blob: f60e4c6d92611f0f940545d4e692f7853f452a16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/constants/ash_features.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/file_manager_test_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/file_tasks.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/fileapi_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_manager/filesystem_api_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/file_manager/app_id.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/file_manager/volume_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/components/web_app_id_constants.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/system_web_apps/system_web_app_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/test/profile_test_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app_provider.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "content/public/test/browser_test.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/file_handlers/mime_util.h"
#include "extensions/browser/entry_info.h"
#include "net/base/mime_util.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
using web_app::kMediaAppId;
namespace file_manager {
namespace file_tasks {
namespace {
// A list of file extensions (`/` delimited) representing a selection of files
// and the app expected to be the default to open these files.
// A null app_id indicates there is no preferred default.
// A mime_type can be set to a result normally given by sniffing when
// net::GetMimeTypeFromFile() would not provide a result.
struct Expectation {
const char* file_extensions;
const char* app_id;
const char* mime_type = nullptr;
// Verifies that a single default task expectation (i.e. the expected
// default app to open a given set of file extensions) matches the default
// task in a vector of task descriptors. Decrements the provided |remaining|
// integer to provide additional verification that this function is invoked
// an expected number of times (i.e. even if the callback could be invoked
// asynchronously).
void VerifyTasks(int* remaining,
Expectation expectation,
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<FullTaskDescriptor>> result) {
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << expectation.file_extensions;
auto default_task =
std::find_if(result->begin(), result->end(),
[](const auto& task) { return task.is_default(); });
// Early exit for the uncommon situation where no default should be set.
if (!expectation.app_id) {
EXPECT_TRUE(default_task == result->end()) << expectation.file_extensions;
ASSERT_TRUE(default_task != result->end()) << expectation.file_extensions;
EXPECT_EQ(expectation.app_id, default_task->task_descriptor().app_id)
<< " for extension: " << expectation.file_extensions;
// Verify no other task is set as default.
std::count_if(result->begin(), result->end(),
[](const auto& task) { return task.is_default(); }))
<< expectation.file_extensions;
// Helper to quit a run loop after invoking VerifyTasks().
void VerifyAsyncTask(int* remaining,
Expectation expectation,
base::OnceClosure quit_closure,
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<FullTaskDescriptor>> result) {
VerifyTasks(remaining, expectation, std::move(result));
// Installs a chrome app that handles .tiff.
scoped_refptr<const extensions::Extension> InstallTiffHandlerChromeApp(
Profile* profile) {
return test::InstallTestingChromeApp(
profile, "extensions/api_test/file_browser/app_file_handler");
class FileTasksBrowserTestBase
: public TestProfileTypeMixin<InProcessBrowserTest> {
void SetUpOnMainThread() override {
// Tests that each of the passed expectations open by default in the expected
// app.
void TestExpectationsAgainstDefaultTasks(
const std::vector<Expectation>& expectations) {
int remaining = expectations.size();
const base::FilePath prefix = base::FilePath().AppendASCII("file");
for (const Expectation& test : expectations) {
std::vector<extensions::EntryInfo> entries;
std::vector<base::StringPiece> all_extensions =
base::SplitStringPiece(test.file_extensions, "/",
for (base::StringPiece extension : all_extensions) {
base::FilePath path = prefix.AddExtension(extension);
std::string mime_type;
net::GetMimeTypeFromFile(path, &mime_type);
if (test.mime_type != nullptr) {
// Sniffing isn't used when GetMimeTypeFromFile() succeeds, so there
// shouldn't be a hard-coded mime type configured.
mime_type = test.mime_type;
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(mime_type.empty()) << "No mime type for " << path;
entries.push_back({path, mime_type, false});
std::vector<GURL> file_urls{entries.size(), GURL()};
// task_verifier callback is invoked synchronously from
// FindAllTypesOfTasks.
FindAllTypesOfTasks(browser()->profile(), entries, file_urls,
base::BindOnce(&VerifyTasks, &remaining, test));
EXPECT_EQ(0, remaining);
class FileTasksBrowserTest : public FileTasksBrowserTestBase {
FileTasksBrowserTest() {
// Enable Media App without PDF support.
base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list_;
class FileTasksBrowserTestWithPdf : public FileTasksBrowserTestBase {
FileTasksBrowserTestWithPdf() {
// Enable Media App PDF support.
base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list_;
// List of single file default app expectations. Changes to this test may have
// implications for file handling declarations in built-in app manifests,
// because logic in ChooseAndSetDefaultTask() treats handlers for extensions
// with a higher priority than handlers for mime types. Provide MIME types here
// for extensions known to be missing mime types from net::GetMimeTypeFromFile()
// (see ExtensionToMimeMapping test). In practice, these MIME types are
// populated via file sniffing, but tests in this file do not operate on real
// files. We hard code MIME types that file sniffing obtained experimentally
// from sample files.
// The "deprecated" lists are those that use the old ChromeApps as handlers and
// can be removed when those are gone.
constexpr Expectation kAudioDeprecatedExpectations[] = {
{"amr", kAudioPlayerAppId, "application/octet-stream"},
{"flac", kAudioPlayerAppId},
{"m4a", kAudioPlayerAppId},
{"mp3", kAudioPlayerAppId},
{"oga", kAudioPlayerAppId},
{"ogg", kAudioPlayerAppId},
{"wav", kAudioPlayerAppId},
constexpr Expectation kVideoExpectations[] = {
// Video.
{"3gp", kMediaAppId, "application/octet-stream"},
{"avi", kMediaAppId, "application/octet-stream"},
{"m4v", kMediaAppId},
{"mkv", kMediaAppId, "video/webm"},
{"mov", kMediaAppId, "application/octet-stream"},
{"mp4", kMediaAppId},
{"mpeg", kMediaAppId},
{"mpeg4", kMediaAppId, "video/mpeg"},
{"mpg", kMediaAppId},
{"mpg4", kMediaAppId, "video/mpeg"},
{"ogm", kMediaAppId},
{"ogv", kMediaAppId},
{"ogx", kMediaAppId, "video/ogg"},
{"webm", kMediaAppId}};
// PDF handler expectations when |kMediaAppHandlesPdf| is off (the default).
constexpr Expectation kDefaultPdfExpectations[] = {{"pdf", kFileManagerAppId}};
// PDF handler expectations when |kMediaAppHandlesPdf| is on.
constexpr Expectation kMediaAppPdfExpectations[] = {{"pdf", kMediaAppId}};
} // namespace
// Test file extensions correspond to mime types where expected.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(FileTasksBrowserTest, ExtensionToMimeMapping) {
constexpr struct {
const char* file_extension;
bool has_mime = true;
} kExpectations[] = {
// Images.
// Raw.
{"arw", false},
{"cr2", false},
{"dng", false},
{"nef", false},
{"nrw", false},
{"orf", false},
{"raf", false},
{"rw2", false},
// Video.
{"3gp", false},
{"avi", false},
{"mkv", false},
{"mov", false},
{"mpeg4", false},
{"mpg4", false},
{"ogx", false},
// Audio.
{"amr", false},
const base::FilePath prefix = base::FilePath().AppendASCII("file");
std::string mime_type;
for (const auto& test : kExpectations) {
base::FilePath path = prefix.AddExtension(test.file_extension);
EXPECT_EQ(test.has_mime, net::GetMimeTypeFromFile(path, &mime_type))
<< test.file_extension;
// Tests the default handlers for various file types in ChromeOS. This test
// exists to ensure the default app that launches when you open a file in the
// ChromeOS file manager does not change unexpectedly. Multiple default apps are
// allowed to register a handler for the same file type. Without that, it is not
// possible for an app to open that type even when given explicit direction via
// the chrome.fileManagerPrivate.executeTask API. The current conflict
// resolution mechanism is "sort by extension ID", which has the desired result.
// If desires change, we'll need to update ChooseAndSetDefaultTask() with some
// additional logic.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(FileTasksBrowserTest, DefaultHandlerChangeDetector) {
// Media App should handle images and video by default.
std::vector<Expectation> expectations = {
// Images.
{"bmp", kMediaAppId},
{"gif", kMediaAppId},
{"ico", kMediaAppId},
{"jpg", kMediaAppId},
{"jpeg", kMediaAppId},
{"png", kMediaAppId},
{"webp", kMediaAppId},
// Raw (handled by MediaApp).
{"arw", kMediaAppId, "image/tiff"},
{"cr2", kMediaAppId, "image/tiff"},
{"dng", kMediaAppId, "image/tiff"},
{"nef", kMediaAppId, "image/tiff"},
{"nrw", kMediaAppId, "image/tiff"},
{"orf", kMediaAppId, "image/tiff"},
{"raf", kMediaAppId, "image/tiff"},
{"rw2", kMediaAppId, "image/tiff"},
{"NRW", kMediaAppId, "image/tiff"}, // Uppercase extension.
{"arw", kMediaAppId, ""}, // Missing MIME type (unable to sniff).
expectations.insert(expectations.end(), std::begin(kVideoExpectations),
expectations.insert(expectations.end(), std::begin(kDefaultPdfExpectations),
// Test to ensure the media app handle known video file extensions.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(FileTasksBrowserTest, VideoHandlerChangeDetector) {
std::vector<Expectation> expectations(std::begin(kVideoExpectations),
// Tests the default handlers that are different with PDF support enabled.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(FileTasksBrowserTestWithPdf, PdfHandlerChangeDetector) {
std::vector<Expectation> expectations(std::begin(kMediaAppPdfExpectations),
// Spot test the default handlers for selections that include multiple different
// file types. Only tests combinations of interest to the Media App.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(FileTasksBrowserTest, MultiSelectDefaultHandler) {
std::vector<Expectation> expectations = {
{"jpg/gif", kMediaAppId},
{"jpg/mp4", kMediaAppId},
// The Media App will be preferred over a chrome app with a specific extension,
// unless that app is set default via prefs.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(FileTasksBrowserTest, MediaAppPreferredOverChromeApps) {
if (GetParam() == TestProfileType::kGuest) {
// The provided file system can't install in guest mode. Just check that
// MediaApp handles tiff.
TestExpectationsAgainstDefaultTasks({{"tiff", kMediaAppId}});
Profile* profile = browser()->profile();
auto extension = InstallTiffHandlerChromeApp(profile);
TestExpectationsAgainstDefaultTasks({{"tiff", kMediaAppId}});
TaskDescriptor(extension->id(), StringToTaskType("app"), "tiffAction"),
{"tiff"}, {"image/tiff"});
if (GetParam() == TestProfileType::kIncognito) {
// In incognito, the provided file system can exist, but the file handler
// preference can't be changed.
TestExpectationsAgainstDefaultTasks({{"tiff", kMediaAppId}});
} else {
TestExpectationsAgainstDefaultTasks({{"tiff", extension->id().c_str()}});
// Test expectations for files coming from provided file systems.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(FileTasksBrowserTest, ProvidedFileSystemFileSource) {
if (GetParam() == TestProfileType::kGuest) {
// Provided file systems don't exist in guest. This test seems to work OK in
// incognito mode though.
// The current test expectation: a GIF file in the provided file system called
// "readwrite.gif" should open with the MediaApp.
const char kTestFile[] = "readwrite.gif";
Expectation test = {"gif", kMediaAppId};
int remaining_expectations = 1;
Profile* profile = browser()->profile();
base::WeakPtr<Volume> volume =
GURL url;
profile, volume->mount_path().AppendASCII(kTestFile),
util::GetFileManagerURL(), &url));
// Note |url| differs slightly to the result of ToGURL() below. The colons
// either side of `:test-image-provider-fs:` become escaped as `%3A`.
storage::FileSystemURL filesystem_url =
std::vector<GURL> urls = {filesystem_url.ToGURL()};
std::vector<extensions::EntryInfo> entries;
// We could add the mime type here, but since a "real" file is provided, we
// can get additional coverage of the mime determination. For non-native files
// this uses metadata only (not sniffing).
entries.emplace_back(filesystem_url.path(), "", false);
base::RunLoop run_loop;
auto verifier = base::BindOnce(&VerifyAsyncTask, &remaining_expectations,
test, run_loop.QuitClosure());
profile, entries[0].path,
base::BindLambdaForTesting([&](const std::string& mime_type) {
entries[0].mime_type = mime_type;
EXPECT_EQ(entries[0].mime_type, "image/gif");
FindAllTypesOfTasks(profile, entries, urls, std::move(verifier));
EXPECT_EQ(remaining_expectations, 0);
} // namespace file_tasks
} // namespace file_manager