blob: 446657bf9b3db8dbbb9507475d1244078239dae5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dlp_content_restriction_set.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dlp_window_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/screenshot_area.h"
#include "content/public/browser/desktop_media_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/media_stream_request.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
class GURL;
struct ScreenshotArea;
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace content {
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace policy {
class DlpReportingManager;
// System-wide class that tracks the set of currently known confidential
// WebContents and whether any of them are currently visible.
// If any confidential WebContents is visible, the corresponding restrictions
// will be enforced according to the current enterprise policy.
class DlpContentManager : public DlpWindowObserver::Delegate {
// Creates the instance if not yet created.
// There will always be a single instance created on the first access.
static DlpContentManager* Get();
// DlpWindowObserver::Delegate overrides:
void OnWindowOcclusionChanged(aura::Window* window) override;
// Returns which restrictions are applied to the |web_contents| according to
// the policy.
DlpContentRestrictionSet GetConfidentialRestrictions(
content::WebContents* web_contents) const;
// Returns which restrictions are applied to the WebContents which are
// currently visible.
DlpContentRestrictionSet GetOnScreenPresentRestrictions() const;
// Returns whether screenshots should be restricted.
virtual bool IsScreenshotRestricted(const ScreenshotArea& area) const;
// Returns whether video capture should be restricted.
bool IsVideoCaptureRestricted(const ScreenshotArea& area) const;
// Returns whether printing should be restricted.
bool IsPrintingRestricted(content::WebContents* web_contents) const;
// Returns whether screen capture of the defined content should be restricted.
virtual bool IsScreenCaptureRestricted(
const content::DesktopMediaID& media_id) const;
// Called when video capturing for |area| is started.
void OnVideoCaptureStarted(const ScreenshotArea& area);
// Called when video capturing is stopped.
void OnVideoCaptureStopped();
// Returns whether initiation of capture mode should be restricted because
// any restricted content is currently visible.
bool IsCaptureModeInitRestricted() const;
// Called when screen capture is started.
// |state_change_callback| will be called when restricted content will appear
// or disappear in the captured area.
void OnScreenCaptureStarted(
const std::string& label,
std::vector<content::DesktopMediaID> screen_capture_ids,
const std::u16string& application_title,
content::MediaStreamUI::StateChangeCallback state_change_callback);
// Called when screen capture is stopped.
void OnScreenCaptureStopped(const std::string& label,
const content::DesktopMediaID& media_id);
// The caller (test) should manage |dlp_content_manager| lifetime.
// Reset doesn't delete the object.
// Please use ScopedDlpContentManagerForTesting instead of these methods,
// if possible.
static void SetDlpContentManagerForTesting(
DlpContentManager* dlp_content_manager);
static void ResetDlpContentManagerForTesting();
void SetReportingManagerForTesting(DlpReportingManager* manager);
friend class DlpContentManagerTestHelper;
friend class DlpContentTabHelper;
friend class MockDlpContentManager;
// Structure to keep track of running screen captures.
struct ScreenCaptureInfo {
const std::string& label,
const content::DesktopMediaID& media_id,
const std::u16string& application_title,
content::MediaStreamUI::StateChangeCallback state_change_callback);
ScreenCaptureInfo(const ScreenCaptureInfo& other);
ScreenCaptureInfo& operator=(const ScreenCaptureInfo& other);
bool operator==(const ScreenCaptureInfo& other) const;
bool operator!=(const ScreenCaptureInfo& other) const;
std::string label;
content::DesktopMediaID media_id;
std::u16string application_title;
content::MediaStreamUI::StateChangeCallback state_change_callback;
bool is_running = true;
bool showing_paused_notification = false;
bool showing_resumed_notification = false;
~DlpContentManager() override;
DlpContentManager(const DlpContentManager&) = delete;
DlpContentManager& operator=(const DlpContentManager&) = delete;
// Initializing to be called separately to make testing possible
virtual void Init();
// Called from DlpContentTabHelper:
// Being called when confidentiality state changes for |web_contents|, e.g.
// because of navigation.
virtual void OnConfidentialityChanged(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
const DlpContentRestrictionSet& restriction_set);
// Called when |web_contents| is about to be destroyed.
virtual void OnWebContentsDestroyed(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Should return which restrictions are being applied to the |url| according
// to the policies.
virtual DlpContentRestrictionSet GetRestrictionSetForURL(
const GURL& url) const;
// Called when |web_contents| becomes visible or not.
virtual void OnVisibilityChanged(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Helper to remove |web_contents| from the confidential set.
void RemoveFromConfidential(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Updates |on_screen_restrictions_| and calls
// OnScreenRestrictionsChanged() if needed.
void MaybeChangeOnScreenRestrictions();
// Called when the restrictions for currently visible content changes.
void OnScreenRestrictionsChanged(
const DlpContentRestrictionSet& added_restrictions,
const DlpContentRestrictionSet& removed_restrictions) const;
// Removes PrivacyScreen enforcement after delay if it's still not enforced.
void MaybeRemovePrivacyScreenEnforcement() const;
// Returns which level and url of |restriction| that is currently enforced for
// |area|.
RestrictionLevelAndUrl GetAreaRestrictionInfo(
const ScreenshotArea& area,
DlpContentRestriction restriction) const;
// Returns which level and url of screen capture restriction that is currently
// enforced for |media_id|.
RestrictionLevelAndUrl GetScreenCaptureRestrictionInfo(
const content::DesktopMediaID& media_id) const;
// Checks and stops the running video capture if restricted content appeared
// in the corresponding areas.
void CheckRunningVideoCapture();
// Checks whether screen capture paused/resumed notification should be shown
// or hidden.
void MaybeUpdateScreenCaptureNotification();
// Checks and stops the running screen captures if restricted content appeared
// in the corresponding areas.
void CheckRunningScreenCaptures();
// Get the delay before switching privacy screen off.
static base::TimeDelta GetPrivacyScreenOffDelayForTesting();
// Map from currently known confidential WebContents to the restrictions.
base::flat_map<content::WebContents*, DlpContentRestrictionSet>
// Map of window observers for the current confidential WebContents.
base::flat_map<content::WebContents*, std::unique_ptr<DlpWindowObserver>>
// Set of restriction applied to the currently visible content.
DlpContentRestrictionSet on_screen_restrictions_;
// The currently running video capture area if any.
absl::optional<ScreenshotArea> running_video_capture_area_;
// List of the currently running screen captures.
std::vector<ScreenCaptureInfo> running_screen_captures_;
DlpReportingManager* reporting_manager_;
// Helper class to call SetDlpContentManagerForTesting and
// ResetDlpContentManagerForTesting automically.
// The caller (test) should manage `test_dlp_content_manager` lifetime.
// This class does not own it.
class ScopedDlpContentManagerForTesting {
explicit ScopedDlpContentManagerForTesting(
DlpContentManager* test_dlp_content_manager);
} // namespace policy