blob: 63a62dad6b2877135a119e74a2393e5a94b2cb50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl class.
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/debug_marker_manager.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_cmd_format.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_cmd_utils.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/mailbox.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/sync_token.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/client_service_map.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/context_group.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/image_manager.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/logger.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/mailbox_manager.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/texture_manager.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_context.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_image.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_surface.h"
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class ContextGroup;
struct MappedBuffer {
GLsizeiptr size;
GLbitfield access;
uint8_t* map_ptr;
int32_t data_shm_id;
uint32_t data_shm_offset;
struct PassthroughResources {
void Destroy(bool have_context);
// Mappings from client side IDs to service side IDs.
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, GLuint> texture_id_map;
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, GLuint> buffer_id_map;
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, GLuint> renderbuffer_id_map;
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, GLuint> sampler_id_map;
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, GLuint> program_id_map;
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, GLuint> shader_id_map;
static_assert(sizeof(uintptr_t) == sizeof(GLsync),
"GLsync not the same size as uintptr_t");
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, uintptr_t> sync_id_map;
// Mapping of client texture IDs to TexturePassthrough objects used to make
// sure all textures used by mailboxes are not deleted until all textures
// using the mailbox are deleted
std::unordered_map<GLuint, scoped_refptr<TexturePassthrough>>
// Mapping of client buffer IDs that are mapped to the shared memory used to
// back the mapping so that it can be flushed when the buffer is unmapped
std::unordered_map<GLuint, MappedBuffer> mapped_buffer_map;
class GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl : public GLES2Decoder {
explicit GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl(ContextGroup* group);
~GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl() override;
Error DoCommands(unsigned int num_commands,
const volatile void* buffer,
int num_entries,
int* entries_processed) override;
const char* GetCommandName(unsigned int command_id) const override;
bool Initialize(const scoped_refptr<gl::GLSurface>& surface,
const scoped_refptr<gl::GLContext>& context,
bool offscreen,
const DisallowedFeatures& disallowed_features,
const ContextCreationAttribHelper& attrib_helper) override;
// Destroys the graphics context.
void Destroy(bool have_context) override;
// Set the surface associated with the default FBO.
void SetSurface(const scoped_refptr<gl::GLSurface>& surface) override;
// Releases the surface associated with the GL context.
// The decoder should not be used until a new surface is set.
void ReleaseSurface() override;
void TakeFrontBuffer(const Mailbox& mailbox) override;
void ReturnFrontBuffer(const Mailbox& mailbox, bool is_lost) override;
// Resize an offscreen frame buffer.
bool ResizeOffscreenFramebuffer(const gfx::Size& size) override;
// Make this decoder's GL context current.
bool MakeCurrent() override;
// Gets the GLES2 Util which holds info.
GLES2Util* GetGLES2Util() override;
// Gets the associated GLContext.
gl::GLContext* GetGLContext() override;
// Gets the associated ContextGroup
ContextGroup* GetContextGroup() override;
const FeatureInfo* GetFeatureInfo() const override;
Capabilities GetCapabilities() override;
// Restores all of the decoder GL state.
void RestoreState(const ContextState* prev_state) override;
// Restore States.
void RestoreActiveTexture() const override;
void RestoreAllTextureUnitAndSamplerBindings(
const ContextState* prev_state) const override;
void RestoreActiveTextureUnitBinding(unsigned int target) const override;
void RestoreBufferBinding(unsigned int target) override;
void RestoreBufferBindings() const override;
void RestoreFramebufferBindings() const override;
void RestoreRenderbufferBindings() override;
void RestoreGlobalState() const override;
void RestoreProgramBindings() const override;
void RestoreTextureState(unsigned service_id) const override;
void RestoreTextureUnitBindings(unsigned unit) const override;
void RestoreVertexAttribArray(unsigned index) override;
void RestoreAllExternalTextureBindingsIfNeeded() override;
void ClearAllAttributes() const override;
void RestoreAllAttributes() const override;
void SetIgnoreCachedStateForTest(bool ignore) override;
void SetForceShaderNameHashingForTest(bool force) override;
size_t GetSavedBackTextureCountForTest() override;
size_t GetCreatedBackTextureCountForTest() override;
// Sets the callback for fence sync release and wait calls. The wait call
// returns true if the channel is still scheduled.
void SetFenceSyncReleaseCallback(
const FenceSyncReleaseCallback& callback) override;
void SetWaitSyncTokenCallback(const WaitSyncTokenCallback& callback) override;
void SetDescheduleUntilFinishedCallback(
const NoParamCallback& callback) override;
void SetRescheduleAfterFinishedCallback(
const NoParamCallback& callback) override;
// Gets the QueryManager for this context.
QueryManager* GetQueryManager() override;
// Gets the FramebufferManager for this context.
FramebufferManager* GetFramebufferManager() override;
// Gets the TransformFeedbackManager for this context.
TransformFeedbackManager* GetTransformFeedbackManager() override;
// Gets the VertexArrayManager for this context.
VertexArrayManager* GetVertexArrayManager() override;
// Gets the ImageManager for this context.
ImageManager* GetImageManager() override;
// Returns false if there are no pending queries.
bool HasPendingQueries() const override;
// Process any pending queries.
void ProcessPendingQueries(bool did_finish) override;
// Returns false if there is no idle work to be made.
bool HasMoreIdleWork() const override;
// Perform any idle work that needs to be made.
void PerformIdleWork() override;
bool HasPollingWork() const override;
void PerformPollingWork() override;
bool GetServiceTextureId(uint32_t client_texture_id,
uint32_t* service_texture_id) override;
// Provides detail about a lost context if one occurred.
error::ContextLostReason GetContextLostReason() override;
// Clears a level sub area of a texture
// Returns false if a GL error should be generated.
bool ClearLevel(Texture* texture,
unsigned target,
int level,
unsigned format,
unsigned type,
int xoffset,
int yoffset,
int width,
int height) override;
// Clears a level sub area of a compressed 2D texture.
// Returns false if a GL error should be generated.
bool ClearCompressedTextureLevel(Texture* texture,
unsigned target,
int level,
unsigned format,
int width,
int height) override;
// Indicates whether a given internal format is one for a compressed
// texture.
bool IsCompressedTextureFormat(unsigned format) override;
// Clears a level of a 3D texture.
// Returns false if a GL error should be generated.
bool ClearLevel3D(Texture* texture,
unsigned target,
int level,
unsigned format,
unsigned type,
int width,
int height,
int depth) override;
ErrorState* GetErrorState() override;
void SetShaderCacheCallback(const ShaderCacheCallback& callback) override;
void WaitForReadPixels(base::Closure callback) override;
// Returns true if the context was lost either by GL_ARB_robustness, forced
// context loss or command buffer parse error.
bool WasContextLost() const override;
// Returns true if the context was lost specifically by GL_ARB_robustness.
bool WasContextLostByRobustnessExtension() const override;
// Lose this context.
void MarkContextLost(error::ContextLostReason reason) override;
Logger* GetLogger() override;
const ContextState* GetContextState() override;
scoped_refptr<ShaderTranslatorInterface> GetTranslator(GLenum type) override;
void* GetScratchMemory(size_t size);
template <typename T>
T* GetTypedScratchMemory(size_t count) {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(GetScratchMemory(count * sizeof(T)));
template <typename T, typename GLGetFunction>
error::Error GetNumericHelper(GLenum pname,
GLsizei bufsize,
GLsizei* length,
T* params,
GLGetFunction get_call) {
// Get a scratch buffer to hold the result of the query
T* scratch_params = GetTypedScratchMemory<T>(bufsize);
get_call(pname, bufsize, length, scratch_params);
// Update the results of the query, if needed
error::Error error = PatchGetNumericResults(pname, *length, scratch_params);
if (error != error::kNoError) {
*length = 0;
return error;
// Copy into the destination
DCHECK(*length < bufsize);
std::copy(scratch_params, scratch_params + *length, params);
return error::kNoError;
template <typename T>
error::Error PatchGetNumericResults(GLenum pname, GLsizei length, T* params);
error::Error PatchGetFramebufferAttachmentParameter(GLenum target,
GLenum attachment,
GLenum pname,
GLsizei length,
GLint* params);
void InsertError(GLenum error, const std::string& message);
GLenum PopError();
bool FlushErrors();
bool IsEmulatedQueryTarget(GLenum target) const;
error::Error ProcessQueries(bool did_finish);
void RemovePendingQuery(GLuint service_id);
void UpdateTextureBinding(GLenum target, GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
error::Error BindTexImage2DCHROMIUMImpl(GLenum target,
GLenum internalformat,
GLint image_id);
int commands_to_process_;
DebugMarkerManager debug_marker_manager_;
Logger logger_;
#define GLES2_CMD_OP(name) \
Error Handle##name(uint32_t immediate_data_size, const volatile void* data);
#undef GLES2_CMD_OP
using CmdHandler =
Error (GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl::*)(uint32_t immediate_data_size,
const volatile void* data);
// A struct to hold info about each command.
struct CommandInfo {
CmdHandler cmd_handler;
uint8_t arg_flags; // How to handle the arguments for this scommand
uint8_t cmd_flags; // How to handle this command
uint16_t arg_count; // How many arguments are expected for this command.
// A table of CommandInfo for all the commands.
static const CommandInfo command_info[kNumCommands - kFirstGLES2Command];
// The GL context this decoder renders to on behalf of the client.
scoped_refptr<gl::GLSurface> surface_;
scoped_refptr<gl::GLContext> context_;
bool offscreen_;
// Managers
std::unique_ptr<ImageManager> image_manager_;
// The ContextGroup for this decoder uses to track resources.
scoped_refptr<ContextGroup> group_;
scoped_refptr<FeatureInfo> feature_info_;
// Callbacks
FenceSyncReleaseCallback fence_sync_release_callback_;
WaitSyncTokenCallback wait_sync_token_callback_;
// Some objects may generate resources when they are bound even if they were
// not generated yet: texture, buffer, renderbuffer, framebuffer, transform
// feedback, vertex array
bool bind_generates_resource_;
// Mappings from client side IDs to service side IDs for shared objects
PassthroughResources* resources_;
// Mappings from client side IDs to service side IDs for per-context objects
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, GLuint> framebuffer_id_map_;
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, GLuint> transform_feedback_id_map_;
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, GLuint> query_id_map_;
ClientServiceMap<GLuint, GLuint> vertex_array_id_map_;
// Mailboxes
scoped_refptr<MailboxManager> mailbox_manager_;
// State tracking of currently bound 2D textures (client IDs)
size_t active_texture_unit_;
std::unordered_map<GLenum, std::vector<GLuint>> bound_textures_;
// State tracking of currently bound buffers
std::unordered_map<GLenum, GLuint> bound_buffers_;
// Track the service-id to type of all queries for validation
struct QueryInfo {
GLenum type = GL_NONE;
std::unordered_map<GLuint, QueryInfo> query_info_map_;
// All queries that are waiting for their results to be ready
struct PendingQuery {
GLenum target = GL_NONE;
GLuint service_id = 0;
int32_t shm_id = 0;
uint32_t shm_offset = 0;
base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count = 0;
std::deque<PendingQuery> pending_queries_;
// Currently active queries
struct ActiveQuery {
GLuint service_id = 0;
int32_t shm_id = 0;
uint32_t shm_offset = 0;
std::unordered_map<GLenum, ActiveQuery> active_queries_;
std::set<GLenum> errors_;
// Cache of scratch memory
std::vector<uint8_t> scratch_memory_;
// Include the prototypes of all the doer functions from a separate header to
// keep this file clean.
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder_passthrough_doer_prototypes.h"
} // namespace gles2
} // namespace gpu