blob: 15f0230769cacc22385490fd600311b8186381e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/user_demographics.pb.h"
namespace syncer {
// Default value for user gender when no value has been set.
constexpr int kUserDemographicsGenderDefaultValue = -1;
// Default value for user gender enum when no value has been set.
constexpr metrics::UserDemographicsProto_Gender
kUserDemographicGenderDefaultEnumValue =
// Default value for user gender when no value has been set.
constexpr int kUserDemographicsBirthYearDefaultValue = -1;
// Default value for birth year offset when no value has been set. Set to a
// really high value that |kUserDemographicsBirthYearNoiseOffsetRange| will
// never go over.
constexpr int kUserDemographicsBirthYearNoiseOffsetDefaultValue = 100;
// Boundary of the +/- range in years within witch to randomly pick an offset to
// add to the user birth year. This adds noise to the birth year to not allow
// someone to accurately know a user's age. Possible offsets range from -2 to 2.
constexpr int kUserDemographicsBirthYearNoiseOffsetRange = 2;
// Minimal user age in years to provide demographics for.
constexpr int kUserDemographicsMinAgeInYears = 20;
// Max user age to provide demopgrahics for.
constexpr int kUserDemographicsMaxAgeInYears = 85;
// Container of user demographics.
struct UserDemographics {
int birth_year = 0;
metrics::UserDemographicsProto_Gender gender =
// Represents the status of providing user demographics (noised birth year and
// gender) that are logged to UMA. Entries of the enum should not be renumbered
// and numeric values should never be reused. Please keep in sync with
// "UserDemographicsStatus" in src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. There
// should only be one entry representing demographic data that is ineligible to
// be provided. A finer grained division of kIneligibleDemographicsData (e.g.,
// INVALID_BIRTH_YEAR) might help inferring categories of demographics that
// should not be exposed to protect privacy.
enum class UserDemographicsStatus {
// Could get the user's noised birth year and gender.
kSuccess = 0,
// Sync is not enabled.
kSyncNotEnabled = 1,
// User's birth year and gender are ineligible to be provided either because
// some of them don't exist (missing data) or some of them are not eligible to
// be provided.
kIneligibleDemographicsData = 2,
// Could not get the time needed to compute the user's age.
kCannotGetTime = 3,
// There is more than one Profile for the Chrome browser. This entry is used
// by the metrics::DemographicMetricsProvider client.
kMoreThanOneProfile = 4,
// There is no sync service available for the loaded Profile. This entry is
// used by the metrics::DemographicMetricsProvider client.
kNoSyncService = 5,
// Upper boundary of the enum that is needed for the histogram.
kMaxValue = kNoSyncService
// Container and handler for data related to the retrieval of user demographics.
// Holds either valid demographics data or an error code.
class UserDemographicsResult {
// Builds a UserDemographicsResult that contains user demographics and has a
// UserDemographicsStatus::kSuccess status.
static UserDemographicsResult ForValue(UserDemographics value);
// Builds a UserDemographicsResult that does not have user demographics (only
// default values) and has a status other than
// UserDemographicsStatus::kSuccess.
static UserDemographicsResult ForStatus(UserDemographicsStatus status);
// Determines whether demographics could be successfully retrieved.
bool IsSuccess() const;
// Gets the status of the result.
UserDemographicsStatus status() const;
// Gets the value of the result which will contain data when status() is
// UserDemographicsStatus::kSuccess.
const UserDemographics& value() const;
UserDemographicsResult(UserDemographics value, UserDemographicsStatus status);
UserDemographics value_;
UserDemographicsStatus status_ = UserDemographicsStatus::kMaxValue;
// Log user demographic status in the UMA.UserDemographics.Status histogram.
void LogUserDemographicsStatusInHistogram(UserDemographicsStatus status);
} // namespace syncer