blob: 2b850845df3794ea24985841a1433513c49d718a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/payments/payment_request_dialog_view_ids.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
namespace views {
class MdTextButton;
class View;
namespace payments {
class PaymentRequestDialogView;
class PaymentRequestSpec;
class PaymentRequestState;
// The base class for objects responsible for the creation and event handling in
// views shown in the PaymentRequestDialog.
class PaymentRequestSheetController {
using ButtonCallback = base::RepeatingClosure;
// Objects of this class are owned by |dialog|, so it's a non-owned pointer
// that should be valid throughout this object's lifetime.
// |state| and |spec| are also not owned by this and are guaranteed to outlive
// dialog. Neither |state|, |spec| or |dialog| should be null.
PaymentRequestSheetController(base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestSpec> spec,
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestState> state,
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestDialogView> dialog);
PaymentRequestSheetController(const PaymentRequestSheetController&) = delete;
PaymentRequestSheetController& operator=(
const PaymentRequestSheetController&) = delete;
virtual ~PaymentRequestSheetController();
// Creates a view to be displayed in the PaymentRequestDialog. The header view
// is the view displayed on top of the dialog, containing title, (optional)
// back button, and close buttons.
// The content view is displayed between the header view and the pay/cancel
// buttons. Also adds the footer, returned by CreateFooterView(), which is
// clamped to the bottom of the containing view. The returned view takes
// ownership of the header, the content, and the footer.
// +---------------------------+
// +---------------------------+
// | CONTENT |
// | VIEW |
// +---------------------------+
// | EXTRA VIEW | PAY | CANCEL | <-- footer
// +---------------------------+
std::unique_ptr<views::View> CreateView();
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestSpec> spec() { return spec_; }
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestState> state() { return state_; }
// The dialog that contains and owns this object.
// Caller should not take ownership of the result.
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestDialogView> dialog() { return dialog_; }
// Returns the title to be displayed in this sheet's header.
virtual std::u16string GetSheetTitle() = 0;
// Stops the controller from controlling the UI. Used when the UI is being
// destroyed.
void Stop() { is_active_ = false; }
// Called when the back button is pressed on the dialog.
void BackButtonPressed();
// Clears the content part of the view represented by this view controller and
// calls FillContentView again to re-populate it with updated views.
void UpdateContentView();
// Clears and recreates the header view for this sheet.
void UpdateHeaderView();
// Update the focus to |focused_view|.
void UpdateFocus(views::View* focused_view);
// View controllers should call this if they have modified some layout aspect
// (e.g., made it taller or shorter), and want to relayout the whole pane.
void RelayoutPane();
// Methods that control the appearance and behavior of the primary dialog
// button. By default the dialog shows a "pay" button.
virtual bool ShouldShowPrimaryButton();
virtual std::u16string GetPrimaryButtonLabel();
virtual ButtonCallback GetPrimaryButtonCallback();
virtual int GetPrimaryButtonId();
virtual bool GetPrimaryButtonEnabled();
// Methods that control the appearance and behavior of the secondary dialog
// button. By default the dialog shows a "cancel payment" button.
virtual bool ShouldShowSecondaryButton();
virtual std::u16string GetSecondaryButtonLabel();
virtual ButtonCallback GetSecondaryButtonCallback();
virtual int GetSecondaryButtonId();
// Returns whether this sheet should display a back arrow in the header next
// to the title.
virtual bool ShouldShowHeaderBackArrow();
// Implemented by subclasses to populate |content_view| with the views that
// should be displayed in their content area (between the header and the
// footer). This may be called at view creation time as well as anytime
// UpdateContentView is called.
virtual void FillContentView(views::View* content_view) = 0;
// Creates and returns the view to be displayed next to the "Pay" and "Cancel"
// buttons. May return an empty std::unique_ptr (nullptr) to indicate that no
// extra view is to be displayed.The caller takes ownership of the view but
// the view is guaranteed to be outlived by the controller so subclasses may
// retain a raw pointer to the returned view (for example to control its
// enabled state). The horizontal and vertical insets (to the left and bottom
// borders) is taken care of by the caller, so can be set to 0.
// +---------------------------+
// +---------------------------+
virtual std::unique_ptr<views::View> CreateExtraFooterView();
// Creates and returns a header for all the sheets in the PaymentRequest
// dialog. The header contains an optional back arrow button (if
// |ShouldShowHeaderBackArrow| returns true) and a content view created by
// |CreateHeaderContentView|. The background is set based on
// |GetHeaderBackground|, and its color is used to decide which color to use
// to paint the arrow.
// The passed-in `view` must be the `header_view_` - it is only passed as an
// argument because this is required by ViewFactory.
// +---------------------------+
// | <- | header_content_view |
// +---------------------------+
virtual void PopulateSheetHeaderView(views::View* view);
// Creates and returns the view to be inserted in the header, next to the
// close/back button. This is typically the sheet's title but it can be
// overriden to return a different kind of view as long as it fits inside the
// header.
// TODO( Remove once minimal PaymentHandler UX rolls out
// and this override is no longer needed.
virtual std::unique_ptr<views::View> CreateHeaderContentView(
views::View* header_view);
// Returns the background to use for the header section of the sheet.
// TODO( Remove once minimal PaymentHandler UX rolls out
// and this override is no longer needed.
virtual std::unique_ptr<views::Background> GetHeaderBackground(
views::View* header_view);
// Creates the row of button containing the Pay, cancel, and extra buttons.
// |controller| is installed as the listener for button events.
std::unique_ptr<views::View> CreateFooterView();
// Returns the view that should be initially focused on this sheet. Typically,
// this returns the primary button if it's enabled or the secondary button
// otherwise. Subclasses may return a different view if they need focus to
// start off on a different view (a textfield for example). This will only be
// called after the view has been completely created through calls to
// CreatePaymentView and related functions.
virtual views::View* GetFirstFocusedView();
// Returns true if the subclass wants the content sheet to have an id, and
// sets |sheet_id| to the desired value.
virtual bool GetSheetId(DialogViewID* sheet_id);
// Returns true to display dynamic top and bottom border for hidden contents.
virtual bool DisplayDynamicBorderForHiddenContents();
// Returns true if the subclass wants the 'Enter' key to be accelerated to
// always map to performing the primary button action (irregardless of the
// currently focused element). If a subclass returns true for this, it must
// also return true for ShouldShowPrimaryButton.
virtual bool ShouldAccelerateEnterKey();
void CloseButtonPressed();
views::MdTextButton* primary_button() { return primary_button_; }
views::View* header_content_separator_container() {
return header_content_separator_container_;
views::View* content_view() { return content_view_; }
// Returns whether the controller should be controlling the UI.
bool is_active() const { return is_active_; }
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestSheetController> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
// Add the primary/secondary buttons to |container|.
void AddPrimaryButton(views::View* container);
void AddSecondaryButton(views::View* container);
// Called when the Enter accelerator is pressed. Perform the action associated
// with the primary button and sets |is_enabled| to true if it's enabled,
// otherwise sets it to false. The |is_enabled| is an out-param to enable
// binding the method with a base::WeakPtr, which prohibits non-void return
// values.
void PerformPrimaryButtonAction(bool* is_enabled);
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestSpec> const spec_;
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestState> const state_;
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestDialogView> const dialog_;
// This view is owned by its encompassing ScrollView.
raw_ptr<views::View, DanglingUntriaged> pane_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::View, DanglingUntriaged> content_view_ = nullptr;
// Hold on to the ScrollView because it must be explicitly laid out in some
// cases.
raw_ptr<views::ScrollView, DanglingUntriaged> scroll_ = nullptr;
// Hold on to the primary and secondary buttons to use them as initial focus
// targets when subclasses don't want to focus anything else.
raw_ptr<views::MdTextButton, DanglingUntriaged> primary_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::Button, DanglingUntriaged> secondary_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::View, DanglingUntriaged> header_view_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::View, DanglingUntriaged> header_content_separator_container_ =
// Whether the controller should be controlling the UI.
bool is_active_ = true;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PaymentRequestSheetController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace payments