blob: e69a4f38aa58326ebd4d8dfb9660e9a601279eee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/flag_descriptions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "pdf/buildflags.h"
// Keep in identical order as the header file, see the comment at the top
// for formatting rules.
namespace flag_descriptions {
const char kAccelerated2dCanvasName[] = "Accelerated 2D canvas";
const char kAccelerated2dCanvasDescription[] =
"Enables the use of the GPU to perform 2d canvas rendering instead of "
"using software rendering.";
const char kCanvasOopRasterizationName[] =
"Out-of-process 2D canvas rasterization.";
const char kCanvasOopRasterizationDescription[] =
"The rasterization of 2d canvas contents is performed in the GPU process. "
"Requires that out-of-process rasterization be enabled.";
const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeName[] = "Hardware-accelerated video decode";
const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeDescription[] =
"Hardware-accelerated video decode where available.";
const char kAcceleratedVideoEncodeName[] = "Hardware-accelerated video encode";
const char kAcceleratedVideoEncodeDescription[] =
"Hardware-accelerated video encode where available.";
const char kEnableMediaInternalsName[] = "Media-internals page";
const char kEnableMediaInternalsDescription[] =
"Enables the chrome://media-internals debug page.";
extern const char kAccessCodeCastDeviceDurationName[] =
"Saves devices for Access Code Casting.";
extern const char kAccessCodeCastDeviceDurationDescription[] =
"This feature enables saved devices when using Access Code Casting. Policy "
"must be set to "
"specify a duration for the device to be saved.";
const char kAccessiblePDFFormName[] = "Accessible PDF Forms";
const char kAccessiblePDFFormDescription[] =
"Enables accessibility support for PDF forms.";
const char kAccountIdMigrationName[] = "Account ID migration";
const char kAccountIdMigrationDescription[] =
"Migrate to use Gaia ID instead of the email as the account identifer for "
"the Identity Manager.";
const char kLauncherAppSortName[] = "Productivity experiment: Reorder Apps";
const char kLauncherAppSortDescription[] =
"To evaluate an enhanced Launcher experience that enables users to reorder "
"their apps in order to find them more easily.";
const char kLeakDetectionUnauthenticated[] =
"Leak detection for signed out users.";
const char kLeakDetectionUnauthenticatedDescription[] =
"Enables leak detection feature for signed out users.";
const char kAlignWakeUpsName[] = "Align delayed wake ups at 125 Hz";
const char kAlignWakeUpsDescription[] =
"Run most delayed tasks with a non-zero delay (including DOM Timers) on a "
"periodic 125Hz tick, instead of as soon as their delay has passed.";
const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostName[] =
"Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost.";
const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostDescription[] =
"Allows requests to localhost over HTTPS even when an invalid certificate "
"is presented.";
const char kAndroidPWAsDefaultOfflinePageName[] =
"Android PWAs default offline page";
const char kAndroidPWAsDefaultOfflinePageDescription[] =
"Shows customised default offline page when web app is offline.";
const char kWindowsFollowCursorName[] =
"Windows open on the display with the cursor";
const char kWindowsFollowCursorDescription[] =
"When there are multiple displays, windows open on the display where "
"cursor is located.";
const char kAnimatedImageResumeName[] = "Use animated image resume behavior";
const char kAnimatedImageResumeDescription[] =
"Resumes animated images from the last frame drawn rather than attempt "
"to catch up to the frame that should be drawn based on current time.";
const char kAriaElementReflectionName[] = "Enable ARIA element reflection";
const char kAriaElementReflectionDescription[] =
"Enable setting ARIA relationship attributes that reference other elements "
"directly without an IDREF";
const char kAttributionReportingDebugModeName[] =
"Attribution Reporting Debug Mode";
const char kAttributionReportingDebugModeDescription[] =
"Enables debug mode for the Attribution Reporting API. This removes all "
"reporting delays and noise. Only works if the Attribution Reporting API "
"is already enabled.";
const char kBatchFetchRequestsName[] = "Batch Fetch Requests";
const char kBatchFetchRequestsDescription[] =
"Process resource requests in batches while parsing a HTML document.";
const char kBrokerFileOperationsOnDiskCacheInNetworkServiceName[] =
"Broker file operations on disk cache in the Network Service";
const char kBrokerFileOperationsOnDiskCacheInNetworkServiceDescription[] =
"Broker file operations on disk cache running in the Network Service. This "
"is no-op when the Network Service is running in the browser process.";
const char kClipboardUnsanitizedContentName[] =
"Clipboard unsanitized read and write";
const char kClipboardUnsanitizedContentDescription[] =
"Allows reading/writing unsanitized content from/to the clipboard. "
"Currently, it is only applicable to HTML format. See";
const char kCSSContainerQueriesName[] = "Enable CSS Container Queries";
const char kCSSContainerQueriesDescription[] =
"Enables support for @container, inline-size and block-size values for the "
"contain property, and the LayoutNG Grid implementation.";
const char kConditionalTabStripAndroidName[] = "Conditional Tab Strip";
const char kConditionalTabStripAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to access conditional tab strip.";
const char kContentLanguagesInLanguagePickerName[] =
"Content languages in language picker";
const char kContentLanguagesInLanguagePickerDescription[] =
"Enables bringing user's content languages that are translatable to the "
"top of the list with all languages shown in the translate menu";
const char kCustomizeChromeSidePanelName[] = "Customize Chrome Side Panel";
const char KCustomizeChromeSidePanelDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to use Customize Chrome functionality from the "
"unified side panel on the New Tab Page.";
const char kForceStartupSigninPromoName[] = "Force Start-up Signin Promo";
const char kForceStartupSigninPromoDescription[] =
"If enabled, the full screen signin promo will be forced to show up at "
"Chrome start-up.";
const char kTangibleSyncName[] = "Tangible Sync";
const char kTangibleSyncDescription[] =
"Enables the tangible sync when a user starts the sync consent flow";
const char kDebugHistoryInterventionNoUserActivationName[] =
"Debug flag for history intervention on no user activation";
const char kDebugHistoryInterventionNoUserActivationDescription[] =
"This flag when enabled, will be used to debug an issue where a page that "
"did not get user activation "
"is able to work around the history intervention which is not the expected "
extern const char kDefaultChromeAppsMigrationName[] =
"Default Chrome apps policy migration";
extern const char kDefaultChromeAppsMigrationDescription[] =
"Enable replacing policies to force install Chrome apps with policies to "
"force install PWAs";
const char kDeferredFontShapingName[] = "Deferred Font Shaping";
const char kDeferredFontShapingDescription[] =
"Defer text rendering in invisible CSS boxes until the boxes become "
const char kDocumentPictureInPictureApiName[] =
"Document Picture-in-Picture API";
const char kDocumentPictureInPictureApiDescription[] =
"Enables API to open an always-on-top window with a full HTML document";
const char kEditPasswordsInSettingsName[] = "Edit passwords in settings";
const char kEditPasswordsInSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables password editing in settings.";
const char kPasswordNotesName[] = "Password notes in settings";
const char kPasswordNotesDescription[] =
"Enables a note section for each password in the settings page.";
const char kPasswordViewPageInSettingsName[] = "Password view page in settings";
const char kPasswordViewPageInSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables a new password details subpage in the settings password "
"management UI.";
const char kEnableBluetoothSerialPortProfileInSerialApiName[] =
"Enable Bluetooth Serial Port Profile in Serial API";
const char kEnableBluetoothSerialPortProfileInSerialApiDescription[] =
"When enabled, Bluetooth Serial Port Profile devices will be enumerated "
"for use with the Serial API.";
const char kEnableDrDcName[] =
"Enables Display Compositor to use a new gpu thread.";
const char kEnableDrDcDescription[] =
"When enabled, chrome uses 2 gpu threads instead of 1. "
" Display compositor uses new dr-dc gpu thread and all other clients "
"(raster, webgl, video) "
" continues using the gpu main thread.";
const char kEnableDrDcVulkanName[] =
" Use this flag along with flag enable-drdc to enable DrDc on Vulkan. "
" Note that this flag will be a no-op if enable-drdc is disabled. ";
const char kForceGpuMainThreadToNormalPriorityDrDcName[] =
"Force GPU main thread priority to normal for DrDc.";
const char kForceGpuMainThreadToNormalPriorityDrDcDescription[] =
"When enabled, force GPU main thread priority to be normal for DrDc mode. "
"In that case DrDc thread continues to use DISPLAY thread priority and "
"hence have higher thread priority than GPU main. Note that this flag will "
"be a no-op when DrDc is disabled.";
const char kU2FPermissionPromptName[] =
"Enable a permission prompt for the U2F Security Key API";
const char kU2FPermissionPromptDescription[] =
"Show a permission prompt when making requests to the legacy U2F Security "
"Key API (CryptoToken). The U2F Security "
"Key API has been deprecated and will be removed soon. For more "
"information, refer to the deprecation announcement at "
const char kWebFilterInterstitialRefreshName[] =
"Web filter interstitial refresh.";
const char kWebFilterInterstitialRefreshDescription[] =
"Enable web filter interstitial refresh for Family Link users on Chrome "
const char kU2FSecurityKeyAPIName[] = "Enable the U2F Security Key API";
const char kU2FSecurityKeyAPIDescription[] =
"Enable the legacy U2F Security Key API (CryptoToken). The U2F Security "
"Key API has been deprecated and will be removed soon. For more "
"information, refer to the deprecation announcement at "
const char kUpcomingSharingFeaturesName[] = "Enable upcoming sharing features.";
const char kUpcomingSharingFeaturesDescription[] =
"This flag enables all upcoming sharing features, in the experiment "
"arms that are most likely to be shipped. This is a meta-flag so which "
"features are upcoming at any given time may change.";
const char kUseStorkSmdsServerAddressName[] = "Use Stork SM-DS address";
const char kUseStorkSmdsServerAddressDescription[] =
"Use the Stork SM-DS address to fetch pending eSIM profiles managed by the "
"Stork prod server. Note that Stork profiles can be created with an EID at "
"go/stork-profile, and managed at go/stork-batch > View Profiles. Also "
"note that an test EUICC card is required to use this feature, usually "
"that requires the kCellularUseSecond flag to be enabled. Go to "
"go/cros-connectivity > Dev Tips for more instructions.";
const char kUseWallpaperStagingUrlName[] = "Use Wallpaper staging URL";
const char kUseWallpaperStagingUrlDescription[] =
"Use the staging server as part of the Wallpaper App to verify "
"additions/removals of wallpapers.";
const char kSemanticColorsDebugOverrideName[] =
"Use semantic color debug override";
const char kSemanticColorsDebugOverrideDescription[] =
"Use debug override colors to find system components that are not using "
"semantic colors.";
const char kUseMessagesStagingUrlName[] = "Use Messages staging URL";
const char kUseMessagesStagingUrlDescription[] =
"Use the staging server as part of the \"Messages\" feature under "
"\"Connected Devices\" settings.";
const char kUseCustomMessagesDomainName[] = "Use custom Messages domain";
const char kUseCustomMessagesDomainDescription[] =
"Use a custom URL as part of the \"Messages\" feature under "
"\"Connected Devices\" settings.";
const char kAndroidPictureInPictureAPIName[] =
"Picture-in-Picture Web API for Android";
const char kAndroidPictureInPictureAPIDescription[] =
"Enable Picture-in-Picture Web API for Android";
const char kDnsHttpsSvcbName[] = "Support for HTTPS records in DNS";
const char kDnsHttpsSvcbDescription[] =
"When enabled, Chrome may query for HTTPS records in DNS. If any are "
"found, Chrome may upgrade the URL to HTTPS or enable Encrypted "
"ClientHello, depending on server support and whether those features are "
const char kUseDnsHttpsSvcbAlpnName[] = "Use DNS https alpn";
const char kUseDnsHttpsSvcbAlpnDescription[] =
"When enabled, Chrome may try QUIC on the first connection using the ALPN"
" information in the DNS HTTPS record.";
const char kEnableFirstPartySetsName[] = "Enable First-Party Sets";
const char kEnableFirstPartySetsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Chrome will apply First-Party Sets to features such as the "
"SameParty cookie attribute.";
extern const char kEncryptedClientHelloName[] = "Encrypted ClientHello";
extern const char kEncryptedClientHelloDescription[] =
"When enabled, Chrome will enable Encrypted ClientHello support. This will "
"encrypt TLS ClientHello if the server enables the extension via the HTTPS "
"DNS record.";
extern const char kIsolatedSandboxedIframesName[] =
"Isolated sandboxed iframes";
extern const char kIsolatedSandboxedIframesDescription[] =
"When enabled, applies process isolation to iframes with the 'sandbox' "
"attribute and without the 'allow-same-origin' permission set on that "
"attribute. This also applies to documents with a similar CSP sandbox "
"header, even in the main frame. The affected sandboxed documents can be "
"grouped into processes based on their URL's site or origin. The default "
"grouping when enabled is per-site.";
const char kAssistantConsentModalName[] = "AssistantConsentModal";
const char kAssistantConsentModalDescription[] =
"Enables the modal version of the Assistant voice search consent dialog.";
const char kAssistantConsentSimplifiedTextName[] =
const char kAssistantConsentSimplifiedTextDescription[] =
"Enables simplified consent copy in the Assistant voice search consent "
const char kAssistantNonPersonalizedVoiceSearchName[] =
const char kAssistantNonPersonalizedVoiceSearchDescription[] =
"Enables the Assistant voice recognition and search without any "
const char kAssistantConsentV2Name[] = "AssistanConsentV2";
const char kAssistantConsentV2Description[] =
"Enables different strategies for handling backing off from the consent "
"screen without explicitly clicking yes/no buttons, i.e. when a user taps "
"outside of the sheet.";
const char kAutofillAlwaysReturnCloudTokenizedCardName[] =
"Return cloud token details for server credit cards when possible";
const char kAutofillAlwaysReturnCloudTokenizedCardDescription[] =
"When enabled and where available, forms filled using Google Payments "
"server cards are populated with cloud token details, including CPAN "
"(cloud tokenized version of the Primary Account Number) and dCVV (dynamic "
const char kAutofillAutoTriggerManualFallbackForCardsName[] =
"Auto trigger manual fallback for credit card form-filling failure cases";
const char kAutofillAutoTriggerManualFallbackForCardsDescription[] =
"When enabled, manual fallback will be auto-triggered on form interaction "
"in the case where autofill failed to fill a credit card form accurately.";
const char kAutofillCenterAligngedSuggestionsName[] =
"Center-aligned Autofill suggestions.";
const char kAutofillCenterAligngedSuggestionsDescription[] =
"When enabled, the Autofill suggestion popup will be aligned to the center "
"of the initiating field and not to its border.";
const char kAutofillVisualImprovementsForSuggestionUiName[] =
"Visual improvements for the Autofill and Password Manager suggestion UI.";
const char kAutofillVisualImprovementsForSuggestionUiDescription[] =
"Non function changes that visually improve the suggestion UI used for "
"addresses, passswords and credit cards.";
const char kAutofillTypeSpecificPopupWidthName[] =
"Type-specific width limits for the Autofill popup";
const char kAutofillTypeSpecificPopupWidthDescription[] =
"Controls if different width limits are used for the popup that provides "
"Autofill suggestions, depending on the type of data that is filled.";
const char kAutofillEnableGetDetailsForEnrollParsingInUploadCardResponseName[] =
"Enable parsing of the GetDetailsForEnrollResponseDetails in the "
const char
kAutofillEnableGetDetailsForEnrollParsingInUploadCardResponseDescription[] =
"When enabled, the GetDetailsForEnrollResponseDetails in the "
"UploadCardResponseDetails will be parsed, which will allow the "
"Virtual Card Enrollment flow to skip making a new GetDetailsForEnroll "
"request. This is an optimization to improve the latency of the "
"Virtual Card Enrollment flow.";
const char kAutofillEnableFIDOProgressDialogName[] =
"Show FIDO progress dialog on Android";
const char kAutofillEnableFIDOProgressDialogDescription[] =
"When enabled, a progress dialog is displayed while authenticating with "
"FIDO on Android.";
const char kAutofillEnableManualFallbackForVirtualCardsName[] =
"Show manual fallback for virtual cards";
const char kAutofillEnableManualFallbackForVirtualCardsDescription[] =
"When enabled, manual fallback will be enabled for virtual cards on "
const char kAutofillEnableCardProductNameName[] =
"Enable showing card product name";
const char kAutofillEnableCardProductNameDescription[] =
"When enabled, card product name (instead of issuer network) will be shown "
"in Payments UI.";
const char kAutofillEnableOfferNotificationForPromoCodesName[] =
"Extend Autofill offers and rewards notification to promo code offers";
const char kAutofillEnableOfferNotificationForPromoCodesDescription[] =
"When enabled, a notification will be displayed on page navigation if the "
"domain has an eligible merchant promo code offer or reward.";
const char kAutofillEnableOffersInClankKeyboardAccessoryName[] =
"Enable Autofill offers in keyboard accessory";
const char kAutofillEnableOffersInClankKeyboardAccessoryDescription[] =
"When enabled, offers will be displayed in the keyboard accessory when "
const char kAutofillEnableRankingFormulaName[] =
"Enable new Autofill suggestion ranking formula";
const char kAutofillEnableRankingFormulaDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill will use a new ranking formula to rank Autofill "
"data model suggestions such as credit cards or profiles.";
const char kAutofillEnableRemadeDownstreamMetricsName[] =
"Enable remade Autofill Downstream metrics logging";
const char kAutofillEnableRemadeDownstreamMetricsDescription[] =
"When enabled, some extra metrics logging for Autofill Downstream will "
const char kAutofillEnableSendingBcnInGetUploadDetailsName[] =
"Enable sending billing customer number in GetUploadDetails";
const char kAutofillEnableSendingBcnInGetUploadDetailsDescription[] =
"When enabled the billing customer number will be sent in the "
"GetUploadDetails preflight calls.";
const char kAutofillEnableStickyManualFallbackForCardsName[] =
"Make manual fallback sticky for credit cards";
const char kAutofillEnableStickyManualFallbackForCardsDescription[] =
"When enabled, if the user interacts with the manual fallback bottom "
"sheet, it'll remain sticky until the user dismisses it.";
const char kAutofillEnableUnmaskCardRequestSetInstrumentIdName[] =
"When enabled, sets non-legacy instrument ID in UnmaskCardRequest";
const char kAutofillEnableUnmaskCardRequestSetInstrumentIdDescription[] =
"When enabled, UnmaskCardRequest will set the card's non-legacy ID when "
const char kAutofillEnableUpdateVirtualCardEnrollmentName[] =
"Enable Update Virtual Card Enrollment";
const char kAutofillEnableUpdateVirtualCardEnrollmentDescription[] =
"When enabled, the user will have the ability to update the virtual card "
"enrollment of a credit card through their chrome browser after certain "
"autofill flows (for example, downstream and upstream), and from the "
"settings page.";
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardFidoEnrollmentName[] =
"Enable FIDO enrollment for virtual cards";
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardFidoEnrollmentDescription[] =
"When enabled, after a successful authentication to autofill a virtual "
"card, the user will be prompted to opt-in to FIDO if the user is not "
"currently opted-in, and if the user is opted-in already and the virtual "
"card is FIDO eligible the user will be prompted to register the virtual "
"card into FIDO.";
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardName[] =
"Offer to use cloud token virtual card in Autofill";
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardDescription[] =
"When enabled, if all requirements are met, Autofill will offer to use "
"virtual credit cards in form filling.";
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardManagementInDesktopSettingsPageName[] =
"Enable virtual card enrollment management in desktop payments settings "
const char
kAutofillEnableVirtualCardManagementInDesktopSettingsPageDescription[] =
"When enabled, chrome://settings/payments will offer the option to "
"enroll in virtual card if the card is eligible and to unenroll if the "
"card has been enrolled.";
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardMetadataName[] =
"Enable showing metadata for virtual cards";
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardMetadataDescription[] =
"When enabled, Chrome will show metadata together with other card "
"information when the virtual card is presented to users.";
const char kAutofillEnforceDelaysInStrikeDatabaseName[] =
"Enforce delay between offering Autofill opportunities in the strike "
const char kAutofillEnforceDelaysInStrikeDatabaseDescription[] =
"When enabled, if previous Autofill feature offer was declined, "
"Chrome will wait for some time before showing the offer again.";
extern const char kAutofillFillIbanFieldsName[] =
"Enable Autofill of IBAN fields in forms";
extern const char kAutofillFillIbanFieldsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill will attempt to fill IBAN (International Bank "
"Account Number) fields when data is available.";
const char kAutofillFillMerchantPromoCodeFieldsName[] =
"Enable Autofill of promo code fields in forms";
const char kAutofillFillMerchantPromoCodeFieldsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill will attempt to fill merchant promo/coupon/gift "
"code fields when data is available.";
const char kAutofillRemoveCardExpiryFromDownstreamSuggestionName[] =
"Remove card expiration date from the Autofill card suggestions";
const char kAutofillRemoveCardExpiryFromDownstreamSuggestionDescription[] =
"When enabled, card expiration date will no longer be displayed in "
"a card suggestion.";
const char kAutofillHighlightOnlyChangedValuesInPreviewModeName[] =
"Highlight only changed values in preview mode.";
const char kAutofillHighlightOnlyChangedValuesInPreviewModeDescription[] =
"When Autofill is previewing filling a form, already autofilled values "
"and other values that are not changed by accepting the preview should "
"not be highlighted.";
const char kAutofillParseIBANFieldsName[] = "Parse IBAN fields in forms";
const char kAutofillParseIBANFieldsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill will attempt to find International Bank Account "
"Number (IBAN) fields when parsing forms.";
const char kAutofillParseMerchantPromoCodeFieldsName[] =
"Parse promo code fields in forms";
const char kAutofillParseMerchantPromoCodeFieldsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill will attempt to find merchant promo/coupon/gift "
"code fields when parsing forms.";
const char kAutofillParseVcnCardOnFileStandaloneCvcFieldsName[] =
"Parse standalone CVC fields for VCN card on file in forms";
const char kAutofillParseVcnCardOnFileStandaloneCvcFieldsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill will attempt to find standalone CVC fields for VCN "
"card on file when parsing forms.";
const char kAutofillPreventOverridingPrefilledValuesName[] =
"Prevent Autofill from overriding prefilled field values";
const char kAutofillPreventOverridingPrefilledValuesDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill won't override any field values that have not been "
"filled by Autofill";
const char kAutofillUseConsistentPopupSettingsIconsName[] =
"Consistent Autofill settings icon";
const char kAutofillUseConsistentPopupSettingsIconsDescription[] =
"If enabled, all Autofill data types including addresses, credit cards and "
"passwords will use a consistent icon in the popup settings footer.";
const char kAutofillSaveAndFillVPAName[] =
"Offer save and autofill of UPI/VPA values";
const char kAutofillSaveAndFillVPADescription[] =
"If enabled, when autofill recognizes a UPI/VPA value in a payment form, "
"it will offer to save it. If saved, it will be offered for filling in "
"fields which expect a VPA.";
const char kAutofillSaveCardUiExperimentName[] =
"Enable different UI variants for the upload credit card save bubble";
const char kAutofillSaveCardUiExperimentDescription[] =
"When enabled, it will trigger slightly different UI variants along with "
"notification texts, when the upload credit card save bubble is shown.";
const char kAutofillSaveCardUiExperimentCurrentWithUserAvatarAndEmail[] =
"Current with Avatar and Email";
const char kAutofillSaveCardUiExperimentEncryptedAndSecure[] =
"Encrypted and Secure";
const char kAutofillSaveCardUiExperimentFasterAndProtected[] =
"Faster and Protected";
const char kAutofillShowManualFallbackInContextMenuName[] =
"Show Autofill options in Context Menu";
const char kAutofillShowManualFallbackInContextMenuDescription[] =
"When enabled, users would get address/credit cards/passwords autofilling "
"options in the context menu if the context menu is opened on a text field";
const char kAutofillUpstreamAllowAdditionalEmailDomainsName[] =
"Allow Autofill credit card upload save for select non-Google-based "
const char kAutofillUpstreamAllowAdditionalEmailDomainsDescription[] =
"When enabled, credit card upload is offered if the user's logged-in "
"account's domain is from a common email provider.";
const char kAutofillUpstreamAllowAllEmailDomainsName[] =
"Allow Autofill credit card upload save for all non-Google-based accounts";
const char kAutofillUpstreamAllowAllEmailDomainsDescription[] =
"When enabled, credit card upload is offered without regard to the user's "
"logged-in account's domain.";
const char kAutofillUseImprovedLabelDisambiguationName[] =
"Autofill Uses Improved Label Disambiguation";
const char kAutofillUseImprovedLabelDisambiguationDescription[] =
"When enabled, the Autofill dropdown's suggestions' labels are displayed "
"using the improved disambiguation format.";
const char kAutoScreenBrightnessName[] = "Auto Screen Brightness model";
const char kAutoScreenBrightnessDescription[] =
"Uses Auto Screen Brightness ML model (if it exists) to adjust screen "
"brightness based on ambient light. If disabled, screen brightness "
"will be controlled by the heuristic model provided by powerd (and only "
"on devices that have ambient light sensors).";
const char kBackForwardCacheName[] = "Back-forward cache";
const char kBackForwardCacheDescription[] =
"If enabled, caches eligible pages after cross-site navigations."
"To enable caching pages on same-site navigations too, choose 'enabled "
"same-site support'.";
const char kEnableBackForwardCacheForScreenReaderName[] =
"Enable Back-forward cache for screen readers";
const char kEnableBackForwardCacheForScreenReaderDescription[] =
"If enabled, allow pages to enter back/forward cache even if a screen "
"reader is in use. The page might still not be cached for other reasons.";
const char kBentoBarName[] = "Persistent desks bar";
const char kBentoBarDescription[] =
"Showing a persistent desks bar at the top of the screen in clamshell mode "
"when there are more than one desk.";
const char kDragWindowToNewDeskName[] = "Drag window to new desk";
const char kDragWindowToNewDeskDescription[] =
"Enable dragging and dropping a window to the new desk button in overview "
"when there are less than the maximum number of desks.";
const char kBiometricReauthForPasswordFillingName[] =
"Biometric reauth for password filling";
const char kBiometricReauthForPasswordFillingDescription[] =
"Enables biometric"
"re-authentication before password filling";
const char kTouchToFillPasswordSubmissionName[] =
"Form submission in Touch-To-Fill";
const char kTouchToFillPasswordSubmissionDescription[] =
"Enables automatic form submission after filling credentials with "
const char kFastCheckoutName[] = "Fast Checkout";
const char kFastCheckoutDescription[] =
"Enables Fast Checkout experiences in Chrome.";
const char kBorealisBigGlName[] = "Borealis Big GL";
const char kBorealisBigGlDescription[] = "Enable Big GL when running Borealis.";
const char kBorealisDiskManagementName[] = "Borealis Disk management";
const char kBorealisDiskManagementDescription[] =
"Enable experimental disk management settings.";
const char kBorealisForceBetaClientName[] = "Borealis Force Beta Client";
const char kBorealisForceBetaClientDescription[] =
"Force the client to run its beta version.";
const char kBorealisLinuxModeName[] = "Borealis Linux Mode";
const char kBorealisLinuxModeDescription[] =
"Do not run ChromeOS-specific code in the client.";
// For UX reasons we prefer "enabled", but that is used internally to refer to
// whether borealis is installed or not, so the name of the variable is a bit
// different to the user-facing name.
const char kBorealisPermittedName[] = "Borealis Enabled";
const char kBorealisPermittedDescription[] =
"Allows Borealis to run on your device. Borealis may still be blocked for "
"other reasons, including: administrator settings, device hardware "
"capabilities, or other security measures.";
const char kBorealisStorageBallooningName[] = "Borealis Storage Ballooning";
const char kBorealisStorageBallooningDescription[] =
"Enables storage balloning for Borealis. This takes precedence over the "
"other Borealis Disk management flag.";
const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksName[] =
"Bypass user engagement checks";
const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksDescription[] =
"Bypasses user engagement checks for displaying app banners, such as "
"requiring that users have visited the site before and that the banner "
"hasn't been shown recently. This allows developers to test that other "
"eligibility requirements for showing app banners, such as having a "
"manifest, are met.";
const char kCheckOfflineCapabilityName[] = "Check offline capability for PWAs";
const char kCheckOfflineCapabilityDescription[] =
"Use advanced offline capability check to decide whether the browser "
"displays install prompts for PWAs.";
const char kChromeLabsName[] = "Chrome Labs";
const char kChromeLabsDescription[] =
"Access Chrome Labs through the toolbar menu to see featured user-facing "
"experimental features.";
const char kClosedTabCacheName[] = "Closed Tab Cache";
const char kClosedTabCacheDescription[] =
"Enables closed tab cache to instantaneously restore recently closed tabs. "
"NOTE: This feature is higly experimental and will lead to various "
"breakages, enable at your own risk.";
const char kCommerceHintAndroidName[] = "Commerce Hint Android";
const char kCommerceHintAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables commerce hint detection on Android.";
const char kConsolidatedSiteStorageControlsName[] =
"Consolidated Site Storage Controls";
const char kConsolidatedSiteStorageControlsDescription[] =
"Enables the consolidated version of Site Storage controls in settings";
const char kConsumerAutoUpdateToggleAllowedName[] =
"Allow Consumer Auto Update Toggle";
const char kConsumerAutoUpdateToggleAllowedDescription[] =
"Allow enabling the consumer auto update toggle in settings";
const char kContextMenuSearchWithGoogleLensName[] =
"Google Lens powered image search in the context menu.";
const char kContextMenuSearchWithGoogleLensDescription[] =
"Replaces default image search with an intent to Google Lens when "
const char kClientStorageAccessContextAuditingName[] =
"Access contexts for client-side storage";
const char kClientStorageAccessContextAuditingDescription[] =
"Record the first-party contexts in which client-side storage was accessed";
const char kClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowNameName[] =
"Clear window name in top-level cross-site cross-browsing-context-group "
const char kClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowNameDescription[] =
"Clear the preserved property when it's a top-level cross-site "
"navigation that swaps BrowsingContextGroup.";
const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuName[] =
"Show 'Tips for Chrome' in Help portion of main menu.";
const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuDescription[] =
"Enables 'Tips for Chrome' in main menu; the menu item will take users to "
"an official Google site with information about the latest and most "
"popular Chrome features.";
const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuNewBadgeName[] =
"Show 'New' promo badge on 'Tips for Chrome' in Help portion of main menu.";
const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuNewBadgeDescription[] =
"Enables 'New' promo badge on 'Tips for Chrome' in main menu; experiment to"
" test the value of this user education feature.";
const char kChromeWhatsNewUIName[] =
"Show Chrome What's New page at chrome://whats-new";
const char kChromeWhatsNewUIDescription[] =
"Enables Chrome What's New page at chrome://whats-new.";
const char kChromeWhatsNewInMainMenuNewBadgeName[] =
"Show 'New' badge on 'What's New' menu item.";
const char kChromeWhatsNewInMainMenuNewBadgeDescription[] =
"Enables 'New' promo badge on 'What's New' in the Help portion of the main "
const char kDarkLightTestName[] = "Dark/light mode of system UI";
const char kDarkLightTestDescription[] =
"Enables the dark/light mode of system UI, which includes shelf, launcher, "
"system tray etc.";
extern const char kDeviceForceScheduledRebootName[] =
"Enable DeviceScheduledReboot policy for all sessions.";
extern const char kDeviceForceScheduledRebootDescription[] =
"Schedule recurring reboot for the device. Reboots are always executed at "
"a scheduled time. If the session is active, user will be notified about "
"the reboot, but the reboot will not be delayed.";
const char kDevicePostureName[] = "Device Posture API";
const char kDevicePostureDescription[] =
"Enables Device Posture API (foldable devices)";
const char kDiscountConsentV2Name[] = "Discount Consent V2";
const char kDiscountConsentV2Description[] = "Enables Discount Consent V2";
const char kDisruptiveNotificationPermissionRevocationName[] =
"Disruptive notification permission revocation";
const char kDisruptiveNotificationPermissionRevocationDescription[] =
"Enables revoking the notification permission on sites that send "
"disruptive notifications unless the permission was granted through a "
"prompt that informed the user about this possibility.";
const char kIsolatedAppOriginsName[] = "Isolated App Origins";
const char kIsolatedAppOriginsDescription[] =
"Enables Isolated App policy enforcement and related APIs (e.g. Direct "
"Sockets API) for development purposes for a set of origins, specified as "
"a comma-separated list.";
const char kDoubleBufferCompositingName[] = "Double buffered compositing";
const char kDoubleBufferCompositingDescription[] =
"Use double buffer for compositing (instead of triple-buffering). "
"Latency should be reduced in some cases. On the other hand, more skipped "
"frames are expected.";
const char kFontAccessAPIName[] = "Font Access APIs";
const char kFontAccessAPIDescription[] =
"Enables the experimental Font Access APIs, giving websites access "
"to enumerate local fonts and access their table data.";
const char kForceColorProfileSRGB[] = "sRGB";
const char kForceColorProfileP3[] = "Display P3 D65";
const char kForceColorProfileColorSpin[] = "Color spin with gamma 2.4";
const char kForceColorProfileSCRGBLinear[] =
"scRGB linear (HDR where available)";
const char kForceColorProfileHDR10[] = "HDR10 (HDR where available)";
const char kForceColorProfileName[] = "Force color profile";
const char kForceColorProfileDescription[] =
"Forces Chrome to use a specific color profile instead of the color "
"of the window's current monitor, as specified by the operating system.";
const char kDynamicColorGamutName[] = "Dynamic color gamut";
const char kDynamicColorGamutDescription[] =
"Displays in wide color when the content is wide. When the content is "
"not wide, displays sRGB";
const char kCooperativeSchedulingName[] = "Cooperative Scheduling";
const char kCooperativeSchedulingDescription[] =
"Enables cooperative scheduling in Blink.";
const char kDarkenWebsitesCheckboxInThemesSettingName[] =
"Darken websites checkbox in themes setting";
const char kDarkenWebsitesCheckboxInThemesSettingDescription[] =
"Show a darken websites checkbox in themes settings when system default or "
"dark is selected. The checkbox can toggle the auto-darkening web contents "
const char kDebugPackedAppName[] = "Debugging for packed apps";
const char kDebugPackedAppDescription[] =
"Enables debugging context menu options such as Inspect Element for packed "
const char kDebugShortcutsName[] = "Debugging keyboard shortcuts";
const char kDebugShortcutsDescription[] =
"Enables additional keyboard shortcuts that are useful for debugging Ash.";
const char kDisableProcessReuse[] = "Disable subframe process reuse";
const char kDisableProcessReuseDescription[] =
"Prevents out-of-process iframes from reusing compatible processes from "
"unrelated tabs. This is an experimental mode that will result in more "
"processes being created.";
const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiName[] =
"Block scripts loaded via document.write";
const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiDescription[] =
"Disallows fetches for third-party parser-blocking scripts inserted into "
"the main frame via document.write.";
const char kDocumentTransitionName[] = "documentTransition API";
const char kDocumentTransitionDescription[] =
"Controls the availability of the documentTransition JavaScript API.";
const char kEnableAutoDisableAccessibilityName[] = "Auto-disable Accessibility";
const char kEnableAutoDisableAccessibilityDescription[] =
"When accessibility APIs are no longer being requested, automatically "
"disables accessibility. This might happen if an assistive technology is "
"turned off or if an extension which uses accessibility APIs no longer "
"needs them.";
const char kEnableAutofillAddressSavePromptName[] =
"Autofill Address Save Prompts";
const char kEnableAutofillAddressSavePromptDescription[] =
"Enable the Autofill address save prompts.";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardAuthenticationName[] =
"Allow using platform authenticators to retrieve server cards";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardAuthenticationDescription[] =
"When enabled, users will be given the option to use a platform "
"authenticator (if available) to verify card ownership when retrieving "
"credit cards from Google Payments.";
const char
kEnableAutofillInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterForSingleAccountUsersName[] =
"Display InfoBar footers with account indication information for "
"single account users";
const char
[] = "When enabled and user has single account, a footer indicating "
"user's e-mail address will appear at the bottom of InfoBars "
"which has corresponding account indication footer flags on.";
const char kEnableAutofillInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterForSyncUsersName[] =
"Display InfoBar footers with account indication information for "
"sync users";
const char
kEnableAutofillInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterForSyncUsersDescription[] =
"When enabled and user is signed in, a footer indicating user's e-mail "
"address will appear at the bottom of InfoBars which has "
"corresponding account indication footer flags on.";
const char kEnableAutofillSaveCardInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterName[] =
"Display SaveCardInfoBar footer with account indication information";
const char kEnableAutofillSaveCardInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterDescription[] =
"When enabled, a footer indicating user's e-mail address will appear at "
"the bottom of SaveCardInfoBar.";
const char kEnableExperimentalCookieFeaturesName[] =
"Enable experimental cookie features";
const char kEnableExperimentalCookieFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enable new features that affect setting, sending, and managing cookies. "
"The enabled features are subject to change at any time.";
const char kEnableRawDrawName[] = "Enable raw draw";
const char kEnableRawDrawDescription[] =
"When enabled, web content will be rastered on output surface directly.";
const char kEnableDelegatedCompositingName[] = "Enable delegated compositing";
const char kEnableDelegatedCompositingDescription[] =
"When enabled and applicable, the act of compositing is delegated to Ash.";
const char kEnableRemovingAllThirdPartyCookiesName[] =
"Enable removing SameSite=None cookies";
const char kEnableRemovingAllThirdPartyCookiesDescription[] =
"Enables UI on chrome://settings/siteData to remove all third-party "
"cookies and site data.";
const char kEnableBrowsingDataLifetimeManagerName[] =
"Enables the BrowsingDataLifetimeManager service to run.";
const char kEnableBrowsingDataLifetimeManagerDescription[] =
"Enables the BrowsingDataLifetimeManager service to run and periodically "
"delete browsing data as specified by the BrowsingDataLifetime policy.";
const char kColorProviderRedirectionForThemeProviderName[] =
"Color Provider Redirection For Theme Provider";
const char kColorProviderRedirectionForThemeProviderDescription[] =
"Redirects color requests from the ThemeProvider to the ColorProvider "
"where possible.";
const char kDesktopPWAsAdditionalWindowingControlsName[] =
"Desktop PWA Window Minimize/maximize/restore";
const char kDesktopPWAsAdditionalWindowingControlsDescription[] =
"Enable PWAs to manually recreate the minimize, maximize and restore "
"window functionalities with respective APIs.";
const char kDesktopPWAsPrefixAppNameInWindowTitleName[] =
"Desktop PWAs prefix window title with app name.";
const char kDesktopPWAsPrefixAppNameInWindowTitleDescription[] =
"Prefix the window title of installed PWAs with the name of the PWA. On "
"ChromeOS this is visible only in the window/activity switcher.";
const char kDesktopPWAsRemoveStatusBarName[] = "Desktop PWAs remove status bar";
const char kDesktopPWAsRemoveStatusBarDescription[] =
"Hides the status bar popup in Desktop PWA app windows.";
const char kDesktopPWAsDefaultOfflinePageName[] =
"Desktop PWAs default offline page";
const char kDesktopPWAsDefaultOfflinePageDescription[] =
"Shows customised default offline page when web app is offline.";
const char kDesktopPWAsElidedExtensionsMenuName[] =
"Desktop PWAs elided extensions menu";
const char kDesktopPWAsElidedExtensionsMenuDescription[] =
"Moves the Extensions \"puzzle piece\" icon from the title bar into the "
"app menu for web app windows.";
const char kDesktopPWAsLaunchHandlerName[] = "Desktop PWA launch handler";
const char kDesktopPWAsLaunchHandlerDescription[] =
"Enable web app manifests to declare app launch behavior. Prototype "
"implementation of: "
const char kDesktopPWAsManifestIdName[] = "Desktop PWA manifest id";
const char kDesktopPWAsManifestIdDescription[] =
"Enable web app manifests to declare id. Prototype "
"implementation of: "
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripName[] = "Desktop PWA tab strips";
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripDescription[] =
"Experimental UI for exploring what PWA windows would look like with a tab "
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripSettingsName[] =
"Desktop PWA tab strips settings";
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripSettingsDescription[] =
"Experimental UI for selecting whether a PWA should open in tabbed mode.";
const char kDesktopPWAsSubAppsName[] = "Desktop PWA Sub Apps";
const char kDesktopPWAsSubAppsDescription[] =
"Enable installed PWAs to create shortcuts by installing their sub apps. "
"Prototype implementation of: "
const char kDesktopPWAsWindowControlsOverlayName[] =
"Desktop PWA Window Controls Overlay";
const char kDesktopPWAsWindowControlsOverlayDescription[] =
"Enable web app manifests to declare Window Controls Overlay as a display "
"override. Prototype implementation of: "
const char kDesktopPWAsBorderlessName[] = "Desktop PWA Borderless";
const char kDesktopPWAsBorderlessDescription[] =
"Enable web app manifests to declare borderless mode as a display "
"override. Prototype implementation of: go/borderless-mode.";
const char kDesktopPWAsWebBundlesName[] = "Desktop PWAs Web Bundles";
const char kDesktopPWAsWebBundlesDescription[] =
"Adds support for web bundles, making web apps able to be launched "
const char kDesktopPWAsDetailedInstallDialogName[] =
"Desktop PWAs Detailed Install Dialog";
const char kDesktopPWAsDetailedInstallDialogDescription[] =
"Enable PWAs with screenshots to show a detailed install dialog during "
const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsGSuiteName[] =
"Migrate default G Suite Chrome apps to web apps";
const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsGSuiteDescription[] =
"Enable the migration of default installed G Suite Chrome apps over to "
"their corresponding web apps.";
const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsNonGSuiteName[] =
"Migrate default non-G Suite Chrome apps to web apps";
const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsNonGSuiteDescription[] =
"Enable the migration of default installed non-G Suite Chrome apps over to "
"their corresponding web apps.";
const char kEnablePreinstalledWebAppDuplicationFixerName[] =
"Enable the app deduplication fix for migrated preinstalled web apps";
const char kEnablePreinstalledWebAppDuplicationFixerDescription[] =
"The preinstalled web app migration encountered app duplication issues "
"when it rolled out. This code path will attempt to re-migrate instances "
"of app duplication where the old app failed to stay removed. See "
const char kEnableTLS13EarlyDataName[] = "TLS 1.3 Early Data";
const char kEnableTLS13EarlyDataDescription[] =
"This option enables TLS 1.3 Early Data, allowing GET requests to be sent "
"during the handshake when resuming a connection to a compatible TLS 1.3 "
const char kEnhancedNetworkVoicesName[] = "Enhanced network voices";
const char kEnhancedNetworkVoicesDescription[] =
"This option enables high-quality, network-based voices in "
const char kAccessibilityOSSettingsVisibilityName[] =
"Accessibility OS Settings Visibility";
const char kAccessibilityOSSettingsVisibilityDescription[] =
"This option enables improvements in Accessibility OS Settings visibility.";
const char kPostQuantumCECPQ2Name[] = "TLS Post-Quantum Confidentiality";
const char kPostQuantumCECPQ2Description[] =
"This option enables a post-quantum (i.e. resistent to quantum computers) "
"key exchange algorithm in TLS (CECPQ2).";
const char kMacCoreLocationBackendName[] = "Core Location Backend";
const char kMacCoreLocationBackendDescription[] =
"Enables usage of the Core Location APIs as the backend for Geolocation "
const char kNewMacNotificationAPIName[] =
"Determines which notification API to use on macOS devices";
const char kNewMacNotificationAPIDescription[] =
"Enables the usage of Apple's new notification API which will run on macOS "
const char kWinrtGeolocationImplementationName[] =
"WinRT Geolocation Implementation";
const char kWinrtGeolocationImplementationDescription[] =
"Enables usage of the Windows.Devices.Geolocation WinRT APIs on Windows "
"for geolocation";
const char kEnableFencedFramesName[] = "Enable the <fencedframe> element.";
const char kEnableFencedFramesDescription[] =
"Fenced frames are an experimental web platform feature that allows "
"embedding an isolated top-level page. This requires "
"#privacy-sandbox-ads-apis to also be enabled. See "
const char kEnableFirmwareUpdaterAppName[] = "Enable firmware updater app";
const char kEnableFirmwareUpdaterAppDescription[] =
"Enable the firmware updater SWA, allowing users to update firmware "
"on supported peripherals.";
const char kEnableGamepadButtonAxisEventsName[] =
"Gamepad Button and Axis Events";
const char kEnableGamepadButtonAxisEventsDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to subscribe to changes in buttons and/or axes "
"on the gamepad object.";
const char kEnableGenericSensorExtraClassesName[] =
"Generic Sensor Extra Classes";
const char kEnableGenericSensorExtraClassesDescription[] =
"Enables an extra set of sensor classes based on Generic Sensor API, which "
"expose previously unavailable platform features, i.e. AmbientLightSensor "
"and Magnetometer interfaces.";
const char kEnableGpuServiceLoggingName[] = "Enable gpu service logging";
const char kEnableGpuServiceLoggingDescription[] =
"Enable printing the actual GL driver calls.";
const char kEnableIphName[] = "Enable IPH";
const char kEnableIphDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to show IPH. When disabled, IPHs are disabled system "
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppsName[] = "Enable Isolated Web Apps";
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppsDescription[] =
"Enables experimental support for isolated web apps. "
"See for more information.";
const char kEnableRgbKeyboardName[] = "Enable RGB Keyboard Support";
const char kEnableRgbKeyboardDescription[] =
"Enable RGB Keyboard support on supported devices.";
const char kEnableShortcutCustomizationAppName[] =
"Enable shortcut customization app";
const char kEnableShortcutCustomizationAppDescription[] =
"Enable the shortcut customization SWA, allowing users to customize system "
const char kExperimentalRgbKeyboardPatternsName[] =
"Enable experimental RGB Keyboard patterns support";
const char kExperimentalRgbKeyboardPatternsDescription[] =
"Enable experimental RGB Keyboard patterns support on supported devices.";
const char kDownloadAutoResumptionNativeName[] =
"Enable download auto-resumption in native";
const char kDownloadAutoResumptionNativeDescription[] =
"Enables download auto-resumption in native";
const char kDownloadBubbleName[] = "Enable download bubble";
const char kDownloadBubbleDescription[] =
"Enables the download bubble instead of the download shelf.";
const char kDownloadBubbleV2Name[] = "Enable download bubble V2";
const char kDownloadBubbleV2Description[] =
"Adds features to the download bubble not available on the download shelf. "
"Only works if the base download bubble flag download-bubble is also "
const char kDownloadLaterName[] = "Enable download later";
const char kDownloadLaterDescription[] = "Enables download later feature.";
const char kDownloadLaterDebugOnWifiName[] =
"Show download later dialog on WIFI.";
const char kDownloadLaterDebugOnWifiNameDescription[] =
"Show download later dialog on WIFI.";
const char kDownloadRangeName[] = "Enable download range support";
const char kDownloadRangeDescription[] =
"Enables arbitrary download range request support.";
const char kEnableNetworkLoggingToFileName[] = "Enable network logging to file";
const char kEnableNetworkLoggingToFileDescription[] =
"Enables network logging to a file named netlog.json in the user data "
"directory. The file can be imported into chrome://net-internals.";
const char kEnableNewDownloadBackendName[] = "Enable new download backend";
const char kEnableNewDownloadBackendDescription[] =
"Enables the new download backend that uses offline content provider";
const char kEnablePerfettoSystemTracingName[] =
"Enable Perfetto system tracing";
const char kEnablePerfettoSystemTracingDescription[] =
"When enabled, Chrome will attempt to connect to the system tracing "
const char kEnablePortalsName[] = "Enable Portals.";
const char kEnablePortalsDescription[] =
"Portals are an experimental web platform feature that allows embedding"
" and seamless transitions between pages."
" See and";
const char kEnablePortalsCrossOriginName[] = "Enable cross-origin Portals.";
const char kEnablePortalsCrossOriginDescription[] =
"Allows portals to load cross-origin URLs in addition to same-origin ones."
" Has no effect if Portals are not enabled.";
const char kEnableTranslateSubFramesName[] = "Translate sub frames";
const char kEnableTranslateSubFramesDescription[] =
"Enable the translation of sub frames (as well as the main frame)";
const char kEnableWindowsGamingInputDataFetcherName[] =
"Enable Windows.Gaming.Input";
const char kEnableWindowsGamingInputDataFetcherDescription[] =
"Enable Windows.Gaming.Input by default to provide game controller "
"support on Windows 10 desktop.";
const char kBlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsName[] =
"Block insecure private network requests.";
const char kBlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsDescription[] =
"Prevents non-secure contexts from making subresource requests to "
"more-private IP addresses. See also: "
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessSendPreflightsName[] =
"Send Private Network Access preflights";
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessSendPreflightsDescription[] =
"Enables sending Private Network Access preflights ahead of requests to "
"more-private IP addresses. Failed preflights display warnings in DevTools "
"without failing entire request. See also: "
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessRespectPreflightResultsName[] =
"Respect the result of Private Network Access preflights";
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessRespectPreflightResultsDescription[] =
"Enables sending Private Network Access preflights ahead of requests to "
"more-private IP addresses. These preflight requests must succeed in order "
"for the request to proceed. See also: "
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessPreflightShortTimeoutName[] =
"Reduce waiting time for Private Network Access preflights response";
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessPreflightShortTimeoutDescription[] =
"Reduce the waiting time for Private Network Access preflights to 200 "
"milliseconds. The default timeout period for requests is 5 minutes."
"See also: "
const char kDeprecateAltClickName[] =
"Enable Alt+Click deprecation notifications";
const char kDeprecateAltClickDescription[] =
"Start providing notifications about Alt+Click deprecation and enable "
"Search+Click as an alternative.";
const char kDeprecateAltBasedSixPackName[] =
"Deprecate Alt based six-pack (PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, Delete, Insert)";
const char kDeprecateAltBasedSixPackDescription[] =
"Show deprecation notifications and disable functionality for Alt based "
"six pack deprecations. The Search based versions continue to work.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionName[] =
"Experimental accessibility language detection";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDescription[] =
"Enable language detection for in-page content which is then exposed to "
"assistive technologies such as screen readers.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDynamicName[] =
"Experimental accessibility language detection for dynamic content";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDynamicDescription[] =
"Enable language detection for dynamic content which is then exposed to "
"assistive technologies such as screen readers.";
const char kCompositorThreadedScrollbarScrollingName[] =
"Compositor threaded scrollbar scrolling";
const char kCompositorThreadedScrollbarScrollingDescription[] =
"Enables pointer-based scrollbar scrolling on the compositor thread "
"instead of the main thread";
const char kMemlogName[] = "Chrome heap profiler start mode.";
const char kMemlogDescription[] =
"Starts heap profiling service that records sampled memory allocation "
"profile having each sample attributed with a callstack. "
"The sampling resolution is controlled with --memlog-sampling-rate flag. "
"Recorded heap dumps can be obtained at chrome://tracing "
"[category:memory-infra] and chrome://memory-internals. This setting "
"controls which processes will be profiled since their start. To profile "
"any given process at a later time use chrome://memory-internals page.";
const char kMemlogModeMinimal[] = "Browser and GPU";
const char kMemlogModeAll[] = "All processes";
const char kMemlogModeAllRenderers[] = "All renderers";
const char kMemlogModeRendererSampling[] = "Single renderer";
const char kMemlogModeBrowser[] = "Browser only";
const char kMemlogModeGpu[] = "GPU only";
const char kMemlogSamplingRateName[] =
"Heap profiling sampling interval (in bytes).";
const char kMemlogSamplingRateDescription[] =
"Heap profiling service uses Poisson process to sample allocations. "
"Default value for the interval between samples is 1000000 (1MB). "
"This results in low noise for large and/or frequent allocations "
"[size * frequency >> 1MB]. This means that aggregate numbers [e.g. "
"total size of malloc-ed objects] and large and/or frequent allocations "
"can be trusted with high fidelity. "
"Lower intervals produce higher samples resolution, but come at a cost of "
"higher performance overhead.";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate10KB[] = "10KB";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate50KB[] = "50KB";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate100KB[] = "100KB";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate500KB[] = "500KB";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate1MB[] = "1MB";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate5MB[] = "5MB";
const char kMemlogStackModeName[] = "Heap profiling stack traces type.";
const char kMemlogStackModeDescription[] =
"By default heap profiling service records native stacks. "
"A post-processing step is required to symbolize the stacks. "
"'Native with thread names' adds the thread name as the first frame of "
"each native stack. It's also possible to record a pseudo stack using "
"trace events as identifiers. It's also possible to do a mix of both.";
const char kMemlogStackModeNative[] = "Native";
const char kMemlogStackModeNativeWithThreadNames[] = "Native with thread names";
const char kEditContextName[] = "EditContext API";
const char kEditContextDescription[] =
"Allows web pages to use the experimental EditContext API to better "
"control text input.";
const char kEnableAutomaticSnoozeName[] = "Enable Automatic Snooze";
const char kEnableAutomaticSnoozeDescription[] =
"Enables automatic snoozing on In-Product Help with no snooze button.";
const char kEnableLensFullscreenSearchFlagId[] =
const char kEnableLensFullscreenSearchName[] =
"Enable Lens fullscreen search features.";
const char kEnableLensFullscreenSearchDescription[] =
"Enables Lens fullscreen search features.";
const char kEnableLensStandaloneFlagId[] = "enable-lens-standalone";
const char kEnableLensStandaloneName[] = "Enable Lens features in Chrome.";
const char kEnableLensStandaloneDescription[] =
"Enables Lens image and region search to learn about the visual content "
"you see while you browse and shop on the web.";
const char kEnableManagedConfigurationWebApiName[] =
"Enable Managed Configuration Web API";
const char kEnableManagedConfigurationWebApiDescription[] =
"Allows website to access a managed configuration provided by the device "
"administrator for the origin.";
const char kEnablePenetratingImageSelectionName[] =
"Penetrating Image Selection";
const char kEnablePenetratingImageSelectionDescription[] =
"Enables image options to be surfaced in the context menu for nodes "
"covered by transparent overlays.";
const char kEnablePixelCanvasRecordingName[] = "Enable pixel canvas recording";
const char kEnablePixelCanvasRecordingDescription[] =
"Pixel canvas recording allows the compositor to raster contents aligned "
"with the pixel and improves text rendering. This should be enabled when a "
"device is using fractional scale factor.";
const char kReduceHorizontalFlingVelocityName[] =
"Reduce horizontal fling velocity";
const char kReduceHorizontalFlingVelocityDescription[] =
"Reduces the velocity of horizontal flings to 20% of their original"
extern const char kDropInputEventsBeforeFirstPaintName[] =
"Drop Input Events Before First Paint";
extern const char kDropInputEventsBeforeFirstPaintDescription[] =
"Before the user can see the first paint of a new page they cannot "
"intentionally interact with elements on that page. By dropping the events "
"we prevent accidental interaction with a page the user has not seen yet.";
const char kEnableCssSelectorFragmentAnchorName[] =
"Enables CSS selector fragment anchors";
const char kEnableCssSelectorFragmentAnchorDescription[] =
"Similar to text directives, CSS selector directives can be specified "
"in a url which is to be scrolled into view and highlighted.";
const char kRetailCouponsName[] = "Enable to fetch for retail coupons";
const char kRetailCouponsDescription[] =
"Allow to fetch retail coupons for consented users";
const char kEnableResamplingInputEventsName[] =
"Enable resampling input events";
const char kEnableResamplingInputEventsDescription[] =
"Predicts mouse and touch inputs position at rAF time based on previous "
const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsName[] =
"Enable resampling scroll events";
const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsDescription[] =
"Predicts the scroll amount at vsync time based on previous input";
const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsExperimentalPredictionName[] =
"Enable experimental prediction for scroll events";
const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsExperimentalPredictionDescription[] =
"Predicts the scroll amount after the vsync time to more closely match "
"when the frame is visible.";
const char kEnableRestrictedWebApisName[] =
"Enable the restriced web APIs for high-trusted apps.";
const char kEnableRestrictedWebApisDescription[] =
"Enable the restricted web APIs for dev trial. This will be replaced with "
"permission policies to control the capabilities afterwards.";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfName[] =
"Use Blink's zoom for device scale factor.";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfDescription[] =
"If enabled, Blink uses its zooming mechanism to scale content for device "
"scale factor.";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceDefault[] = "Default";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceEnabled[] = "Enabled";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceDisabled[] = "Disabled";
const char kEnableWebAuthenticationCableDiscoCredsName[] =
"Discoverable credentials over caBLEv2";
const char kEnableWebAuthenticationCableDiscoCredsDescription[] =
"Enable the creation and use of Web Authentication discoverable "
"credentials over the caBLEv2 transport";
const char kEnableWebAuthenticationChromeOSAuthenticatorName[] =
"ChromeOS platform Web Authentication support";
const char kEnableWebAuthenticationChromeOSAuthenticatorDescription[] =
"Enable the ChromeOS platform authenticator for the Web Authentication "
const char kEnableZeroCopyTabCaptureName[] = "Zero-copy tab capture";
const char kEnableZeroCopyTabCaptureDescription[] =
"Enable zero-copy content tab for getDisplayMedia() APIs.";
const char kEnableRegionCaptureExperimentalSubtypesName[] =
"Region capture experimental subtypes";
const char kEnableRegionCaptureExperimentalSubtypesDescription[] =
"Enables experiment support for CropTarget.fromElement to use other "
"Element subtypes than just <div> and <iframe>.";
const char kExperimentalWebAssemblyFeaturesName[] = "Experimental WebAssembly";
const char kExperimentalWebAssemblyFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enable web pages to use experimental WebAssembly features.";
const char kExperimentalWebAssemblyStackSwitchingName[] =
"Experimental WebAssembly Stack Switching";
const char kExperimentalWebAssemblyStackSwitchingDescription[] =
"Enable web pages to use experimental WebAssembly stack switching "
const char kEnableWasmBaselineName[] = "WebAssembly baseline compiler";
const char kEnableWasmBaselineDescription[] =
"Enables WebAssembly baseline compilation and tier up.";
const char kEnableWasmLazyCompilationName[] = "WebAssembly lazy compilation";
const char kEnableWasmLazyCompilationDescription[] =
"Enables lazy (JIT on first call) compilation of WebAssembly modules.";
const char kEnableWasmTieringName[] = "WebAssembly tiering";
const char kEnableWasmTieringDescription[] =
"Enables tiered compilation of WebAssembly (will tier up to TurboFan if "
"#enable-webassembly-baseline is enabled).";
const char kEvDetailsInPageInfoName[] = "EV certificate details in Page Info.";
const char kEvDetailsInPageInfoDescription[] =
"Shows the EV certificate details in the Page Info bubble.";
const char kExperimentalWebPlatformFeaturesName[] =
"Experimental Web Platform features";
const char kExperimentalWebPlatformFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enables experimental Web Platform features that are in development.";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationName[] =
"Extension Content Verification";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationDescription[] =
"This flag can be used to turn on verification that the contents of the "
"files on disk for extensions from the webstore match what they're "
"expected to be. This can be used to turn on this feature if it would not "
"otherwise have been turned on, but cannot be used to turn it off (because "
"this setting can be tampered with by malware).";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationBootstrap[] =
"Bootstrap (get expected hashes, but do not enforce them)";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationEnforce[] =
"Enforce (try to get hashes, and enforce them if successful)";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationEnforceStrict[] =
"Enforce strict (hard fail if we can't get hashes)";
const char kExtensionsMenuAccessControlName[] =
"Extensions Menu Access Control";
const char kExtensionsMenuAccessControlDescription[] =
"Enables a redesigned extensions menu that allows the user to control "
"extensions site access.";
const char kExtensionsOnChromeUrlsName[] = "Extensions on chrome:// URLs";
const char kExtensionsOnChromeUrlsDescription[] =
"Enables running extensions on chrome:// URLs, where extensions explicitly "
"request this permission.";
const char kFilteringScrollPredictionName[] = "Filtering scroll prediction";
const char kFilteringScrollPredictionDescription[] =
"Enable filtering of predicted scroll events";
const char kFractionalScrollOffsetsName[] = "Fractional Scroll Offsets";
const char kFractionalScrollOffsetsDescription[] =
"Enables fractional scroll offsets inside Blink, exposing non-integer "
"offsets to web APIs.";
const char kFedCmName[] = "FedCM";
const char kFedCmDescription[] =
"Enables JavaScript API to intermediate federated identity requests.";
const char kFileHandlingAPIName[] = "File Handling API";
const char kFileHandlingAPIDescription[] =
"Enables the file handling API, allowing websites to register as file "
const char kFileHandlingIconsName[] = "File Handling Icons";
const char kFileHandlingIconsDescription[] =
"Allows websites using the file handling API to also register file type "
"icons. See "
"for more information.";
const char kFillingAcrossAffiliatedWebsitesName[] =
"Fill passwords across affiliated websites.";
const char kFillingAcrossAffiliatedWebsitesDescription[] =
"Enables filling password on a website when there is saved "
"password on affiliated website.";
const char kFillOnAccountSelectName[] = "Fill passwords on account selection";
const char kFillOnAccountSelectDescription[] =
"Filling of passwords when an account is explicitly selected by the user "
"rather than autofilling credentials on page load.";
const char kForceTextDirectionName[] = "Force text direction";
const char kForceTextDirectionDescription[] =
"Explicitly force the per-character directionality of UI text to "
"left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) mode, overriding the default "
"direction of the character language.";
const char kForceDirectionLtr[] = "Left-to-right";
const char kForceDirectionRtl[] = "Right-to-left";
const char kForceUiDirectionName[] = "Force UI direction";
const char kForceUiDirectionDescription[] =
"Explicitly force the UI to left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) "
"mode, overriding the default direction of the UI language.";
const char kFullUserAgentName[] = "Full User-Agent request header";
const char kFullUserAgentDescription[] =
"If set, use the full (non-reduced) user agent string for the User-Agent "
"request header and the JS APIs.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsForCastName[] = "Global Media Controls for Cast";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsForCastDescription[] =
"Shows Cast sessions in the Global Media Controls UI.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsModernUIName[] =
"Global Media Controls Modern UI";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsModernUIDescription[] =
"Use a redesigned version of the Global Media Controls UI. Requires "
"#global-media-controls to also be enabled.";
const char kOpenscreenCastStreamingSessionName[] =
"Enable Open Screen Library (libcast) as the Mirroring Service's Cast "
"Streaming implementation";
const char kOpenscreenCastStreamingSessionDescription[] =
"Enables Open Screen Library's (libcast) Cast Streaming implementation to "
"be used for negotiating and executing mirroring and remoting sessions.";
const char kCastStreamingAv1Name[] =
"Enable AV1 codec video encoding in Cast mirroring sessions";
const char kCastStreamingAv1Description[] =
"Enables the inclusion of AV1 codec video encoding in Cast mirroring "
"session negotiations.";
const char kCastStreamingVp9Name[] =
"Enable VP9 codec video encoding in Cast mirroring sessions";
const char kCastStreamingVp9Description[] =
"Enables the inclusion of VP9 codec video encoding in Cast mirroring "
"session negotiations.";
const char kCastUseBlocklistForRemotingQueryName[] =
"Use blocklist for controlling remoting capabilities queries";
const char kCastUseBlocklistForRemotingQueryDescription[] =
"Enables the use of the hard-coded blocklist for controlling whether a "
"device should be queried for remoting capabilities when configuring a "
"mirroring session.";
const char kCastForceEnableRemotingQueryName[] =
"Force enable remoting capabilities queries";
const char kCastForceEnableRemotingQueryDescription[] =
"Enables querying for remoting capabilities for ALL devices, regardless of "
"the contents of the allowlist or blocklist.";
const char kGpuRasterizationName[] = "GPU rasterization";
const char kGpuRasterizationDescription[] = "Use GPU to rasterize web content.";
const char kContextualPageActionsName[] = "Contextual page actions";
const char kContextualPageActionsDescription[] =
"Enables contextual page action feature.";
const char kContextualPageActionsWithPriceTrackingName[] =
"Contextual page actions with price tracking";
const char kContextualPageActionsWithPriceTrackingDescription[] =
"Enables price tracking as a contextual page action.";
const char kHandwritingGestureEditingName[] = "Handwriting Gestures Editing";
const char kHandwritingGestureEditingDescription[] =
"Enables editing with handwriting gestures within the virtual keyboard.";
const char kHandwritingLegacyRecognitionName[] =
"Handwriting Legacy Recognition";
const char kHandwritingLegacyRecognitionDescription[] =
"Enables new on-device recognition for handwriting legacy paths.";
const char kHandwritingLegacyRecognitionAllLangName[] =
"Handwriting Legacy Recognition All Languages";
const char kHandwritingLegacyRecognitionAllLangDescription[] =
"Enables new on-device recognition for handwriting legacy paths in all "
"supported languages.";
const char kHardwareMediaKeyHandling[] = "Hardware Media Key Handling";
const char kHardwareMediaKeyHandlingDescription[] =
"Enables using media keys to control the active media session. This "
"requires MediaSessionService to be enabled too";
const char kHeavyAdPrivacyMitigationsName[] = "Heavy ad privacy mitigations";
const char kHeavyAdPrivacyMitigationsDescription[] =
"Enables privacy mitigations for the heavy ad intervention. Disabling "
"this makes the intervention deterministic. Defaults to enabled.";
const char kHeavyAdInterventionName[] = "Heavy Ad Intervention";
const char kHeavyAdInterventionDescription[] =
"Unloads ads that use too many device resources.";
const char kHiddenNetworkMigrationName[] = "Hidden Network Migration";
const char kHiddenNetworkMigrationDescription[] =
"Enables a privacy improvement that removes wrongly configured hidden"
"networks and mitigates the creation of these networks.";
const char kHideShelfControlsInTabletModeName[] =
"Hide shelf control buttons in tablet mode.";
const char kHideShelfControlsInTabletModeDescription[] =
"Hides home, back, and overview button from the shelf while the device is "
"in tablet mode. Predicated on shelf-hotseat feature being enabled.";
extern const char kHotspotName[] = "Hotspot";
extern const char kHotspotDescription[] =
"Enables the Chromebook to share its cellular internet connection to other "
"devices through WiFi.";
const char kTabAudioMutingName[] = "Tab audio muting UI control";
const char kTabAudioMutingDescription[] =
"When enabled, the audio indicators in the tab strip double as tab audio "
"mute controls.";
const char kTabSearchMediaTabsId[] = "tab-search-media-tabs";
const char kTabSearchMediaTabsName[] = "Tab Search Media Tabs";
const char kTabSearchMediaTabsDescription[] =
"Enable indicators on media tabs in Tab Search.";
const char kTabSwitcherOnReturnName[] = "Tab switcher on return";
const char kTabSwitcherOnReturnDescription[] =
"Enable tab switcher on return after specified time has elapsed";
const char kHttpsOnlyModeName[] = "HTTPS-First Mode Setting";
const char kHttpsOnlyModeDescription[] =
"Adds a setting under chrome://settings/security to opt-in to HTTPS-First "
const char kIgnoreGpuBlocklistName[] = "Override software rendering list";
const char kIgnoreGpuBlocklistDescription[] =
"Overrides the built-in software rendering list and enables "
"GPU-acceleration on unsupported system configurations.";
const char kIgnoreSyncEncryptionKeysLongMissingName[] =
"Ignore Chrome Sync encryption keys long missing";
const char kIgnoreSyncEncryptionKeysLongMissingDescription[] =
"Drops pending encrypted updates if their key has been missing for a "
"(configurable) number of consecutive GetUpdates. Restarting the browser "
"resets the counter. The threshold is configurable via the "
"MinGuResponsesToIgnoreKey feature parameter.";
const char kImprovedDesksKeyboardShortcutsName[] =
"Enable improved desks keyboard shortcuts";
const char kImprovedDesksKeyboardShortcutsDescription[] =
"Enable keyboard shortcuts for activating desks at specific indices and "
"toggling whether a window is assigned to all desks. Must be used with "
"the #improved-keyboard-shortcuts flag.";
const char kImprovedKeyboardShortcutsName[] =
"Enable improved keyboard shortcuts";
const char kImprovedKeyboardShortcutsDescription[] =
"Ensure keyboard shortcuts work consistently with international keyboard "
"layouts and deprecate legacy shortcuts.";
const char kIncognitoDownloadsWarningName[] =
"Enable Incognito downloads warning";
const char kIncognitoDownloadsWarningDescription[] =
"When enabled, users will be warned that downloaded files are saved on the "
"device and might be seen by other users even if they are in Incognito.";
const char kIncognitoReauthenticationForAndroidName[] =
"Enable device reauthentication for Incognito.";
const char kIncognitoReauthenticationForAndroidDescription[] =
"When enabled, a setting appears in Settings > Privacy and Security, to "
"enable reauthentication for accessing your existing Incognito tabs.";
const char kUpdateHistoryEntryPointsInIncognitoName[] =
"Update history entry points in Incognito.";
const char kUpdateHistoryEntryPointsInIncognitoDescription[] =
"When enabled, the entry points to history UI from Incognito mode will be "
"removed for iOS and Desktop. An educative placeholder will be shown for "
"Android history page.";
const char kIncognitoNtpRevampName[] = "Revamped Incognito New Tab Page";
const char kIncognitoNtpRevampDescription[] =
"When enabled, Incognito new tab page will have an updated UI";
const char kIncognitoScreenshotName[] = "Incognito Screenshot";
const char kIncognitoScreenshotDescription[] =
"Enables Incognito screenshots on Android. It will also make Incognito "
"thumbnails visible.";
const char kInitialNavigationEntryName[] = "Initial NavigationEntry";
const char kInitialNavigationEntryDescription[] =
"Enables creation of initial NavigationEntry on tab creation.";
const char kInProductHelpDemoModeChoiceName[] = "In-Product Help Demo Mode";
const char kInProductHelpDemoModeChoiceDescription[] =
"Selects the In-Product Help demo mode.";
const char kInProductHelpSnoozeName[] = "In-Product Help Snooze";
const char kInProductHelpSnoozeDescription[] =
"Enables the snooze button on In-Product Help.";
const char kInProductHelpUseClientConfigName[] = "IPH Use Client Config";
const char kInProductHelpUseClientConfigDescription[] =
"Enable In-Product Help to use client side configuration.";
const char kInstallIssolatedAppsAtStartup[] =
"Install Isolated Apps at Startup";
const char kInstallIssolatedAppsAtStartupDescription[] =
"Isolated application URLs that Chrome should install during startup, "
"specified as a comma-separated list";
const char kInstalledAppsInCbdName[] = "Installed Apps in Clear Browsing Data";
const char kInstalledAppsInCbdDescription[] =
"Adds the installed apps warning dialog to the clear browsing data flow "
"which allows users to protect installed apps' data from being deleted.";
const char kJavascriptHarmonyName[] = "Experimental JavaScript";
const char kJavascriptHarmonyDescription[] =
"Enable web pages to use experimental JavaScript features.";
const char kJavascriptHarmonyShippingName[] =
"Latest stable JavaScript features";
const char kJavascriptHarmonyShippingDescription[] =
"Some web pages use legacy or non-standard JavaScript extensions that may "
"conflict with the latest JavaScript features. This flag allows disabling "
"support of those features for compatibility with such pages.";
const char kJourneysName[] = "History Journeys";
const char kJourneysDescription[] = "Enables the History Journeys UI.";
const char kJourneysLabelsName[] = "History Journeys Labels";
const char kJourneysLabelsDescription[] =
"Enables labels for Journeys within the History Journeys UI.";
const char kJourneysOmniboxActionName[] = "History Journeys Omnibox Action";
const char kJourneysOmniboxActionDescription[] =
"Enables the History Journeys Omnibox Action.";
const char kJourneysOmniboxHistoryClusterProviderName[] =
"History Journeys Omnibox History Cluster Provider";
const char kJourneysOmniboxHistoryClusterProviderDescription[] =
"Enables the History Journeys Omnibox History Cluster Provider to surface "
"Journeys as a suggestion row instead of an action chip.";
const char kJourneysOnDeviceClusteringBackendName[] =
"History Journeys On-Device Clustering Backend";
const char kJourneysOnDeviceClusteringBackendDescription[] =
"Enables variations for the on-device clustering backend";
const char kJourneysOnDeviceClusteringKeywordFilteringName[] =
"History Journeys On-Device Clustering Keyword Filtering";
const char kJourneysOnDeviceClusteringKeywordFilteringDescription[] =
"Enables variations for the keywords output by the on-device clustering "
"for Journeys";
const char kLargeFaviconFromGoogleName[] = "Large favicons from Google";
const char kLargeFaviconFromGoogleDescription[] =
"Request large favicons from Google's favicon service";
const char kLensCameraAssistedSearchName[] =
"Google Lens in Omnibox and New Tab Page";
const char kLensCameraAssistedSearchDescription[] =
"Enable an entry point to Google Lens to allow users to search what they "
"see using their mobile camera.";
const char kLensOnQuickActionSearchWidgetName[] =
"Google Lens in Chrome's Quick Action Search Widget";
const char kLensOnQuickActionSearchWidgetDescription[] =
"Enable an entry point to Google Lens to allow users to search what they "
"see using their mobile camera in the Quick Action Search Widget.";
const char kLogJsConsoleMessagesName[] =
"Log JS console messages in system logs";
const char kLogJsConsoleMessagesDescription[] =
"Enable logging JS console messages in system logs, please note that they "
"may contain PII.";
const char kUnthrottledNestedTimeoutName[] =
"Increase the nesting threshold before which setTimeout(..., <4ms) start "
"being clamped.";
const char kUnthrottledNestedTimeoutDescription[] =
"setTimeout(..., 0) is commonly used to break down long Javascript tasks. "
"Under this flag, setTimeouts and setIntervals with an interval < 4ms are "
"not clamped as aggressively. This improves short horizon performance, but "
"websites abusing the API will still eventually have their setTimeouts "
const char kMediaRouterCastAllowAllIPsName[] =
"Connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses";
const char kMediaRouterCastAllowAllIPsDescription[] =
"Have the Media Router connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses, not "
"just RFC1918/RFC4193 private addresses.";
const char kMediaSessionWebRTCName[] = "Enable WebRTC actions in Media Session";
const char kMediaSessionWebRTCDescription[] =
"Adds new actions into Media Session for video conferencing.";
const char kMetricsSettingsAndroidName[] = "Metrics Settings on Android";
const char kMetricsSettingsAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables the new design of metrics settings.";
const char kMojoLinuxChannelSharedMemName[] =
"Enable Mojo Shared Memory Channel";
const char kMojoLinuxChannelSharedMemDescription[] =
"If enabled Mojo on Linux based platforms can use shared memory as an "
"alternate channel for most messages.";
const char kMouseSubframeNoImplicitCaptureName[] =
"Disable mouse implicit capture for iframe";
const char kMouseSubframeNoImplicitCaptureDescription[] =
"When enable, mouse down does not implicit capture for iframe.";
const char kCanvas2DLayersName[] =
"Enables canvas 2D methods BeginLayer and EndLayer";
const char kCanvas2DLayersDescription[] =
"Enables the canvas 2D methods BeginLayer and EndLayer.";
const char kEnableMachineLearningModelLoaderWebPlatformApiName[] =
"Enables Machine Learning Model Loader Web Platform API";
const char kEnableMachineLearningModelLoaderWebPlatformApiDescription[] =
"Enables the Machine Learning Model Loader Web Platform API.";
const char kSystemProxyForSystemServicesName[] =
"Enable system-proxy for selected system services";
const char kSystemProxyForSystemServicesDescription[] =
"Enabling this flag will allow ChromeOS system service which require "
"network connectivity to use the system-proxy daemon for authentication to "
"remote HTTP web proxies.";
const char kDestroyProfileOnBrowserCloseName[] =
"Destroy Profile on browser close";
const char kDestroyProfileOnBrowserCloseDescription[] =
"Release memory and other resources when a Profile's last browser window "
"is closed, rather than when Chrome closes completely.";
const char kDestroySystemProfilesName[] = "Destroy System Profile";
const char kDestroySystemProfilesDescription[] =
"After you close the Profile Picker, release memory and other resources "
"owned by the System Profile. This requires "
const char kNotificationsRevampName[] = "Notifications Revamp";
const char kNotificationsRevampDescription[] =
"Enable notification UI revamp and grouped web notifications.";
const char kNotificationSchedulerName[] = "Notification scheduler";
const char kNotificationSchedulerDescription[] =
"Enable notification scheduler feature.";
const char kNotificationSchedulerDebugOptionName[] =
"Notification scheduler debug options";
const char kNotificationSchedulerDebugOptionDescription[] =
"Enable debugging mode to override certain behavior of notification "
"scheduler system for easier manual testing.";
const char kNotificationSchedulerImmediateBackgroundTaskDescription[] =
"Show scheduled notification right away.";
const char kNotificationsSystemFlagName[] = "Enable system notifications.";
const char kNotificationsSystemFlagDescription[] =
"Enable support for using the system notification toasts and notification "
"center on platforms where these are available.";
const char kOmitCorsClientCertName[] =
"Omit TLS client certificates if credential mode disallows";
const char kOmitCorsClientCertDescription[] =
"Strictly conform the Fetch spec to omit TLS client certificates if "
"credential mode disallows. Without this flag enabled, Chrome will always "
"try sending client certificates regardless of the credential mode.";
const char kOmniboxAdaptiveSuggestionsCountName[] =
"Adaptive Omnibox Suggestions count";
const char kOmniboxAdaptiveSuggestionsCountDescription[] =
"Dynamically adjust number of presented Omnibox suggestions depending on "
"available space. When enabled, this feature will increase (or decrease) "
"amount of offered Omnibox suggestions to fill in the space between the "
"Omnibox and soft keyboard (if any). See also Max Autocomplete Matches "
"flag to adjust the limit of offered suggestions. The number of shown "
"suggestions will be no less than the platform default limit.";
const char kOmniboxAggregateShortcutsName[] = "Omnibox Aggregate Shortcuts";
const char kOmniboxAggregateShortcutsDescription[] =
"When enabled, duplicate shortcuts matching the user input will be given "
"an aggregate score; when disabled, they'll be scored independently";
const char kOmniboxAssistantVoiceSearchName[] =
"Omnibox Assistant Voice Search";
const char kOmniboxAssistantVoiceSearchDescription[] =
"When enabled, use Assistant for omnibox voice query recognition instead of"
" Android's built-in voice recognition service. Only works on Android.";
const char kOmniboxBlurWithEscapeName[] = "Omnibox Blur with Escape";
const char kOmniboxBlurWithEscapeDescription[] =
"When enabled, pressing escape when the omnibox is focused without user "
"input will blur the omnibox and focus the web page.";
const char kOmniboxBookmarkPathsName[] = "Omnibox Bookmark Paths";
const char kOmniboxBookmarkPathsDescription[] =
"Allows inputs to match with bookmark paths. E.g. 'planets jupiter' can "
"suggest a bookmark titled 'Jupiter' with URL "
"'' located in a path containing 'planet.'";
const char kOmniboxClosePopupWithEscapeName[] =
"Omnibox Close Popup with Escape";
const char kOmniboxClosePopupWithEscapeDescription[] =
"When enabled, pressing escape when the omnibox popup is open and the "
"default suggestion is selected will close the omnibox without removing "
"its focus or clearing user input.";
const char kOmniboxDisableCGIParamMatchingName[] =
"Disable CGI Param Name Matching";
const char kOmniboxDisableCGIParamMatchingDescription[] =
"Disables using matches in CGI parameter names while scoring suggestions.";
const char kOmniboxDocumentProviderAsoName[] = "Omnibox Document Provider ASO";
const char kOmniboxDocumentProviderAsoDescription[] =
"If document suggestions are enabled, swaps the backend from cloudsearch "
"to ASO (Apps Search Overlay) search.";
const char kOmniboxExperimentalSuggestScoringName[] =
"Omnibox Experimental Suggest Scoring";
const char kOmniboxExperimentalSuggestScoringDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental scoring mode for suggestions when Google is the "
"default search engine.";
const char kOmniboxFuzzyUrlSuggestionsName[] = "Omnibox Fuzzy URL Suggestions";
const char kOmniboxFuzzyUrlSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Enables URL suggestions for inputs that may contain typos.";
const char kOmniboxHeaderPaddingUpdateName[] = "Omnibox Header Padding Update";
const char kOmniboxHeaderPaddingUpdateDescription[] =
"Update Omnibox suggestion header's position.";
const char kOmniboxModernizeVisualUpdateName[] =
"Omnibox Modernize Visual Update";
const char kOmniboxModernizeVisualUpdateDescription[] =
"When enabled, Omnibox will show a new UI which is visually "
"updated. This flag is for the step 1 in the Clank Omnibox revamp plan.";
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesName[] = "Omnibox Most Visited Tiles";
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesDescription[] =
"Display a list of frequently visited pages from history as a single row "
"with a carousel instead of one URL per line.";
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesTitleWrapAroundName[] =
"Omnibox Most Visited Tiles Title wrap around";
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesTitleWrapAroundDescription[] =
"Permits longer MV Tiles titles to wrap around to the second line "
"to reduce ellipsizing longer titles.";
const char kOmniboxRemoveSuggestionHeaderCapitalizationName[] =
"Omnibox Remove Suggestion Header Capitalization";
const char kOmniboxRemoveSuggestionHeaderCapitalizationDescription[] =
"Remove the capitalization of the omnibox suggestion search header.";
const char kOmniboxRemoveSuggestionHeaderChevronName[] =
"Omnibox Remove Suggestion Header Chevron";
const char kOmniboxRemoveSuggestionHeaderChevronDescription[] =
"Remove the chevron on the right side of omnibox suggestion search header.";
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingName[] =
"Omnibox Zero Prefix Suggestion Prefetching on NTP";
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingDescription[] =
"Enables prefetching of the zero prefix suggestions for eligible users "
"on the New Tab page.";
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingOnSRPName[] =
"Omnibox Zero Prefix Suggestion Prefetching on SRP";
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingOnSRPDescription[] =
"Enables prefetching of the zero prefix suggestions for eligible users "
"on the Search Results page.";
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingOnWebName[] =
"Omnibox Zero Prefix Suggestion Prefetching on the Web";
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingOnWebDescription[] =
"Enables prefetching of the zero prefix suggestions for eligible users "
"on the Web (i.e. non-NTP and non-SRP URLs).";
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsName[] =
"Omnibox on device head suggestions (non-incognito only)";
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Google head non personalized search suggestions provided by a compact on "
"device model for non-incognito. Turn off this feature if you have other "
"apps running which affects local file access (e.g. anti-virus software) "
"and are experiencing searchbox typing lags.";
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsIncognitoName[] =
"Omnibox on device head suggestions (incognito only)";
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsIncognitoDescription[] =
"Google head non personalized search suggestions provided by a compact on "
"device model for incognito. Turn off this feature if you have other "
"apps running which affects local file access (e.g. anti-virus software) "
"and are experiencing searchbox typing lags.";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionPromisingName[] =
"Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Promising Combinations";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionPromisingDescription[] =
"Allow autocompletion for titles and non-prefixes. Suggestions whose "
"titles or URLs contain the user input as a continuous chunk, but not "
"necessarily a prefix, can be the default suggestion. Otherwise, only "
"suggestions whose URLs are prefixed by the user input can be.";
const char kOmniboxSiteSearchStarterPackName[] =
"Omnibox Site Search Starter Pack";
const char kOmniboxSiteSearchStarterPackDescription[] =
"Enables @history, @bookmarks, and @tabs scopes in Omnibox Site "
"Search/Keyword Mode";
const char kOmniboxLocalHistoryZeroSuggestBeyondNTPName[] =
"Allow local history zero-prefix suggestions beyond NTP";
const char kOmniboxLocalHistoryZeroSuggestBeyondNTPDescription[] =
"Enables local history zero-prefix suggestions in every context in which "
"the remote zero-prefix suggestions are enabled.";
const char kOmniboxFocusTriggersSRPZeroSuggestName[] =
"Allow Omnibox contextual web on-focus suggestions on the SRP";
const char kOmniboxFocusTriggersSRPZeroSuggestDescription[] =
"Enables on-focus suggestions on the Search Results page. "
"Requires on-focus suggestions for the contextual web to be enabled. "
"Will only work if user is signed-in and syncing.";
const char kOmniboxFocusTriggersContextualWebZeroSuggestName[] =
"Omnibox on-focus suggestions for the contextual Web";
const char kOmniboxFocusTriggersContextualWebZeroSuggestDescription[] =
"Enables on-focus suggestions on the Open Web, that are contextual to the "
"current URL. Will only work if user is signed-in and syncing, or is "
"otherwise eligible to send the current page URL to the suggest server.";
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesFadingOnTabletName[] =
"Omnibox Most Visited Tiles fading on tablet";
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesFadingOnTabletDescription[] =
"Set most visited website tiles carousel to fade on horizontal ends on"
"tablet mode.";
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesOnSrpName[] =
"Omnibox Most Visited Tiles on Search Results Page";
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesOnSrpDescription[] =
"Offer most visited website tiles when the User is on the Search Results "
const char kOmniboxShortBookmarkSuggestionsName[] =
"Omnibox short bookmark suggestions";
const char kOmniboxShortBookmarkSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Match very short input words to beginning of words in bookmark "
const char kOmniboxShortcutExpandingName[] = "Omnibox shortcut expanding";
const char kOmniboxShortcutExpandingDescription[] =
"Expand the last word in the shortcut text to be a complete word from the "
"suggestion text.";
const char kOmniboxRetainSuggestionsWithHeadersName[] =
"Retain complete set of suggestions with headers";
const char kOmniboxRetainSuggestionsWithHeadersDescription[] =
"Given a list of suggestions, all suggestions for which a header metadata "
"is available will be retained as a whole and not be counted towards the "
const char kOmniboxMaxZeroSuggestMatchesName[] =
"Omnibox Max Zero Suggest Matches";
const char kOmniboxMaxZeroSuggestMatchesDescription[] =
"Changes the maximum number of autocomplete matches displayed when zero "
"suggest is active (i.e. displaying suggestions without input).";
const char kOmniboxUIMaxAutocompleteMatchesName[] =
"Omnibox UI Max Autocomplete Matches";
const char kOmniboxUIMaxAutocompleteMatchesDescription[] =
"Changes the maximum number of autocomplete matches displayed in the "
"Omnibox UI.";
const char kOmniboxUpdatedConnectionSecurityIndicatorsName[] =
"Omnibox Updated connection security indicators";
const char kOmniboxUpdatedConnectionSecurityIndicatorsDescription[] =
"Use new connection security indicators for https pages in the omnibox.";
const char kOmniboxMaxURLMatchesName[] = "Omnibox Max URL Matches";
const char kOmniboxMaxURLMatchesDescription[] =
"The maximum number of URL matches to show, unless there are no "
const char kOmniboxDynamicMaxAutocompleteName[] =
"Omnibox Dynamic Max Autocomplete";
const char kOmniboxDynamicMaxAutocompleteDescription[] =
"Configures the maximum number of autocomplete matches displayed in the "
"Omnibox UI dynamically based on the number of URL matches.";
const char kOptimizationGuideDebugLogsName[] =
"Enable optimization guide debug logs";
const char kOptimizationGuideDebugLogsDescription[] =
"Enables the optimization guide to log and save debug messages that can be "
"shown in the internals page.";
const char kOptimizationGuidePushNotificationName[] =
"Enable optimization guide push notifications";
const char kOptimizationGuidePushNotificationDescription[] =
"Enables the optimization guide to receive push notifications.";
const char kEnableDeJellyName[] = "Experimental de-jelly effect";
const char kEnableDeJellyDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental effect which attempts to mitigate "
"\"jelly-scrolling\". This is an experimental implementation with known "
"bugs, visual artifacts, and performance cost. This implementation may be "
"removed at any time.";
const char kOrganicRepeatableQueriesName[] =
"Organic repeatable queries in Most Visited tiles";
const char kOrganicRepeatableQueriesDescription[] =
"Enables showing the most repeated queries, from the device browsing "
"history, organically among the most visited sites in the MV tiles.";
const char kOriginAgentClusterDefaultName[] =
"Origin-keyed Agent Clusters by default";
const char kOriginAgentClusterDefaultDescription[] =
"Select the default behaviour for the Origin-Agent-Cluster http header. "
"If enabled, an absent header will cause pages to be assigned to an "
"origin-keyed agent cluster, and to a site-keyed agent cluster when "
"disabled. Documents whose agent clusters are origin-keyed cannot set "
"document.domain to relax the same-origin policy.";
const char kOsSettingsAppNotificationsPageName[] =
"CrOS Settings App Notifications Page";
const char kOsSettingsAppNotificationsPageDescription[] =
"If enabled, a new App Notifications subpage will appear in the "
"CrOS Settings Apps section.";
const char kOverlayScrollbarsName[] = "Overlay Scrollbars";
const char kOverlayScrollbarsDescription[] =
"Enable the experimental overlay scrollbars implementation. You must also "
"enable threaded compositing to have the scrollbars animate.";
const char kOverlayStrategiesName[] = "Select HW overlay strategies";
const char kOverlayStrategiesDescription[] =
"Select strategies used to promote quads to HW overlays.";
const char kOverlayStrategiesDefault[] = "Default";
const char kOverlayStrategiesNone[] = "None";
const char kOverlayStrategiesUnoccludedFullscreen[] =
"Unoccluded fullscreen buffers (single-fullscreen)";
const char kOverlayStrategiesUnoccluded[] =
"Unoccluded buffers (single-fullscreen,single-on-top)";
const char kOverlayStrategiesOccludedAndUnoccluded[] =
"Occluded and unoccluded buffers "
const char kOverrideLanguagePrefsForHrefTranslateName[] =
"Override user-blocklisted languages for hrefTranslate";
const char kOverrideLanguagePrefsForHrefTranslateDescription[] =
"When using hrefTranslate, ignore the user's blocklist of languages that "
"shouldn't be translated.";
const char kOverrideSitePrefsForHrefTranslateName[] =
"Override user-blocklisted sites for hrefTranslate";
const char kOverrideSitePrefsForHrefTranslateDescription[] =
"When using hrefTranslate, ignore the user's blocklist of websites that "
"shouldn't be translated.";
const char kOverrideUnsupportedPageLanguageForHrefTranslateName[] =
"Force translation on pages with unsupported languages for hrefTranslate";
const char kOverrideUnsupportedPageLanguageForHrefTranslateDescription[] =
"When using hrefTranslate, force translation on pages where the page's "
"language cannot be determined or is unsupported.";
const char kOverrideSimilarLanguagesForHrefTranslateName[] =
"Force translation on pages with a similar page language for hrefTranslate";
const char kOverrideSimilarLanguagesForHrefTranslateDescription[] =
"When using hrefTranslate, force translation on pages where the page's "
"language is similar to the target language specified via hrefTranslate.";
const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationName[] = "Overscroll history navigation";
const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationDescription[] =
"History navigation in response to horizontal overscroll.";
const char kOverviewButtonName[] = "Overview button at the status area";
const char kOverviewButtonDescription[] =
"If enabled, always show the overview button at the status area.";
const char kPageContentAnnotationsName[] = "Page content annotations";
const char kPageContentAnnotationsDescription[] =
"Enables page content to be annotated on-device.";
const char kPageEntitiesPageContentAnnotationsName[] =
"Page entities content annotations";
const char kPageEntitiesPageContentAnnotationsDescription[] =
"Enables annotating the page entities model for each page load on-device.";
const char kPageInfoAboutThisSiteName[] =
"'About this site' section in page info";
const char kPageInfoAboutThisSiteDescription[] =
"Enable the 'About this site' section in the page info.";
const char kPageInfoMoreAboutThisPageName[] =
"'More about this page' link in page info";
const char kPageInfoMoreAboutThisPageDescription[] =
"Enable the 'More about this page' link in the 'From the web' section of "
"page info.";
const char kPageInfoHideSiteSettingsName[] = "Page info hide site settings";
const char kPageInfoHideSiteSettingsDescription[] =
"Hides site settings row in the page info menu.";
const char kPageInfoHistoryDesktopName[] = "Page info history";
const char kPageInfoHistoryDesktopDescription[] =
"Enable a history section in the page info.";
const char kPageVisibilityPageContentAnnotationsName[] =
"Page visibility content annotations";
const char kPageVisibilityPageContentAnnotationsDescription[] =
"Enables annotating the page visibility model for each page load "
const char kParallelDownloadingName[] = "Parallel downloading";
const char kParallelDownloadingDescription[] =
"Enable parallel downloading to accelerate download speed.";
const char kPasswordChangeInSettingsName[] =
"Rework password change flow from settings";
const char kPasswordChangeInSettingsDescription[] =
"Change password when bulk leak check detected an issue.";
const char kPasswordChangeName[] = "Rework password change flow";
const char kPasswordChangeDescription[] =
"Change password when password leak is detected.";
const char kPasswordImportName[] = "Password import";
const char kPasswordImportDescription[] =
"Import functionality in password settings.";
const char kPasswordDomainCapabilitiesFetchingName[] =
"Fetch credentials' password change capabilities";
const char kPasswordDomainCapabilitiesFetchingDescription[] =
"Fetches credentials' password change capabilities from the server.";
const char kPasswordScriptsFetchingName[] = "Fetch password scripts";
const char kPasswordScriptsFetchingDescription[] =
"Fetches scripts for password change flows.";
const char kPasswordStrengthIndicatorName[] = "Password strength indicator";
const char kPasswordStrengthIndicatorDescription[] =
"Enables password strength indicator when typing a password during a "
"sign-up and password change flows.";
const char kForceEnablePasswordDomainCapabilitiesName[] =
"Force enable password change capabilities for domains";
const char kForceEnablePasswordDomainCapabilitiesDescription[] =
"Force enables password change capabilities for every domain, regardless "
"of the server response.";
const char kPdfOcrName[] = "Performs OCR on inaccessible PDFs";
const char kPdfOcrDescription[] =
"Enables a feature whereby inaccessible (i.e. untagged) PDFs are made "
"accessible using an optical character recognition service.";
const char kPdfXfaFormsName[] = "PDF XFA support";
const char kPdfXfaFormsDescription[] =
"Enables support for XFA forms in PDFs. "
"Has no effect if Chrome was not built with XFA support.";
const char kAutoWebContentsDarkModeName[] = "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents";
const char kAutoWebContentsDarkModeDescription[] =
"Automatically render all web contents using a dark theme.";
const char kForcedColorsName[] = "Forced Colors";
const char kForcedColorsDescription[] =
"Enables forced colors mode for web content.";
const char kWindowsScrollingPersonalityName[] = "Windows Scrolling Personality";
const char kWindowsScrollingPersonalityDescription[] =
"If enabled, mousewheel and keyboard scrolls will scroll by a percentage "
"of the scroller size and the default scroll animation is replaced with "
"Impulse-style scroll animations.";
const char kPermissionChipName[] = "Permissions Chip Experiment";
const char kPermissionChipDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental permission prompt that uses a chip in the location"
" bar.";
const char kPermissionChipGestureSensitiveName[] =
"Gesture-sensitive Permissions Chip";
const char kPermissionChipGestureSensitiveDescription[] =
"If the Permissions Chip Experiment is enabled, controls whether or not "
"the chip should be more prominent when the request is associated with a "
const char kPermissionChipRequestTypeSensitiveName[] =
"Request-type-sensitive Permissions Chip";
const char kPermissionChipRequestTypeSensitiveDescription[] =
"If the Permissions Chip Experiment is enabled, controls whether or not "
"the chip should be more or less prominent depending on the request type.";
const char kPermissionPredictionsName[] = "Permission Predictions";
const char kPermissionPredictionsDescription[] =
"Use the Permission Predictions Service to surface permission requests "
"using a quieter UI when the likelihood of the user granting the "
"permission is predicted to be low. Requires "
"chrome://flags/#quiet-notification-prompts and `Safe Browsing` to be "
const char kPermissionQuietChipName[] = "Quiet Permission Chip Experiment";
const char kPermissionQuietChipDescription[] =
"Enables a permission prompt that uses the quiet chip instead of the "
"right-hand side address bar icon for quiet permission prompts. Requires "
"chrome://flags/#quiet-notification-prompts to be enabled.";
const char kPersistentQuotaIsTemporaryQuotaName[] =
"window.PERSISTENT is temporary quota.";
const char kPersistentQuotaIsTemporaryQuotaDescription[] =
"Causes the window.PERSISTENT quota type to have the same semantics as "
const char kPersonalizationHubName[] = "Personalization Hub UI";
const char kPersonalizationHubDescription[] =
"Enable the UI to let users customize their wallpapers, screensaver, and "
const char kPointerLockOptionsName[] = "Enables pointer lock options";
const char kPointerLockOptionsDescription[] =
"Enables pointer lock unadjustedMovement. When unadjustedMovement is set "
"to true, pointer movements wil not be affected by the underlying platform "
"modications such as mouse accelaration.";
const char kBookmarksImprovedSaveFlowName[] = "Improved bookmarks save flow";
const char kBookmarksImprovedSaveFlowDescription[] =
"Enabled an improved save flow for bookmarks.";
const char kBookmarksRefreshName[] = "Bookmarks refresh";
const char kBookmarksRefreshDescription[] =
"Enable various changes to bookmarks.";
const char kPrerender2Name[] = "Prerender2";
const char kPrerender2Description[] =
"Enables the new prerenderer implementation for "
"<script type=speculationrules> that specifies prerender candidates.";
const char kOmniboxTriggerForPrerender2Name[] =
"Omnibox trigger for Prerender2";
const char kOmniboxTriggerForPrerender2Description[] =
"Enables the new omnibox trigger prerenderer implementation.";
const char kSupportSearchSuggestionForPrerender2Name[] =
"Prerender search suggestions";
const char kSupportSearchSuggestionForPrerender2Description[] =
"Allows Prerender2 to prerender search suggestions provided by the default "
"search engine. Requires chrome://flags/#enable-prerender2 to be enabled";
const char kPrivacyGuide2Name[] = "Privacy Guide V2";
const char kPrivacyGuide2Description[] =
"Enables UI updates for Privacy Guide.";
const char kPrivacyGuideAndroidName[] = "Privacy Guide on Android";
const char kPrivacyGuideAndroidDescription[] =
"Shows a new subpage in Settings that helps the user to review various "
"privacy settings.";
const char kPrivacySandboxAdsAPIsOverrideName[] = "Privacy Sandbox Ads APIs";
const char kPrivacySandboxAdsAPIsOverrideDescription[] =
"Enables Privacy Sandbox APIs: Attribution Reporting, Fledge, Topics, "
"Fenced Frames, Shared Storage, and their associated features.";
const char kPrivacySandboxV3Name[] = "Privacy Sandbox V3";
const char kPrivacySandboxV3Description[] =
"Enables an updated Privacy Sandbox UI. Also enables some related "
const char kProminentDarkModeActiveTabTitleName[] =
"Prominent Dark Mode Active Tab Titles";
const char kProminentDarkModeActiveTabTitleDescription[] =
"Makes the active tab title in dark mode bolder so the active tab is "
"easier "
"to identify.";
const char kPullToRefreshName[] = "Pull-to-refresh gesture";
const char kPullToRefreshDescription[] =
"Pull-to-refresh gesture in response to vertical overscroll.";
const char kPullToRefreshEnabledTouchscreen[] = "Enabled for touchscreen only";
const char kPwaUpdateDialogForAppIconName[] =
"Enable PWA install update dialog for icon changes";
const char kPwaUpdateDialogForAppIconDescription[] =
"Enable a confirmation dialog that shows up when a PWA changes its icon";
const char kPwaUpdateDialogForAppTitleName[] =
"Enable PWA install update dialog for name changes";
const char kPwaUpdateDialogForAppTitleDescription[] =
"Enable a confirmation dialog that shows up when a PWA changes its name";
const char kQuicName[] = "Experimental QUIC protocol";
const char kQuicDescription[] = "Enable experimental QUIC protocol support.";
const char kQuickDimName[] = "Enable lock on leave";
const char kQuickDimDescription[] =
"Enables lock on leave feature to better dim or lock the device. Can be "
"enabled and disabled from the Smart privacy section of your device "
const char kQuickIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingAfterLoadingName[] =
"Quick intensive throttling after loading";
const char kQuickIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingAfterLoadingDescription[] =
"For pages that are loaded when backgrounded, activates intensive "
"throttling after 10 seconds instead of the default 5 minutes. Intensive "
"throttling will limit wake ups, from setTimeout and setInterval tasks "
"with a high nesting level and delayed scheduler.postTask tasks, to 1 per "
"minute. See for more "
const char kSettingsAppNotificationSettingsName[] =
"Split notification permission settings";
const char kSettingsAppNotificationSettingsDescription[] =
"Remove per-app notification permissions settings from the quick settings "
"menu. Notification permission settings will be split between the "
"lacros-chrome browser's notification permission page "
"and the ChromeOS settings app.";
const char kRecordWebAppDebugInfoName[] = "Record web app debug info";
const char kRecordWebAppDebugInfoDescription[] =
"Enables recording additional web app related debugging data to be "
"displayed in: chrome://web-app-internals";
const char kReduceAcceptLanguageName[] =
"Reduce Accept-Language request header";
const char kReduceAcceptLanguageDescription[] =
"Reduce the amount of information available in the Accept-Language request "
"header. See for more info.";
const char kReduceUserAgentName[] = "Reduce User-Agent request header";
const char kReduceUserAgentDescription[] =
"Reduce (formerly, \"freeze\") the amount of information available in "
"the User-Agent request header. "
"See for more info.";
const char kRestrictGamepadAccessName[] = "Restrict gamepad access";
const char kRestrictGamepadAccessDescription[] =
"Enables Permissions Policy and Secure Context restrictions on the Gamepad "
const char kRoundedDisplay[] = "Rounded display";
const char kRoundedDisplayDescription[] =
"Enables rounded corners for the display";
const char kMBIModeName[] = "MBI Scheduling Mode";
const char kMBIModeDescription[] =
"Enables independent agent cluster scheduling, via the "
"AgentSchedulingGroup infrastructure.";
const char kIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingName[] =
"Throttle Javascript timers in background.";
const char kIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingDescription[] =
"When enabled, wake ups from DOM Timers are limited to 1 per minute in a "
"page that has been hidden for 5 minutes. For additional details, see "
const char kSafetyCheckPermissionsName[] = "Permission Modules on Safety Check";
const char kSafetyCheckPermissionsDescription[] =
"When enabled, adds permission modules to Safety Check on desktop. "
"The modules will be shown depending on the browser state.";
const char kSamePartyCookiesConsideredFirstPartyName[] =
"Consider SameParty cookies to be first-party.";
const char kSamePartyCookiesConsideredFirstPartyDescription[] =
"If enabled, SameParty cookies will not be blocked even if third-party "
"cookies are blocked.";
const char kPartitionedCookiesName[] = "Partitioned cookies";
const char kPartitionedCookiesDescription[] =
"Controls if the Partitioned cookie attribute is enabled.";
const char kPartitionedCookiesBypassOriginTrialName[] =
"Partitioned cookies: bypass origin trial";
const char kPartitionedCookiesBypassOriginTrialDescription[] =
"If this flag is enabled, Chrome will not require a site to opt into the "
"origin trial in order to send or receive cookies set with the Partitioned "
const char kNoncedPartitionedCookiesName[] = "Nonced partitioned cookies only";
const char kNoncedPartitionedCookiesDescription[] =
"When this flag is enabled, we allow partitioned cookies whose "
"partition keys contain a nonce even if the \"Partitioned cookies\" "
"feature is disabled. If \"Partitioned cookies\" are enabled, then "
"enabling or disabling this feature does nothing.";
const char kThirdPartyStoragePartitioningName[] =
"Experimental third-party storage partitioning.";
const char kThirdPartyStoragePartitioningDescription[] =
"Enables partitioning of third-party storage by top-level site. "
"Note: this is under active development and may result in unexpected "
"behavior. Please file bugs at"
const char kScrollableTabStripFlagId[] = "scrollable-tabstrip";
const char kScrollableTabStripName[] = "Tab Scrolling";
const char kScrollableTabStripDescription[] =
"Enables tab strip to scroll left and right when full.";
const char kScrollUnificationName[] = "Scroll Unification";
const char kScrollUnificationDescription[] =
"Refactoring project that eliminates scroll handling code from Blink. "
"Does not affect behavior or performance.";
extern const char kSearchResultInlineIconName[] = "Search Result Inline Icons";
extern const char kSearchResultInlineIconDescription[] =
"Show iconified text and vector icons "
"in launcher search results.";
extern const char kDynamicSearchUpdateAnimationName[] =
"Dynamic Search Result Update Animation";
extern const char kDynamicSearchUpdateAnimationDescription[] =
"Dynamically adjust the search result update animation when those update "
"animations are preempted. Shortened animation durations configurable "
"(unit: milliseconds).";
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationDebugName[] =
"Secure Payment Confirmation Debug Mode";
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationDebugDescription[] =
"This flag removes the restriction that PaymentCredential in WebAuthn and "
"secure payment confirmation in PaymentRequest API must use user verifying "
"platform authenticators.";
const char kSendTabToSelfSigninPromoName[] = "Send tab to self sign-in promo";
const char kSendTabToSelfSigninPromoDescription[] =
"Enables a sign-in promo if the user attempts to share a tab while being "
"signed out";
const char kSidePanelImprovedClobberingName[] =
"Side panel improved clobbering";
const char kSidePanelImprovedClobberingDescription[] =
"Improves the side panel clobbering experience for RHS side panels.";
const char kSidePanelJourneysFlagId[] = "side-panel-journeys";
const char kSidePanelJourneysName[] = "Side panel journeys";
const char kSidePanelJourneysDescription[] =
"Enables Journeys within the side panel.";
const char kSharingDesktopScreenshotsName[] = "Desktop Screenshots";
const char kSharingDesktopScreenshotsDescription[] =
"Enables taking"
" screenshots from the desktop sharing hub.";
const char kSharingPreferVapidName[] =
"Prefer sending Sharing message via VAPID";
const char kSharingPreferVapidDescription[] =
"Prefer sending Sharing message via FCM WebPush authenticated using VAPID.";
const char kSharingSendViaSyncName[] =
"Enable sending Sharing message via Sync";
const char kSharingSendViaSyncDescription[] =
"Enables sending Sharing message via commiting to Chrome Sync's "
"SHARING_MESSAGE data type";
const char kShelfDragToPinName[] = "Pin apps in shelf using drag";
const char kShelfDragToPinDescription[] =
"Enables pinning unpinned items in shelf by dragging them to the part of "
"the shelf that contains pinned apps.";
const char kShelfGesturesWithVirtualKeyboardName[] =
"Enable shelf gestures from virtual keyboard";
const char kShelfGesturesWithVirtualKeyboardDescription[] =
"Enables shelf tablet mode gestures to show hotseat, got to home screen, "
"or to go to overview while virtual keyboard is visible";
const char kShelfHoverPreviewsName[] =
"Show previews of running apps when hovering over the shelf.";
const char kShelfHoverPreviewsDescription[] =
"Shows previews of the open windows for a given running app when hovering "
"over the shelf.";
const char kShelfPalmRejectionSwipeOffsetName[] =
"Shelf Palm Rejection: Swipe Offset";
const char kShelfPalmRejectionSwipeOffsetDescription[] =
"Enables palm rejection in the shelf by setting an offset for the swipe "
"gesture that drags the hotseat to a extended state for certain stylus "
const char kShowAutofillSignaturesName[] = "Show autofill signatures.";
const char kShowAutofillSignaturesDescription[] =
"Annotates web forms with Autofill signatures as HTML attributes. Also "
"marks password fields suitable for password generation.";
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsName[] = "Show Autofill predictions";
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsDescription[] =
"Annotates web forms with Autofill field type predictions as placeholder "
const char kShowPerformanceMetricsHudName[] = "Show performance metrics in HUD";
const char kShowPerformanceMetricsHudDescription[] =
"Display the performance metrics of current page in a heads up display on "
"the page.";
const char kShowOverdrawFeedbackName[] = "Show overdraw feedback";
const char kShowOverdrawFeedbackDescription[] =
"Visualize overdraw by color-coding elements based on if they have other "
"elements drawn underneath.";
extern const char kSimLockPolicyName[] = "SIM Lock Policy";
extern const char kSimLockPolicyDescription[] =
"Enable the support for policy controlled enabling or disabling of PIN "
"Locking SIMs on managed devices.";
const char kIsolateOriginsName[] = "Isolate additional origins";
const char kIsolateOriginsDescription[] =
"Requires dedicated processes for an additional set of origins, "
"specified as a comma-separated list.";
const char kIsolationByDefaultName[] =
"Change web-facing behaviors that prevent origin-level isolation";
const char kIsolationByDefaultDescription[] =
"Change several web APIs that make it difficult to isolate origins into "
"distinct processes. While these changes will ideally become new default "
"behaviors for the web, this flag is likely to break your experience on "
"sites you visit today.";
const char kWebViewTagSiteIsolationName[] = "Site isolation for <webview> tags";
const char kWebViewTagSiteIsolationDescription[] =
"Enables site isolation for content rendered inside <webview> tags. This "
"increases security for Chrome Apps and WebUI pages that use <webview>.";
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutName[] = "Disable site isolation";
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutDescription[] =
"Disables site isolation "
"(SitePerProcess, IsolateOrigins, etc). Intended for diagnosing bugs that "
"may be due to out-of-process iframes. Opt-out has no effect if site "
"isolation is force-enabled using a command line switch or using an "
"enterprise policy. "
"Caution: this disables important mitigations for the Spectre CPU "
"vulnerability affecting most computers.";
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutChoiceDefault[] = "Default";
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutChoiceOptOut[] = "Disabled (not recommended)";
const char kSmoothScrollingName[] = "Smooth Scrolling";
const char kSmoothScrollingDescription[] =
"Animate smoothly when scrolling page content.";
const char kSplitCacheByNetworkIsolationKeyName[] = "HTTP Cache Partitioning";
const char kSplitCacheByNetworkIsolationKeyDescription[] =
"Partitions the HTTP Cache by (top-level site, current-frame site) to "
"disallow cross-site tracking.";
const char kStrictOriginIsolationName[] = "Strict-Origin-Isolation";
const char kStrictOriginIsolationDescription[] =
"Experimental security mode that strengthens the site isolation policy. "
"Controls whether site isolation should use origins instead of scheme and "
const char kStorageAccessAPIName[] = "Storage Access API";
const char kStorageAccessAPIDescription[] =
"Enables the Storage Access API, allowing websites to request storage "
"access when it would otherwise be restricted.";
const char kStoragePressureEventName[] = "Enable storage pressure Event";
const char kStoragePressureEventDescription[] =
"If enabled, Chrome will dispatch a DOM event, informing applications "
"about storage pressure (low disk space)";
const char kSuggestionsWithSubStringMatchName[] =
"Substring matching for Autofill suggestions";
const char kSuggestionsWithSubStringMatchDescription[] =
"Match Autofill suggestions based on substrings (token prefixes) rather "
"than just prefixes.";
const char kSupportTool[] = "Support Tool";
const char kSupportToolDescription[] =
"Support Tool collects and exports logs to help debugging the issues. It's"
" available in chrome://support-tool.";
const char kSuppressToolbarCapturesName[] = "Suppress Toolbar Captures";
const char kSuppressToolbarCapturesDescription[] =
"Suppress Toolbar Captures except when certain properties change.";
const char kSyncEnableHistoryDataTypeName[] = "Enable History sync data type";
const char kSyncEnableHistoryDataTypeDescription[] =
"Enables the History sync data type instead of TypedURLs";
const char kSyncSandboxName[] = "Use Chrome Sync sandbox";
const char kSyncSandboxDescription[] =
"Connects to the testing server for Chrome Sync.";
const char kSyncTrustedVaultPassphrasePromoName[] =
"Enable promos for sync trusted vault passphrase.";
const char kSyncTrustedVaultPassphrasePromoDescription[] =
"Enables promos for an experimental sync passphrase type, referred to as "
"trusted vault.";
const char kSyncTrustedVaultPassphraseRecoveryName[] =
"Enable sync trusted vault passphrase with improved recovery.";
const char kSyncTrustedVaultPassphraseRecoveryDescription[] =
"Enables support for an experimental sync passphrase type, referred to as "
"trusted vault, including logic and APIs for improved account recovery "
const char kSyncInvalidationsName[] = "Use Sync standalone invalidations";
const char kSyncInvalidationsDescription[] =
"If enabled, Sync will use standalone invalidations instead of topic based "
"invalidations (Wallet and Offer data types are enabled by a dedicated "
const char kSyncInvalidationsWalletAndOfferName[] =
"Use Sync standalone invalidations for Wallet and Offer";
const char kSyncInvalidationsWalletAndOfferDescription[] =
"If enabled, Sync will use standalone invalidations for Wallet and Offer "
"data types. Takes effect only when Sync standalone invalidations are "
const char kSystemKeyboardLockName[] = "Experimental system keyboard lock";
const char kSystemKeyboardLockDescription[] =
"Enables websites to use the keyboard.lock() API to intercept system "
"keyboard shortcuts and have the events routed directly to the website "
"when in fullscreen mode.";
const char kStylusBatteryStatusName[] =
"Show stylus battery stylus in the stylus tools menu";
const char kStylusBatteryStatusDescription[] =
"Enables viewing the current stylus battery level in the stylus tools "
const char kSubframeShutdownDelayName[] =
"Add delay to subframe renderer process shutdown";
const char kSubframeShutdownDelayDescription[] =
"Delays shutdown of subframe renderer processes by a few seconds to allow "
"them to be potentially reused. This aims to reduce process churn in "
"navigations where the source and destination share subframes.";
const char kTabEngagementReportingName[] = "Tab Engagement Metrics";
const char kTabEngagementReportingDescription[] =
"Tracks tab engagement and lifetime metrics.";
const char kTabGridLayoutAndroidName[] = "Tab Grid Layout";
const char kTabGridLayoutAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to see their tabs in a grid layout in the tab switcher on "
const char kCommerceCouponsName[] = "Coupon Annotations";
const char kCommerceCouponsDescription[] =
"Allows users to view annotations for available coupons in the Tab "
"Switching UI and on the Tab itself when a known coupon in available";
const char kCommerceDeveloperName[] = "Commerce developer mode";
const char kCommerceDeveloperDescription[] =
"Allows users in the allowlist to enter the developer mode";
const char kCommerceMerchantViewerAndroidName[] = "Merchant Viewer";
const char kCommerceMerchantViewerAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to view merchant trust signals on eligible pages.";
const char kTabGroupsAndroidName[] = "Tab Groups";
const char kTabGroupsAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to create groups to better organize their tabs on phones.";
const char kTabGroupsContinuationAndroidName[] = "Tab Groups Continuation";
const char kTabGroupsContinuationAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to access continuation features in Tab Group on phones.";
const char kTabGroupsUiImprovementsAndroidName[] = "Tab Groups UI Improvements";
const char kTabGroupsUiImprovementsAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to access new features in Tab Group UI on phones.";
const char kTabToGTSAnimationAndroidName[] = "Enable Tab-to-GTS Animation";
const char kTabToGTSAnimationAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to see an animation when entering or leaving the "
"Grid Tab Switcher on phones.";
const char kTabGroupsNewBadgePromoName[] = "Tab Groups 'New' Badge Promo";
const char kTabGroupsNewBadgePromoDescription[] =
"Causes a 'New' badge to appear on the entry point for creating a tab "
"group in the tab context menu.";
const char kTabGroupsSaveName[] = "Tab Groups Save";
const char kTabGroupsSaveDescription[] =
"Enables users to explicitly save and recall tab groups.";
const char kTabHoverCardImagesName[] = "Tab Hover Card Images";
const char kTabHoverCardImagesDescription[] =
"Shows a preview image in tab hover cards, if tab hover cards are enabled.";
const char kTabOutlinesInLowContrastThemesName[] =
"Tab Outlines in Low Contrast Themes";
const char kTabOutlinesInLowContrastThemesDescription[] =
"Expands the range of situations in which tab outline strokes are "
"displayed, improving accessiblity in dark and incognito mode.";
const char kTabSearchFuzzySearchName[] = "Fuzzy search for Tab Search";
const char kTabSearchFuzzySearchDescription[] =
"Enable fuzzy search for Tab Search.";
const char kTailoredSecurityDesktopNoticeName[] =
"Dialogs to notify the user of Safe Browsing Enhanced Protection";
const char kTailoredSecurityDesktopNoticeDescription[] =
"Enable the use of dialogs to notify the user of Safe Browsing Enhanced "
"Protection within Chrome when they enable or disable Enhanced Protection "
"on their Account.";
const char kTFLiteLanguageDetectionName[] = "TFLite-based Language Detection";
const char kTFLiteLanguageDetectionDescription[] =
"Uses TFLite for language detection in place of CLD3";
const char kTintCompositedContentName[] = "Tint composited content";
const char kTintCompositedContentDescription[] =
"Tint contents composited using Viz with a shade of red to help debug and "
"study overlay support.";
const char kTopChromeTouchUiName[] = "Touch UI Layout";
const char kTopChromeTouchUiDescription[] =
"Enables touch UI layout in the browser's top chrome.";
const char kThreadedScrollingName[] = "Threaded scrolling";
const char kThreadedScrollingDescription[] =
"Threaded handling of scroll-related input events. Disabling this will "
"force all such scroll events to be handled on the main thread. Note that "
"this can dramatically hurt scrolling performance of most websites and is "
"intended for testing purposes only.";
const char kThrottleForegroundTimersName[] =
"Throttle Foreground Timers to 30 Hz";
const char kThrottleForegroundTimersDescription[] =
"On foreground pages, run DOM timers with a non-zero delay on a periodic "
"30 Hz tick, instead of as soon as their delay has passed.";
const char kThrottleDisplayNoneAndVisibilityHiddenCrossOriginIframesName[] =
"Throttle non-visible cross-origin iframes";
const char
kThrottleDisplayNoneAndVisibilityHiddenCrossOriginIframesDescription[] =
"When enabled, all cross-origin iframes with zero visibility (either "
"display:none or zero viewport intersection with non-zero area) will be"
" throttled, regardless of whether they are same-process or "
"cross-process. When disabled, throttling for cross-process iframes is "
"the same, but for same-process iframes throttling only occurs when "
"the frame has zero viewport intersection, a non-zero area, and is "
"not display:none.";
const char kTouchDragDropName[] = "Touch initiated drag and drop";
const char kTouchDragDropDescription[] =
"Touch drag and drop can be initiated through long press on a draggable "
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyName[] = "Touch text selection strategy";
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyDescription[] =
"Controls how text selection granularity changes when touch text selection "
"handles are dragged. Non-default behavior is experimental.";
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyCharacter[] = "Character";
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyDirection[] = "Direction";
const char kTranslateAssistContentName[] = "Translate AssistContent";
const char kTranslateAssistContentDescription[] =
"Enables populating translate details for the current page in "
const char kTranslateForceTriggerOnEnglishName[] =
"Select which language model to use to trigger translate on English "
const char kTranslateForceTriggerOnEnglishDescription[] =
"Force the Translate Triggering on English pages experiment to be enabled "
"with the selected language model active.";
const char kTranslateIntentName[] = "Translate intent";
const char kTranslateIntentDescription[] =
"Enables an intent that allows Assistant to initiate a translation of the "
"foreground tab.";
const char kTreatInsecureOriginAsSecureName[] =
"Insecure origins treated as secure";
const char kTreatInsecureOriginAsSecureDescription[] =
"Treat given (insecure) origins as secure origins. Multiple origins can be "
"supplied as a comma-separated list. Origins must have their protocol "
"specified e.g. \"\". For the definition of secure "
"contexts, see";
const char kTrustTokensName[] = "Enable Trust Tokens";
const char kTrustTokensDescription[] =
"Enables the prototype Trust Token API "
const char kTurnOffStreamingMediaCachingOnBatteryName[] =
"Turn off caching of streaming media to disk while on battery power.";
const char kTurnOffStreamingMediaCachingOnBatteryDescription[] =
"Reduces disk activity during media playback, which can result in "
"power savings.";
const char kTurnOffStreamingMediaCachingAlwaysName[] =
"Turn off caching of streaming media to disk.";
const char kTurnOffStreamingMediaCachingAlwaysDescription[] =
"Reduces disk activity during media playback, which can result in "
"power savings.";
const char kUnifiedSidePanelFlagId[] = "unified-side-panel";
const char kUnifiedSidePanelName[] = "Unified side panel";
const char kUnifiedSidePanelDescription[] = "Revamp the side panel experience.";
const char kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroidName[] =
"Google Mobile Services for passwords";
const char kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroidDescription[] =
"Uses Google Mobile Services to store and retrieve passwords."
"Warning: Highly experimental. May lead to loss of passwords and "
"impact performance.";
const char kUnifiedPasswordManagerDesktopName[] =
"Unified Password Manager for Desktop";
const char kUnifiedPasswordManagerDesktopDescription[] =
"Branding, string, and visual updates to the Password Manager on Desktop.";
const char kUnsafeWebGPUName[] = "Unsafe WebGPU";
const char kUnsafeWebGPUDescription[] =
"Enables access to the experimental WebGPU API. Warning: As GPU sandboxing "
"isn't implemented yet for the WebGPU API, it is possible to read GPU data "
"for other processes.";
const char kUnsafeFastJSCallsName[] = "Unsafe fast JS calls";
const char kUnsafeFastJSCallsDescription[] =
"Enables experimental fast API between Blink and V8."
"Warning: type checking, few POD types and array types "
"are not supported yet, so crashes are possible.";
const char kUiPartialSwapName[] = "Partial swap";
const char kUiPartialSwapDescription[] = "Sets partial swap behavior.";
const char kUseFirstPartySetName[] = "First-Party Set";
const char kUseFirstPartySetDescription[] =
"Use the provided list of origins as a First-Party Set, with the first "
"valid origin as the owner of the set.";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowName[] = "Username first flow voting";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowDescription[] =
"Support of sending votes on username first flow i.e. login "
"flows where a user has to type username first on one page and then "
"password on another page. Votes are send on single username forms and are "
"based on user interaction with the save prompt.";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowFallbackCrowdsourcingName[] =
"Username first flow fallback crowdsourcing";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowFallbackCrowdsourcingDescription[] =
"Support of sending additional votes on username first flow i.e. login "
"flows where a user has to type username first on one page and then "
"password on another page. These votes are sent on single password forms "
"and contain information whether a 1-password form follows a 1-text form "
"and the value's type(or pattern) in the latter (e.g. email-like, "
"phone-like, arbitrary string).";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowFillingName[] = "Username first flow filling";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowFillingDescription[] =
"Support of username saving and filling on username first flow i.e. login "
"flows where a user has to type username first on one page and then "
"password on another page";
const char kUseSearchClickForRightClickName[] =
"Use Search+Click for right click";
const char kUseSearchClickForRightClickDescription[] =
"When enabled search+click will be remapped to right click, allowing "
"webpages and apps to consume alt+click. When disabled the legacy "
"behavior of remapping alt+click to right click will remain unchanged.";
const char kV8VmFutureName[] = "Future V8 VM features";
const char kV8VmFutureDescription[] =
"This enables upcoming and experimental V8 VM features. "
"This flag does not enable experimental JavaScript features.";
const char kVariableCOLRV1Name[] = "Variable COLRv1 Fonts";
const char kVariableCOLRV1Description[] =
"Enable rendering of COLRv1 glyphs with font variations applied. When this "
"flag is off, variations to COLRv1 tables are ignored.";
const char kGlobalVaapiLockName[] = "Global lock on the VA-API wrapper.";
const char kGlobalVaapiLockDescription[] =
"Enable or disable the global VA-API lock for platforms and paths that "
"support controlling this.";
const char kVp9kSVCHWDecodingName[] =
"Hardware decode acceleration for k-SVC VP9";
const char kVp9kSVCHWDecodingDescription[] =
"Enable or disable k-SVC VP9 hardware decode acceleration";
const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxName[] =
"Use Google Payments sandbox servers";
const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxDescription[] =
"For developers: use the sandbox service for Google Payments API calls.";
const char kWallpaperFastRefreshName[] =
"Enable shortened wallpaper daily refresh interval for manual testing";
const char kWallpaperFastRefreshDescription[] =
"Allows developers to see a new wallpaper once every ten seconds rather "
"than once per day when using the daily refresh feature.";
const char kWallpaperFullScreenPreviewName[] =
"Enable wallpaper full screen preview UI";
const char kWallpaperFullScreenPreviewDescription[] =
"Allows users to minimize all active windows to preview their current "
const char kWallpaperGooglePhotosIntegrationName[] =
"Enable Google Photos wallpaper integration";
const char kWallpaperGooglePhotosIntegrationDescription[] =
"Allows users to select their wallpaper from Google Photos";
const char kWallpaperPerDeskName[] =
"Enable setting different wallpapers per desk";
const char kWallpaperPerDeskDescription[] =
"Allow users to set different wallpapers on each of their active desks";
const char kWebBluetoothName[] = "Web Bluetooth";
const char kWebBluetoothDescription[] =
"Enables the Web Bluetooth API on platforms without official support";
const char kWebBluetoothNewPermissionsBackendName[] =
"Use the new permissions backend for Web Bluetooth";
const char kWebBluetoothNewPermissionsBackendDescription[] =
"Enables the new permissions backend for Web Bluetooth. This will enable "
"persistent storage of device permissions and Web Bluetooth features such "
"as BluetoothDevice.watchAdvertisements() and Bluetooth.getDevices()";
const char kWebBundlesName[] = "Web Bundles";
const char kWebBundlesDescription[] =
"Enables experimental supports for Web Bundles (Bundled HTTP Exchanges) "
const char kWebContentsCaptureHiDpiName[] = "HiDPI Tab Capture";
const char kWebContentsCaptureHiDpiDescription[] =
"Enables HiDPI rendering for tab capture if the displayed content's "
"resolution is low compared to the capture size. This improves "
"legibility for viewers with higher-resolution screens.";
const char kWebMidiName[] = "Web MIDI";
const char kWebMidiDescription[] =
"Enables the implementation of the Web MIDI API. When disabled the "
"interface will still be exposed by Blink.";
const char kWebOtpBackendName[] = "Web OTP";
const char kWebOtpBackendDescription[] =
"Enables Web OTP API that uses the specified backend.";
const char kWebOtpBackendSmsVerification[] = "Code Browser API";
const char kWebOtpBackendUserConsent[] = "User Consent API";
const char kWebOtpBackendAuto[] = "Automatically select the backend";
const char kWebglDeveloperExtensionsName[] = "WebGL Developer Extensions";
const char kWebglDeveloperExtensionsDescription[] =
"Enabling this option allows web applications to access WebGL extensions "
"intended only for use during development time.";
const char kWebglDraftExtensionsName[] = "WebGL Draft Extensions";
const char kWebglDraftExtensionsDescription[] =
"Enabling this option allows web applications to access the WebGL "
"extensions that are still in draft status.";
const char kWebGpuDeveloperFeaturesName[] = "WebGPU Developer Features";
const char kWebGpuDeveloperFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enables web applications to access WebGPU features intended only for use "
"during development.";
const char kWebPaymentsExperimentalFeaturesName[] =
"Experimental Web Payments API features";
const char kWebPaymentsExperimentalFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enable experimental Web Payments API features";
const char kWebPaymentAPICSPName[] = "CSP policy for Web Payment API";
const char kWebPaymentAPICSPDescription[] =
"Enforce Content Security Policy connect-src directive for Web Payment API "
"when fetching manifest files, app icons, and service worker JavaScript "
const char kPaymentRequestBasicCardName[] =
"PaymentRequest API 'basic-card' method";
const char kPaymentRequestBasicCardDescription[] =
"The 'basic-card' payment method of the PaymentRequest API.";
const char kIdentityInCanMakePaymentEventFeatureName[] =
"Identity in canmakepayment event";
const char kIdentityInCanMakePaymentEventFeatureDescription[] =
"The payment app receives the merchant and user identity when the merchant "
"checks whether this payment app is present and can make payments.";
const char kAppStoreBillingDebugName[] =
"Web Payments App Store Billing Debug Mode";
const char kAppStoreBillingDebugDescription[] =
"App-store purchases (e.g., Google Play Store) within a TWA can be "
"requested using the Payment Request API. This flag removes the "
"restriction that the TWA has to be installed from the app-store.";
const char kWebrtcCaptureMultiChannelApmName[] =
"WebRTC multi-channel capture audio processing.";
const char kWebrtcCaptureMultiChannelApmDescription[] =
"Support in WebRTC for processing capture audio in multi channel without "
"downmixing when running APM in the render process.";
const char kWebrtcHideLocalIpsWithMdnsName[] =
"Anonymize local IPs exposed by WebRTC.";
const char kWebrtcHideLocalIpsWithMdnsDecription[] =
"Conceal local IP addresses with mDNS hostnames.";
const char kWebrtcHybridAgcName[] = "WebRTC hybrid Agc2/Agc1.";
const char kWebrtcHybridAgcDescription[] =
"WebRTC Agc2 digital adaptation with Agc1 analog adaptation.";
const char kWebrtcAnalogAgcClippingControlName[] =
"WebRTC Agc1 analog clipping control.";
const char kWebrtcAnalogAgcClippingControlDescription[] =
"WebRTC Agc1 analog clipping controller to reduce saturation.";
const char kWebrtcHwDecodingName[] = "WebRTC hardware video decoding";
const char kWebrtcHwDecodingDescription[] =
"Support in WebRTC for decoding video streams using platform hardware.";
const char kWebrtcHwEncodingName[] = "WebRTC hardware video encoding";
const char kWebrtcHwEncodingDescription[] =
"Support in WebRTC for encoding video streams using platform hardware.";
const char kWebRtcRemoteEventLogName[] = "WebRTC remote-bound event logging";
const char kWebRtcRemoteEventLogDescription[] =
"Allow collecting WebRTC event logs and uploading them to Crash. "
"Please note that, even if enabled, this will still require "
"a policy to be set, for it to have an effect.";
const char kWebrtcSrtpAesGcmName[] =
"Negotiation with GCM cipher suites for SRTP in WebRTC";
const char kWebrtcSrtpAesGcmDescription[] =
"When enabled, WebRTC will try to negotiate GCM cipher suites for SRTP.";
const char kWebrtcUseMinMaxVEADimensionsName[] =
"WebRTC Min/Max Video Encode Accelerator dimensions";
const char kWebrtcUseMinMaxVEADimensionsDescription[] =
"When enabled, WebRTC will only use the Video Encode Accelerator for "
"video resolutions inside those published as supported.";
const char kWebUsbDeviceDetectionName[] =
"Automatic detection of WebUSB-compatible devices";
const char kWebUsbDeviceDetectionDescription[] =
"When enabled, the user will be notified when a device which advertises "
"support for WebUSB is connected. Disable if problems with USB devices are "
"observed when the browser is running.";
const char kWebXrForceRuntimeName[] = "Force WebXr Runtime";
const char kWebXrForceRuntimeDescription[] =
"Force the browser to use a particular runtime, even if it would not "
"usually be enabled or would otherwise not be selected based on the "
"attached hardware.";
const char kWebXrRuntimeChoiceNone[] = "No Runtime";
const char kWebXrRuntimeChoiceOpenXR[] = "OpenXR";
const char kWebXrIncubationsName[] = "WebXR Incubations";
const char kWebXrIncubationsDescription[] =
"Enables experimental features for WebXR.";
const char kZeroCopyName[] = "Zero-copy rasterizer";
const char kZeroCopyDescription[] =
"Raster threads write directly to GPU memory associated with tiles.";
const char kEnableVulkanName[] = "Vulkan";
const char kEnableVulkanDescription[] = "Use vulkan as the graphics backend.";
const char kSharedHighlightingAmpName[] = "Shared Highlighting for AMP Viewers";
const char kSharedHighlightingAmpDescription[] =
"Enables Shared Highlighting for AMP Viwers.";
const char kSharedHighlightingManagerName[] = "Refactoring Shared Highlighting";
const char kSharedHighlightingManagerDescription[] =
"Refactors Shared Highlighting by centralizing the IPC calls in a Manager.";
const char kSharedHighlightingRefinedBlocklistName[] =
"Shared Highlighting Blocklist Refinement";
const char kSharedHighlightingRefinedBlocklistDescription[] =
"Narrow the Blocklist for enabling Shared Highlighting.";
const char kSharedHighlightingRefinedMaxContextWordsName[] =
"Shared Highlighting Max Context Words Refinement";
const char kSharedHighlightingRefinedMaxContextWordsDescription[] =
"Experiment with different Max Context Words for Shared Highlighting.";
const char kDraw1PredictedPoint12Ms[] = "1 point 12ms ahead.";
const char kDraw2PredictedPoints6Ms[] = "2 points, each 6ms ahead.";
const char kDraw1PredictedPoint6Ms[] = "1 point 6ms ahead.";
const char kDraw2PredictedPoints3Ms[] = "2 points, each 3ms ahead.";
const char kDrawPredictedPointsDescription[] =
"Draw predicted points when using the delegated ink trails API. Requires "
"experimental web platform features to be enabled.";
const char kDrawPredictedPointsName[] = "Draw predicted delegated ink points";
const char kSanitizerApiName[] = "Sanitizer API";
const char kSanitizerApiDescription[] =
"Enable the Sanitizer API. See:";
const char kSanitizerApiv0Name[] = "Sanitizer API, Initial version";
const char kSanitizerApiv0Description[] =
"Enable the initial version of the Sanitizer API. This includes the "
"Element.setHTML method, but not any sanitization methods on the "
"Sanitizer instances. See also the #sanitizer-api flag.";
const char kUsePassthroughCommandDecoderName[] =
"Use passthrough command decoder";
const char kUsePassthroughCommandDecoderDescription[] =
"Use chrome passthrough command decoder instead of validating command "
const char kExtensionWorkflowJustificationName[] =
"Extension request justification";
const char kExtensionWorkflowJustificationDescription[] =
"Enables users to justify their extension requests by causing a text field "
"to appear on the extension request dialog.";
const char kForceMajorVersionInMinorPositionInUserAgentName[] =
"Put major version in minor version position in User-Agent";
const char kForceMajorVersionInMinorPositionInUserAgentDescription[] =
"Lock the Chrome major version in the User-Agent string to 99, and "
"force the major version number to the minor version position. This "
"flag is a backup plan for unexpected site-compatibility breakage with "
"a three digit major version.";
const char kDurableClientHintsCacheName[] = "Persistent client hints";
const char kDurableClientHintsCacheDescription[] =
"Persist the client hints cache beyond browser restarts.";
const char kReduceUserAgentMinorVersionName[] =
"Reduce the minor version in the User-Agent string";
const char kReduceUserAgentMinorVersionDescription[] =
"Reduce the minor, build, and patch versions in the User-Agent string. "
"The Chrome version in the User-Agent string will be reported as "
const char kReduceUserAgentPlatformOsCpuName[] =
"Reduce the plaftform and oscpu in the desktop User-Agent string";
const char kReduceUserAgentPlatformOsCpuDescription[] =
"Reduce the plaftform and oscpu in the desktop User-Agent string. "
"The platform and oscpu in the User-Agent string will be reported as "
const char kWebSQLAccessName[] = "Allows access to WebSQL APIs";
const char kWebSQLAccessDescription[] =
"The WebSQL API is enabled by default, but can be disabled here.";
const char kDmTokenDeletionName[] = "DMToken deletion";
const char kDmTokenDeletionDescription[] =
"Delete the corresponding DMToken when a managed browser is deleted in "
"Chrome Browser Cloud Management.";
// Android ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kAccessibilityPageZoomName[] = "Accessibility Page Zoom";
const char kAccessibilityPageZoomDescription[] =
"Whether the UI and underlying code for page zoom should be enabled to"
" allow a user to increase/decrease the web contents zoom factor.";
const char kActivateMetricsReportingEnabledPolicyAndroidName[] =
"Activate MetricsReportingEnabled policy on Android";
const char kActivateMetricsReportingEnabledPolicyAndroidDescription[] =
" Allows admins to block metrics reporting by using "
" MetricsReportingEnabled policy.";
const char kAddToHomescreenIPHName[] = "Add to homescreen IPH";
const char kAddToHomescreenIPHDescription[] =
" Shows in-product-help messages educating users about add to homescreen "
"option in chrome.";
const char kAImageReaderName[] = "Android ImageReader";
const char kAImageReaderDescription[] =
" Enables MediaPlayer and MediaCodec to use AImageReader on Android. "
" This feature is only available for android P+ devices. Disabling it also "
" disables SurfaceControl.";
const char kAndroidForceAppLanguagePromptName[] =
"Force second run app language prompt";
const char kAndroidForceAppLanguagePromptDescription[] =
"When enabled the app language prompt to change the UI language will"
"always be shown.";
const char kAndroidMediaPickerSupportName[] = "Android Media Picker";
const char kAndroidMediaPickerSupportDescription[] =
"When enabled the Android Media picker is used instead of the Chrome one.";
const char kAndroidSurfaceControlName[] = "Android SurfaceControl";
const char kAndroidSurfaceControlDescription[] =
" Enables SurfaceControl to manage the buffer queue for the "
" DisplayCompositor on Android. This feature is only available on "
" android Q+ devices";
const char kAssistantIntentPageUrlName[] =
"Include page URL in Assistant intent";
const char kAssistantIntentPageUrlDescription[] =
"Include the current page's URL in the Assistant voice transcription "
const char kAssistantIntentTranslateInfoName[] =
"Translate info in Assistant intent";
const char kAssistantIntentTranslateInfoDescription[] =
"Include page translation details in the Assistant voice transcription "
"intent. This includes the page's URL and its original, current, and "
"default target language.";
const char kAutofillAccessoryViewName[] =
"Autofill suggestions as keyboard accessory view";
const char kAutofillAccessoryViewDescription[] =
"Shows Autofill suggestions on top of the keyboard rather than in a "
const char kAutofillUseMobileLabelDisambiguationName[] =
"Autofill Uses Mobile Label Disambiguation";
const char kAutofillUseMobileLabelDisambiguationDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill suggestions' labels are displayed using a "
"mobile-friendly format.";
const char kAppMenuMobileSiteOptionName[] =
"Show Mobile Site option in app menu";
const char kAppMenuMobileSiteOptionDescription[] =
"When enabled, app menu should show 'Mobile site' when showing desktop "
"site, instead of showing 'Desktop Site' with checkbox";
const char kBackGestureRefactorAndroidName[] = "Back Gesture Refactor";
const char kBackGestureRefactorAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable Back Gesture Refactor.";
const char kBulkTabRestoreAndroidName[] = "Recent Tabs Bulk Restore";
const char kBulkTabRestoreAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables restoration of bulk tab closures (e.g. close all tabs, close "
"a group, etc.) from Recent Tabs > Recently Closed.";
const char kCCTBrandTransparencyName[] =
"Chrome Custom Tabs Brand Transparency";
const char kCCTBrandTransparencyDescription[] =
"When enabled, CCT will show more Chrome branding information when start, "
"giving user more transparency that the web page is running in Chrome.";
const char kCCTIncognitoName[] = "Chrome Custom Tabs Incognito mode";
const char kCCTIncognitoDescription[] =
"Enables incognito mode for Chrome Custom Tabs, on Android.";
const char kCCTIncognitoAvailableToThirdPartyName[] =
"Allow third party to open Custom Tabs Incognito mode";
const char kCCTIncognitoAvailableToThirdPartyDescription[] =
"Enabling it would allow third party apps to open incognito mode for "
"Chrome Custom Tabs, on Android.";
const char kCCTResizable90MaximumHeightName[] =
"Bottom sheet Custom Tabs maximum height";
const char kCCTResizable90MaximumHeightDescription[] =
"When enabled, the bottom sheet Custom Tabs will have maximum height 90% "
"of the screen height, otherwise the maximum height is 100% of the screen "
"height. In both cases, Custom Tabs will yield to the top status bar when "
"at full stop";
const char kCCTResizableAllowResizeByUserGestureName[] =
"Bottom sheet Custom Tabs allow resize by user gesture";
const char kCCTResizableAllowResizeByUserGestureDescription[] =
"Enable user gesture to resize bottom sheet Custom Tabs";
const char kCCTResizableForFirstPartiesName[] =
"Bottom sheet Custom Tabs (first party)";
const char kCCTResizableForFirstPartiesDescription[] =
"Enable bottom sheet Custom Tabs for first party apps.";
const char kCCTResizableForThirdPartiesName[] =
"Bottom sheet Custom Tabs (third party)";
const char kCCTResizableForThirdPartiesDescription[] =
"Enable bottom sheet Custom Tabs for third party apps.";
const char kCCTRealTimeEngagementSignalsName[] =
"Enable CCT real-time engagement signals.";
const char kCCTRealTimeEngagementSignalsDescription[] =
"Enables sending real-time engagement signals (e.g. scroll) through "
const char kChimeAlwaysShowNotificationDescription[] =
"A debug flag to always show Chime notification after receiving a payload.";
const char kChimeAlwaysShowNotificationName[] =
"Always show Chime notification";
const char kChimeAndroidSdkDescription[] =
"Enable Chime SDK to receive push notification.";
const char kChimeAndroidSdkName[] = "Use Chime SDK";
const char kChromeShareLongScreenshotName[] = "Chrome Share Long Screenshots";
const char kChromeShareLongScreenshotDescription[] =
"Enables UI to edit and share long screenshots on Android";
const char kChromeSharingHubLaunchAdjacentName[] =
"Launch new share hub actions in adjacent window";
const char kChromeSharingHubLaunchAdjacentDescription[] =
"In multi-window mode, launches share hub actions in an adjacent window. "
"For internal debugging.";
const char kEnableCbdSignOutName[] =
"Decouple Sign out from clearing browsing data";
const char kEnableCbdSignOutDescription[] =
"Enable additional affordance to sign out when clearing browsing data and "
"ensure consistent behavior for all signed-in users.";
const char kCloseTabSuggestionsName[] = "Suggest to close Tabs";
const char kCloseTabSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Suggests to the user to close Tabs that haven't been used beyond a "
"configurable threshold or where duplicates of Tabs exist. "
"The threshold is configurable.";
const char kCriticalPersistedTabDataName[] = "Enable CriticalPersistedTabData";
const char kCriticalPersistedTabDataDescription[] =
"A new method of persisting Tab data across restarts has been devised "
"and implemented. This actives the new approach.";
const char kContextMenuPopupStyleName[] = "Context menu popup style";
const char kContextMenuPopupStyleDescription[] =
"Enable the popup style context menu, where the context menu will be"
"anchored around the touch point.";
const char kContextualSearchDebugName[] = "Contextual Search debug";
const char kContextualSearchDebugDescription[] =
"Enables internal debugging of Contextual Search behavior on the client "
"and server.";
const char kContextualSearchForceCaptionName[] =
"Contextual Search force a caption";
const char kContextualSearchForceCaptionDescription[] =
"Forces a caption to always be shown in the Touch to Search Bar.";
const char kContextualSearchSuppressShortViewName[] =
"Contextual Search suppress short view";
const char kContextualSearchSuppressShortViewDescription[] =
"Contextual Search suppress when the base page view is too short";
const char kContextualTriggersSelectionHandlesName[] =
"Contextual Triggers selection handles";
const char kContextualTriggersSelectionHandlesDescription[] =
"Shows the selection handles when selecting text in response to a tap "
"gesture on plain text.";
const char kContextualTriggersSelectionMenuName[] =
"Contextual Triggers selection menu";
const char kContextualTriggersSelectionMenuDescription[] =
"Shows the context menu when selecting text in response to a tap gesture "
"on plain text.";
const char kContextualTriggersSelectionSizeName[] =
"Contextual Triggers selection size";
const char kContextualTriggersSelectionSizeDescription[] =
"Selects a sentence instead of a single word when text is selected in "
"response to "
"a tap gesture on plain text.";
const char kCpuAffinityRestrictToLittleCoresName[] = "Restrict to LITTLE cores";
const char kCpuAffinityRestrictToLittleCoresDescription[] =
"Restricts Chrome threads to LITTLE cores on devices with big.LITTLE or "
"similar CPU architectures.";
const char kAutofillManualFallbackAndroidName[] =
"Enable Autofill manual fallback for Addresses and Payments (Android)";
const char kAutofillManualFallbackAndroidDescription[] =
"If enabled, adds toggle for addresses and payments bottom sheet to the "
"keyboard accessory.";
const char kEnableAutofillRefreshStyleName[] =
"Enable Autofill refresh style (Android)";
const char kEnableAutofillRefreshStyleDescription[] =
"Enable modernized style for Autofill on Android";
const char kEnableCommandLineOnNonRootedName[] =
"Enable command line on non-rooted devices";
const char kEnableCommandLineOnNoRootedDescription[] =
"Enable reading command line file on non-rooted devices (DANGEROUS).";
const char kEnableFamilyInfoFeedbackName[] =
"Enable feedback from FamilyLink (Android)";
const char kEnableFamilyInfoFeedbackDescription[] =
"Enable FamilyLink feedback source in Chrome Settings feedback";
const char kExploreSitesName[] = "Explore websites";
const char kExploreSitesDescription[] =
"Enables portal from new tab page to explore websites.";
const char kFeatureNotificationGuideName[] = "Feature notification guide";
const char kFeatureNotificationGuideDescription[] =
"Enables notifications about chrome features.";
const char kFeatureNotificationGuideSkipCheckForLowEngagedUsersName[] =
"Feature notification guide - Skip check for low engaged users";
const char kFeatureNotificationGuideSkipCheckForLowEngagedUsersDescription[] =
"Skips check for low engaged users.";
const char kFeedBackToTopName[] = "Back to top of the feeds";
const char kFeedBackToTopDescription[] =
"Enables showing a callout to help users return to the top of the feeds "
const char kFeedInteractiveRefreshName[] = "Refresh feeds";
const char kFeedInteractiveRefreshDescription[] =
"Enables refreshing feeds triggered by the users.";
const char kFeedLoadingPlaceholderName[] = "Feed loading placeholder";
const char kFeedLoadingPlaceholderDescription[] =
"Enables a placeholder UI in "
"the feed instead of the loading spinner at first load.";
const char kFeedStampName[] = "StAMP cards in the feed";
const char kFeedStampDescription[] = "Enables StAMP cards in the feed.";
const char kFeedIsAblatedName[] = "Feed ablation";
const char kFeedIsAblatedDescription[] = "Enables feed ablation.";
const char kFeedCloseRefreshName[] = "Feed-close refresh";
const char kFeedCloseRefreshDescription[] =
"Enables scheduling a background refresh of the feed following feed use.";
const char kGridTabSwitcherForTabletsName[] = "Grid tab switcher for tablets";
const char kGridTabSwitcherForTabletsDescription[] =
"Enable grid tab switcher for tablets, replacing the tab strip.";
const char kInfoCardAcknowledgementTrackingName[] =
"Info card acknowledgement tracking";
const char kInfoCardAcknowledgementTrackingDescription[] =
"Enable acknowledgement tracking for info cards.";
const char kInstanceSwitcherName[] = "Enable instance switcher";
const char kInstanceSwitcherDescription[] =
"Enable instance switcher dialog UI that helps users manage multiple "
"instances of Chrome.";
const char kInstantStartName[] = "Instant start";
const char kInstantStartDescription[] =
"Show start surface before native library is loaded.";
const char kInterestFeedV2Name[] = "Interest Feed v2";
const char kInterestFeedV2Description[] =
"Show content suggestions on the New Tab Page and Start Surface using the "
"new Feed Component.";
const char kInterestFeedV2HeartsName[] = "Interest Feed v2 Hearts";
const char kInterestFeedV2HeartsDescription[] = "Enable hearts on Feedv2.";
const char kInterestFeedV2AutoplayName[] = "Interest Feed v2 Autoplay";
const char kInterestFeedV2AutoplayDescription[] = "Enable autoplay on Feedv2.";
const char kInterestFeedV1ClickAndViewActionsConditionalUploadName[] =
"Interest Feed V1 clicks/views conditional upload";
const char kInterestFeedV1ClickAndViewActionsConditionalUploadDescription[] =
"Only enable the upload of clicks/views in Feed V1 after reaching "
const char kInterestFeedV2ClickAndViewActionsConditionalUploadName[] =
"Interest Feed V2 clicks/views conditional upload";
const char kInterestFeedV2ClickAndViewActionsConditionalUploadDescription[] =
"Only enable the upload of clicks/views in Feed V2 after reaching "
const char kLightweightReactionsAndroidName[] =
"Lightweight Reactions (Android)";
const char kLightweightReactionsAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables the Lightweight Reactions entry point in the tab share sheet.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidAdsBlockedName[] = "Ads Blocked Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidAdsBlockedDescription[] =
"When enabled, ads blocked message will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidChromeSurveyName[] = "Chrome Survey Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidChromeSurveyDescription[] =
"When enabled, survey prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidInfrastructureName[] = "Messages infrastructure";
const char kMessagesForAndroidInfrastructureDescription[] =
"When enabled, will initialize Messages UI infrastructure";
const char kMessagesForAndroidInstantAppsName[] = "Instant Apps Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidInstantAppsDescription[] =
"When enabled, instant apps prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidNearOomReductionName[] =
"Near OOM Reduction Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidNearOomReductionDescription[] =
"When enabled, near OOM reduction message will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidNotificationBlockedName[] =
"Notification Blocked Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidNotificationBlockedDescription[] =
"When enabled, notification blocked prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
extern const char kMessagesForAndroidOfferNotificationName[] =
"Offer Notification Messages UI";
extern const char kMessagesForAndroidOfferNotificationDescription[] =
"When enabled, offer notification will use the new Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPasswordsName[] = "Passwords Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPasswordsDescription[] =
"When enabled, password prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPermissionUpdateName[] =
"Permission Update Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPermissionUpdateDescription[] =
"When enabled, permission update prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPopupBlockedName[] = "Popup Blocked Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPopupBlockedDescription[] =
"When enabled, popup blocked prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPWAInstallName[] = "PWA Installation Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPWAInstallDescription[] =
"When enabled, PWA Installation prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidReaderModeName[] = "Reader Mode Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidReaderModeDescription[] =
"When enabled, reader mode prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidSafetyTipName[] = "Safety Tip Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidSafetyTipDescription[] =
"When enabled, safety tip prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidSaveCardName[] = "Save Card Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidSaveCardDescription[] =
"When enabled, save card prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidStackingAnimationName[] =
"Stacking Animation of Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidStackingAnimationDescription[] =
"When enabled, Messages UI will use the new stacking animation.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidSyncErrorName[] = "Sync Error Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidSyncErrorDescription[] =
"When enabled, sync error prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidUpdatePasswordName[] =
"Update password Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidUpdatePasswordDescription[] =
"When enabled, update password prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kNetworkServiceInProcessName[] =
"Run the network service on the browser process";
const char kNetworkServiceInProcessDescription[] =
"When enabled, the network service runs on the browser process. Otherwise, "
"it runs on a dedicated process.";
const char kNewInstanceFromDraggedLinkName[] =
"New instance creation from a dragged link";
const char kNewInstanceFromDraggedLinkDescription[] =
"Enables creation of a new instance when a link is dragged out of Chrome.";
const char kNewTabPageTilesTitleWrapAroundName[] =
"NTP Tiles Title wrap around";
const char kNewTabPageTilesTitleWrapAroundDescription[] =
"Permits longer Tile titles to wrap around to the second line "
"to reduce ellipsizing and improve clarity.";
const char kNewWindowAppMenuName[] = "Show a menu item 'New Window'";
const char kNewWindowAppMenuDescription[] =
"Show a new menu item 'New Window' on tablet-sized screen when Chrome "
"can open a new window and create a new instance in it.";
const char kNotificationPermissionRationaleName[] =
"Notification Permission Rationale UI";
const char kNotificationPermissionRationaleDescription[] =
"Configure the dialog shown before requesting notification permission. "
"Only works with builds targeting Android T.";
const char kOfflinePagesLivePageSharingName[] =
"Enables live page sharing of offline pages";
const char kOfflinePagesLivePageSharingDescription[] =
"Enables to share current loaded page as offline page by saving as MHTML "
const char kPageInfoDiscoverabilityTimeoutsName[] =
"Page info discoverability timeouts";
const char kPageInfoDiscoverabilityTimeoutsDescription[] =
"Configure different timeouts for the permission icon in the omnibox.";
const char kPageInfoHistoryName[] = "Page info history";
const char kPageInfoHistoryDescription[] =
"Enable a history sub page to the page info menu, and a button to forget "
"a site, removing all preferences and history.";
const char kPageInfoStoreInfoName[] = "Page info store info";
const char kPageInfoStoreInfoDescription[] =
"Enable a store info row to the page info menu on eligible pages.";
const char kPersistShareHubOnAppSwitchName[] = "Persist sharing hub";
const char kPersistShareHubOnAppSwitchDescription[] =
"Persist the sharing hub across app pauses/resumes.";
const char kPhotoPickerVideoSupportName[] = "Photo Picker Video Support";
const char kPhotoPickerVideoSupportDescription[] =
"Enables video files to be shown in the Photo Picker dialog";
const char kQueryTilesName[] = "Show query tiles";
const char kQueryTilesDescription[] = "Shows query tiles in Chrome";
const char kQueryTilesNTPName[] = "Show query tiles in NTP";
const char kQueryTilesNTPDescription[] = "Shows query tiles in NTP";
const char kQueryTilesSingleTierName[] = "Show only one level of query tiles";
const char kQueryTilesSingleTierDescription[] =
"Show only one level of query tiles";
const char kQueryTilesEnableQueryEditingName[] =
"Query Tiles - Enable query edit mode";
const char kQueryTilesEnableQueryEditingDescription[] =
"When a query tile is tapped, the query text will be shown in the omnibox "
"and user will have a chance to edit the text before submitting";
const char kQueryTilesEnableTrendingName[] =
"Query Tiles - Enable trending queries";
const char kQueryTilesEnableTrendingDescription[] =
"Allow tiles of trending queries to show up in front of curated tiles";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCode[] = "Country code for getting tiles";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeDescription[] =
"When query tiles are enabled, this value determines tiles for which "
"country should be displayed.";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeUS[] = "US";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeIndia[] = "IN";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeBrazil[] = "BR";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeNigeria[] = "NG";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeIndonesia[] = "ID";
const char kQueryTilesLocalOrderingName[] =
"Query Tiles - Enable local ordering";
const char kQueryTilesLocalOrderingDescription[] =
"Enables ordering query tiles locally based on user interactions.";
const char kQueryTilesInstantFetchName[] = "Query tile instant fetch";
const char kQueryTilesInstantFetchDescription[] =
"Immediately schedule background task to fetch query tiles";
const char kQueryTilesRankTilesName[] = "Query Tiles - rank tiles on server";
const char kQueryTilesRankTilesDescription[] =
"Rank tiles on server based on client context";
const char kQueryTilesSegmentationName[] =
"Query Tiles - use segmentation rules";
const char kQueryTilesSegmentationDescription[] =
"enable segmentation rules to decide whether to show query tiles";
const char kQueryTilesSwapTrendingName[] =
"Query Tiles - Swap trending queries";
const char kQueryTilesSwapTrendingDescription[] =
"Swap trending queries if user didn't click on them after several "
const char kReadLaterFlagId[] = "read-later";
const char kReadLaterName[] = "Reading List";
const char kReadLaterDescription[] =
"Allow users to save tabs for later. Enables a new button and menu for "
"accessing tabs saved for later.";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsName[] = "Reader Mode triggering";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsDescription[] =
"Determines what pages the Reader Mode infobar is shown on.";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsMarkup[] = "With article structured markup";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAdaboost[] = "Non-mobile-friendly articles";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAllArticles[] = "All articles";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAlwaysOff[] = "Never";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAlwaysOn[] = "Always";
const char kReaderModeInCCTName[] = "Reader Mode in CCT";
const char kReaderModeInCCTDescription[] =
"Open Reader Mode in Chrome Custom Tabs.";
const char kReadLaterReminderNotificationName[] =
"Read later reminder notification";
const char kReadLaterReminderNotificationDescription[] =
"Enables read later weekly reminder notification.";
const char kRecoverFromNeverSaveAndroidName[] =
"UI to recover from never save passwords on Android";
const char kRecoverFromNeverSaveAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables showing UI which allows for easy reverting of the decision to "
"never save passwords on a certain webiste";
const char kReduceGpuPriorityOnBackgroundName[] =
"Reduce GPU process priority when in background";
const char kReduceGpuPriorityOnBackgroundDescription[] =
"Enable to reduce GPU process priority when Chrome is the background. "
"This hints to Android OS to kill GPU process first to free memory.";
const char kReengagementNotificationName[] =
"Enable re-engagement notifications";
const char kReengagementNotificationDescription[] =
"Enables Chrome to use the in-product help system to decide when "
"to show re-engagement notifications.";
const char kRelatedSearchesName[] =
"Enables an experiment for Related Searches on Android";
const char kRelatedSearchesDescription[] =
"Enables requesting related searches suggestions. These will be requested "
"but not shown unless the UI flag is also enabled.";
const char kRelatedSearchesAlternateUxName[] =
"Enables showing Related Searches in an alternate user experience.";
const char kRelatedSearchesAlternateUxDescription[] =
"Enables showing related searches with an alternative from the normal "
"user experience treatment.";
const char kRelatedSearchesInBarName[] =
"Enables showing Related Searches in the peeking bar.";
const char kRelatedSearchesInBarDescription[] =
"Enables showing related searches suggestions in a carousel in the "
"peeking bar of the bottom sheet on Android.";
const char kRelatedSearchesSimplifiedUxName[] =
"Enables showing Related Searches in a simplified user experience.";
const char kRelatedSearchesSimplifiedUxDescription[] =
"Enables showing related searches with a simplified form of the normal "
"user experience treatment.";
const char kRelatedSearchesUiName[] =
"Forces showing of the Related Searches UI on Android";
const char kRelatedSearchesUiDescription[] =
"Forces the Related Searches UI and underlying requests to be enabled "
"regardless of whether they are safe or useful. This requires the Related "
"Searches feature flag to also be enabled.";
const char kRequestDesktopSiteAdditionsName[] =
"Secondary settings for request desktop site on Android.";
const char kRequestDesktopSiteAdditionsDescription[] =
"Secondary options in `Site settings` to request the desktop version of "
"websites based on external display or peripheral.";
const char kRequestDesktopSiteDefaultsName[] =
"Default settings for request desktop site on Android.";
const char kRequestDesktopSiteDefaultsDescription[] =
"Request the desktop version of websites by default based on device "
const char kRequestDesktopSiteExceptionsName[] =
"Per-site setting to request desktop site on Android.";
const char kRequestDesktopSiteExceptionsDescription[] =
"An option in `Site settings` to request the desktop version of websites "
"based on site level settings.";
const char kRequestDesktopSiteForTabletsName[] =
"Request desktop site for tablets on Android";
const char kRequestDesktopSiteForTabletsDescription[] =
"Requests a desktop site, if the screen size is large enough on Android."
" On tablets with small screens a mobile site will be requested by "
const char kSafeModeForCachedFlagsName[] = "Safe Mode for Cached Flags";
const char kSafeModeForCachedFlagsDescription[] =
"Attempts recovery from startup crash loops caused by a bad field trial "
"by rolling back to previous known safe flag values.";
const char kScreenshotsForAndroidV2Name[] = "Screenshots for Android V2";
const char kScreenshotsForAndroidV2Description[] =
"Adds functionality to the share screenshot panel within Chrome Browser"
" on Android";
const char kShowScrollableMVTOnNTPAndroidName[] = "Show scrollable MVT on NTP";
const char kShowScrollableMVTOnNTPAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable showing the scrollable most visited tiles on NTP.";
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationAndroidName[] =
"Secure Payment Confirmation on Android";
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables Secure Payment Confirmation on Android.";
const char kSendTabToSelfV2Name[] = "Send tab to self 2.0";
const char kSendTabToSelfV2Description[] =
"Enables new received tab "
"UI shown next to the profile icon instead of using system notifications.";
const char kSetMarketUrlForTestingName[] = "Set market URL for testing";
const char kSetMarketUrlForTestingDescription[] =
"When enabled, sets the market URL for use in testing the update menu "
const char kSiteIsolationForPasswordSitesName[] =
"Site Isolation For Password Sites";
const char kSiteIsolationForPasswordSitesDescription[] =
"Security mode that enables site isolation for sites based on "
"password-oriented heuristics, such as a user typing in a password.";
const char kSmartSuggestionForLargeDownloadsName[] =
"Smart suggestion for large downloads";
const char kSmartSuggestionForLargeDownloadsDescription[] =
"Smart suggestion that offers download locations for large files.";
const char kStartSurfaceAndroidName[] = "Start Surface";
const char kStartSurfaceAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable showing the start surface when launching Chrome via the "
const char kFeedPositionAndroidName[] = "Feed Position";
const char kFeedPositionAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable pushing down or pulling up of Feeds on NTP";
const char kSearchResumptionModuleAndroidName[] = "Search Resumption Module";
const char kSearchResumptionModuleAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable showing search suggestions on NTP";
const char kSiteDataImprovementsName[] = "Site data improvements";
const char kSiteDataImprovementsDescription[] =
"Improved 'All sites' and 'Site settings' pages on Android.";
const char kStartSurfaceRefactorName[] = "Start Surface Refactor";
const char kStartSurfaceRefactorDescription[] =
"Enable splitting Tab switcher from Start surface";
const char kStrictSiteIsolationName[] = "Strict site isolation";
const char kStrictSiteIsolationDescription[] =
"Security mode that enables site isolation for all sites (SitePerProcess). "
"In this mode, each renderer process will contain pages from at most one "
"site, using out-of-process iframes when needed. "
"Check chrome://process-internals to see the current isolation mode. "
"Setting this flag to 'Enabled' turns on site isolation regardless of the "
"default. Here, 'Disabled' is a legacy value that actually means "
"'Default,' in which case site isolation may be already enabled based on "
"platform, enterprise policy, or field trial. See also "
"#site-isolation-trial-opt-out for how to disable site isolation for "
const char kStylusWritingToInputName[] = "Stylus input";
const char kStylusWritingToInputDescription[] =
"If enabled, and on an appropriate platform, this feature will allow the "
"user to input text using a stylus. This is available on Samsung devices "
"that come with an S Pen, and on Android T+ devices. The stylus writing "
"feature will have to be enabled in Android settings as well.";
const char kSyncAndroidPromosWithAlternativeTitleName[] =
"Enable the sync promos with alternative titles on Android";
const char kSyncAndroidPromosWithAlternativeTitleDescription[] =
"Replace sync promos titles with alternative titles.";
const char kSyncAndroidPromosWithIllustrationName[] =
"Enable the illustration sync promos on Android";
const char kSyncAndroidPromosWithIllustrationDescription[] =
"Adds illustration to sync promos.";
const char kSyncAndroidPromosWithSingleButtonName[] =
"Enable the single button sync promos on Android";
const char kSyncAndroidPromosWithSingleButtonDescription[] =
"Hides the \"Choose another account\" button on sync promos.";
const char kSyncAndroidPromosWithTitleName[] =
"Enable the title sync promos on Android";
const char kSyncAndroidPromosWithTitleDescription[] =
"Adds a title above the description on sync promos.";
const char kTabGroupsForTabletsName[] = "Tab groups on tablets";
const char kTabGroupsForTabletsDescription[] = "Enable tab groups on tablets.";
const char kTabStripImprovementsAndroidName[] =
"Tab strip improvements for Android.";
const char kTabStripImprovementsAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables scrollable tab strip with tab group indicators.";
const char kTouchDragAndContextMenuName[] =
"Simultaneous touch drag and context menu";
const char kTouchDragAndContextMenuDescription[] =
"Enables touch dragging and a context menu to start simultaneously, with"
"the assumption that the menu is non-modal.";
const char kTranslateMessageUIName[] = "Translate Message UI";
const char kTranslateMessageUIDescription[] =
"Controls whether the Translate Message UI will be shown instead of the "
"Translate InfoBar.";
const char kUpdateMenuBadgeName[] = "Force show update menu badge";
const char kUpdateMenuBadgeDescription[] =
"When enabled, a badge will be shown on the app menu button if the update "
"type is Update Available or Unsupported OS Version.";
const char kUpdateMenuItemCustomSummaryDescription[] =
"When this flag and the force show update menu item flag are enabled, a "
"custom summary string will be displayed below the update menu item.";
const char kUpdateMenuItemCustomSummaryName[] =
"Update menu item custom summary";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeName[] =
"Forces the update menu type to a specific type";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeDescription[] =
"When set, forces the update type to be a specific one, which impacts "
"the app menu badge and menu item for updates.";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeNone[] = "None";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeUpdateAvailable[] = "Update Available";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeUnsupportedOSVersion[] = "Unsupported OS Version";
const char kUseRealColorSpaceForAndroidVideoName[] =
"Use color space from MediaCodec";
const char kUseRealColorSpaceForAndroidVideoDescription[] =
"When enabled video will use real color space instead of srgb.";
const char kVideoTutorialsName[] = "Enable video tutorials";
const char kVideoTutorialsDescription[] = "Show video tutorials in Chrome";
const char kVideoTutorialsInstantFetchName[] =
"Video tutorials fetch on startup";
const char kVideoTutorialsInstantFetchDescription[] =
"Fetch video tutorials on startup";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarName[] = "Adaptive button in top toolbar";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarDescription[] =
"Enables showing an adaptive action button in the top toolbar";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomizationName[] =
"Adaptive button in top toolbar customization";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomizationDescription[] =
"Enables UI for customizing the adaptive action button in the top toolbar";
const char kShareButtonInTopToolbarName[] = "Share button in top toolbar";
const char kShareButtonInTopToolbarDescription[] =
"Enables UI to initiate sharing from the top toolbar. Enabling Adaptive "
"Button overrides this.";
const char kVoiceButtonInTopToolbarName[] = "Voice button in top toolbar";
const char kVoiceButtonInTopToolbarDescription[] =
"Enables showing the voice search button in the top toolbar. Enabling "
"Adaptive Button overrides this.";
const char kWebFeedName[] = "Web Feed";
const char kWebFeedDescription[] =
"Allows users to keep up with and consume web content.";
const char kWebFeedAwarenessName[] = "Web Feed Awareness";
const char kWebFeedAwarenessDescription[] =
"Helps the user discover the web feed.";
const char kWebFeedOnboardingName[] = "Web Feed Onboarding";
const char kWebFeedOnboardingDescription[] =
"Helps the user understand how to use the web feed.";
const char kWebFeedSortName[] = "Web Feed Sort";
const char kWebFeedSortDescription[] =
"Allows users to sort their web content in the web feed. "
"Only works if Web Feed is also enabled.";
const char kXsurfaceMetricsReportingName[] = "Xsurface Metrics Reporting";
const char kXsurfaceMetricsReportingDescription[] =
"Allows metrics reporting state to be passed to Xsurface";
const char kWebNotesPublishName[] = "WebNotes Publish";
const char kWebNotesPublishDescription[] =
"Allows users to save their created notes.";
const char kWebNotesDynamicTemplatesName[] = "Dynamic Templates";
const char kWebNotesDynamicTemplatesDescription[] =
"Allows templates to be modified remotely on short notice.";
const char kPasswordEditDialogWithDetailsName[] =
"Password edit dialog with details UI";
const char kPasswordEditDialogWithDetailsDescription[] =
"Enables UI which shows the dialog after clicking on save/update password"
" with the functionality to choose user account and edit the password.";
const char kEnableAndroidGamepadVibrationName[] = "Gamepad vibration";
const char kEnableAndroidGamepadVibrationDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to play vibration effects on supported gamepads.";
// Non-Android -----------------------------------------------------------------
const char kAppManagementAppDetailsName[] =
"Enable App Details in App Management.";
const char kAppManagementAppDetailsDescription[] =
"Show app details on an app's App Management page.";
const char kAllowAllSitesToInitiateMirroringName[] =
"Allow all sites to initiate mirroring";
const char kAllowAllSitesToInitiateMirroringDescription[] =
"When enabled, allows all websites to request to initiate tab mirroring "
"via Presentation API. Requires #cast-media-route-provider to also be "
const char kBlockMigratedDefaultChromeAppSyncName[] =
"Block migrated default Chrome app sync";
const char kBlockMigratedDefaultChromeAppSyncDescription[] =
"Prevents Chrome apps that have been migrated to default web apps from "
"getting sync installed and creating duplicate entries for the same app.";
const char kCopyLinkToTextName[] = "Copy Link To Text";
const char kCopyLinkToTextDescription[] =
"Adds an item to the context menu to allow a user to copy a link to the "
"page with the selected text highlighted.";
const char kDesktopPartialTranslateName[] = "Desktop Partial Translate";
const char kDesktopPartialTranslateDescription[] =
"Enables the Partial Translate feature on Desktop, which allows users to "
"translate text selections on the page through the right click context "
const char kEnableAccessibilityLiveCaptionName[] = "Live Caption";
const char kEnableAccessibilityLiveCaptionDescription[] =
"Enables the live caption feature which generates captions for "
"media playing in Chrome. Turn the feature on in "
const char kEnableUserCloudSigninRestrictionPolicyName[] =
"Cloud User level Signin Restrictions Policy";
const char kEnableUserCloudSigninRestrictionPolicyDescription[] =
"Enable the ManagedAccountsSigninRestrictions policy to be set at a cloud "
"user level";
const char kEnableWebHidOnExtensionServiceWorkerName[] =
"Enable WebHID on extension service workers";
const char kEnableWebHidOnExtensionServiceWorkerDescription[] =
"When enabled, WebHID API is available on extension service workers.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsCastStartStopName[] =
"Global media controls control Cast start/stop";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsCastStartStopDescription[] =
"Allows global media controls to control when a Cast session is started "
"or stopped instead of relying on the Cast dialog.";
const char kMuteNotificationSnoozeActionName[] =
"Snooze action for mute notifications";
const char kMuteNotificationSnoozeActionDescription[] =
"Adds a Snooze action to mute notifications shown while sharing a screen.";
const char kNtpCacheOneGoogleBarName[] = "Cache OneGoogleBar";
const char kNtpCacheOneGoogleBarDescription[] =
"Enables using the OneGoogleBar cached response in chrome://new-tab-page, "
"when available.";
const char kNtpChromeCartModuleName[] = "NTP Chrome Cart Module";
const char kNtpChromeCartModuleDescription[] =
"Shows the chrome cart module on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpDriveModuleName[] = "NTP Drive Module";
const char kNtpDriveModuleDescription[] =
"Shows the Google Drive module on the New Tab Page";
#if !defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD)
const char kNtpDummyModulesName[] = "NTP Dummy Modules";
const char kNtpDummyModulesDescription[] =
"Adds dummy modules to New Tab Page when 'NTP Modules Redesigned' is "
const char kNtpMiddleSlotPromoDismissalName[] =
"NTP Middle Slot Promo Dismissal";
const char kNtpMiddleSlotPromoDismissalDescription[] =
"Allows middle slot promo to be dismissed from New Tab Page until "
"new promo message is populated.";
const char kNtpModulesDragAndDropName[] = "NTP Modules Drag and Drop";
const char kNtpModulesDragAndDropDescription[] =
"Enables modules to be reordered via dragging and dropping on the "
"New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpModulesFirstRunExperienceName[] =
"NTP Modules First Run Experience";
const char kNtpModulesFirstRunExperienceDescription[] =
"Shows first run experience for Modular NTP Desktop v1.";
const char kNtpModulesName[] = "NTP Modules";
const char kNtpModulesDescription[] = "Shows modules on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpModulesRedesignedLayoutName[] = "Ntp Modules Redesigned Layout";
const char kNtpModulesRedesignedLayoutDescription[] =
"Changes the layout of modules on New Tab Page";
const char kNtpModulesRedesignedName[] = "NTP Modules Redesigned";
const char kNtpModulesRedesignedDescription[] =
"Shows the redesigned modules on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpPhotosModuleName[] = "NTP Photos Module";
const char kNtpPhotosModuleDescription[] =
"Shows the Google Photos module on the New Tab Page";
const char kNtpPhotosModuleOptInArtWorkName[] =
"NTP Photos Module Opt In ArtWork";
const char kNtpPhotosModuleOptInArtWorkDescription[] =
"Determines the art work in the NTP Photos Opt-In card";
const char kNtpPhotosModuleOptInTitleName[] = "NTP Photos Module Opt In Title";
const char kNtpPhotosModuleOptInTitleDescription[] =
"Determines the title of the NTP Photos Opt-In card";
const char kNtpPhotosModuleSoftOptOutName[] = "NTP Photos Module Soft Opt-Out";
const char kNtpPhotosModuleSoftOptOutDescription[] =
"Enables soft opt-out option in Photos opt-in card";
const char kNtpRealboxMatchOmniboxThemeName[] =
"NTP Realbox Matches Omnibox Theme";
const char kNtpRealboxMatchOmniboxThemeDescription[] =
"NTP Realbox matches the Omnibox theme when enabled.";
const char kNtpRealboxMatchSearchboxThemeName[] =
"NTP Realbox Matches Searchbox Theme";
const char kNtpRealboxMatchSearchboxThemeDescription[] =
"NTP Realbox matches the Searchbox theme when enabled. Specifically a "
"border, drop shadow on hover.";
const char kNtpRealboxPedalsName[] = "NTP Realbox Pedals";
const char kNtpRealboxPedalsDescription[] =
"Shows pedals in the NTP Realbox when enabled.";
const char kNtpRealboxSuggestionAnswersName[] =
"NTP Realbox Suggestion Answers";
const char kNtpRealboxSuggestionAnswersDescription[] =
"Shows suggestion answers in the NTP Realbox when enabled.";
const char kNtpRealboxTailSuggestName[] = "NTP Realbox Tail Suggest";
const char kNtpRealboxTailSuggestDescription[] =
"Properly formats the tail suggestions to match the Omnibox";
const char kNtpRealboxUseGoogleGIconName[] = "NTP Realbox Google G Icon";
const char kNtpRealboxUseGoogleGIconDescription[] =
"Shows Google G icon "
"instead of Search Loupe in realbox when enabled";
const char kNtpRecipeTasksModuleName[] = "NTP Recipe Tasks Module";
const char kNtpRecipeTasksModuleDescription[] =
"Shows the recipe tasks module on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpSafeBrowsingModuleName[] = "NTP Safe Browsing Module";
const char kNtpSafeBrowsingModuleDescription[] =
"Shows the safe browsing module on the New Tab Page.";
const char kEnableReaderModeName[] = "Enable Reader Mode";
const char kEnableReaderModeDescription[] =
"Allows viewing of simplified web pages by selecting 'Customize and "
"control Chrome'>'Distill page'";
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopDemoName[] =
"Happiness Tracking Surveys Demo";
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopDemoDescription[] =
"Enable showing Happiness Tracking Surveys Demo to users on Desktop";
const char kOmniboxDriveSuggestionsName[] =
"Omnibox Google Drive Document suggestions";
const char kOmniboxDriveSuggestionsDescriptions[] =
"Display suggestions for Google Drive documents in the omnibox when Google "
"is the default search engine.";
const char kOmniboxExperimentalKeywordModeName[] =
"Omnibox Experimental Keyword Mode";
const char kOmniboxExperimentalKeywordModeDescription[] =
"Enables various experimental features related to keyword mode, its "
"suggestions and layout.";
const char kScreenAIName[] = "Screen AI";
const char kScreenAIDescription[] =
"Enables Screen AI local machine intelligence library to use the screen "
"snapshots to add metadata for accessibility tools.";
const char kSCTAuditingName[] = "SCT auditing";
const char kSCTAuditingDescription[] =
"Enables SCT auditing for users who have opted in to Safe Browsing "
"Extended Reporting.";
const char kSharingDesktopScreenshotsEditName[] =
"Desktop Screenshots Edit Mode";
const char kSharingDesktopScreenshotsEditDescription[] =
"Enables an edit flow for users who create screenshots on desktop";
const char kSharingDesktopSharePreviewName[] = "Desktop share hub preview";
const char kSharingDesktopSharePreviewDescription[] =
"Adds a preview section to the desktop sharing hub to make it clearer what "
"is about to be shared.";
const char kSharingDesktopShareToGoogleCollectionsName[] =
"Share to Google Collections";
const char kSharingDesktopShareToGoogleCollectionsDescription[] =
"Adds an item to the sharing hub to allow sharing to Google Collections.";
const char kWebAuthenticationPermitEnterpriseAttestationName[] =
"Web Authentication Enterprise Attestation";
const char kWebAuthenticationPermitEnterpriseAttestationDescription[] =
"Permit a set of origins to request a uniquely identifying enterprise "
"attestation statement from a security key when creating a Web "
"Authentication credential.";
// Windows ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kCalculateNativeWinOcclusionName[] =
"Calculate window occlusion on Windows";
const char kCalculateNativeWinOcclusionDescription[] =
"Calculate window occlusion on Windows will be used in the future "
"to throttle and potentially unload foreground tabs in occluded windows";
const char kEnableMediaFoundationVideoCaptureName[] =
"MediaFoundation Video Capture";
const char kEnableMediaFoundationVideoCaptureDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the usage of MediaFoundation for video capture. Fall back "
"to DirectShow if disabled.";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionName[] = "Hardware Secure Decryption";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the use of hardware secure Content Decryption Module (CDM) "
"for protected content playback.";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionExperimentName[] =
"Hardware Secure Decryption Experiment";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionExperimentDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the use of hardware secure Content Decryption Module (CDM) "
"for experimental protected content playback.";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionFallbackName[] =
"Hardware Secure Decryption Fallback";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionFallbackDescription[] =
"Allows automatically disabling hardware secure Content Decryption Module "
"(CDM) after failures or crashes. Subsequent playback may use software "
"secure CDMs. If this feature is disabled, the fallback will never happen "
"and users could be stuck with playback failures.";
const char kMediaFoundationClearName[] = "MediaFoundation for Clear";
const char kMediaFoundationClearDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the use of MediaFoundation for non-protected content "
"playback on supported systems.";
const char kPervasiveSystemAccentColorName[] = "Pervasive system accent color";
const char kPervasiveSystemAccentColorDescription[] =
"Use the Windows system accent color as the Chrome accent color, if \"Show "
"accent color on title bars and windows borders\" is toggled on in the "
"Windows system settings.";
const char kPwaUninstallInWindowsOsName[] =
"Enable PWAs to register as an uninstallable app in Windows on "
const char kPwaUninstallInWindowsOsDescription[] =
"This allows the PWA to show up in Windows Control Panel (and other OS "
"surfaces), and be uninstallable from those surfaces. For example, "
"uninstalling by right-clicking on the app in the Start Menu.";
const char kRawAudioCaptureName[] = "Raw audio capture";
const char kRawAudioCaptureDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the usage of WASAPI raw audio capture. When enabled, the "
"audio stream is a 'raw' stream that bypasses all signal processing except "
"for endpoint specific, always-on processing in the Audio Processing Object"
" (APO), driver, and hardware.";
const char kRunVideoCaptureServiceInBrowserProcessName[] =
"Run video capture service in browser";
const char kRunVideoCaptureServiceInBrowserProcessDescription[] =
"Run the video capture service in the browser process.";
const char kUseAngleDescriptionWindows[] =
"Choose the graphics backend for ANGLE. D3D11 is used on most Windows "
"computers by default. Using the OpenGL driver as the graphics backend may "
"result in higher performance in some graphics-heavy applications, "
"particularly on NVIDIA GPUs. It can increase battery and memory usage of "
"video playback.";
const char kUseAngleD3D11[] = "D3D11";
const char kUseAngleD3D9[] = "D3D9";
const char kUseAngleD3D11on12[] = "D3D11on12";
const char kUseWaitableSwapChainName[] = "Use waitable swap chains";
const char kUseWaitableSwapChainDescription[] =
"Use waitable swap chains to reduce presentation latency (effective only "
"Windows 8.1 or later). If enabled, specify the maximum number of frames "
"that can be queued, ranging from 1-3. 1 has the lowest delay but is most "
"likely to drop frames, while 3 has the highest delay but is least likely "
"to drop frames.";
const char kUseWinrtMidiApiName[] = "Use Windows Runtime MIDI API";
const char kUseWinrtMidiApiDescription[] =
"Use Windows Runtime MIDI API for WebMIDI (effective only on Windows 10 or "
const char kPrintWithPostScriptType42FontsName[] =
"Print with PostScript Type 42 fonts";
const char kPrintWithPostScriptType42FontsDescription[] =
"When using PostScript level 3 printing, render text with Type 42 fonts if "
const char kPrintWithReducedRasterizationName[] =
"Print with reduced rasterization";
const char kPrintWithReducedRasterizationDescription[] =
"When using GDI printing, avoid rasterization if possible.";
const char kReadPrinterCapabilitiesWithXpsName[] =
"Read printer capabilities with XPS";
extern const char kReadPrinterCapabilitiesWithXpsDescription[] =
"When enabled, utilize XPS interface to read printer capabilities.";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingName[] = "Use XPS for printing";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingDescription[] =
"When enabled, use XPS printing API instead of the GDI print API.";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingFromPdfName[] = "Use XPS for printing from PDF";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingFromPdfDescription[] =
"When enabled, use XPS printing API instead of the GDI print API when "
"printing PDF documents.";
const char kWin10TabSearchCaptionButtonName[] =
"Windows 10 Tab Search Caption Button";
const char kWin10TabSearchCaptionButtonDescription[] =
"Move the Tab Search entrypoint besides the window caption buttons on "
"Windows 10 platforms.";
// Mac -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kBiometricAuthenticationInSettingsName[] =
"Biometric authentication in settings";
const char kBiometricAuthenticationInSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables biometric authentication in settings to view/edit/copy a password";
const char kCupsIppPrintingBackendName[] = "CUPS IPP Printing Backend";
const char kCupsIppPrintingBackendDescription[] =
"Use the CUPS IPP printing backend instead of the original CUPS backend "
"that calls the PPD API.";
const char kEnableUniversalLinksName[] = "Universal Links";
const char kEnableUniversalLinksDescription[] =
"Include Universal Links in the intent picker.";
const char kImmersiveFullscreenName[] = "Immersive Fullscreen Toolbar";
const char kImmersiveFullscreenDescription[] =
"Automatically hide and show the toolbar in fullscreen.";
const char kMacSyscallSandboxName[] = "Mac Syscall Filtering Sandbox";
const char kMacSyscallSandboxDescription[] =
"Controls whether the macOS sandbox filters syscalls.";
const char kMetalName[] = "Metal";
const char kMetalDescription[] =
"Use Metal instead of OpenGL for rasterization (if out-of-process "
"rasterization is enabled) and display (if the Skia renderer is enabled)";
const char kScreenTimeName[] = "Screen Time";
const char kScreenTimeDescription[] =
"Integrate with the macOS Screen Time system. Only enabled on macOS 12.1 "
"and later.";
const char kUseAngleDescriptionMac[] =
"Choose the graphics backend for ANGLE. The OpenGL backend is soon to be "
"deprecated on Mac, and may contain driver bugs that are not planned to be "
"fixed. The Metal backend is still experimental, and may contain bugs that "
"are still being worked on. The Metal backend should be more performant, "
"but may still be behind the OpenGL backend until fully released.";
const char kUseAngleMetal[] = "Metal";
const char kSystemColorChooserName[] = "System Color Chooser";
const char kSystemColorChooserDescription[] =
"Enables a button that launches the macOS native color chooser.";
// Windows and Mac -------------------------------------------------------------
const char kUseAngleName[] = "Choose ANGLE graphics backend";
const char kUseAngleDefault[] = "Default";
const char kUseAngleGL[] = "OpenGL";
const char kBiometricAuthenticationForFillingName[] =
"Biometric authentication reauth before filling";
const char kBiometricAuthenticationForFillingDescription[] =
"Enables biometric authentication before filling form data";
// ChromeOS -------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kAcceleratedMjpegDecodeName[] =
"Hardware-accelerated mjpeg decode for captured frame";
const char kAcceleratedMjpegDecodeDescription[] =
"Enable hardware-accelerated mjpeg decode for captured frame where "
const char kAdaptiveChargingForTestingName[] =
"Show adaptive charging notifications for testing";
const char kAdaptiveChargingForTestingDescription[] =
"Show adaptive charging notifications and nudges for testing. This is "
"meant to be used by developers to test the feature UI only. The "
"notifications will be shown after the device is plugged in to the "
"charger. Please DO NOT enable this if you're not a developer who wants to "
"test the UI of the adaptive charging feature.";
const char kAdaptiveChargingName[] = "Enable adaptive charging feature";
const char kAdaptiveChargingDescription[] =
"Show settings to enable/disable adaptive charging feature.";
const char kAllowDisableTouchpadHapticFeedbackName[] =
"Allow disabling touchpad haptic feedback";
const char kAllowDisableTouchpadHapticFeedbackDescription[] =
"Shows settings to adjust and disable touchpad haptic feedback.";
const char kAllowPolyDevicePairingName[] =
"Allow pairing of Bluetooth devices by Poly";
const char kAllowPolyDevicePairingDescription[] =
"Shows Poly devices in the Bluetooth pairing UI.";
const char kAllowRepeatedUpdatesName[] =
"Continue checking for updates before reboot and after initial update.";
const char kAllowRepeatedUpdatesDescription[] =
"Continues checking to see if there is a more recent update, even if user"
"has not rebooted to apply the previous update.";
const char kAllowScrollSettingsName[] =
"Allow changes to scroll acceleration/sensitivity for mice/touchpads.";
const char kAllowScrollSettingsDescription[] =
"Shows settings to enable/disable scroll acceleration and to adjust the "
"sensitivity for scrolling.";
const char kAllowTouchpadHapticClickSettingsName[] =
"Allow changes to the click sensitivity for haptic touchpads.";
const char kAllowTouchpadHapticClickSettingsDescription[] =
"Shows settings to adjust click sensitivity for haptic touchpads.";
const char kAlwaysEnableHdcpName[] = "Always enable HDCP for external displays";
const char kAlwaysEnableHdcpDescription[] =
"Enables the specified type for HDCP whenever an external display is "
"connected. By default, HDCP is only enabled when required.";
const char kAlwaysEnableHdcpDefault[] = "Default";
const char kAlwaysEnableHdcpType0[] = "Type 0";
const char kAlwaysEnableHdcpType1[] = "Type 1";
const char kAmbientModeAnimationName[] =
"Launch the Lottie animated ChromeOS Screensaver";
const char kAmbientModeAnimationDescription[] =
"Launches the animated screensaver (as opposed to the existing photo "
"slideshow) when entering ambient mode. Currently, there is only one "
"animation theme available (feel the breeze).";
const char kAppDiscoveryForOobeName[] =
"OOBE app recommendations with App Discovery Service.";
const char kAppDiscoveryForOobeDescription[] =
"Use the App Discovery Service to request recommended apps for OOBE.";
const char kAppProvisioningStaticName[] =
"App Provisioning with static server setup.";
const char kAppProvisioningStaticDescription[] =
"Enables pulling apps from a static server setup to enable new app serving "
"possibilities. ";
const char kArcCustomTabsExperimentName[] =
"Enable Custom Tabs experiment for ARC";
const char kArcCustomTabsExperimentDescription[] =
"Allow Android apps to use Custom Tabs."
"This feature only works on the Canary and Dev channels.";
const char kArcDocumentsProviderUnknownSizeName[] =
"Enable ARC DocumentsProvider unknown file size handling";
const char kArcDocumentsProviderUnknownSizeDescription[] =
"Allow opening DocumentsProvider files where size is not reported.";
const char kArcFilePickerExperimentName[] =
"Enable file picker experiment for ARC";
const char kArcFilePickerExperimentDescription[] =
"Enables using ChromeOS file picker in ARC.";
const char kArcGameModeName[] = "Enable Game Mode for ARC";
const char kArcGameModeDescription[] =
"ARC Fullscreen Games will request accomodation from ChromeOS for "
"sustained performance.";
const char kArcKeyboardShortcutHelperIntegrationName[] =
"Enable keyboard shortcut helper integration for ARC";
const char kArcKeyboardShortcutHelperIntegrationDescription[] =
"Shows keyboard shortcuts from Android apps in ChromeOS Shortcut Viewer";
const char kArcNativeBridgeToggleName[] =
"Toggle between native bridge implementations for ARC";
const char kArcNativeBridgeToggleDescription[] =
"Toggle between native bridge implementations for ARC.";
const char kArcRightClickLongPressName[] =
"Enable ARC right click long press compatibility feature.";
const char kArcRightClickLongPressDescription[] =
"Right click will be converted to simulated long press in phone-optimized "
"Android apps.";
const char kArcRtVcpuDualCoreName[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 2 logical cores online.";
const char kArcRtVcpuDualCoreDesc[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 2 logical cores online to "
"reduce media playback glitch.";
const char kArcRtVcpuQuadCoreName[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 3+ logical cores online.";
const char kArcRtVcpuQuadCoreDesc[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 3+ logical cores online to "
"reduce media playback glitch.";
const char kArcUsbDeviceDefaultAttachToVmName[] =
"Attach unclaimed USB devices to ARCVM";
const char kArcUsbDeviceDefaultAttachToVmDescription[] =
"When ARCVM is enabled, always attach unclaimed USB devices to ARCVM";
const char kArcVmBalloonPolicyName[] =
"Enable ARCVM limit cache balloon policy";
const char kArcVmBalloonPolicyDesc[] =
"Trigger reclaim in ARCVM to reduce memory use when ChromeOS is running "
"low on memory.";
const char kArcEnableUsapName[] =
"Enable ARC Unspecialized Application Processes";
const char kArcEnableUsapDesc[] =
"Enable ARC Unspecialized Application Processes when applicable for "
"high-memory devices.";
const char kArcEnableVirtioBlkForDataName[] =
"Enable virtio-blk for ARCVM /data";
const char kArcEnableVirtioBlkForDataDesc[] =
"If enabled, ARCVM uses virtio-blk for /data in Android storage.";
const char kAshEnablePipRoundedCornersName[] =
"Enable Picture-in-Picture rounded corners.";
const char kAshEnablePipRoundedCornersDescription[] =
"Enable rounded corners on the Picture-in-Picture window.";
const char kAshEnableUnifiedDesktopName[] = "Unified desktop mode";
const char kAshEnableUnifiedDesktopDescription[] =
"Enable unified desktop mode which allows a window to span multiple "
const char kAudioHFPMicSRName[] =
"Audio super-resolution Bluetooth HFP microphone";
const char kAudioHFPMicSRDescription[] =
"Enable super-resolution Bluetooth HFP microphone recording.";
const char kAudioSettingsPageName[] = "Audio Settings Page";
const char kAudioSettingsPageDescription[] =
"Enables the dedicated Audio Settings Page in system settings, which "
"allows for greater audio configuration.";
const char kAudioUrlName[] = "Enable chrome://audio";
const char kAudioUrlDescription[] =
"Enable chrome://audio that is designed for debugging ChromeOS audio "
const char kAutoFramingOverrideName[] = "Auto-framing control override";
const char kAutoFramingOverrideDescription[] =
"Overrides the default to forcibly enable or disable the auto-framing "
const char kAutocompleteExtendedSuggestionsName[] =
"Extended suggestions for CrOS autocomplete";
const char kAutocompleteExtendedSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Enables extended autocomplete suggestions experiment on ChromeOS.";
const char kAutocorrectParamsTuningName[] = "CrOS autocorrect params tuning";
const char kAutocorrectParamsTuningDescription[] =
"Enables params tuning experiment for autocorrect on ChromeOS.";
const char kAvatarsCloudMigrationName[] =
"Loading CrOS avatar images from the cloud";
const char kAvatarsCloudMigrationDescription[] =
"Enables loading avatar images from the cloud on ChromeOS.";
const char kBluetoothFixA2dpPacketSizeName[] = "Bluetooth fix A2DP packet size";
const char kBluetoothFixA2dpPacketSizeDescription[] =
"Fixes Bluetooth A2DP packet size to a smaller default value to improve "
"audio quality and may fix audio stutter.";
const char kBluetoothQualityReportName[] = "Bluetooth Quality Report";
const char kBluetoothQualityReportDescription[] =
"Enables the Bluetooth Quality Report feature on Bluetooth controllers "
"which will send the Bluetooth link quality statistics such as the "
"signal strength, the lost packet count, etc. to the host.";
const char kBluetoothRevampName[] = "Bluetooth Revamp";
const char kBluetoothRevampDescription[] =
"Enables the ChromeOS Bluetooth Revamp, which updates Bluetooth system UI "
"and related infrastructure.";
const char kBluetoothWbsDogfoodName[] = "Bluetooth WBS dogfood";
const char kBluetoothWbsDogfoodDescription[] =
"Enables Bluetooth wideband speech mic as default audio option. "
"Note that flipping this flag makes no difference on most of the "
"ChromeOS models, because Bluetooth WBS is either unsupported "
"or fully launched. Only on the few models that Bluetooth WBS is "
"still stablizing this flag will take effect.";
const char kBluetoothCoredumpName[] = "Enable Bluetooth Device Coredump";
const char kBluetoothCoredumpDescription[] =
"Enable Bluetooth coredump collection if supported. Please note that "
"coredumps are only collected when hardware exceptions occur and are "
"used for debugging such exceptions.";
const char kBluetoothUseFlossName[] = "Use Floss instead of BlueZ";
const char kBluetoothUseFlossDescription[] =
"Enables using Floss (also known as Fluoride, Android's Bluetooth stack) "
"instead of Bluez. This is meant to be used by developers and is not "
"guaranteed to be stable";
const char kBluetoothUseLLPrivacyName[] = "Enable LL Privacy in BlueZ";
const char kBluetoothUseLLPrivacyDescription[] =
"Enable address resolution offloading to Bluetooth Controller if "
"supported. Modifying this flag will cause Bluetooth Controller to reset.";
const char kCalendarViewName[] =
"Productivity experiment: Monthly Calendar View";
const char kCalendarViewDescription[] =
"Show Monthly Calendar View with Google Calendar events to increase "
"productivity by helping users view their schedules more quickly.";
const char kCalendarModelDebugModeName[] = "Monthly Calendar Model Debug Mode";
const char kCalendarModelDebugModeDescription[] =
"Debug mode for Monthly Calendar Model. This helps a lot in diagnosing any "
"bugs in the calendar's event fetching/caching functionality. WARNING: DO "
"NOT enable this flag unless you're OK with information about your "
"calendar events, such as start/end times and summaries, being dumped to "
"the system logs, where they are potentially visible to all users of the "
const char kDefaultLinkCapturingInBrowserName[] =
"Default link capturing in the browser";
const char kDefaultLinkCapturingInBrowserDescription[] =
"When enabled, newly installed apps will not capture links clicked in the "
const char kDesksCloseAllName[] = "Desks Close All";
const char kDesksCloseAllDescription[] =
"Close a desk along with all of its windows and tabs.";
const char kDesksSaveAndRecallName[] = "Desks Save and Recall";
const char kDesksSaveAndRecallDescription[] =
"Save a desk and its applications so that they can be recalled at a later "
const char kDesksTemplatesName[] = "Desk Templates";
const char kDesksTemplatesDescription[] =
"Streamline workflows by saving a group of applications and windows as a "
"launchable template in a new desk";
const char kDesksTrackpadSwipeImprovementsName[] =
"Experiment: Trackpad swiping to switch desks.";
const char kDesksTrackpadSwipeImprovementsDescription[] =
"Adds some modifications to the four finger trackpad gesture which "
"switches desks.";
const char kPreferConstantFrameRateName[] = "Prefer Constant Frame Rate";
const char kPreferConstantFrameRateDescription[] =
"Enables this flag to prefer using constant frame rate for camera when "
const char kMoreVideoCaptureBuffersName[] = "More Video Capture Buffers";
const char kMoreVideoCaptureBuffersDescription[] =
"This flag enables using a larger amount Chrome-allocated buffers for "
"video capture. This larger amount is needed for deeper pipelines, e.g. "
"sophisticated camera effects.";
const char kForceControlFaceAeName[] = "Force control face AE";
const char kForceControlFaceAeDescription[] =
"Control this flag to force enable or disable face AE for camera";
const char kHdrNetOverrideName[] = "HDRnet control override";
const char kHdrNetOverrideDescription[] =
"Overrides the default to forcibly enable or disable the HDRnet feature";
const char kCategoricalSearchName[] = "Launcher Categorical Search";
const char kCategoricalSearchDescription[] =
"Launcher search results grouped by categories";
const char kCellularBypassESimInstallationConnectivityCheckName[] =
"Bypass eSIM installation connectivity check";
const char kCellularBypassESimInstallationConnectivityCheckDescription[] =
"Bypass the non-cellular internet connectivity check during eSIM "
const char kCellularCustomAPNProfilesName[] = "Register Custom APN Profiles";
const char kCellularCustomAPNProfilesDescription[] =
"If enabled, the Settings UI will allow the user to create, edit, and "
"delete custom APN profiles for a Cellular network.";
const char kCellularForbidAttachApnName[] = "Forbid Use Attach APN";
const char kCellularForbidAttachApnDescription[] =
"If enabled, the value of |kCellularUseAttachApn| should have no effect "
"and the LTE attach APN configuration will not be sent to the modem. This "
"flag exists because the |kCellularUseAttachApn| flag can be enabled "
"by command-line arguments via board overlays which takes precedence over "
"finch configs, which may be needed to turn off the Attach APN feature.";
const char kCellularUseAttachApnName[] = "Cellular use Attach APN";
const char kCellularUseAttachApnDescription[] =
"Use the mobile operator database to set explicitly an Attach APN "
"for the LTE connections rather than letting the modem decide which "
"attach APN to use or retrieve it from the network";
const char kCellularUseSecondEuiccName[] = "Use second Euicc";
const char kCellularUseSecondEuiccDescription[] =
"When enabled Cellular Setup and Settings UI will use the second available "
"Euicc that's exposed by Hermes.";
const char kClipboardHistoryReorderName[] =
"Keep the most recently pasted item at the top of clipboard history";
const char kClipboardHistoryReorderDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental behavior change where each time a clipboard "
"history item is pasted, that item shifts to the top of the list.";
const char kComponentUpdaterTestRequestName[] =
"Enable the component updater check 'test-request' parameter";
const char kComponentUpdaterTestRequestDescription[] =
"Enables the 'test-request' parameter for component updater check requests."
" Overrides any other component updater check request parameters that may "
"have been specified.";
const char kContextualNudgesName[] =
"Contextual nudges for user gesture education";
const char kContextualNudgesDescription[] =
"Enables contextual nudges, periodically showing the user a label "
"explaining how to interact with a particular UI element using gestures.";
const char kCroshSWAName[] = "Crosh System Web App";
const char kCroshSWADescription[] =
"When enabled, crosh (ChromeOS Shell) will run as a tabbed System Web App "
"rather than a normal browser tab.";
const char kCrosLanguageSettingsUpdateJapaneseName[] =
"Language Settings Update Japanese";
const char kCrosLanguageSettingsUpdateJapaneseDescription[] =
"Replace the japanese extension settings page with one built into the UI.";
const char kCrosOnDeviceGrammarCheckName[] = "On-device Grammar Check";
const char kCrosOnDeviceGrammarCheckDescription[] =
"Enable new on-device grammar check component.";
const char kSystemExtensionsName[] = "ChromeOS System Extensions";
const char kSystemExtensionsDescription[] =
"Enable the ChromeOS System Extension platform.";
const char kEnableServiceWorkersForChromeUntrustedName[] =
"Enable chrome-untrusted:// Service Workers";
const char kEnableServiceWorkersForChromeUntrustedDescription[] =
"When enabled, allows chrome-untrusted:// WebUIs to use service workers.";
const char kCrostiniBullseyeUpgradeName[] = "Upgrade Crostini to Bullseye";
const char kCrostiniBullseyeUpgradeDescription[] =
"Offer to upgrade Crostini containers on older versions to bullseye.";
const char kCrostiniDiskResizingName[] = "Allow resizing Crostini disks";
const char kCrostiniDiskResizingDescription[] =
"Use preallocated user-resizeable disks for Crostini instead of sparse "
"automatically sized disks.";
const char kCrostiniContainerInstallName[] =
"Debian version for new Crostini containers";
const char kCrostiniContainerInstallDescription[] =
"New Crostini containers will use this debian version";
const char kCrostiniGpuSupportName[] = "Crostini GPU Support";
const char kCrostiniGpuSupportDescription[] = "Enable Crostini GPU support.";
const char kCrostiniResetLxdDbName[] = "Crostini Reset LXD DB on launch";
const char kCrostiniResetLxdDbDescription[] =
"Recreates the LXD database every time we launch it";
const char kCrostiniUseLxd4Name[] =
"Use LXD 4 instead of the default - Dangerous & Irreversible";
const char kCrostiniUseLxd4Description[] =
"Uses LXD version 4 instead of the default version. WARNING: Once this is "
"set you can't unset it without deleting your entire container";
const char kCrostiniMultiContainerName[] = "Allow multiple Crostini containers";
const char kCrostiniMultiContainerDescription[] =
"Experimental UI for creating and managing multiple Crostini containers";
const char kCrostiniImeSupportName[] = "Crostini IME support";
const char kCrostiniImeSupportDescription[] =
"Experimental support for IMEs (excluding VK) on Crostini.";
const char kCrostiniVirtualKeyboardSupportName[] =
"Crostini Virtual Keyboard Support";
const char kCrostiniVirtualKeyboardSupportDescription[] =
"Experimental support for the Virtual Keyboard on Crostini.";
const char kGuestOSGenericInstallerName[] = "Generic GuestOS Installer";
const char kGuestOSGenericInstallerDescription[] =
"Experimental generic installer for virtual machines";
const char kBruschettaName[] = "Enable the third party VMs feature";
const char kBruschettaDescription[] =
"Enables UI support for third party/generic VMs";
const char kCameraAppDocScanDlcName[] = "Camera App Doc Scan DLC";
const char kCameraAppDocScanDlcDescription[] =
"Enables this flag to allow downloading document scanning feature via DLC "
"and use it in the camera app";
const char kCompactBubbleLauncherName[] = "Make bubble launcher more compact";
const char kCompactBubbleLauncherDescription[] =
"Decreases the width of clamshell mode productivity (bubble) launcher.";
const char kCryptAuthV2DedupDeviceLastActivityTimeName[] =
"Dedup devices by last activity time";
const char kCryptAuthV2DedupDeviceLastActivityTimeDescription[] =
"Deduplicates phones in multi-device setup drop-down list by last "
"activity time";
const char kDisableBufferBWCompressionName[] =
"Disable buffer bandwidth compression";
const char kDisableBufferBWCompressionDescription[] =
"Disable bandwidth compression when allocating buffers";
const char kDisableCameraFrameRotationAtSourceName[] =
"Disable camera frame rotation at source";
const char kDisableCameraFrameRotationAtSourceDescription[] =
"Disable camera frame rotation to the upright display orientation in the "
"video capture device";
const char kDisableCancelAllTouchesName[] = "Disable CancelAllTouches()";
const char kDisableCancelAllTouchesDescription[] =
"If enabled, a canceled touch will not force all other touches to be "
const char kDisableExplicitDmaFencesName[] = "Disable explicit dma-fences";
const char kDisableExplicitDmaFencesDescription[] =
"Always rely on implicit syncrhonization between GPU and display "
"controller instead of using dma-fences explcitily when available.";
const char kDisplayAlignmentAssistanceName[] =
"Enable Display Alignment Assistance";
const char kDisplayAlignmentAssistanceDescription[] =
"Show indicators on shared edges of the displays when user is "
"attempting to move their mouse over to another display. Show preview "
"indicators when the user is moving a display in display layouts.";
const char kEnableLibinputToHandleTouchpadName[] =
"Enable libinput to handle touchpad.";
const char kEnableLibinputToHandleTouchpadDescription[] =
"Use libinput instead of the gestures library to handle touchpad."
"Libgesures works very well on modern devices but fails on legacy"
"devices. Use libinput if an input device doesn't work or is not working"
const char kEnableFakeKeyboardHeuristicName[] =
"Enable Fake Keyboard Heuristic";
const char kEnableFakeKeyboardHeuristicDescription[] =
"Enable heuristic to prevent non-keyboard devices from pretending "
"to be keyboards. Primarily assists in preventing the virtual keyboard "
"from being disabled unintentionally.";
const char kFastPairName[] = "Enable Fast Pair";
const char kFastPairDescription[] =
"Enables Google Fast Pair service which uses BLE to discover supported "
"nearby Bluetooth devices and surfaces a notification for quick pairing.";
const char kFastPairLowPowerName[] = "Enable Fast Pair Low Power mode";
const char kFastPairLowPowerDescription[] =
"Enables Fast Pair Low Power mode, which doesn't scan for devices "
"continously. This results in lower power usage, but also higher latency "
"for device discovery.";
const char kFastPairSoftwareScanningName[] =
"Enable Fast Pair Software Scanning";
const char kFastPairSoftwareScanningDescription[] =
"Allow using Fast Pair on devices which don't support hardware offloading "
"of BLE scans. For development use.";
const char kFastPairSubsequentPairingUXName[] =
"Enable Fast Pair Subsequent Pairing UX";
const char kFastPairSubsequentPairingUXDescription[] =
"Enables the \"Subsequent Pairing\" Fast Pair scenario in Bluetooth "
"Settings and Quick Settings.";
const char kFastPairSavedDevicesName[] = "Enable Fast Pair Saved Devices";
const char kFastPairSavedDevicesDescription[] =
"Enables the Fast Pair \"Saved Devices\" page to display a list of the "
"user's devices and provide the option to opt in or out of saving devices "
"to their account.";
const char kFrameSinkDesktopCapturerInCrdName[] =
"Enable FrameSinkDesktopCapturer in CRD";
const char kFrameSinkDesktopCapturerInCrdDescription[] =
"Enables the use of FrameSinkDesktopCapturer in the video streaming for "
"CRD, "
"replacing the use of AuraDesktopCapturer";
const char kGetDisplayMediaSetName[] = "GetDisplayMediaSet API";
const char kGetDisplayMediaSetDescription[] =
"When enabled, the getDisplayMediaSet API for capturing multiple surfaces "
"at once is available.";
const char kGetDisplayMediaSetAutoSelectAllScreensName[] =
"autoSelectAllScreens attribute for GetDisplayMediaSet";
const char kGetDisplayMediaSetAutoSelectAllScreensDescription[] =
"When enabled, the autoSelectAllScreens attribute is available for usage "
"with the GetDisplayMediaSet API.";
const char kMultiMonitorsInCrdName[] = "Multi monitor in CRD";
const char kMultiMonitorsInCrdDescription[] =
"Enables support for viewing multiple monitors connected to this ChromeOS "
"device through CRD.";
const char kUseHDRTransferFunctionName[] =
"Monitor/Display HDR transfer function";
const char kUseHDRTransferFunctionDescription[] =
"Allows using the HDR transfer functions of any connected monitor that "
"supports it";
const char kDoubleTapToZoomInTabletModeName[] =
"Double-tap to zoom in tablet mode";
const char kDoubleTapToZoomInTabletModeDescription[] =
"If Enabled, double tapping in webpages while in tablet mode will zoom the "
const char kQuickSettingsPWANotificationsName[] =
"Enable setting of PWA notification permissions in quick settings ";
const char kQuickSettingsPWANotificationsDescription[] =
"Replace website notification permissions with PWA notification "
"permissions in the quick settings menu. Website notification permissions "
"settings will be migrated to the lacros - chrome browser.";
const char kDriveFsBidirectionalNativeMessagingName[] =
"Enable bidirectional native messaging for DriveFS";
const char kDriveFsBidirectionalNativeMessagingDescription[] =
"Enable enhanced native messaging host to communicate with DriveFS.";
const char kDriveFsChromeNetworkingName[] =
"Enable the DriveFS / Chrome Network Service bridge";
const char kDriveFsChromeNetworkingDescription[] =
"Enable the bridge bewteen DriveFS and the Chrome Network Service for "
"communication with the Drive backend.";
const char kEnableAppReinstallZeroStateName[] =
"Enable Zero State App Reinstall Suggestions.";
const char kEnableAppReinstallZeroStateDescription[] =
"Enable Zero State App Reinstall Suggestions feature in launcher, which "
"will show app reinstall recommendations at end of zero state list.";
const char kEnableAssistantRoutinesName[] = "Assistant Routines";
const char kEnableAssistantRoutinesDescription[] = "Enable Assistant Routines.";
const char kEnableBackgroundBlurName[] = "Enable background blur.";
const char kEnableBackgroundBlurDescription[] =
"Enables background blur for the Launcher, Shelf, Unified System Tray etc.";
const char kEnhancedClipboardNudgeSessionResetName[] =
"Enable resetting enhanced clipboard nudge data";
const char kEnhancedClipboardNudgeSessionResetDescription[] =
"When enabled, this will reset the clipboard nudge shown data on every new "
"user session, allowing the nudge to be shown again.";
const char kEnableCrOSActionRecorderName[] = "Enable CrOS action recorder";
const char kEnableCrOSActionRecorderDescription[] =
"When enabled, each app launching, file opening, setting change, and url "
"visiting will be logged locally into an encrypted file. Should not be "
"enabled. Be aware that hash option only provides a thin layer of privacy.";
const char kEnableDnsProxyName[] = "Enable DNS proxy service";
const char kEnableDnsProxyDescription[] =
"When enabled, standard DNS queries will be proxied through the system "
const char kDnsProxyEnableDOHName[] =
"Enable DNS-over-HTTPS in the DNS proxy service";
const char kDnsProxyEnableDOHDescription[] =
"When enabled, the DNS proxy will perform DNS-over-HTTPS in accordance "
"with the ChromeOS SecureDNS settings.";
const char kEnableExternalKeyboardsInDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable external keyboards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableExternalKeyboardsInDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Shows external keyboards in the Diagnostics App's input section. Requires "
"#enable-input-in-diagnostics-app to be enabled.";
const char kEnableHostnameSettingName[] = "Enable setting the device hostname";
const char kEnableHostnameSettingDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to set the ChromeOS hostname, the name of the device "
"that is exposed to the local network";
const char kEnableGesturePropertiesDBusServiceName[] =
"Enable gesture properties D-Bus service";
const char kEnableGesturePropertiesDBusServiceDescription[] =
"Enable a D-Bus service for accessing gesture properties, which are used "
"to configure input devices.";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantDspName[] =
"Enable Google Assistant with hardware-based hotword";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantDspDescription[] =
"Enable an experimental feature that uses hardware-based hotword detection "
"for Assistant. Only a limited number of devices have this type of "
"hardware support.";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantStereoInputName[] =
"Enable Google Assistant with stereo audio input";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantStereoInputDescription[] =
"Enable an experimental feature that uses stereo audio input for hotword "
"and voice to text detection in Google Assistant.";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantAecName[] = "Enable Google Assistant AEC";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantAecDescription[] =
"Enable an experimental feature that removes local feedback from audio "
"input to help hotword and ASR when background audio is playing.";
const char kEnableHeuristicStylusPalmRejectionName[] =
"Enable Heuristic for Stylus/Palm Rejection.";
const char kEnableHeuristicStylusPalmRejectionDescription[] =
"Enable additional heuristic palm rejection logic when interacting with "
"stylus usage. Not intended for all devices.";
const char kEnableInputEventLoggingName[] = "Enable input event logging";
const char kEnableInputEventLoggingDescription[] =
"Enable detailed logging of input events from touchscreens, touchpads, and "
"mice. These events include the locations of all touches as well as "
"relative pointer movements, and so may disclose sensitive data. They "
"will be included in feedback reports and system logs, so DO NOT ENTER "
"SENSITIVE INFORMATION with this flag enabled.";
const char kEnableInputInDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable input device cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableInputInDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Enable input device cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableKeyboardBacklightToggleName[] =
"Enable Keyboard Backlight Toggle.";
const char kEnableKeyboardBacklightToggleDescription[] =
"Enable toggling of the keyboard backlight. By "
"default, this flag is enabled.";
const char kEnableLauncherSearchNormalizationName[] =
"Enable normalization of launcher search results";
const char kEnableLauncherSearchNormalizationDescription[] =
"Enable normalization of scores from different providers to the "
const char kEnableLogControllerForDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable DiagnosticsLogController for Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableLogControllerForDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Uses DiagnosticsLogController to manage the lifetime of Diagnostics App "
"logs. Enables creation of combined diagnostics log after Diagnostics "
"App is closed.";
const char kEnableNeuralPalmAdaptiveHoldName[] = "Palm Rejection Adaptive Hold";
const char kEnableNeuralPalmAdaptiveHoldDescription[] =
"Enable adaptive hold in palm rejection. Not compatible with all devices.";
const char kEnableNeuralStylusPalmRejectionName[] =
"Enable Neural Palm Detection";
const char kEnableNeuralStylusPalmRejectionDescription[] =
"Experimental: Enable Neural Palm detection. Not compatible with all "
const char kEnableOsFeedbackName[] = "Enable updated Feedback Tool App";
const char kEnableOsFeedbackDescription[] =
"Enable the feedback tool with new UX design that helps users mitigate "
"the issues while writing feedback and makes the UI easier to use.";
const char kEnableNewShortcutMappingName[] = "Enable New Shortcut Mapping";
const char kEnableNewShortcutMappingDescription[] =
"Enables experimental new shortcut mapping";
const char kEnablePalmOnMaxTouchMajorName[] =
"Enable Palm when Touch is Maximum";
const char kEnablePalmOnMaxTouchMajorDescription[] =
"Experimental: Enable Palm detection when the touchscreen reports max "
"size. Not compatible with all devices.";
const char kEnablePalmOnToolTypePalmName[] =
"Enable Palm when Tool Type is Palm";
const char kEnablePalmOnToolTypePalmDescription[] =
"Experimental: Enable palm detection when touchscreen reports "
"TOOL_TYPE_PALM. Not compatible with all devices.";
const char kEnablePalmSuppressionName[] =
"Enable Palm Suppression with Stylus.";
const char kEnablePalmSuppressionDescription[] =
"If enabled, suppresses touch when a stylus is on a touchscreen.";
const char kEnableSeamlessRefreshRateSwitchingName[] =
"Seamless Refresh Rate Switching";
const char kEnableSeamlessRefreshRateSwitchingDescription[] =
"This option enables seamlessly changing the refresh rate based on power "
"state on devices with supported hardware and drivers.";
const char kEnableTouchpadsInDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable touchpad cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableTouchpadsInDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Shows touchpad cards in the Diagnostics App's input section. Requires "
"#enable-input-in-diagnostics-app to be enabled.";
const char kEnableTouchscreensInDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable touchscreen cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableTouchscreensInDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Shows touchscreen cards in the Diagnostics App's input section. Requires "
"#enable-input-in-diagnostics-app to be enabled.";
const char kEnableZramWriteback[] = "Enable Zram Writeback";
const char kEnableZramWritebackDescription[] =
"If enabled zram swap will be able to write back to disk increasing "
"overall swap capacity";
const char kEnableVariableRefreshRateName[] = "Enable Variable Refresh Rate";
const char kEnableVariableRefreshRateDescription[] =
"Enable the variable refresh rate (Adaptive Sync) setting for capable "
const char kDeprecateAssistantStylusFeaturesName[] =
"Deprecate Assistant Stylus Features";
const char kDeprecateAssistantStylusFeaturesDescription[] =
"Deprecates the stylus features associated with the Assistant \"what's on "
"my screen\" feature which is already deprecated.";
const char kDisableQuickAnswersV2TranslationName[] =
"Disable Quick Answers Translation";
const char kDisableQuickAnswersV2TranslationDescription[] =
"Disable translation services of the Quick Answers.";
const char kQuickAnswersForMoreLocalesName[] =
"Enable Quick Answers for more locales";
const char kQuickAnswersForMoreLocalesDescription[] =
"Enable Quick Answers for more locales.";
const char kEapGtcWifiAuthenticationName[] = "EAP-GTC WiFi Authentication";
const char kEapGtcWifiAuthenticationDescription[] =
"Allows configuration of WiFi networks using EAP-GTC authentication";
const char kEcheSWAName[] = "Enable Eche feature";
const char kEcheSWADescription[] = "This is the main flag for enabling Eche.";
const char kEcheSWADebugModeName[] = "Enable Eche Debug Mode";
const char kEcheSWADebugModeDescription[] =
"Enables the Debug Mode of Eche in which the window is not closed after "
"a failure happens in order to give the user a chance to look at the "
"console logs.";
const char kEnableIkev2VpnName[] = "Enable IKEv2 VPN";
const char kEnableIkev2VpnDescription[] =
"Enable selecting IKEv2 as the VPN provider type when creating a VPN "
"network. This will only take effect when running a compatible kernel, see "
const char kEnableNetworkingInDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable networking cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableNetworkingInDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Enable networking cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableOAuthIppName[] =
"Enable OAuth when printing via the IPP protocol";
const char kEnableOAuthIppDescription[] =
"Enable OAuth when printing via the IPP protocol";
const char kEnableSuggestedFilesName[] = "Enable Suggested Files";
const char kEnableSuggestedFilesDescription[] =
"Enable the Suggested Files feature in Launcher, which will show Drive "
"file suggestions in the suggestion chips when the launcher is opened.";
const char kEnableSuggestedLocalFilesName[] = "Enable Suggested Local Files";
const char kEnableSuggestedLocalFilesDescription[] =
"Enable the Suggested local Files feature in Launcher, which will show "
"local file suggestions in the suggestion chips when the launcher is "
const char kEnableWireGuardName[] = "Enable WireGuard VPN";
const char kEnableWireGuardDescription[] =
"Enable the support of WireGuard VPN as a native VPN option. Requires a "
"kernel version that support it.";
const char kEnforceAshExtensionKeeplistName[] =
"Enforce Ash extension keeplist";
const char kEnforceAshExtensionKeeplistDescription[] =
"Enforce the Ash extension keeplist. Only the extensions and Chrome apps on"
" the keeplist are enabled in Ash.";
const char kExoGamepadVibrationName[] = "Gamepad Vibration for Exo Clients";
const char kExoGamepadVibrationDescription[] =
"Allow Exo clients like Android to request vibration events for gamepads "
"that support it.";
const char kExoOrdinalMotionName[] =
"Raw (unaccelerated) motion for Linux applications";
const char kExoOrdinalMotionDescription[] =
"Send unaccelerated values as raw motion events to linux applications.";
const char kExoLockNotificationName[] = "Notification bubble for UI lock";
const char kExoLockNotificationDescription[] =
"Show a notification bubble once an application has switched to "
"non-immersive fullscreen mode or obtained pointer lock.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityDictationWithPumpkinName[] =
"Experimental accessibility dictation using the pumpkin semantic parser.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityDictationWithPumpkinDescription[] =
"Enables the pumpkin semantic parser for the accessibility dictation "
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityGoogleTtsLanguagePacksName[] =
"Experimental accessibility Google TTS Langauge Packs.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityGoogleTtsLanguagePacksDescription[] =
"Enables downloading Google TTS voices using Langauge Packs.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilitySwitchAccessTextName[] =
"Enable enhanced Switch Access text input.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilitySwitchAccessTextDescription[] =
"Enable experimental or in-progress Switch Access features for improved "
"text input";
const char kMagnifierContinuousMouseFollowingModeSettingName[] =
"Enable ability to choose continuous mouse following mode in Magnifier "
const char kMagnifierContinuousMouseFollowingModeSettingDescription[] =
"Enable feature which adds ability to choose new continuous mouse "
"following mode in Magnifier settings.";
const char kDockedMagnifierResizingName[] =
"Enable ability to resize Docked Magnifier";
const char kDockedMagnifierResizingDescription[] =
"Enable feature which adds ability for user to grab and resize divider of "
"Docked Magnifier.";
const char kFileTransferEnterpriseConnectorName[] =
"Enable Files Transfer Enterprise Connector.";
const char kFileTransferEnterpriseConnectorDescription[] =
"Enable the File Transfer Enterprise Connector.";
const char kFilesAppExperimentalName[] =
"Experimental UI features for Files app";
const char kFilesAppExperimentalDescription[] =
"Enable experimental UI features for Files app. Experimental features are "
"expected to be non functional to end users.";
const char kFilesExtractArchiveName[] = "Extract archive in Files app";
const char kFilesExtractArchiveDescription[] =
"Enable the simplified archive extraction feature in Files app";
const char kFilesSinglePartitionFormatName[] =
"Enable Partitioning of Removable Disks.";
const char kFilesSinglePartitionFormatDescription[] =
"Enable partitioning of removable disks into single partition.";
const char kFilesSWAName[] = "Enable Files App SWA.";
const char kFilesSWADescription[] =
"Enable the SWA version of the file manager.";
const char kFilesTrashName[] = "Enable Files Trash.";
const char kFilesTrashDescription[] =
"Enable trash for My files volume in Files App.";
const char kFilesWebDriveOfficeName[] =
"Enable Files App Web Drive Office support.";
const char kFilesWebDriveOfficeDescription[] =
"Enable opening Office files located in Files app Drive in Web Drive.";
const char kFloatWindow[] = "CrOS Labs: Float current active window";
const char kFloatWindowDescription[] =
"Enables the accelerator (Command + Alt + F) to float current active "
const char kForceSpectreVariant2MitigationName[] =
"Force Spectre variant 2 mitigagtion";
const char kForceSpectreVariant2MitigationDescription[] =
"Forces Spectre variant 2 mitigation. Setting this to enabled will "
"override #spectre-variant2-mitigation and any system-level setting that "
"disables Spectre variant 2 mitigation.";
const char kFiltersInRecentsName[] = "Enable filters in Recents";
const char kFiltersInRecentsDescription[] =
"Enable file-type filters (Audio, Images, Videos) in Files App Recents "
const char kFiltersInRecentsV2Name[] = "Filters in Recents enhancement";
const char kFiltersInRecentsV2Description[] =
"More enhancements for the filters in Recents.";
const char kFocusFollowsCursorName[] = "Focus follows cursor";
const char kFocusFollowsCursorDescription[] =
"Enable window focusing by moving the cursor.";
const char kFrameThrottleFpsName[] = "Set frame throttling fps.";
const char kFrameThrottleFpsDescription[] =
"Set the throttle fps for compositor frame submission.";
const char kFrameThrottleFpsDefault[] = "Default";
const char kFrameThrottleFps5[] = "5 fps";
const char kFrameThrottleFps10[] = "10 fps";
const char kFrameThrottleFps15[] = "15 fps";
const char kFrameThrottleFps20[] = "20 fps";
const char kFrameThrottleFps25[] = "25 fps";
const char kFrameThrottleFps30[] = "30 fps";
const char kFullRestoreForLacrosName[] = "Full restore lacros support";
const char kFullRestoreForLacrosDescription[] =
"ChromeOS full restore lacros support";
const char kFuseBoxName[] = "Enable ChromeOS FuseBox service";
const char kFuseBoxDescription[] = "ChromeOS FuseBox service.";
const char kFuseBoxDebugName[] = "Debugging UI for ChromeOS FuseBox service";
const char kFuseBoxDebugDescription[] =
"Show additional debugging UI for ChromeOS FuseBox service.";
const char kGuestOsFilesName[] =
"Enabled Guest OS Service + file manager integration";
const char kGuestOsFilesDescription[] =
"The files app sources information about guests from the Guest OS service, "
"instead of querying each type individually";
const char kHelpAppBackgroundPageName[] = "Help App Background Page";
const char kHelpAppBackgroundPageDescription[] =
"Enables the Background page in the help app. The background page is used "
"to initialize the Help App Launcher search index and show the Discover "
"tab notification.";
const char kHelpAppDiscoverTabName[] = "Help App Discover Tab";
const char kHelpAppDiscoverTabDescription[] =
"Enables the Discover tab in the help app. Even if the feature is enabled, "
"internal app logic might decide not to show the tab.";
const char kHelpAppLauncherSearchName[] = "Help App launcher search";
const char kHelpAppLauncherSearchDescription[] =
"Enables showing search results from the help app in the launcher.";
const char kDiacriticsOnPhysicalKeyboardLongpressName[] =
"Enable diacritics and variant character selection on PK longpress.";
const char kDiacriticsOnPhysicalKeyboardLongpressDescription[] =
"Enable diacritics and other varient character selection on physical "
"keyboard longpress.";
const char kImeAssistAutocorrectName[] = "Enable assistive autocorrect";
const char kImeAssistAutocorrectDescription[] =
"Enable assistive auto-correct features for native IME";
const char kImeAssistEmojiEnhancedName[] = "Enable enhanced assistive emojis";
const char kImeAssistEmojiEnhancedDescription[] =
"Enable enhanced assistive emoji suggestion features for native IME";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordName[] =
"Enable assistive multi word suggestions";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordDescription[] =
"Enable assistive multi word suggestions for native IME";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordExpandedName[] =
"Enable expanded assistive multi word suggestions";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordExpandedDescription[] =
"Enable expanded assistive multi word suggestions for native IME";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordLacrosSupportName[] =
"Multi word suggestions lacros support";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordLacrosSupportDescription[] =
"Enable lacros support for assistive multi word suggestions in native IME";
const char kImeAssistPersonalInfoName[] = "Enable assistive personal info";
const char kImeAssistPersonalInfoDescription[] =
"Enable auto-complete suggestions on personal infomation for native IME.";
const char kVirtualKeyboardNewHeaderName[] =
"Enable new header for virtual keyboard";
const char kVirtualKeyboardNewHeaderDescription[] =
"Enable new header for virtual keyboard to improve navigation.";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerName[] = "System emoji picker";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerDescription[] =
"Controls whether a System emoji picker, or the virtual keyboard is used "
"for inserting emoji.";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerClipboardName[] =
"System emoji picker clipboard";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerClipboardDescription[] =
"Emoji picker will insert emoji into clipboard if they can't be inserted "
"into a text field";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerExtensionName[] =
"System emoji picker extension";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerExtensionDescription[] =
"Emoji picker extension allows users to select emoticons and symbols to "
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerSearchExtensionName[] =
"System emoji picker search extension";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerSearchExtensionDescription[] =
"Emoji picker search extension enhances current emoji search by "
"introducing multi-word prefix search.";
const char kImeStylusHandwritingName[] = "Stylus Handwriting";
const char kImeStylusHandwritingDescription[] =
"Enable VK UI for stylus in text fields";
const char kCrosLanguageSettingsImeOptionsInSettingsName[] =
"Ime settings in settings";
const char kCrosLanguageSettingsImeOptionsInSettingsDescription[] =
"Adds IME settings to the settings menu";
const char kLacrosAvailabilityIgnoreName[] =
"Ignore lacros-availability policy";
const char kLacrosAvailabilityIgnoreDescription[] =
"Makes the lacros-availability policy have no effect. Instead Lacros "
"availability will be controlled by experiment and/or user flags.";
const char kLacrosOnlyName[] = "Lacros is the only browser";
const char kLacrosOnlyDescription[] =
"Use Lacros-chrome as the only web browser on ChromeOS. "
"This flag is ignored if Lacros support or primary is disabled.";
const char kLacrosPrimaryName[] = "Lacros as the primary browser";
const char kLacrosPrimaryDescription[] =
"Use Lacros-chrome as the primary web browser on ChromeOS. "
"This flag is ignored if Lacros support is disabled.";
const char kLacrosResourcesFileSharingName[] =
"Share resources file with ash-chrome";
const char kLacrosResourcesFileSharingDescription[] =
"Map lacros-chrome resource ids to ash-chrome resources and remove "
"duplicated resources to reduce the memory consumption. This feature "
"generate two additional paks for resources.pak, chrome_100_percent.pak "
"and chrome_200_percent.pak. Additional paks are mapping table and "
"fallback resources.";
const char kLacrosStabilityName[] = "Lacros stability";
const char kLacrosStabilityDescription[] = "Lacros update channel.";
const char kLacrosSelectionName[] = "Lacros selection";
const char kLacrosSelectionDescription[] =
"Choosing between rootfs or stateful Lacros.";
const char kLacrosSelectionRootfsDescription[] = "Rootfs";
const char kLacrosSelectionStatefulDescription[] = "Stateful";
const char kLacrosSupportName[] = "Lacros support";
const char kLacrosSupportDescription[] =
"Support for the experimental lacros-chrome browser. Please note that the "
"first restart can take some time to setup lacros-chrome. Please DO NOT "
"attempt to turn off the device during the restart.";
const char kLacrosProfileMigrationForAnyUserName[] =
"Lacros profile migration for any user";
const char kLacrosProfileMigrationForAnyUserDescription[] =
"Enables lacros profile migration that are currently only enabled for "
"certain users. Please enable with CAUTION. Enabling profile migration "
"means that any pre-existing lacros data will be wiped and replaced with "
"data migrated from ash. It also has a side effect that lacros will be "
"disbled until profile migration is completed.";
const char kLacrosMoveProfileMigrationName[] = "Enforce profile move migration";
const char kLacrosMoveProfileMigrationDescription[] =
"Enforce Lacros profile move migration which moves files from Ash profile "
"directory to Lacros profile directory instead of copying. Please note "
"that disabling Lacros and falling back to Ash after move migration is not "
const char kLacrosProfileMigrationForceOffName[] = "Disable profile migration";
const char kLacrosProfileMigrationForceOffDescription[] =
"Disables lacros profile migration. Lacros profile migration is being "
"rolled out to internal users first. Once lacros profile migration becomes "
"available to the user, the completion of profile migration becomes a "
"requirement to use lacros i.e. if profile migration gets rolled out to "
"the user and the migration fails, then lacros becomes unavailable until "
"the migration is completed. By enabling this flag, even if profile "
"migration is rolled out to the user, the migration will not run and the "
"user can continue to use lacros without profile migration.";
const char kLauncherItemSuggestName[] = "Launcher ItemSuggest";
const char kLauncherItemSuggestDescription[] =
"Allows configuration of experiment parameters for ItemSuggest in the "
const char kLauncherLacrosIntegrationName[] = "Launcher lacros integration";
const char kLauncherLacrosIntegrationDescription[] =
"Forces launcher Omnibox search queries to be sent to the lacros browser. "
"If disabled, queries are sent to the ash browser.";
const char kLauncherPlayStoreSearchName[] = "Launcher Play Store search";
const char kLauncherPlayStoreSearchDescription[] =
"Enables Play Store search in the Launcher. Only available in the "
"productivity launcher.";
const char kLimitShelfItemsToActiveDeskName[] =
"Limit Shelf items to active desk";
const char kLimitShelfItemsToActiveDeskDescription[] =
"Limits items on the shelf to the ones associated with windows on the "
"active desk";
const char kListAllDisplayModesName[] = "List all display modes";
const char kListAllDisplayModesDescription[] =
"Enables listing all external displays' modes in the display settings.";
const char kLocalWebApprovalsName[] = "Local web approvals";
const char kLocalWebApprovalsDescription[] =
"Enable local web approvals for Family Link users on ChromeOS. Web filter "
"interstitial refresh needs to also be enabled.";
const char kEnableHardwareMirrorModeName[] = "Enable Hardware Mirror Mode";
const char kEnableHardwareMirrorModeDescription[] =
"Enables hardware support when multiple displays are set to mirror mode.";
const char kLockScreenNotificationName[] = "Lock screen notification";
const char kLockScreenNotificationDescription[] =
"Enable notifications on the lock screen.";
const char kMediaAppHandlesPdfName[] = "Media App Handles PDF";
const char kMediaAppHandlesPdfDescription[] =
"Enables opening PDF files by default in chrome://media-app";
const char kMediaAppPhotosIntegrationImageName[] =
"Media App Photos Integration (Image)";
const char kMediaAppPhotosIntegrationImageDescription[] =
"Within Gallery, enable finding more editing tools for images in Photos";
const char kMediaAppPhotosIntegrationVideoName[] =
"Media App Photos Integration (Video)";
const char kMediaAppPhotosIntegrationVideoDescription[] =
"Within Gallery, enable finding editing tools for videos in Photos";
const char kMeteredShowToggleName[] = "Show Metered Toggle";
const char kMeteredShowToggleDescription[] =
"Shows a Metered toggle in the Network settings UI for WiFI and Cellular. "
"The toggle allows users to set whether a network should be considered "
"metered for purposes of bandwith usage (e.g. for automatic updates).";
const char kMicrophoneMuteNotificationsName[] = "Microphone Mute Notifications";
const char kMicrophoneMuteNotificationsDescription[] =
"Enables notifications that are shown when an app tries to use microphone "
"while audio input is muted.";
const char kMicrophoneMuteSwitchDeviceName[] = "Microphone Mute Switch Device";
const char kMicrophoneMuteSwitchDeviceDescription[] =
"Support for detecting the state of hardware microphone mute toggle. Only "
"effective on devices that have a microphone mute toggle. Enabling the "
"flag does not affect the toggle functionality, it only affects how the "
"System UI handles the mute toggle state.";
const char kMultilingualTypingName[] = "Multilingual typing on CrOS";
const char kMultilingualTypingDescription[] =
"Enables support for multilingual assistive typing on ChromeOS.";
const char kNearbySharingArcName[] = "ARC Nearby Sharing";
const char kNearbySharingArcDescription[] =
"Enables Nearby Sharing from ARC apps.";
const char kNearbySharingBackgroundScanningName[] =
"Nearby Sharing Background Scanning";
const char kNearbySharingBackgroundScanningDescription[] =
"Enables background scanning for Nearby Share, allowing devices to "
"persistently scan and present a notification when a nearby device is "
"attempting to share.";
const char kNearbySharingOnePageOnboardingName[] =
"Nearby Sharing one-page Onboarding.";
const char kNearbySharingOnePageOnboardingDescription[] =
"Enable new One-page onboarding workflow for Nearby Share.";
const char kNearbySharingSelfShareAutoAcceptName[] =
"Nearby Sharing Self Share Auto-Accept";
const char kNearbySharingSelfShareAutoAcceptDescription[] =
"Enables auto-accept functionality when sharing between a user's own "
const char kNearbySharingSelfShareUIName[] = "Nearby Sharing Self Share UI";
const char kNearbySharingSelfShareUIDescription[] =
"Enables UI features for Self Share to allow seamless sharing between a "
"user's own devices.";
const char kNearbySharingWifiLanName[] = "Nearby Sharing WifiLan";
const char kNearbySharingWifiLanDescription[] =
"Enables WifiLan as a Nearby Share transfer medium.";
const char kOobeHidDetectionRevampName[] = "OOBE HID Detection Revamp";
const char kOobeHidDetectionRevampDescription[] =
"Enables the ChromeOS HID Detection Revamp, which updates OOBE HID "
"detection screen UI and related infrastructure.";
const char kPartialSplit[] = "Partial Split";
const char kPartialSplitDescription[] =
"Enables the option to snap two windows into 2/3 and 1/3 for split view.";
const char kPcieBillboardNotificationName[] = "Pcie billboard notification";
const char kPcieBillboardNotificationDescription[] =
"Enable Pcie peripheral billboard notification.";
const char kPerformantSplitViewResizing[] = "Performant Split View Resizing";
const char kPerformantSplitViewResizingDescription[] =
"If enabled, windows may be moved instead of scaled when resizing split "
"view in tablet mode.";
const char kPhoneHubCallNotificationName[] =
"Incoming call notification in Phone Hub";
const char kPhoneHubCallNotificationDescription[] =
"Enables the incoming/ongoing call feature in Phone Hub.";
const char kPhoneHubCameraRollName[] = "Camera Roll in Phone Hub";
const char kPhoneHubCameraRollDescription[] =
"Enables the Camera Roll feature in Phone Hub, which allows users to "
"access recent photos and videos taken on a connected Android device.";
const char kPhoneHubFeatureSetupErrorHandlingName[] =
"Error handling during Phone Hub feature setup";
const char kPhoneHubFeatureSetupErrorHandlingDescription[] =
"Enable the error handling during Phone Hub feature setup. It allows"
"users to see result on Chromebook when the setup failed on connected"
"remote phone device.";
const char kProductivityLauncherName[] =
"Productivity experiment: App Launcher";
const char kProductivityLauncherDescription[] =
"To evaluate an enhanced Launcher experience that aims to improve app "
"workflows by optimizing access to apps, app content, and app actions.";
const char kProductivityLauncherImageSearchName[] =
"Productivity Launcher experiment: Launcher Image Search";
const char kProductivityLauncherImageSearchDescription[] =
"To evaluate the viability of image search as part of Productivity "
"Launcher Search.";
const char kProjectorName[] = "Enable Projector";
const char kProjectorDescription[] =
"Enables Projects SWA and associated recording tools";
const char kProjectorAnnotatorName[] = "Enable Projector annotator";
const char kProjectorAnnotatorDescription[] =
"Turns on annotator tools when recording a screen capture using Projector";
const char kProjectorExcludeTranscriptName[] =
"Enable Projector exclude transcript feature";
const char kProjectorExcludeTranscriptDescription[] =
"Supports excluding segment of Projector recording by excluding transcript";
const char kProjectorLocalPlaybackName[] = "Enable Projector local playback";
const char kProjectorLocalPlaybackDescription[] =
"Supports streaming screencast videos from DriveFS instead of Drive before "
"they have finished transcoding";
const char kProjectorAppDebugName[] = "Enable Projector app debug";
const char kProjectorAppDebugDescription[] =
"Adds more informative error messages to the Projector app for debugging";
const char kQsRevampName[] = "Quick Settings Revamp";
const char kQsRevampDescription[] =
"Enable QS UI revamp with separated message center.";
const char kReleaseNotesNotificationAllChannelsName[] =
"Release Notes Notification All Channels";
const char kReleaseNotesNotificationAllChannelsDescription[] =
"Enables the release notes notification for all ChromeOS channels";
const char kReleaseTrackUiName[] = "Release track system tray UI";
const char kReleaseTrackUiDescription[] =
"Enables the release track UI in the system tray";
const char kArcWindowPredictorName[] = "Enable ARC window predictor";
const char kArcWindowPredictorDescription[] =
"Enables the window state and bounds predictor for ARC task windows";
const char kArcInputOverlayName[] = "Enable ARC Input Overlay";
const char kArcInputOverlayDescription[] =
"Enables the input overlay feature for some Android game apps, "
"so it can play with a keyboard and a mouse instead of touch screen";
const char kArcInputOverlayNameBeta[] = "Enable ARC Input Overlay Beta";
const char kArcInputOverlayDescriptionBeta[] =
"Enable more features based on ARC Input Overlay Alpha, "
"so it can change the touch point position.";
const char kSecondaryGoogleAccountUsageName[] =
"Enable Secondary Google account usage policy.";
const char kSecondaryGoogleAccountUsageDescription[] =
"Add restrictions on a managed account's usage as a secondary account on "
const char kShelfAutoHideSeparationName[] =
"Enable separate shelf auto-hide preferences.";
const char kShelfAutoHideSeparationDescription[] =
"Allows for the shelf's auto-hide preference to be specified separately "
"for clamshell and tablet mode.";
const char kShimlessRMAFlowName[] = "Enable shimless RMA flow";
const char kShimlessRMAFlowDescription[] = "Enable shimless RMA flow";
const char kShimlessRMAEnableStandaloneName[] =
"Enable the Shimless RMA standalone app";
const char kShimlessRMAEnableStandaloneDescription[] =
"Allows Shimless RMA to be launched as a standalone app while logged in. "
"Will only be used to assist with development";
const char kShimlessRMAOsUpdateName[] = "Enable OS updates in shimless RMA";
const char kShimlessRMAOsUpdateDescription[] =
"Turns on OS updating in Shimless RMA";
const char kShimlessRMADisableDarkModeName[] =
"Disable dark mode in Shimless RMA";
const char kShimlessRMADisableDarkModeDescription[] =
"Disable dark mode and only allow light mode in Shimless RMA";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationName[] = "Scheduler Configuration";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationDescription[] =
"Instructs the OS to use a specific scheduler configuration setting.";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationConservative[] =
"Disables Hyper-Threading on relevant CPUs.";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationPerformance[] =
"Enables Hyper-Threading on relevant CPUs.";
const char kMediaDynamicCgroupName[] = "Media Dynamic Cgroup";
const char kMediaDynamicCgroupDescription[] =
"Dynamic Cgroup allows tasks from media workload to be consolidated on "
"limited cpuset";
const char kShowBluetoothDebugLogToggleName[] =
"Show Bluetooth debug log toggle";
const char kShowBluetoothDebugLogToggleDescription[] =
"Enables a toggle which can enable debug (i.e., verbose) logs for "
const char kBluetoothSessionizedMetricsName[] =
"Enable Bluetooth sessionized metrics";
const char kBluetoothSessionizedMetricsDescription[] =
"Enables collecting and processing Bluetooth sessionized metrics.";
const char kShowTapsName[] = "Show taps";
const char kShowTapsDescription[] =
"Draws a circle at each touch point, which makes touch points more obvious "
"when projecting or mirroring the display. Similar to the Android OS "
"developer option.";
const char kShowTouchHudName[] = "Show HUD for touch points";
const char kShowTouchHudDescription[] =
"Shows a trail of colored dots for the last few touch points. Pressing "
"Ctrl-Alt-I shows a heads-up display view in the top-left corner. Helps "
"debug hardware issues that generate spurious touch events.";
const char kSmartLockSignInRemovedName[] = "Remove Sign in with Smart Lock";
const char kSmartLockSignInRemovedDescription[] =
"Deprecates Sign in with Smart Lock feature. Hides Smart Lock on the sign "
"in screen, removes the Smart Lock subpage in settings, and shows a "
"one-time notification for users who previously had this feature enabled.";
const char kSmartLockUIRevampName[] = "Enable Smart Lock UI Revamp";
const char kSmartLockUIRevampDescription[] =
"Replaces the existing Smart Lock UI on the lock screen with a new design "
"and adds Smart Lock to the 'Lock screen and sign-in' section of settings.";
const char kSnoopingProtectionName[] = "Enable snooping detection";
const char kSnoopingProtectionDescription[] =
"Enables snooping protection to notify you whenever there is a 'snooper' "
"looking over your shoulder. Can be enabled and disabled from the Smart "
"privacy section of your device settings.";
const char kSpectreVariant2MitigationName[] = "Spectre variant 2 mitigation";
const char kSpectreVariant2MitigationDescription[] =
"Controls whether Spectre variant 2 mitigation is enabled when "
"bootstrapping the Seccomp BPF sandbox. Can be overridden by "
const char kSyncSettingsCategorizationName[] = "Split OS and browser sync";
const char kSyncSettingsCategorizationDescription[] =
"Allows OS sync to be configured separately from browser sync. Changes the "
"OS settings UI to provide controls for OS data types.";
const char kSystemChinesePhysicalTypingName[] =
"Use system IME for Chinese typing";
const char kSystemChinesePhysicalTypingDescription[] =
"Use the system input engine instead of the Chrome extension for physical "
"typing in Chinese.";
const char kSystemJapanesePhysicalTypingName[] =
"Use system IME for Japanese typing";
const char kSystemJapanesePhysicalTypingDescription[] =
"Use the system input engine instead of the Chrome extension for physical "
"typing in Japanese.";
const char kSystemTransliterationPhysicalTypingName[] =
"Use system IME for Transliteration typing";
const char kSystemTransliterationPhysicalTypingDescription[] =
"Use the system input engine instead of the Chrome extension for physical "
"typing in transliteration input methods.";
const char kQuickSettingsNetworkRevampName[] =
"Enables the Quick Settings Network revamp.";
const char kQuickSettingsNetworkRevampDescription[] =
"Enables the Quick Settings Network revamp, which updates Network Quick "
"Settings UI and related infrastructure. See";
const char kTerminalAlternativeEmulatorName[] = "Terminal alternative emulator";
const char kTerminalAlternativeEmulatorDescription[] =
"Enable the alternative emulator for the Terminal app. You will also get "
"an option in Terminal settings to change the default emulator.";
const char kTerminalDevName[] = "Terminal dev";
const char kTerminalDevDescription[] =
"Enables Terminal System App to load from Downloads for developer testing. "
"Only works in dev and canary channels.";
const char kTerminalMultiProfileName[] = "Terminal multi-profiles for settings";
const char kTerminalMultiProfileDescription[] =
"Enables Terminal System App to set multiple profiles in the settings page "
"and configure which profile to use for each Linux or SSH connection.";
const char kTerminalTmuxIntegrationName[] = "Terminal tmux integration";
const char kTerminalTmuxIntegrationDescription[] =
"Enables integration with tmux control mode (tmux -CC) in the Terminal "
"System App.";
const char kTetherName[] = "Instant Tethering";
const char kTetherDescription[] =
"Enables Instant Tethering. Instant Tethering allows your nearby Google "
"phone to share its Internet connection with this device.";
const char kTouchscreenCalibrationName[] =
"Enable/disable touchscreen calibration option in material design settings";
const char kTouchscreenCalibrationDescription[] =
"If enabled, the user can calibrate the touch screen displays in "
const char kTrafficCountersEnabledName[] = "Traffic counters enabled";
const char kTrafficCountersEnabledDescription[] =
"If enabled, data usage will be visible in the Cellular Settings UI and "
"traffic counters will be automatically reset if that setting is enabled.";
const char kUploadOfficeToCloudName[] = "Enable Office files upload workflow.";
const char kUploadOfficeToCloudDescription[] =
"Some file handlers for Microsoft Office files are only available on the "
"the cloud. Enables the cloud upload workflow for Office file handling.";
const char kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStreamName[] = "Use fake video capture device";
const char kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStreamDescription[] =
"Forces Chrome to use a fake video capture device (a rolling pacman with a "
"timestamp) instead of the system audio/video devices, for debugging "
const char kUseMultipleOverlaysName[] = "Use Multiple Overlays";
const char kUseMultipleOverlaysDescription[] =
"Specifies the maximum number of quads that Chrome will attempt to promote"
" to overlays.";
const char kUXStudy1Name[] = "UX Study 1";
const char kUXStudy1Description[] = "Opt into a group for UX Study";
const char kUiDevToolsName[] = "Enable native UI inspection";
const char kUiDevToolsDescription[] =
"Enables inspection of native UI elements. For local inspection use "
const char kUiSlowAnimationsName[] = "Slow UI animations";
const char kUiSlowAnimationsDescription[] = "Makes all UI animations slow.";
const char kVaapiJpegImageDecodeAccelerationName[] =
"VA-API JPEG decode acceleration for images";
const char kVaapiJpegImageDecodeAccelerationDescription[] =
"Enable or disable decode acceleration of JPEG images (as opposed to camera"
" captures) using the VA-API.";
const char kVaapiWebPImageDecodeAccelerationName[] =
"VA-API WebP decode acceleration for images";
const char kVaapiWebPImageDecodeAccelerationDescription[] =
"Enable or disable decode acceleration of WebP images using the VA-API.";
const char kVirtualKeyboardName[] = "Virtual Keyboard";
const char kVirtualKeyboardDescription[] =
"Always show virtual keyboard regardless of having a physical keyboard "
const char kVirtualKeyboardBorderedKeyName[] = "Virtual Keyboard Bordered Key";
const char kVirtualKeyboardBorderedKeyDescription[] =
"Show virtual keyboard with bordered key";
const char kVirtualKeyboardDisabledName[] = "Disable Virtual Keyboard";
const char kVirtualKeyboardDisabledDescription[] =
"Always disable virtual keyboard regardless of device mode. Workaround for "
"virtual keyboard showing with some external keyboards.";
const char kVirtualKeyboardMultitouchName[] = "Virtual Keyboard Multitouch";
const char kVirtualKeyboardMultitouchDescription[] =
"Enables multitouch on the virtual keyboard.";
const char kVirtualKeyboardRoundCornersName[] =
"Virtual Keyboard Round Corners";
const char kVirtualKeyboardRoundCornersDescription[] =
"Enables round corners on the virtual keyboard.";
const char kWakeOnWifiAllowedName[] = "Allow enabling wake on WiFi features";
const char kWakeOnWifiAllowedDescription[] =
"Allows wake on WiFi features in shill to be enabled.";
const char kWebAppsCrosapiName[] = "Web Apps Crosapi";
const char kWebAppsCrosapiDescription[] =
"Support web apps publishing from Lacros browser.";
const char kWifiConnectMacAddressRandomizationName[] =
"MAC address randomization";
const char kWifiConnectMacAddressRandomizationDescription[] =
"Randomize MAC address when connecting to unmanaged (non-enterprise) "
"WiFi networks.";
const char kWifiSyncAllowDeletesName[] =
"Sync removal of Wi-Fi network configurations";
const char kWifiSyncAllowDeletesDescription[] =
"Enables the option to sync deletions of Wi-Fi networks to other ChromeOS "
"devices when Wi-Fi Sync is enabled.";
const char kWifiSyncAndroidName[] =
"Sync Wi-Fi network configurations with Android";
const char kWifiSyncAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables the option to sync Wi-Fi network configurations between ChromeOS "
"devices and a connected Android phone";
const char kWindowControlMenu[] = "Float current active window";
const char kWindowControlMenuDescription[] =
"Enables the accelerator (Command + Alt + F) to float current active "
const char kLauncherGameSearchName[] = "Enable launcher game search";
const char kLauncherGameSearchDescription[] =
"Enables cloud game search results in the launcher.";
const char kLauncherHideContinueSectionName[] =
"Launcher hide continue section";
const char kLauncherHideContinueSectionDescription[] =
"Adds a 'Hide all suggestions' option to the continue section item "
"right-click menus.";
const char kMacAddressRandomizationName[] = "MAC address randomization";
const char kMacAddressRandomizationDescription[] =
"Feature to allow MAC address randomization to be enabled for WiFi "
// Prefer keeping this section sorted to adding new definitions down here.
const char kDesktopCaptureLacrosV2Name[] = "Enable Lacros Desktop Capture V2";
const char kDesktopCaptureLacrosV2Description[] =
"Enables the improved desktop/window capturer for doing screen/window "
"sharing on Lacros";
const char kLacrosMergeIcuDataFileName[] =
"Enable merging of icudtl.dat in Lacros";
const char kLacrosMergeIcuDataFileDescription[] =
"Enables sharing common areas of icudtl.dat between Ash and Lacros.";
const char kLacrosScreenCoordinatesEnabledName[] =
"Enable screen coordinates system in lacros-chrome";
const char kLacrosScreenCoordinatesEnabledDescription[] =
"Enabling this will allow lacros to control the window position in screen "
"coordinates. This is required for features such as the Javascript APIs "
"moveBy, moveTo or session restore.";
extern const char kLacrosScreenCoordinatesName[];
extern const char kLacrosScreenCoordinatesDescription[];
const char kAllowDefaultWebAppMigrationForChromeOsManagedUsersName[] =
"Allow default web app migration for ChromeOS managed users";
const char kAllowDefaultWebAppMigrationForChromeOsManagedUsersDescription[] =
"The web app migration flags "
"(chrome://flags/#enable-migrate-default-chrome-app-to-web-apps-gsuite and "
"chrome://flags/#enable-migrate-default-chrome-app-to-web-apps-non-gsuite) "
"are ignored for managed ChromeOS users unless this feature is enabled.";
const char kCrOSDspBasedAecAllowedName[] =
"Allow CRAS to use a DSP-based AEC if available";
const char kCrOSDspBasedAecAllowedDescription[] =
"Allows the system variant of the AEC in CRAS to be run on DSP ";
const char kCrOSDspBasedNsAllowedName[] =
"Allow CRAS to use a DSP-based NS if available";
const char kCrOSDspBasedNsAllowedDescription[] =
"Allows the system variant of the NS in CRAS to be run on DSP ";
const char kCrOSDspBasedAgcAllowedName[] =
"Allow CRAS to use a DSP-based AGC if available";
const char kCrOSDspBasedAgcAllowedDescription[] =
"Allows the system variant of the AGC in CRAS to be run on DSP ";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecName[] = "Enforce using the system AEC in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variant in CrAS of the AEC";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecAgcName[] =
"Enforce using the system AEC and AGC in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecAgcDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variants in CrAS of the AEC and AGC.";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsName[] =
"Enforce using the system AEC and NS in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variants in CrAS of the AEC and NS.";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsAgcName[] =
"Enforce using the system AEC, NS and AGC in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsAgcDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variants in CrAS of the AEC, NS and AGC.";
const char kCrosPrivacyHubName[] = "Enable ChromeOS Privacy Hub";
const char kCrosPrivacyHubDescription[] = "Enables ChromeOS Privacy Hub.";
const char kCrosPrivacyHubFutureName[] =
"Enable ChromeOS Privacy Hub future features";
const char kCrosPrivacyHubFutureDescription[] =
"Enables ChromeOS Privacy Hub future features.";
const char kDeprecateLowUsageCodecsName[] = "Deprecates low usage media codecs";
const char kDeprecateLowUsageCodecsDescription[] =
"Deprecates low usage codecs. Disable this feature to allow playback of "
"AMR and GSM.";
const char kDisableIdleSocketsCloseOnMemoryPressureName[] =
"Disable closing idle sockets on memory pressure";
const char kDisableIdleSocketsCloseOnMemoryPressureDescription[] =
"If enabled, idle sockets will not be closed when chrome detects memory "
"pressure. This applies to web pages only and not to internal requests.";
const char kDisableOfficeEditingComponentAppName[] =
"Disable Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides";
const char kDisableOfficeEditingComponentAppDescription[] =
"Disables Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides component app so "
"handlers won't be registered, making it possible to install another "
"version for testing.";
const char kVaapiAV1DecoderName[] = "VA-API decode acceleration for AV1";
const char kVaapiAV1DecoderDescription[] =
"Enable or disable decode acceleration of AV1 videos using the VA-API.";
const char kIntentChipSkipsPickerName[] =
"Link capturing intent chip skips the intent picker bubble";
const char kIntentChipSkipsPickerDescription[] =
"When enabled, clicking the intent chip in the Omnibox will skip the "
"intent picker bubble and launch directly into the app. If multiple apps "
"are installed for a URL, the intent picker will still be shown for "
const char kIntentChipAppIconName[] =
"Show app icons in the link capturing intent chip";
const char kIntentChipAppIconDescription[] =
"When enabled, the intent chip in the Omnibox will show the app icon for "
"the app which can handle the current URL.";
const char kKioskEnableAppServiceName[] = "Enable App Service in Kiosk.";
const char kKioskEnableAppServiceDescription[] =
"Uses App Service to install web apps and launch both Chrome apps and web "
"apps in Kiosk sessions.";
const char kLinkCapturingAutoDisplayIntentPickerName[] =
"Enable auto-display of intent picker bubble";
const char kLinkCapturingAutoDisplayIntentPickerDescription[] =
"When enabled, the intent picker bubble will automatically display when "
"clicking a link which can be opened in installed apps. Only applies when "
"'Enable updated link capturing UI' is enabled.";
const char kLinkCapturingInfoBarName[] = "Enable link capturing info bar";
const char kLinkCapturingInfoBarDescription[] =
"Enables an info bar which appears when launching a web app through the "
"Omnibox intent chip, prompting to update the link capturing setting for "
"that app.";
const char kLinkCapturingUiUpdateName[] = "Enable updated link capturing UI";
const char kLinkCapturingUiUpdateDescription[] =
"Enables updated UI for link capturing flows from the browser to apps, "
"including the intent picker and an in-app link capturing prompt.";
const char kMessagesPreinstallName[] = "Preinstall Messages PWA";
const char kMessagesPreinstallDescription[] =
"Enables preinstallation of the Messages for Web PWA for unmanaged users.";
const char kOneGroupPerRendererName[] =
"Use one cgroup for each foreground renderer";
const char kOneGroupPerRendererDescription[] =
"Places each Chrome foreground renderer into its own cgroup";
const char kSyncChromeOSExplicitPassphraseSharingName[] =
"Sync passphrase sharing";
const char kSyncChromeOSExplicitPassphraseSharingDescription[] =
"Allows sharing custom sync passphrase between OS and Browser on ChromeOS";
const char kVaapiVP9kSVCEncoderName[] =
"VA-API encode acceleration for k-SVC VP9";
const char kVaapiVP9kSVCEncoderDescription[] =
"Enable or disable k-SVC VP9 encode acceleration using VA-API.";
const char kChromeOSDirectVideoDecoderName[] = "ChromeOS Direct Video Decoder";
const char kChromeOSDirectVideoDecoderDescription[] =
"Enables the hardware-accelerated ChromeOS direct media::VideoDecoder "
"implementation. Note that this might be entirely disallowed by the "
"--platform-disallows-chromeos-direct-video-decoder command line switch "
"which is added for platforms where said direct VideoDecoder does not work "
"or is not well tested (see the disable_cros_video_decoder USE flag in "
const char kChromeOSHWVBREncodingName[] =
"ChromeOS Hardware Variable Bitrate Encoding";
const char kChromeOSHWVBREncodingDescription[] =
"Enables the hardware-accelerated variable bitrate (VBR) encoding on "
"ChromeOS. If the hardware encoder supports VBR for a specified codec, a "
"video is recorded in VBR encoding in MediaRecoder API automatically and "
"WebCodecs API if configured so.";
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
const char kPreferLibYuvImageProcessorName[] = "Prefer libYUV image processor";
const char kPreferLibYuvImageProcessorDescription[] =
"Prefers the libYUV image processor for format conversion of video frames "
"over the hardware implementation";
#endif // defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
const char kZeroCopyVideoCaptureName[] = "Enable Zero-Copy Video Capture";
const char kZeroCopyVideoCaptureDescription[] =
"Camera produces a gpu friendly buffer on capture and, if there is, "
"hardware accelerated video encoder consumes the buffer";
// All views-based platforms --------------------------------------------------
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
const char kDownloadShelfWebUI[] = "Download Shelf WebUI";
const char kDownloadShelfWebUIDescription[] =
"Replaces the Views download shelf with a WebUI download shelf.";
const char kSideSearchName[] = "Side search";
const char kSideSearchDescription[] =
"Enables an easily accessible way to access your most recent Google search "
"results page embedded in a browser side panel";
const char kSideSearchDSESupportName[] = "Side search DSE support";
const char kSideSearchDSESupportDescription[] =
"Side search with support for participating chrome search engines.";
#endif // defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
// Random platform combinations -----------------------------------------------
const char kQuickCommandsName[] = "Quick Commands";
const char kQuickCommandsDescription[] =
"Enable a text interface to browser features. Invoke with Ctrl-Space.";
const char kFollowingFeedSidepanelName[] = "Following feed in the sidepanel";
const char kFollowingFeedSidepanelDescription[] =
"Enables the following feed in the sidepanel.";
const char kWebShareName[] = "Web Share";
const char kWebShareDescription[] =
"Enables the Web Share (navigator.share) APIs on experimentally supported "
const char kOzonePlatformHintChoiceDefault[] = "Default";
const char kOzonePlatformHintChoiceAuto[] = "Auto";
const char kOzonePlatformHintChoiceX11[] = "X11";
const char kOzonePlatformHintChoiceWayland[] = "Wayland";
const char kOzonePlatformHintName[] = "Preferred Ozone platform";
const char kOzonePlatformHintDescription[] =
"Selects the preferred platform backend used on Linux. The default one is "
"\"X11\". \"Auto\" selects Wayland if possible, X11 otherwise. ";
const char kWebBluetoothConfirmPairingSupportName[] =
"Web Bluetooth confirm pairing support";
const char kWebBluetoothConfirmPairingSupportDescription[] =
"Enable confirm-only and confirm-pin pairing mode support for Web "
const char kCleanUndecryptablePasswordsLinuxName[] =
"Cleanup local undecryptable passwords during initial sync flow";
const char kCleanUndecryptablePasswordsLinuxDescription[] =
"Deletes the undecryptable passwords from the local database to enable "
"syncing all passwords during the initial sync.";
const char kForcePasswordInitialSyncWhenDecryptionFailsName[] =
"Force initial sync to clean local undecryptable passwords during startup";
const char kForcePasswordInitialSyncWhenDecryptionFailsDescription[] =
"During startup checks if there are undecryptable passwords in the local "
"storage and requests initial sync.";
const char kSkipUndecryptablePasswordsName[] =
"Skip undecryptable passwords to use the available decryptable "
const char kSkipUndecryptablePasswordsDescription[] =
"Makes the decryptable passwords available in the password manager when "
"there are undecryptable ones.";
const char kAsyncDnsName[] = "Async DNS resolver";
const char kAsyncDnsDescription[] = "Enables the built-in DNS resolver.";
// Feature flags --------------------------------------------------------------
extern const char kChromeWideEchoCancellationName[] =
"Chrome-wide echo cancellation";
extern const char kChromeWideEchoCancellationDescription[] =
"Run WebRTC capture audio processing in the audio process instead of the "
"renderer processes, thereby cancelling echoes from more audio sources.";
const char kDcheckIsFatalName[] = "DCHECKs are fatal";
const char kDcheckIsFatalDescription[] =
"By default Chrome will evaluate in this build, but only log failures, "
"rather than crashing. If enabled, DCHECKs will crash the calling process.";
const char kEnableJXLName[] = "Enable JXL image format";
const char kEnableJXLDescription[] =
"Adds image decoding support for the JPEG XL image format.";
const char kNaclName[] = "Native Client";
const char kNaclDescription[] =
"Support Native Client for all web applications, even those that were not "
"installed from the Chrome Web Store.";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclName[] = "Verbose logging in Native Client";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclDescription[] =
"Control the level of verbose logging in Native Client modules for "
"debugging purposes.";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceDefault[] = "Default";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceLow[] = "Low";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceMedium[] = "Medium";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceHigh[] = "High";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceHighest[] = "Highest";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceDisabled[] = "Disabled";
#endif // ENABLE_NACL
const char kEnableOopPrintDriversName[] =
"Enables Out-of-Process Printer Drivers";
const char kEnableOopPrintDriversDescription[] =
"Enables printing interactions with the operating system to be performed "
const char kPaintPreviewDemoName[] = "Paint Preview Demo";
const char kPaintPreviewDemoDescription[] =
"If enabled a menu item is added to the Android main menu to demo paint "
const char kPaintPreviewStartupName[] = "Paint Preview Startup";
const char kPaintPreviewStartupDescription[] =
"If enabled, paint previews for each tab are captured when a tab is hidden "
"and are deleted when a tab is closed. If a paint preview was captured for "
"the tab to be restored on startup, the paint preview will be shown "
const char kWebUITabStripFlagId[] = "webui-tab-strip";
const char kWebUITabStripName[] = "WebUI tab strip";
const char kWebUITabStripDescription[] =
"When enabled makes use of a WebUI-based tab strip.";
const char kWebUITabStripContextMenuAfterTapName[] =
"WebUI tab strip context menu after tap";
const char kWebUITabStripContextMenuAfterTapDescription[] =
"Enables the context menu to appear after a tap gesture rather than "
"following a press gesture.";
const char kWebUITabStripTabDragIntegrationName[] =
"ChromeOS drag-drop extensions for WebUI tab strip";
const char kWebUITabStripTabDragIntegrationDescription[] =
"Enables special handling in ash for WebUI tab strip tab drags. Allows "
"dragging tabs out to new windows.";
const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadName[] =
"Enable offering upload of Autofilled credit cards";
const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadDescription[] =
"Enables a new option to upload credit cards to Google Payments for sync "
"to all Chrome devices.";
const char kElasticOverscrollName[] = "Elastic Overscroll";
const char kElasticOverscrollDescription[] =
"Enables Elastic Overscrolling on touchscreens and precision touchpads.";
const char kUIDebugToolsName[] = "Debugging tools for UI";
const char kUIDebugToolsDescription[] =
"Enables additional keyboard shortcuts to help debugging.";
const char kDesktopDetailedLanguageSettingsName[] =
"Detailed Language Settings (Desktop)";
const char kDesktopDetailedLanguageSettingsDescription[] =
"Enable the new detailed language settings page";
const char kWebrtcPipeWireCapturerName[] = "WebRTC PipeWire support";
const char kWebrtcPipeWireCapturerDescription[] =
"When enabled the WebRTC will use the PipeWire multimedia server for "
"capturing the desktop content on the Wayland display server.";
#endif // #if defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)
const char kChromeKioskEnableLacrosName[] =
"Enables Lacros in the chrome app Kiosk";
const char kChromeKioskEnableLacrosDescription[] =
"Uses Lacros-chrome as the web browser in the chrome app Kiosk session on "
"ChromeOS. When disabled, the Ash-chrome will be used";
const char kWebKioskEnableLacrosName[] =
"Enables Lacros in the web (PWA) Kiosk";
const char kWebKioskEnableLacrosDescription[] =
"Uses Lacros-chrome as the web browser in the web (PWA) Kiosk session on "
"ChromeOS. When disabled, the Ash-chrome will be used";
const char kDisableLacrosTtsSupportName[] = "Disable lacros tts support";
const char kDisableLacrosTtsSupportDescription[] =
"Disable lacros support for text to speech.";
// ============================================================================
// Don't just add flags to the end, put them in the right section in
// alphabetical order just like the header file.
// ============================================================================
} // namespace flag_descriptions