blob: bed9b43e4e7ca9f893bc1950edebb0b88f131538 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/payments/content/developer_console_logger.h"
#include "components/payments/content/initialization_task.h"
#include "components/payments/content/payment_handler_host.h"
#include "components/payments/content/payment_request_display_manager.h"
#include "components/payments/content/payment_request_spec.h"
#include "components/payments/content/payment_request_state.h"
#include "components/payments/content/service_worker_payment_app.h"
#include "components/payments/core/csp_checker.h"
#include "components/payments/core/journey_logger.h"
#include "content/public/browser/document_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/payments/payment_request.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace content {
class RenderFrameHost;
namespace payments {
class ContentPaymentRequestDelegate;
enum class SPCTransactionMode {
// This class manages the interaction between the renderer (through the
// PaymentRequestClient and Mojo stub implementation) and the desktop Payment UI
// (through the PaymentRequestDelegate). The API user (merchant) specification
// (supported payment methods, required information, order details) is stored in
// PaymentRequestSpec, and the current user selection state (and related data)
// is stored in PaymentRequestState.
// As the PaymentRequest is a DocumentService, its lifetime is managed by the
// RenderFrameHost that the request is created for, and will be destroyed when
// the current document is or when the mojom::PaymentRequest connection is lost.
// The PaymentRequest is also a WebContentsObserver, which has historically
// been used to track the lifetime of the RenderFrameHost, which is now done by
// DocumentService. Instead, the WebContentsObserver is used to watch for
// navigations that would destroy this object's document _in the future_ in
// order to record metrics.
class PaymentRequest : public content::DocumentService<mojom::PaymentRequest>,
public PaymentHandlerHost::Delegate,
public PaymentRequestSpec::Observer,
public PaymentRequestState::Delegate,
public InitializationTask::Observer,
public CSPChecker,
public content::WebContentsObserver {
class ObserverForTest {
virtual void OnCanMakePaymentCalled() = 0;
virtual void OnCanMakePaymentReturned() = 0;
virtual void OnHasEnrolledInstrumentCalled() = 0;
virtual void OnHasEnrolledInstrumentReturned() = 0;
virtual void OnAppListReady(base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequest> payment_request) {
virtual void OnErrorDisplayed() {}
virtual void OnNotSupportedError() = 0;
virtual void OnConnectionTerminated() = 0;
virtual void OnAbortCalled() = 0;
virtual void OnCompleteCalled() {}
virtual ~ObserverForTest() {}
PaymentRequest(std::unique_ptr<ContentPaymentRequestDelegate> delegate,
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::PaymentRequest> receiver);
PaymentRequest(const PaymentRequest&) = delete;
PaymentRequest& operator=(const PaymentRequest&) = delete;
~PaymentRequest() override;
// mojom::PaymentRequest
void Init(mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::PaymentRequestClient> client,
std::vector<mojom::PaymentMethodDataPtr> method_data,
mojom::PaymentDetailsPtr details,
mojom::PaymentOptionsPtr options) override;
void Show(bool wait_for_updated_details) override;
void Retry(mojom::PaymentValidationErrorsPtr errors) override;
void UpdateWith(mojom::PaymentDetailsPtr details) override;
void OnPaymentDetailsNotUpdated() override;
void Abort() override;
void Complete(mojom::PaymentComplete result) override;
void CanMakePayment() override;
void HasEnrolledInstrument() override;
// PaymentHandlerHost::Delegate
bool ChangePaymentMethod(const std::string& method_name,
const std::string& stringified_data) override;
bool ChangeShippingOption(const std::string& shipping_option_id) override;
bool ChangeShippingAddress(
mojom::PaymentAddressPtr shipping_address) override;
// PaymentRequestSpec::Observer:
void OnSpecUpdated() override {}
// WebContentsObserver:
void ReadyToCommitNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
// PaymentRequestState::Delegate:
void OnPaymentResponseAvailable(mojom::PaymentResponsePtr response) override;
void OnPaymentResponseError(const std::string& error_message) override;
void OnShippingOptionIdSelected(std::string shipping_option_id) override;
void OnShippingAddressSelected(mojom::PaymentAddressPtr address) override;
void OnPayerInfoSelected(mojom::PayerDetailPtr payer_info) override;
// Called when the user explicitly cancelled the flow. Will destroy this
// object and close any related connections.
void OnUserCancelled();
// Called when the user explicitly opts out of the flow. Only used for
// SecurePaymentConfirmation currently.
void OnUserOptedOut();
// Called when the PaymentRequest is about to be destroyed. This reports
// the reason for destruction.
void WillBeDestroyed(content::DocumentServiceDestructionReason reason) final;
// Called when the user clicks on the "Pay" button.
void Pay();
bool IsOffTheRecord() const;
// Called when the payment handler requests to open a payment handler
// window.
void OnPaymentHandlerOpenWindowCalled();
bool skipped_payment_request_ui() { return skipped_payment_request_ui_; }
SPCTransactionMode spc_transaction_mode() const {
return spc_transaction_mode_;
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestSpec> spec() { return spec_->AsWeakPtr(); }
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestState> state() { return state_->AsWeakPtr(); }
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestSpec> spec() const { return spec_->AsWeakPtr(); }
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestState> state() const {
return state_->AsWeakPtr();
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequest> GetWeakPtr();
void set_observer_for_test(base::WeakPtr<ObserverForTest> observer_for_test) {
observer_for_testing_ = observer_for_test;
// CSPChecker.
void AllowConnectToSource(
const GURL& url,
const GURL& url_before_redirects,
bool did_follow_redirect,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> result_callback) override;
// InitializationTask::Observer.
void OnInitialized(InitializationTask* initialization_task) override;
// Returns true after init() has been called and the mojo connection has
// been established. If the mojo connection gets later disconnected, this
// will returns false.
bool IsInitialized() const;
// Returns true after show() has been called and the payment sheet is
// showing. If the payment sheet is later hidden, this will return false.
bool IsThisPaymentRequestShowing() const;
// Returns true when there is exactly one available payment app which can
// provide all requested information including shipping address and payer's
// contact information whenever needed.
bool OnlySingleAppCanProvideAllRequiredInformation() const;
// Returns true if this payment request supports skipping the Payment Sheet.
// Typically, this means that exactly one payment app can provide requested
// information.
bool SatisfiesSkipUIConstraints();
// Only records the abort reason if it's the first completion for this
// Payment Request. This is necessary since the aborts cascade into one
// another with the first one being the most precise.
void RecordFirstAbortReason(JourneyLogger::AbortReason completion_status);
// The callback for PaymentRequestState::CanMakePayment.
void CanMakePaymentCallback(bool can_make_payment);
// The callback for PaymentRequestState::HasEnrolledInstrument. Checks for
// query quota and may send QUERY_QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
void HasEnrolledInstrumentCallback(bool has_enrolled_instrument);
// The callback for PaymentRequestState::AreRequestedMethodsSupported.
void AreRequestedMethodsSupportedCallback(
bool methods_supported,
const std::string& error_message,
AppCreationFailureReason error_reason);
// renderer, depending on |has_enrolled_instrument| value. Does not check
// query quota so never sends QUERY_QUOTA_EXCEEDED. If
// |warn_localhost_or_file| is true, then sends
// version of the values instead.
void RespondToHasEnrolledInstrumentQuery(bool has_enrolled_instrument,
bool warn_localhost_or_file);
void OnAbortResult(bool aborted);
// Show an error message in the UI (if available) and abort payment.
void ShowErrorMessageAndAbortPayment();
// Get the payment method category from the selected app.
JourneyLogger::PaymentMethodCategory GetSelectedMethodCategory() const;
DeveloperConsoleLogger log_;
std::unique_ptr<ContentPaymentRequestDelegate> delegate_;
base::WeakPtr<PaymentRequestDisplayManager> display_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<PaymentRequestDisplayManager::DisplayHandle> display_handle_;
mojo::Remote<mojom::PaymentRequestClient> client_;
std::unique_ptr<PaymentRequestSpec> spec_;
std::unique_ptr<PaymentRequestState> state_;
// The end-point for the payment handler renderer process to call into the
// browser process.
std::unique_ptr<PaymentHandlerHost> payment_handler_host_;
// The scheme, host, and port of the top level frame that has invoked
// PaymentRequest API as formatted by
// url_formatter::FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(). This is what the user sees
// in the address bar.
const GURL top_level_origin_;
// The scheme, host, and port of the frame that has invoked PaymentRequest
// API as formatted by url_formatter::FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(). This
// can be either the main frame or an iframe.
const GURL frame_origin_;
// The security origin of the frame that has invoked PaymentRequest API.
// This can be opaque. Used by security features like 'Sec-Fetch-Site' and
// 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy'.
const url::Origin frame_security_origin_;
// The current SPC transaction mode; used in WPT test automation.
SPCTransactionMode spc_transaction_mode_;
// May be null, must outlive this object.
base::WeakPtr<ObserverForTest> observer_for_testing_;
JourneyLogger journey_logger_;
// Whether a completion was already recorded for this Payment Request.
bool has_recorded_completion_ = false;
// Whether was invoked by skipping payment request UI.
bool skipped_payment_request_ui_ = false;
// Whether PaymentRequest mojo connection has been initialized from the
// renderer.
bool is_initialized_ = false;
// Whether has been called.
bool is_show_called_ = false;
// Whether PaymentRequestState::AreRequestedMethodsSupported callback has been
// invoked. This is distinct from state_->IsInitialized(), because the
// callback is asynchronous.
bool is_requested_methods_supported_invoked_ = false;
// If not empty, use this error message for rejecting
std::string reject_show_error_message_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PaymentRequest> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace payments