Roll src/third_party/SPIRV-Tools/src b1be6763f6f3..86d0d9be254a (1 commits)

git log b1be6763f6f3..86d0d9be254a --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-01-23 Refactored reducer so that the 'finding' functionality of a reduction pass are separated from the generic functionality for tracking progress of a pass.  With this change, we now have a ReductionOpportunityFinder abstract class, with many subclasses for each type of reduction, and just one ReductionPass class, which has an associated finder. (#2321)

Created with:
  gclient setdep -r src/third_party/SPIRV-Tools/src@86d0d9be254a

The AutoRoll server is located here:

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff, who should
be CC'd on the roll, and stop the roller if necessary.

Change-Id: I58a795f2caba2d6f251c2e15b85b6bc4f692c929
Reviewed-by: chromium-autoroll <>
Commit-Queue: chromium-autoroll <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#625405}
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index b48fcec6..4c94f704 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling feed
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'spv_tools_revision': 'b1be6763f6f38e5f2129fa144f1ea34f77e441bc',
+  'spv_tools_revision': '86d0d9be254a97cb532268bfcff1861bd562ceac',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling feed
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.