blob: b53e11ff050e61144f444dc68275105f0785db3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_install_details.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/test/test_reg_util_win.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_details.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_modes.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/master_preferences.h"
#include "chrome_elf/nt_registry/nt_registry.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using ::testing::Eq;
struct TestData {
// Inputs:
const wchar_t* command_line;
const wchar_t* uninstall_args;
const wchar_t* product_ap;
const wchar_t* binaries_ap;
// Expectations:
install_static::InstallConstantIndex index;
bool system_level;
const wchar_t* channel;
constexpr TestData kTestData[] = {
// User-level test cases.
L"setup.exe", // User-level, primary mode.
L"", // New install.
L"x64-stable", // Stable channel.
L"1.1-beta", // Value ignored in binaries.
install_static::STABLE_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"", // Expect stable channel.
L"setup.exe", // User-level, primary mode.
L"--uninstall", // Updating an existing install.
L"x64-stable", // Stable channel.
L"1.1-beta", // Value ignored in binaries.
install_static::STABLE_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"", // Expect stable channel.
L"setup.exe", // User-level, primary mode.
L"--uninstall --multi-install", // Updating an existing multi-install.
L"x64-stable", // Value ignored in product.
L"1.1-beta", // Channel read from binaries.
install_static::STABLE_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"beta", // Expect beta channel.
L"setup.exe", // User-level, primary mode.
L"", // New install.
L"1.1-beta", // Beta channel.
L"x64-stable", // Value ignored in binaries.
install_static::STABLE_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"beta", // Expect beta channel.
L"setup.exe --chrome-beta", // User-level, secondary SxS beta mode.
L"", // New install.
L"", // Unused.
L"", // Unused.
install_static::BETA_INDEX, // Expect SxS beta mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"beta", // Expect beta channel.
L"setup.exe --chrome-beta", // User-level, secondary SxS beta mode.
L"--uninstall --chrome-beta", // Update.
L"", // Unused.
L"", // Unused.
install_static::BETA_INDEX, // Expect SxS beta mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"beta", // Expect beta channel.
L"setup.exe --chrome-dev", // User-level, secondary SxS dev mode.
L"", // New install.
L"", // Unused.
L"", // Unused.
install_static::DEV_INDEX, // Expect SxS dev mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"dev", // Expect dev channel.
L"setup.exe --chrome-dev", // User-level, secondary SxS dev mode.
L"--uninstall --chrome-dev", // Update.
L"", // Unused.
L"", // Unused.
install_static::DEV_INDEX, // Expect SxS dev mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"dev", // Expect dev channel.
L"setup.exe --chrome-sxs", // User-level, secondary SxS canary mode.
L"", // New install.
L"", // Unused.
L"", // Unused.
install_static::CANARY_INDEX, // Expect SxS canary mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"canary", // Expect canary channel.
L"setup.exe --chrome-sxs", // User-level, secondary SxS canary mode.
L"--uninstall --chrome-sxs", // Update.
L"", // Unused.
L"", // Unused.
install_static::CANARY_INDEX, // Expect SxS canary mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"canary", // Expect canary channel.
// System-level test cases.
L"setup.exe --system-level", // System-level, primary mode.
L"", // New install.
L"x64-stable", // Stable channel.
L"1.1-beta", // Value ignored in binaries.
install_static::STABLE_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
true, // Expect system-level.
L"", // Expect stable channel.
L"setup.exe --system-level", // System-level, primary mode.
L"--uninstall --system-level", // Updating an existing install.
L"x64-stable", // Stable channel.
L"1.1-beta", // Value ignored in binaries.
install_static::STABLE_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
true, // Expect system-level.
L"", // Expect stable channel.
L"setup.exe --system-level", // System-level, primary mode.
// Updating an existing multi-install.
L"--uninstall --system-level --multi-install",
L"x64-stable", // Value ignored in product.
L"1.1-beta", // Channel read from binaries.
install_static::STABLE_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
true, // Expect system-level.
L"beta", // Expect beta channel.
L"setup.exe --system-level", // System-level, primary mode.
L"", // New install.
L"1.1-beta", // Beta channel.
L"x64-stable", // Value ignored in binaries.
install_static::STABLE_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
true, // Expect system-level.
L"beta", // Expect beta channel.
L"setup.exe --system-level --chrome-beta", // User-level, secondary SxS
// beta mode.
L"", // New install.
L"", // Unused.
L"", // Unused.
install_static::BETA_INDEX, // Expect SxS beta mode.
true, // Expect user-level.
L"beta", // Expect beta channel.
L"setup.exe --system-level --chrome-beta", // User-level, secondary SxS
// beta mode.
L"--uninstall --system-level --chrome-beta", // Update.
L"", // Unused.
L"", // Unused.
install_static::BETA_INDEX, // Expect SxS beta mode.
true, // Expect user-level.
L"beta", // Expect beta channel.
L"setup.exe --system-level --chrome-dev", // User-level, secondary SxS
// dev mode.
L"", // New install.
L"", // Unused.
L"", // Unused.
install_static::DEV_INDEX, // Expect SxS dev mode.
true, // Expect user-level.
L"dev", // Expect dev channel.
L"setup.exe --system-level --chrome-dev", // User-level, secondary SxS
// dev mode.
L"--uninstall --system-level --chrome-dev", // Update.
L"", // Unused.
L"", // Unused.
install_static::DEV_INDEX, // Expect SxS dev mode.
true, // Expect user-level.
L"dev", // Expect dev channel.
constexpr TestData kTestData[] = {
// User-level test cases.
L"setup.exe", // User-level, primary mode.
L"", // New install.
L"", // Channels are not supported.
L"", // Channels are not supported.
install_static::CHROMIUM_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"", // Expect empty channel.
L"setup.exe", // User-level, primary mode.
L"--uninstall", // Updating an existing install.
L"", // Channels are not supported.
L"", // Channels are not supported.
install_static::CHROMIUM_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
false, // Expect user-level.
L"", // Expect empty channel.
// System-level test cases.
L"setup.exe --system-level", // System-level, primary mode.
L"", // New install.
L"", // Channels are not supported.
L"", // Channels are not supported.
install_static::CHROMIUM_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
true, // Expect system-level.
L"", // Expect empty channel.
L"setup.exe --system-level", // System-level, primary mode.
L"--uninstall --system-level", // Updating an existing install.
L"", // Channels are not supported.
L"", // Channels are not supported.
install_static::CHROMIUM_INDEX, // Expect primary mode.
true, // Expect system-level.
L"", // Expect empty channel.
class MakeInstallDetailsTest : public testing::TestWithParam<TestData> {
: test_data_(GetParam()),
root_key_(test_data_.system_level ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
nt_root_key_(test_data_.system_level ? nt::HKLM : nt::HKCU),
command_line_(base::CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM) {
// Prepare the inputs from the process command line.
master_preferences_ =
void SetUp() override {
base::string16 path;
override_manager_.OverrideRegistry(root_key_, &path));
nt::SetTestingOverride(nt_root_key_, path);
// Prepare the inputs from the machine's state.
root_key_, install_static::kInstallModes[test_data_.index].app_guid,
if (install_static::kUseGoogleUpdateIntegration) {
root_key_, install_static::kInstallModes[test_data_.index].app_guid,
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetBinariesAp(root_key_, test_data_.binaries_ap));
void TearDown() override {
nt::SetTestingOverride(nt_root_key_, base::string16());
const TestData& test_data() const { return test_data_; }
const base::CommandLine& command_line() const { return command_line_; }
const installer::MasterPreferences& master_preferences() const {
return *master_preferences_;
static void SetUninstallArguments(HKEY root_key,
const wchar_t* app_guid,
const wchar_t* uninstall_args) {
// Do nothing if there's no value to write.
if (!uninstall_args || !*uninstall_args)
// Make it appear that the product is installed with the given uninstall
// args.
.WriteValue(L"pv", L""),
root_key, install_static::GetClientStateKeyPath(app_guid).c_str(),
.WriteValue(L"UninstallArguments", uninstall_args),
static void SetProductAp(HKEY root_key,
const wchar_t* app_guid,
const wchar_t* ap) {
// Do nothing if there's no value to write.
if (!ap || !*ap)
root_key, install_static::GetClientStateKeyPath(app_guid).c_str(),
.WriteValue(L"ap", ap),
static void SetBinariesAp(HKEY root_key, const wchar_t* ap) {
// Do nothing if there's no value to write.
if (!ap || !*ap)
root_key, install_static::GetBinariesClientStateKeyPath().c_str(),
.WriteValue(L"ap", ap),
registry_util::RegistryOverrideManager override_manager_;
const TestData& test_data_;
HKEY root_key_;
nt::ROOT_KEY nt_root_key_;
base::CommandLine command_line_;
std::unique_ptr<installer::MasterPreferences> master_preferences_;
TEST_P(MakeInstallDetailsTest, Test) {
std::unique_ptr<install_static::PrimaryInstallDetails> details(
MakeInstallDetails(command_line(), master_preferences()));
EXPECT_THAT(details->install_mode_index(), Eq(test_data().index));
EXPECT_THAT(details->system_level(), Eq(test_data().system_level));
EXPECT_THAT(details->channel(), Eq(test_data().channel));