blob: 1fab8be8667e6a318b767d14c4b13e102687d912 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
proto_library("attribution_reporting_proto") {
sources = [ "attribution_reporting.proto" ]
mojom("mojo_bindings") {
sources = [ "attribution_reporting.mojom" ]
webui_module_path = "/"
mojom("internals_mojo_bindings") {
sources = [ "attribution_internals.mojom" ]
public_deps = [
webui_module_path = "/"
cpp_typemaps = [
types = [
mojom = "attribution_internals.mojom.AggregatableAttributionReportID"
cpp = "::content::AttributionReport::AggregatableAttributionData::Id"
mojom = "attribution_internals.mojom.EventLevelReportID"
cpp = "::content::AttributionReport::EventLevelData::Id"
mojom = "attribution_internals.mojom.ReportID"
cpp = "::content::AttributionReport::Id"
traits_headers = [
traits_sources = [ "" ]
traits_deps = [
# //content/common/aggregatable_report.mojom is transitively included.
# //components/aggregation_service/aggregation_service.mojom is transitively included.