blob: e25159bea0b48413b096e99b62a413d9f782febb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.StrictMode;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.MainDex;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
/** Support for early tracing, before the native library is loaded.
* This is limited, as:
* - Arguments are not supported
* - Thread time is not reported
* - Two events with the same name cannot be in progress at the same time.
* Events recorded here are buffered in Java until the native library is available. Then it waits
* for the completion of pending events, and sends the events to the native side.
* Locking: This class is threadsafe. It is enabled when general tracing is, and then disabled when
* tracing is enabled from the native side. Event completions are still processed as long
* as some are pending, then early tracing is permanently disabled after dumping the
* events. This means that if any early event is still pending when tracing is disabled,
* all early events are dropped.
public class EarlyTraceEvent {
// Must be kept in sync with the native kAndroidTraceConfigFile.
private static final String TRACE_CONFIG_FILENAME = "/data/local/chrome-trace-config.json";
/** Single trace event. */
static final class Event {
final String mName;
final int mThreadId;
final long mBeginTimeNanos;
final long mBeginThreadTimeMillis;
long mEndTimeNanos;
long mEndThreadTimeMillis;
Event(String name) {
mName = name;
mThreadId = Process.myTid();
mBeginTimeNanos = elapsedRealtimeNanos();
mBeginThreadTimeMillis = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
void end() {
assert mEndTimeNanos == 0;
assert mEndThreadTimeMillis == 0;
mEndTimeNanos = elapsedRealtimeNanos();
mEndThreadTimeMillis = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
static long elapsedRealtimeNanos() {
return SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos();
} else {
return SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() * 1000000;
static final class AsyncEvent {
final boolean mIsStart;
final String mName;
final long mId;
final long mTimestampNanos;
AsyncEvent(String name, long id, boolean isStart) {
mName = name;
mId = id;
mIsStart = isStart;
mTimestampNanos = Event.elapsedRealtimeNanos();
// State transitions are:
// - enable(): DISABLED -> ENABLED
// - disable(): ENABLED -> FINISHING
// - Once there are no pending events: FINISHING -> FINISHED.
@VisibleForTesting static final int STATE_DISABLED = 0;
@VisibleForTesting static final int STATE_ENABLED = 1;
@VisibleForTesting static final int STATE_FINISHING = 2;
@VisibleForTesting static final int STATE_FINISHED = 3;
private static final String BACKGROUND_STARTUP_TRACING_ENABLED_KEY = "bg_startup_tracing";
private static boolean sCachedBackgroundStartupTracingFlag;
// Locks the fields below.
private static final Object sLock = new Object();
@VisibleForTesting static volatile int sState = STATE_DISABLED;
// Not final as these object are not likely to be used at all.
@VisibleForTesting static List<Event> sCompletedEvents;
static Map<String, Event> sPendingEventByKey;
@VisibleForTesting static List<AsyncEvent> sAsyncEvents;
@VisibleForTesting static List<String> sPendingAsyncEvents;
/** @see TraceEvent#MaybeEnableEarlyTracing().
static void maybeEnable() {
if (sState != STATE_DISABLED) return;
boolean shouldEnable = false;
// Checking for the trace config filename touches the disk.
StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads();
try {
if (CommandLine.getInstance().hasSwitch("trace-startup")) {
shouldEnable = true;
} else {
try {
shouldEnable = (new File(TRACE_CONFIG_FILENAME)).exists();
} catch (SecurityException e) {
// Access denied, not enabled.
if (ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().getBoolean(
if (shouldEnable) {
// If user has enabled tracing, then force disable background tracing for this
// session.
sCachedBackgroundStartupTracingFlag = false;
} else {
sCachedBackgroundStartupTracingFlag = true;
shouldEnable = true;
} finally {
if (shouldEnable) enable();
static void enable() {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (sState != STATE_DISABLED) return;
sCompletedEvents = new ArrayList<Event>();
sPendingEventByKey = new HashMap<String, Event>();
sAsyncEvents = new ArrayList<AsyncEvent>();
sPendingAsyncEvents = new ArrayList<String>();
* Disables Early tracing.
* Once this is called, no new event will be registered. However, end() calls are still recorded
* as long as there are pending events. Once there are none left, pass the events to the native
* side.
static void disable() {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!enabled()) return;
* Returns whether early tracing is currently active.
* Active means that Early Tracing is either enabled or waiting to complete pending events.
static boolean isActive() {
int state = sState;
return (state == STATE_ENABLED || state == STATE_FINISHING);
static boolean enabled() {
return sState == STATE_ENABLED;
* Sets the background startup tracing enabled in app preferences for next startup.
static void setBackgroundStartupTracingFlag(boolean enabled) {
* Returns true if the background startup tracing flag is set.
* This does not return the correct value if called before maybeEnable() was called. But that is
* called really early in startup.
public static boolean getBackgroundStartupTracingFlag() {
return sCachedBackgroundStartupTracingFlag;
/** @see {@link TraceEvent#begin()}. */
public static void begin(String name) {
// begin() and end() are going to be called once per TraceEvent, this avoids entering a
// synchronized block at each and every call.
if (!enabled()) return;
Event event = new Event(name);
Event conflictingEvent;
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!enabled()) return;
conflictingEvent = sPendingEventByKey.put(makeEventKeyForCurrentThread(name), event);
if (conflictingEvent != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Multiple pending trace events can't have the same name: " + name);
/** @see {@link TraceEvent#end()}. */
public static void end(String name) {
if (!isActive()) return;
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!isActive()) return;
Event event = sPendingEventByKey.remove(makeEventKeyForCurrentThread(name));
if (event == null) return;
if (sState == STATE_FINISHING) maybeFinishLocked();
/** @see {@link TraceEvent#startAsync()}. */
public static void startAsync(String name, long id) {
if (!enabled()) return;
AsyncEvent event = new AsyncEvent(name, id, true /*isStart*/);
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!enabled()) return;
/** @see {@link TraceEvent#finishAsync()}. */
public static void finishAsync(String name, long id) {
if (!isActive()) return;
AsyncEvent event = new AsyncEvent(name, id, false /*isStart*/);
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!isActive()) return;
if (!sPendingAsyncEvents.remove(name)) return;
if (sState == STATE_FINISHING) maybeFinishLocked();
static void resetForTesting() {
sState = EarlyTraceEvent.STATE_DISABLED;
sCompletedEvents = null;
sPendingEventByKey = null;
sAsyncEvents = null;
sPendingAsyncEvents = null;
private static void maybeFinishLocked() {
if (!sCompletedEvents.isEmpty()) {
if (!sAsyncEvents.isEmpty()) {
if (sPendingEventByKey.isEmpty() && sPendingAsyncEvents.isEmpty()) {
sPendingEventByKey = null;
sCompletedEvents = null;
sPendingAsyncEvents = null;
sAsyncEvents = null;
private static void dumpEvents(List<Event> events) {
long offsetNanos = getOffsetNanos();
for (Event e : events) {
nativeRecordEarlyEvent(e.mName, e.mBeginTimeNanos + offsetNanos,
e.mEndTimeNanos + offsetNanos, e.mThreadId,
e.mEndThreadTimeMillis - e.mBeginThreadTimeMillis);
private static void dumpAsyncEvents(List<AsyncEvent> events) {
long offsetNanos = getOffsetNanos();
for (AsyncEvent e : events) {
if (e.mIsStart) {
nativeRecordEarlyStartAsyncEvent(e.mName, e.mId, e.mTimestampNanos + offsetNanos);
} else {
nativeRecordEarlyFinishAsyncEvent(e.mName, e.mId, e.mTimestampNanos + offsetNanos);
private static long getOffsetNanos() {
long nativeNowNanos = TimeUtils.nativeGetTimeTicksNowUs() * 1000;
long javaNowNanos = Event.elapsedRealtimeNanos();
return nativeNowNanos - javaNowNanos;
* Returns a key which consists of |name| and the ID of the current thread.
* The key is used with pending events making them thread-specific, thus avoiding
* an exception when similarly named events are started from multiple threads.
static String makeEventKeyForCurrentThread(String name) {
return name + "@" + Process.myTid();
private static native void nativeRecordEarlyEvent(String name, long beginTimNanos,
long endTimeNanos, int threadId, long threadDurationMillis);
private static native void nativeRecordEarlyStartAsyncEvent(
String name, long id, long timestamp);
private static native void nativeRecordEarlyFinishAsyncEvent(
String name, long id, long timestamp);