper in fullscreen on their desktop. Safe
// to call multiple times.
// Called to reverse `MakeTransparent()`. Being called while exiting
// fullscreen preview to avoid unexpected transparency. Safe to call
// multiple times, even before `MakeTransparent()` is called.
// Fetch a list of WallpaperCollection objects from the Backdrop API. Will
// be displayed to the user to allow them to select an individual collection
// to view in more detail. |collections| will be null on error.
FetchCollections() => (array<WallpaperCollection>? collections);
// Fetch a list of WallpaperImage objects from the Backdrop API that can be
// set as the user's wallpaper. |images| will be null on error.
FetchImagesForCollection(string collection_id) =>
(array<WallpaperImage>? images);
// Fetch the list of albums the user has created in Google Photos. Albums
// with no photo assets will not be returned. On error, |response.albums|
// will be absent. |response.resume_token| will be present when there are
// more results to fetch; |resume_token| will be present when this is a
// follow-up query to one that indicated there were more results to fetch.
FetchGooglePhotosAlbums(string? resume_token) =>
(FetchGooglePhotosAlbumsResponse response);
// Fetch whether the user is allowed to access Google Photos data.
FetchGooglePhotosEnabled() => (GooglePhotosEnablementState state);
// Fetch photo(s) the user has stored in Google Photos. If provided,
// |item_id| specifies one photo to fetch. If provided, |album_id| specifies
// an album whose photos are fetched. At most one of |item_id| or |album_id|
// should be provided. If neither ID is provided, then the user's entire
// library is fetched. Only visible photos will be returned. On error,
// || will be absent. |response.resume_token| will be present
// when there are more results to fetch; |resume_token| will be present when
// this is a follow-up query to one that indicated there were more results
// to fetch.
FetchGooglePhotosPhotos(string? item_id, string? album_id,
string? resume_token) => (FetchGooglePhotosPhotosResponse response);
// Fetch a list of FilePath objects from the local file system. |images|
// will be null on failure.
GetLocalImages() => (array<mojo_base.mojom.FilePath>? images);
// Device default image is a special case of an image stored on disk. It is
// stored in a special directory and the file is not accessible to the user.
// If this device has a default image, return a thumbnail representation of
// it. |data| will be empty url on failure or if the device has no
// default image.
GetDefaultImageThumbnail() => (url.mojom.Url data);
// Fetch a thumbnail data url for the given local image path. |data| will be
// empty on failure.
GetLocalImageThumbnail(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath file_path) =>
(url.mojom.Url data);
// Binds a listener to start receiving updates on wallpaper changes.
SetWallpaperObserver(pending_remote<WallpaperObserver> observer);
// Sets the given backdrop wallpaper as the user's background.
SelectWallpaper(uint64 image_asset_id, bool preview_mode) =>
(bool success);
// Select the device default image as the user's background. Not all devices
// have a default image.
SelectDefaultImage() => (bool success);
// Sets the given local wallpaper as the user's background. Validated
// against list of file paths returned by |GetLocalImages|.
SelectLocalImage(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path, WallpaperLayout layout,
bool preview_mode) => (bool success);
// Sets the Google Photos photo with the given id as the wallpaper.
SelectGooglePhotosPhoto(string id, WallpaperLayout layout,
bool preview_mode) => (bool success);
// Sets the Google Photos album with the given id as the daily refresh
// album. May refresh the current wallpaper image if it is not part of the
// album.
SelectGooglePhotosAlbum(string id)
=> (SetDailyRefreshResponse response);
// Gets the id of the current Google Photos album on daily refresh, or an
// empty string if Google Photos daily refresh is not active.
GetGooglePhotosDailyRefreshAlbumId() => (string album_id);
// Sets the layout for current wallpaper.
SetCurrentWallpaperLayout(WallpaperLayout layout);
// Sets and enables daily refresh for the given |collection_id|. May refresh
// the current wallpaper image if it is not part of the collection.
SetDailyRefreshCollectionId(string collection_id)
=> (SetDailyRefreshResponse response);
// Get the daily refresh collection id. It can be empty if daily refresh is
// not enabled.
GetDailyRefreshCollectionId() => (string collection_id);
// Refresh the wallpaper. Noop if daily refresh is not enabled.
UpdateDailyRefreshWallpaper() => (bool success);
// Indicates whether the device is in tablet mode.
IsInTabletMode() => (bool tablet_mode);
// Confirms the wallpaper being previewed to be set as the actual user
// wallpaper. Must be called in preview mode.
// Cancels the wallpaper preview and reverts to the user wallpaper. Must be
// called in preview mode.
enum ColorScheme {
kStatic = 0,
kTonalSpot = 1,
kNeutral = 2,
kExpressive = 3,
kVibrant = 4,
// Receives information whenever there are theme related changes such as color
// mode.
interface ThemeObserver {
// Triggered by |ColorModeObserver::OnColorModeChanged|. Retrieves information
// whether dark mode is enabled
OnColorModeChanged(bool dark_mode_enabled);
// Notifies the JS side the current state of color mode auto scheduler.
OnColorModeAutoScheduleChanged(bool enabled);
//Notifies the JS side about the current state of the color scheme.
OnColorSchemeChanged(ColorScheme color_scheme);
// Notifies the JS side about the current state of the static color.
OnStaticColorChanged(skia.mojom.SkColor? color);
// Provides APIs to expose theme settings such dark/light color mode.
interface ThemeProvider {
// Binds a listener to start receiving updates on color mode changes.
SetThemeObserver(pending_remote<ThemeObserver> observer);
// Disables or enables dark color mode.
SetColorModePref(bool dark_mode_enabled);
// Disables or enables dark color mode auto scheduler.
SetColorModeAutoScheduleEnabled(bool enabled);
// Sets the color scheme for dynamic color.
// @see //ash/style/color_palette_controller.h
SetColorScheme(ColorScheme colorScheme);
// Sets the seed color for dynamic color.
// @see //ash/style/color_palette_controller.h
SetStaticColor(skia.mojom.SkColor static_color);
// Retrieves the color scheme for dynamic color.
GetColorScheme() => (ColorScheme color_scheme);
// Retrieves the static seed color for dynamic color.
GetStaticColor() => (skia.mojom.SkColor? static_color);
// Returns whether color mode auto scheduler is enabled.
IsColorModeAutoScheduleEnabled() => (bool enabled);
// Returns whether dark mode is enabled.
IsDarkModeEnabled() => (bool dark_mode_enabled);
// Contains information about the current user.
struct UserInfo {
// The display email of the user. It can be empty for guest users.
string email;
// The display name of the user.
string name;
// Additional attribution information for several deprecated user image choices.
// These avatars are no longer able to be selected by users, but some users may
// still have one set as their chosen avatar image.
struct DeprecatedSourceInfo {
// The name of the author that created the avatar image.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 author;
// The website of the author.
url.mojom.Url website;
// A default user image stored on the device that can be set as the user's
// device avatar image.
struct DefaultUserImage {
// A user image is identified by an index.
int32 index;
// The title of the image to display to the user.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 title;
// A url to display the image. Typically |chrome://theme/IDR_LOGIN_DEFAULT_X|.
url.mojom.Url url;
// Additional information about the source of the avatar.
DeprecatedSourceInfo? source_info;
// An empty struct that is just used to indicate the presence of a profile
// image.
struct ProfileImage {};
// An empty struct that is used to signify the user does not have a valid image.
struct InvalidImage {};
// The current image that the user has selected as device avatar.
union UserImage {
// Set if the user has selected a default (built-in) avatar image.
DefaultUserImage default_image;
// Set if the user has selected an external image, usually from file or from
// webcam capture.
mojo_base.mojom.BigBuffer external_image;
// Set if the user has selected their gaia account profile image.
ProfileImage profile_image;
// Set if the user does not have a valid image selected or there was an error.
InvalidImage invalid_image;
// Receives necessary information to display and change user image for the
// current user.
interface UserImageObserver {
// Triggered by |UserManager::Observer::OnUserImageChanged|.
OnUserImageChanged(UserImage user_image);
// Triggered by |UserManager::Observer::OnUserProfileImageUpdated|.
OnUserProfileImageUpdated(url.mojom.Url profile_image);
// Triggered by
// |ash::CameraPresenceNotifier::Observer::OnCameraPresenceCheckDone|.
OnCameraPresenceCheckDone(bool is_camera_present);
// Triggered by
// |UserManager::Observer::OnUserImageIsEnterpriseManagedChanged|.
OnIsEnterpriseManagedChanged(bool is_enterprise_managed);
// Provides APIs to view information about the current user. This API is exposed
// only to the Personalization App (chrome://personalization), and is
// implemented by |PersonalizationAppUserProviderImpl| in chrome.
interface UserProvider {
// Binds an observer for the current user's device image.
SetUserImageObserver(pending_remote<UserImageObserver> observer);
// Return information about the current user.
GetUserInfo() => (UserInfo user_info);
// Returns an array of default user images to choose from.
GetDefaultUserImages() => (array<DefaultUserImage> default_user_images);
// Select one of the default images from the provided default user images.
SelectDefaultImage(int32 index);
// Select the downloaded profile image as the user image.
// Set a camera image as the user's device avatar. |data| is a uint8 array of
// the png data.
SelectCameraImage(mojo_base.mojom.BigBuffer data);
// Select one of the available images on disk as user's device image.
// This opens a file dialog box from which the user can select a file.
// When the user has selected camera image or external file image, allow user
// to quickly reselect that option so it is not lost if they look at images of
// other types.
// The animation theme for screen saver. Should be kept in sync with
// |ash::AmbientAnimationTheme|.
enum AnimationTheme {
kSlideshow = 0,
kFeelTheBreeze = 1,
kFloatOnBy = 2,
// The source of the screensaver images come from.
enum TopicSource {
// Google Photos.
kGooglePhotos = 0,
// Art related sources in Backdrop server.
kArtGallery = 1,
// Temperature unit for screensaver weather section.
enum TemperatureUnit {
kFahrenheit = 0,
kCelsius = 1,
// Enumeration of UI visibility states.
// This should be kept in sync with |ash:AmbientUiVisibility|.
enum AmbientUiVisibility {
kShown = 0,
kPreview = 1,
kHidden = 2,
kClosed = 3,
// Album metadaba to display. Contains necessary data for both topic sources.
struct AmbientModeAlbum {
// Unique identifier for this album. It assumes unique id across different
// topic sources.
string id;
// Whether this album is selected.
bool checked;
// Title of the settings or the album name of the Google Photos.
string title;
string description;
int32 number_of_photos;
// Indicates which topic source this album belongs to.
TopicSource topic_source;
// The image URL for preview.
url.mojom.Url url;
// Receives information whenever there are ambient mode pref changes.
interface AmbientObserver {
// Retrieves information whether ambient mode is enabled.
OnAmbientModeEnabledChanged(bool ambient_mode_enabled);
// Notifies the JS side the current state of AnimationTheme.
OnAnimationThemeChanged(AnimationTheme animation_theme);
// Notifies the JS side about the current state of TopicSource.
OnTopicSourceChanged(TopicSource topic_source);
// Notifies the JS side about the current state of TemperatureUnit.
OnTemperatureUnitChanged(TemperatureUnit temperature_unit);
// Notifies the JS side about the current albums.
OnAlbumsChanged(array<AmbientModeAlbum> albums);
// Notifies the JS side about the previews of the selected Google Photos
// albums.
OnGooglePhotosAlbumsPreviewsFetched(array<url.mojom.Url> previews);
// Notifies the JS side when ambient visibility is changed.
OnAmbientUiVisibilityChanged(AmbientUiVisibility visibility);
// Provides APIs to expose Ambient mode settings.
// Used by the personalization hub WebUI to call into the browser process.
interface AmbientProvider {
// Boolean pref for whether ambient mode is enabled.
IsAmbientModeEnabled() => (bool enabled);
// Enables or disables ambient mode.
SetAmbientModeEnabled(bool enabled);
// Binds a listener to start receiving updates on ambient mode pref changes.
SetAmbientObserver(pending_remote<AmbientObserver> observer);
// Sets the ambient animation theme.
SetAnimationTheme(AnimationTheme animation_theme);
// Sets the ambient mode topic source.
SetTopicSource(TopicSource topic_source);
// Sets the ambient mode temperature unit.
SetTemperatureUnit(TemperatureUnit temperature_unit);
// Sets one album as selected or not.
SetAlbumSelected(string id, TopicSource topic_source, bool selected);
// Record that the user viewed the Ambient mode page.
// Request updated Ambient mode settings and albums.
// Starts the screen saver preview.
// The supported preset colors for keyboard backlight.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum BacklightColor {
kWallpaper = 0,
kWhite = 1,
kRed = 2,
kYellow = 3,
kGreen = 4,
kBlue = 5,
kIndigo = 6,
kPurple = 7,
kRainbow = 100,
// Hex values of the colors displayed in the rgb keyboard section.
const uint32 kWhiteColor = 0xFFFFFF;
const uint32 kRedColor = 0xEE675C;
const uint32 kYellowColor = 0xFBBC04;
const uint32 kGreenColor = 0x34A853;
const uint32 kBlueColor = 0x00A3C2;
const uint32 kIndigoColor = 0x4285F4;
const uint32 kPurpleColor = 0xB76DF8;
// Receives information whenever there are keyboard backlight related changes
// such as backlight colors.
interface KeyboardBacklightObserver {
// Notifies the JS side about the current state of the backlight color.
OnBacklightColorChanged(BacklightColor color);
// Notifies the JS side the current wallpaper-extracted color.
OnWallpaperColorChanged(skia.mojom.SkColor wallpaper_color);
// Provides APIs to expose keyboard backlight settings.
interface KeyboardBacklightProvider {
// Binds a listener to start receiving updates on backlight color changes.
// Sets the backlight color.
SetBacklightColor(BacklightColor backlight_color);
// Determines whether to show the education nudge.
ShouldShowNudge() => (bool should_show_nudge);
// Called when the nudge is shown.