blob: 7699d1df769a3cb038900c8839a01364c1f897c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace content {
// NavigationHandleTiming contains timing information of loading for navigation
// recorded in NavigationHandle. This is used for UMAs, not exposed to
// JavaScript via Navigation Timing API etc unlike mojom::NavigationTiming. See
// the design doc for details.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT NavigationHandleTiming {
NavigationHandleTiming(const NavigationHandleTiming& timing);
// The time the first HTTP request was sent. This is filled with
// net::LoadTimingInfo::send_start during navigation.
// In some cases, this can be the time an internal request started that did
// not go to the networking layer. For example,
// - Service Worker: the time the fetch event was ready to be dispatched, see
// content::ServiceWorkerMainResourceLoader::DidPrepareFetchEvent()).
// - HSTS: the time the internal redirect was handled.
// - Signed Exchange: the time the SXG was handled.
base::TimeTicks first_request_start_time;
// The time the headers of the first HTTP response were received. This is
// filled with net::LoadTimingInfo::receive_headers_start on the first HTTP
// response during navigation. The response can be informational (1xx).
// In some cases, this can be the time an internal response was received that
// did not come from the networking layer. For example,
// - Service Worker: the time the response from the service worker was
// received, see content::ServiceWorkerMainResourceLoader::StartResponse().
// - HSTS: the time the internal redirect was handled.
// - Signed Exchange: the time the SXG was handled.
base::TimeTicks first_response_start_time;
// The time a callback for the navigation loader was first invoked. The time
// between this and |first_response_start_time| includes any throttling or
// process/thread hopping between the network stack receiving the response and
// the navigation loader receiving it.
base::TimeTicks first_loader_callback_time;
// The time the final HTTP request was sent. This is filled with
// net::LoadTimingInfo::send_start during navigation.
// In some cases, this can be the time an internal request started that did
// not go to the networking layer. See the comment for
// |first_request_start_time|.
// This is equal to |first_request_start_time| if there is no redirection.
base::TimeTicks final_request_start_time;
// The time the headers of the final HTTP response were received. This is
// filled with net::LoadTimingInfo::receive_headers_start on the final HTTP
// response during navigation. The response can be informational (1xx).
// In some cases, this can be the time an internal response was received that
// did not come from the networking layer. See the comment for
// |first_response_start_time|.
// This is equal to |first_response_start_time| if there is no redirection.
base::TimeTicks final_response_start_time;
// The time the headers of the final non-informational (non-1xx) HTTP response
// were received. This is filled with
// net::LoadTimingInfo::receive_non_informational_headers_start on the final
// non-informational HTTP response during navigation. If no informational
// responses are received, this is equal to |final_response_start_time|.
base::TimeTicks final_non_informational_response_start_time;
// The time a callback for the navigation loader was last invoked. The time
// between this and |final_response_start_time| includes any throttling or
// process/thread hopping between the network stack receiving the response and
// the navigation loader receiving it.
// This is equal to |first_loader_callback_time| if there is no redirection.
base::TimeTicks final_loader_callback_time;
// The time the navigation commit message was sent to a renderer process.
base::TimeTicks navigation_commit_sent_time;
// The time the headers of the first HTTP response whose status code is
// 103 was received for the first/final request. This is filled with
// net::LoadTimingInfo::first_early_hints_time during navigation.
// These must only be used for 103 Early Hints experiment
// (
base::TimeTicks early_hints_for_first_request_time;
base::TimeTicks early_hints_for_final_request_time;
} // namespace content