blob: e87dd4ba91175b12b802802449ff77d1158017c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/animation/compositor_animations.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/animation/interpolation.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/animation/interpolation_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
namespace blink {
class StyleResolverState;
class InterpolationType;
// See the documentation of Interpolation for general information about this
// class hierarchy.
// The primary difference between TransitionInterpolation and other
// Interpolation subclasses is that it must store additional data required for
// retargeting transition effects that were sent to the compositor thread.
// Retargeting a transition involves interrupting an in-progress transition and
// creating a new transition from the current state to the new end state.
// The TransitionInterpolation subclass stores the start and end keyframes as
// InterpolationValue objects, with an InterpolationType object that applies to
// both InterpolationValues. It additionally stores CompositorKeyframeValue
// objects corresponding to start and end keyframes as communicated to the
// compositor thread. Together, this is equivalent to representing the start and
// end keyframes as TransitionPropertySpecificKeyframe objects with the added
// constraint that they share an InterpolationType.
// TODO( Store information for communication with the
// compositor without using CompositorKeyframeValue objects.
// During the effect application phase of animation computation, the current
// value of the property is applied to the element by calling the Apply
// function.
class CORE_EXPORT TransitionInterpolation : public Interpolation {
TransitionInterpolation(const PropertyHandle& property,
const InterpolationType& type,
InterpolationValue&& start,
InterpolationValue&& end,
CompositorKeyframeValue* compositor_start,
CompositorKeyframeValue* compositor_end)
: property_(property),
merge_(type.MaybeMergeSingles(start_.Clone(), end_.Clone())),
compositor_end_(compositor_end) {
// Incredibly speculative CHECKs, to try and get any insight on
// Somehow a crash is happening in this constructor, which
// we believe is based on |start_| having no interpolable value. However a
// CHECK added in TransitionKeyframe::SetValue isn't firing, so doing some
// speculation here to try and broaden our understanding.
// TODO( Revert once bug is fixed.
cached_interpolable_value_ = merge_.start_interpolable_value->Clone();
DCHECK_EQ(compositor_start_ && compositor_end_,
void Apply(StyleResolverState&) const;
bool IsTransitionInterpolation() const final { return true; }
const PropertyHandle& GetProperty() const final { return property_; }
std::unique_ptr<TypedInterpolationValue> GetInterpolatedValue() const;
void Interpolate(int iteration, double fraction) final;
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) override {
const InterpolableValue& CurrentInterpolableValue() const;
const NonInterpolableValue* CurrentNonInterpolableValue() const;
const PropertyHandle property_;
const InterpolationType& type_;
const InterpolationValue start_;
const InterpolationValue end_;
const PairwiseInterpolationValue merge_;
const Member<CompositorKeyframeValue> compositor_start_;
const Member<CompositorKeyframeValue> compositor_end_;
mutable double cached_fraction_ = 0;
mutable int cached_iteration_ = 0;
mutable std::unique_ptr<InterpolableValue> cached_interpolable_value_;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<TransitionInterpolation> {
static bool AllowFrom(const Interpolation& value) {
return value.IsTransitionInterpolation();
} // namespace blink