blob: 753210fc2a032cd4cdf187aae67b95c8b12017ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/android/jni_weak_ref.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/task/task_traits.h"
namespace base {
// C++ interface for
class BASE_EXPORT PostTaskAndroid {
// Routes Java tasks posted via TaskScheduler APIs through the C++
// TaskScheduler.
static void SignalNativeSchedulerReady();
// Signals that the C++ scheduler has shutdown. Needed to make unit tests that
// repeatedly create and destroy the scheduler work.
static void SignalNativeSchedulerShutdown();
static TaskTraits CreateTaskTraits(
JNIEnv* env,
jboolean priority_set_explicitly,
jint priority,
jboolean may_block,
jbyte extension_id,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jbyteArray>& extension_data);
// We don't know ahead of time which thread this will run on so it looks up
// the JNI environment and the bindings dynamically (albeit with caching).
static void RunJavaTask(base::android::ScopedJavaGlobalRef<jobject> task);
} // namespace base