blob: cbbdad4e0f099c54faed292eaf05fab0a9abf60c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_device.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/input_device.h"
namespace ash {
// This class observes the bluetooth devices and sends out notification when
// bluetooth device changes. It's used as a supplementary to the class
// ui::InputDeviceEventObserver as InputDeviceEventObserver does not have
// knowledge about bluetooth device status thus does not send notifications of
// bluetooth device changes.
class ASH_EXPORT BluetoothDevicesObserver
: public device::BluetoothAdapter::Observer {
// Note |device| can be nullptr here if only the bluetooth adapter status
// changes.
using AdapterOrDeviceChangedCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(device::BluetoothDevice* device)>;
explicit BluetoothDevicesObserver(
const AdapterOrDeviceChangedCallback& device_changed_callback);
BluetoothDevicesObserver(const BluetoothDevicesObserver&) = delete;
BluetoothDevicesObserver& operator=(const BluetoothDevicesObserver&) = delete;
~BluetoothDevicesObserver() override;
// device::BluetoothAdapter::Observer:
void AdapterPresentChanged(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
bool present) override;
void AdapterPoweredChanged(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
bool powered) override;
void DeviceChanged(device::BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
device::BluetoothDevice* device) override;
// Returns true if |input_device| is a connected bluetooth device. Note this
// function may not work well if there are more than one identical Bluetooth
// devices: the function might return true even if it should return false.
// E.g., Connect two identical bluetooth devices (Input device A & input
// device B, thus the same vendor id and same product id) to Chrome OS, and
// then disconnect device A, calling IsConnectedBluetoothDevice(Input device
// A) still returns true although it should return false as Input device B is
// still connected. Unfortunately there is no good map from an InputDevice to
// a BluetoothDevice, thus we can only guess a match.
bool IsConnectedBluetoothDevice(const ui::InputDevice& input_device) const;
// Returns the bluetooth device if |input_device| is a connected bluetooth
// device. Note this function may not work well if there are more than one
// identical Bluetooth devices: the function might return true even if it
// should return false. E.g., Connect two identical bluetooth devices (Input
// device A & input device B, thus the same vendor id and same product id) to
// Chrome OS, and then disconnect device A, calling
// IsConnectedBluetoothDevice(Input device A) still returns true although it
// should return false as Input device B is still connected. Unfortunately
// there is no good map from an InputDevice to a BluetoothDevice, thus we can
// only guess a match.
device::BluetoothDevice* GetConnectedBluetoothDevice(
const ui::InputDevice& input_device) const;
void InitializeOnAdapterReady(
scoped_refptr<device::BluetoothAdapter> adapter);
// Reference to the underlying Bluetooth Adapter. Used to listen for bluetooth
// device change event.
scoped_refptr<device::BluetoothAdapter> bluetooth_adapter_;
// Callback function to be called when the bluetooth adapter's status or a
// bluetooth device's status changes.
AdapterOrDeviceChangedCallback adapter_or_device_changed_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BluetoothDevicesObserver> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash