blob: 9808929ffb62e618c00ef07d7f61241f6891c320 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/incident_reporting/delayed_analysis_callback.h"
class Profile;
namespace content {
class DownloadManager;
namespace network {
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
namespace prefs {
namespace mojom {
class TrackedPreferenceValidationDelegate;
namespace safe_browsing {
class VerdictCacheManager;
class ClientSideDetectionService;
class DownloadProtectionService;
class IncidentReportingService;
class PasswordProtectionService;
class ResourceRequestDetector;
struct ResourceRequestInfo;
class SafeBrowsingService;
class SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager;
class TelemetryService;
struct V4ProtocolConfig;
// Abstraction to help organize code for mobile vs full safe browsing modes.
// This helper class should be owned by a SafeBrowsingService, and it handles
// responsibilities for safe browsing service classes that may or may not exist
// for a given build config. e.g. No DownloadProtectionService on mobile.
// ServicesDelegate lives on the UI thread.
class ServicesDelegate {
// Used for tests to override service creation. If CanCreateFooService()
// returns true, then ServicesDelegate will use the service created by
// CreateFooService(). If CanCreateFooService() returns false, then
// ServicesDelegate will use its built-in service creation code.
class ServicesCreator {
virtual bool CanCreateDatabaseManager() = 0;
virtual bool CanCreateDownloadProtectionService() = 0;
virtual bool CanCreateIncidentReportingService() = 0;
virtual bool CanCreateResourceRequestDetector() = 0;
// Caller takes ownership of the returned object. Cannot use std::unique_ptr
// because services may not be implemented for some build configs.
virtual SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager* CreateDatabaseManager() = 0;
virtual DownloadProtectionService* CreateDownloadProtectionService() = 0;
virtual IncidentReportingService* CreateIncidentReportingService() = 0;
virtual ResourceRequestDetector* CreateResourceRequestDetector() = 0;
// Creates the ServicesDelegate using its's default ServicesCreator.
// |safe_browsing_service| is the delegate's owner.
static std::unique_ptr<ServicesDelegate> Create(
SafeBrowsingService* safe_browsing_service);
// Creates the ServicesDelegate using a custom ServicesCreator, for testing.
static std::unique_ptr<ServicesDelegate> CreateForTest(
SafeBrowsingService* safe_browsing_service,
ServicesDelegate::ServicesCreator* services_creator);
virtual ~ServicesDelegate() {}
virtual const scoped_refptr<SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager>& database_manager()
const = 0;
// Initializes internal state using the ServicesCreator.
virtual void Initialize() = 0;
// Creates the CSD service for the given |url_loader_factory|.
virtual void InitializeCsdService(
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory) = 0;
virtual void SetDatabaseManagerForTest(
SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager* database_manager) = 0;
// Shuts down the download service.
virtual void ShutdownServices() = 0;
// Handles SafeBrowsingService::RefreshState() for the provided services.
virtual void RefreshState(bool enable) = 0;
// See the SafeBrowsingService methods of the same name.
virtual void ProcessResourceRequest(const ResourceRequestInfo* request) = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<prefs::mojom::TrackedPreferenceValidationDelegate>
CreatePreferenceValidationDelegate(Profile* profile) = 0;
virtual void RegisterDelayedAnalysisCallback(
const DelayedAnalysisCallback& callback) = 0;
virtual void AddDownloadManager(
content::DownloadManager* download_manager) = 0;
// Returns nullptr for any service that is not available.
virtual ClientSideDetectionService* GetCsdService() = 0;
virtual DownloadProtectionService* GetDownloadService() = 0;
virtual void StartOnIOThread(
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
const V4ProtocolConfig& v4_config) = 0;
virtual void StopOnIOThread(bool shutdown) = 0;
virtual void CreatePasswordProtectionService(Profile* profile) = 0;
virtual void RemovePasswordProtectionService(Profile* profile) = 0;
virtual PasswordProtectionService* GetPasswordProtectionService(
Profile* profile) const = 0;
virtual void CreateTelemetryService(Profile* profile) = 0;
virtual void RemoveTelemetryService() = 0;
virtual TelemetryService* GetTelemetryService() const = 0;
virtual void CreateVerdictCacheManager(Profile* profile) = 0;
virtual void RemoveVerdictCacheManager(Profile* profile) = 0;
virtual VerdictCacheManager* GetVerdictCacheManager(
Profile* profile) const = 0;
virtual std::string GetSafetyNetId() const = 0;
} // namespace safe_browsing