blob: 32ae8f7eb924e318b4c2213f30b4e74be1041cc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/recently_used_folders_combo_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/sync/bubble_sync_promo_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/location_bar/location_bar_bubble_delegate_view.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/combobox/combobox.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/combobox/combobox_listener.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class Profile;
namespace bookmarks {
class BookmarkBubbleObserver;
namespace views {
class LabelButton;
class Textfield;
// BookmarkBubbleView is a view intended to be used as the content of an
// Bubble. BookmarkBubbleView provides views for unstarring and editing the
// bookmark it is created with. Don't create a BookmarkBubbleView directly,
// instead use the static Show method.
class BookmarkBubbleView : public LocationBarBubbleDelegateView,
public views::ButtonListener,
public views::ComboboxListener {
// If |anchor_view| is null, |anchor_rect| is used to anchor the bubble and
// |parent_window| is used to ensure the bubble closes if the parent closes.
// Returns the newly created bubble's Widget or nullptr in case when the
// bubble already exists.
static views::Widget* ShowBubble(
views::View* anchor_view,
views::Button* highlighted_button,
const gfx::Rect& anchor_rect,
gfx::NativeView parent_window,
bookmarks::BookmarkBubbleObserver* observer,
std::unique_ptr<BubbleSyncPromoDelegate> delegate,
Profile* profile,
const GURL& url,
bool already_bookmarked);
static void Hide();
static BookmarkBubbleView* bookmark_bubble() { return bookmark_bubble_; }
~BookmarkBubbleView() override;
// LocationBarBubbleDelegateView:
View* GetInitiallyFocusedView() override;
base::string16 GetWindowTitle() const override;
bool ShouldShowCloseButton() const override;
gfx::ImageSkia GetWindowIcon() override;
bool ShouldShowWindowIcon() const override;
void WindowClosing() override;
base::string16 GetDialogButtonLabel(ui::DialogButton button) const override;
std::unique_ptr<views::View> CreateExtraView() override;
std::unique_ptr<views::View> CreateFootnoteView() override;
bool Cancel() override;
bool Accept() override;
bool Close() override;
void UpdateButton(views::LabelButton* button, ui::DialogButton type) override;
const char* GetClassName() const override;
// views::ButtonListener:
void ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender, const ui::Event& event) override;
// views::ComboboxListener:
void OnPerformAction(views::Combobox* combobox) override;
// LocationBarBubbleDelegateView:
void Init() override;
friend class BookmarkBubbleViewTest;
friend class BookmarkBubbleViewBrowserTest;
// Creates a BookmarkBubbleView.
BookmarkBubbleView(views::View* anchor_view,
bookmarks::BookmarkBubbleObserver* observer,
std::unique_ptr<BubbleSyncPromoDelegate> delegate,
Profile* profile,
const GURL& url,
bool newly_bookmarked);
// Returns the name of the bookmark.
base::string16 GetBookmarkName();
// Returns the model used to initialize |parent_combobox_|.
RecentlyUsedFoldersComboModel* folder_model() {
return static_cast<RecentlyUsedFoldersComboModel*>(
// Shows the BookmarkEditor.
void ShowEditor();
// Sets the bookmark name and parent of the node.
void ApplyEdits();
// The bookmark bubble, if we're showing one.
static BookmarkBubbleView* bookmark_bubble_;
// Our observer, to notify when the bubble shows or hides.
bookmarks::BookmarkBubbleObserver* observer_;
// Delegate, to handle clicks on the sign in link.
std::unique_ptr<BubbleSyncPromoDelegate> delegate_;
// The profile.
Profile* profile_;
// The bookmark URL.
const GURL url_;
// If true, the page was just bookmarked.
const bool newly_bookmarked_;
// Button to bring up the editor.
views::LabelButton* edit_button_ = nullptr;
// Textfield showing the name of the bookmark.
views::Textfield* name_field_ = nullptr;
// Combobox showing a handful of folders the user can choose from, including
// the current parent.
views::Combobox* parent_combobox_ = nullptr;
// The regular bookmark bubble contents, with all the edit fields and dialog
// buttons. TODO(tapted): Move the buttons to the DialogClientView.
views::View* bookmark_contents_view_ = nullptr;
// Footnote view.
views::View* footnote_view_ = nullptr;
// When the destructor is invoked should the bookmark be removed?
bool remove_bookmark_ = false;
// When the destructor is invoked should edits be applied?
bool apply_edits_ = true;