blob: 3ca6c592d3bb59e0ed53de0583491dc338a31d34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
namespace blink {
class Document;
class Element;
class HTMLFrameOwnerElement;
class PaintLayer;
// Manages the root scroller associated with a given document. The root
// scroller causes browser controls movement, overscroll effects and prevents
// chaining scrolls up further in the DOM. It can be set from script using
// document.setRootScroller. High-level details are available in
// There are two notions of a root scroller in this class: m_rootScroller and
// m_effectiveRootScroller. The former is the Element that was set as the root
// scroller using document.setRootScroller. If the page didn't set a root
// scroller this will be nullptr. The "effective" root scroller is the current
// Node we're using internally to apply viewport scrolling actions. Both these
// elements come from this controller's associated Document. The final "global"
// root scroller, the one whose scrolling hides browser controls, may be in a
// different frame.
// If the currently set m_rootScroller is a valid element to become the root
// scroller, it will be promoted to the effective root scroller. If it is not
// valid, the effective root scroller will fall back to the document Node. The
// rules for what makes an element a valid root scroller are set in
// isValidRootScroller(). The validity of the current root scroller is
// re-checked after layout as part of the document lifecycle.
class CORE_EXPORT RootScrollerController
: public GarbageCollected<RootScrollerController> {
// Creates a RootScrollerController for the given document. Note: instances
// of this class need to be made aware of layout updates.
static RootScrollerController* Create(Document&);
void Trace(blink::Visitor*);
// Sets the element that will be used as the root scroller. This can be
// nullptr, in which case we'll use the default element (documentElement) as
// the effective root scroller.
void Set(Element*);
// Returns the element currently set as the root scroller from script. This
// differs from the effective root scroller since the set Element may not
// currently be a valid root scroller. e.g. If the page sets an Element
// with `display: none`, get() will return that element, even though the
// effective root scroller will remain the document Node.
Element* Get() const;
// This returns the Element that's actually being used to control viewport
// actions right now. This is different from get() if a root scroller hasn't
// been set, or if the set root scroller isn't currently a valid scroller.
// See for the difference between the root scroller from Get(), the
// effective rootScroller, and the global RootScroller in
// TopDocumentRootScrollerController.
Node& EffectiveRootScroller() const;
// This class needs to be informed when the FrameView of its Document changes
// size. This may occur without a layout (e.g. URL bar hiding) so we can't
// rely on DidUpdateMainFrameLayout.
void DidResizeFrameView();
// Called when an iframe in this document has an updated FrameView (e.g.
// FrameView removed, swapped, etc.) so that we can recompute the effective
// root scroller and set the appropriate properties on the view.
void DidUpdateIFrameFrameView(HTMLFrameOwnerElement&);
// Returns the PaintLayer associated with the currently effective root
// scroller.
PaintLayer* RootScrollerPaintLayer() const;
void ElementRemoved(const Element&);
// In the "implicit root scroller" mode, we might promote an element to
// become the effective root scroller even if the page doesn't set it as so
// to improve the user experience. In this mode, as elements layout they'll
// call this method and, if they meet the root scroller restrictions, will be
// added to the implicit candidate set. After layout is done we'll go
// through that set and select the best candidate.
void ConsiderForImplicit(Node&);
// Called as part of the main document lifecycle. This will iterate the frame
// tree in post order and select the effective root scroller in each frame.
void PerformRootScrollerSelection();
// Ensures the effective root scroller is currently valid and replaces it
// with the default if not.
void RecomputeEffectiveRootScroller();
// Determines whether the given element meets the criteria to become the
// effective root scroller.
bool IsValidRootScroller(const Element&) const;
// Determines whether the given element meets the criteria to be implicitly
// set as the root scroller (in addition to being a valid root scroller).
bool IsValidImplicit(const Element&) const;
// Determines whether the given element is eligable as a candidate to be
// implicitly promoted. Intuitively, thiis is any "live" scroller on the page.
// We add these to a list of candidates and after layout we go through the
// list and promote the best candidate that satisfies the more exhaustive
// conditions set by IsValidImplicit above. At that time we also prune the
// list of any elements that no longer satisfy IsValidImplicitCandidate.
bool IsValidImplicitCandidate(const Element&) const;
// Set certain properties to the effective root scroller. Called when a Node
// becomes or unbecomes the effective root scroller. Calling this method can
// leave the node's frame with a dirty layout due to the fact that layout size
// depends on whether the element is the effective root scroller or not.
void ApplyRootScrollerProperties(Node&);
void UpdateIFrameGeometryAndLayoutSize(HTMLFrameOwnerElement&) const;
// Called after layout, runs through implicit candidates, removing ones that
// are no longer meet the root scroller restrictions. Of the remaining ones,
// will choose the best and set it as the implicit_root_scroller_.
void ProcessImplicitCandidates();
// Calls function for each non-throttled frame's RootScrollerController in
// post tree order.
template <typename Function>
void ForAllNonThrottledLocalControllers(const Function&);
// The owning Document whose root scroller this object manages.
WeakMember<Document> document_;
// The Element that was set from script as rootScroller for this Document.
// Depending on its validity to be the root scroller (e.g. a display: none
// element isn't a valid root scroller), this may not actually be the
// Element being used as the root scroller.
WeakMember<Element> root_scroller_;
// The Node currently being used as the root scroller in this Document.
// If the m_rootScroller is valid this will point to it. Otherwise, it'll
// use the document Node. It'll never be nullptr since the Document owns the
// RootScrollerController.
Member<Node> effective_root_scroller_;
// Candidate Elements that we should examine after layout to determine which
// should be root scroller. This is used when "implicit root scroller" is
// enabled, where a valid Element can become the root scroller without being
// explicitly set using document.setRootScroller.
HeapHashSet<WeakMember<Element>> implicit_candidates_;
WeakMember<Element> implicit_root_scroller_;
} // namespace blink