blob: 080317ec665a134bc679f8465393d770a9d5680c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/password_manager/core/common/password_manager_features.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace password_manager::features {
// NOTE: It is strongly recommended to use UpperCamelCase style for feature
// names, e.g. "MyGreatFeature".
// Enables biometric authentication before form filling.
const base::Feature kBiometricAuthenticationForFilling = {
"BiometricAuthenticationForFilling", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables biometric authentication in settings.
const base::Feature kBiometricAuthenticationInSettings = {
"BiometricAuthenticationInSettings", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables Biometrics for the Touch To Fill feature. This only effects Android.
const base::Feature kBiometricTouchToFill = {"BiometricTouchToFill",
// Enables submission detection for forms dynamically cleared but not removed
// from the page.
const base::Feature kDetectFormSubmissionOnFormClear = {
// Force enables password change capabilities for every domain, regardless of
// the server response. The flag is meant for end-to-end testing purposes only.
const base::Feature kForceEnablePasswordDomainCapabilities = {
"ForceEnablePasswordDomainCapabilities", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables favicons in Password Manager.
const base::Feature kEnableFaviconForPasswords{
"EnableFaviconForPasswords", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables the overwriting of prefilled username fields if the server predicted
// the field to contain a placeholder value.
const base::Feature kEnableOverwritingPlaceholderUsernames{
"EnableOverwritingPlaceholderUsernames", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables a second, Gaia-account-scoped password store for users who are signed
// in but not syncing.
const base::Feature kEnablePasswordsAccountStorage = {
const base::Feature KEnablePasswordGenerationForClearTextFields = {
// By default, Password Manager is disabled in fenced frames for now.
// TODO( Remove once launched.
const base::Feature kEnablePasswordManagerWithinFencedFrame{
// Enables filling password on a website when there is saved password on
// affiliated website.
const base::Feature kFillingAcrossAffiliatedWebsites{
"FillingAcrossAffiliatedWebsites", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables the experiment for the password manager to only fill on account
// selection, rather than autofilling on page load, with highlighting of fields.
const base::Feature kFillOnAccountSelect = {"fill-on-account-select",
// When enabled, initial sync will be forced during startup if the password
// store has encryption service failures.
const base::Feature kForceInitialSyncWhenDecryptionFails = {
"ForceInitialSyncWhenDecryptionFails", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables finding a confirmation password field during saving by inspecting the
// values of the fields. Used as a kill switch.
// TODO( Remove once confirmed to be safe (around M92 or so).
const base::Feature kInferConfirmationPasswordField = {
"InferConfirmationPasswordField", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Feature flag that updates icons, strings, and views for Google Password
// Manager.
const base::Feature kIOSEnablePasswordManagerBrandingUpdate{
// Removes the list of passwords from the Settings UI and adds a separate
// Password Manager view.
const base::Feature kIOSPasswordUISplit = {"IOSPasswordUISplit",
// Enables password saving and filling in cross-origin iframes on IOS.
const base::Feature kIOSPasswordManagerCrossOriginIframeSupport = {
#endif // IS_IOS
// Enables (un)muting compromised passwords from bulk leak check in settings.
const base::Feature kMuteCompromisedPasswords {
// Enables adding, displaying and modifying extra notes to stored credentials.
// When enabled, "PasswordViewPageInSettings" feature is ignored and the new
// password view subpage is force enabled.
const base::Feature kPasswordNotes{"PasswordNotes",
// Enables the new password viewing subpage.
const base::Feature kPasswordViewPageInSettings{
"PasswordViewPageInSettings", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables sending credentials from the settings UI.
const base::Feature kSendPasswords{"SendPasswords",
// Enables password leak detection for unauthenticated users.
const base::Feature kLeakDetectionUnauthenticated = {
"LeakDetectionUnauthenticated", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables automatic password change flow from leaked password dialog.
const base::Feature kPasswordChange = {"PasswordChange",
// Enables password change flow from bulk leak check in settings.
const base::Feature kPasswordChangeInSettings = {
"PasswordChangeInSettings", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables .well-known based password change flow from leaked password dialog.
const base::Feature kPasswordChangeWellKnown = {
"PasswordChangeWellKnown", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables fetching credentials capabilities from server for the
// |PasswordChangeInSettings| and |PasswordChange| features.
const base::Feature kPasswordDomainCapabilitiesFetching = {
"PasswordDomainCapabilitiesFetching", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Controls the ability to import passwords from Chrome's settings page.
const base::Feature kPasswordImport = {"PasswordImport",
// Enables password reuse detection.
const base::Feature kPasswordReuseDetectionEnabled = {
"PasswordReuseDetectionEnabled", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables password scripts fetching for the |PasswordChangeInSettings| feature.
const base::Feature kPasswordScriptsFetching = {
"PasswordScriptsFetching", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables showing UI which allows users to easily revert their choice to
// never save passwords on a certain website.
const base::Feature kRecoverFromNeverSaveAndroid = {
"RecoverFromNeverSaveAndroid", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables the password strength indicator.
const base::Feature kPasswordStrengthIndicator = {
"PasswordStrengthIndicator", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Displays at least the decryptable and never saved logins in the password
// manager
const base::Feature kSkipUndecryptablePasswords = {
"SkipUndecryptablePasswords", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// When enabled, all undecryptable passwords are deleted from the local database
// during initial sync flow.
const base::Feature kSyncUndecryptablePasswordsLinux = {
"SyncUndecryptablePasswordsLinux", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
const base::Feature kPasswordEditDialogWithDetails{
"PasswordEditDialogWithDetails", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
const base::Feature kShowUPMErrorNotification{
"ShowUpmErrorNotification", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables the experiment to automatically submit a form after filling by
// TouchToFill
const base::Feature kTouchToFillPasswordSubmission = {
"TouchToFillPasswordSubmission", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables the intent fetching for the credential manager in Google Mobile
// Services. It does not enable launching the credential manager.
const base::Feature kUnifiedCredentialManagerDryRun = {
"UnifiedCredentialManagerDryRun", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables use of Google Mobile Services for password storage. Chrome's local
// database will be unused but kept in sync for local passwords.
const base::Feature kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroid{
"UnifiedPasswordManagerAndroid", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables showing contextual error messages when UPM encounters an auth error.
const base::Feature kUnifiedPasswordManagerErrorMessages{
"UnifiedPasswordManagerErrorMessages", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// If enabled, the built-in sync functionality in PasswordSyncBridge becomes
// unused, meaning that SyncService/SyncEngine will no longer download or
// upload changes to/from the Sync server. Instead, an external Android-specific
// backend will be used to achieve similar behavior.
const base::Feature kUnifiedPasswordManagerSyncUsingAndroidBackendOnly{
// TODO( Remove after full launch and cleaning up the code.
const base::Feature kUnifiedPasswordManagerDesktop = {
"UnifiedPasswordManagerDesktop", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables support of sending additional votes on username first flow. The votes
// are sent on single password forms and contain information about preceding
// single username forms.
// TODO( Clean up if the main crowdsourcing is good enough and
// we don't need additional signals.
const base::Feature kUsernameFirstFlowFallbackCrowdsourcing = {
// Current migration version to Google Mobile Services. If version saved in pref
// is lower than 'kMigrationVersion' passwords will be re-uploaded.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kMigrationVersion = {
&kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroid, "migration_version", 1};
// Field trial identifier for password generation requirements.
const char kGenerationRequirementsFieldTrial[] =
// The file version number of password requirements files. If the prefix length
// changes, this version number needs to be updated.
// Default to 0 in order to get an empty requirements file.
const char kGenerationRequirementsVersion[] = "version";
// Length of a hash prefix of domain names. This is used to shard domains
// across multiple files.
// Default to 0 in order to put all domain names into the same shard.
const char kGenerationRequirementsPrefixLength[] = "prefix_length";
// Timeout (in milliseconds) for password requirements lookups. As this is a
// network request in the background that does not block the UI, the impact of
// high values is not strong.
// Default to 5000 ms.
const char kGenerationRequirementsTimeout[] = "timeout";
// Enables showing leaked dialog after every successful form submission.
const char kPasswordChangeWithForcedDialogAfterEverySuccessfulSubmission[] =
// Enables showing leaked warning for every site while doing bulk leak check in
// settings.
const char kPasswordChangeInSettingsWithForcedWarningForEverySite[] =
// Enables using conservative heuristics to calculate submission readiness.
const char kTouchToFillPasswordSubmissionWithConservativeHeuristics[] =
#endif // IS_ANDROID
bool IsPasswordScriptsFetchingEnabled() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kPasswordScriptsFetching) ||
bool IsAutomatedPasswordChangeEnabled() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kPasswordChangeInSettings) ||
bool UsesUnifiedPasswordManagerUi() {
if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroid))
return false;
UpmExperimentVariation variation = kUpmExperimentVariationParam.Get();
switch (variation) {
case UpmExperimentVariation::kEnableForSyncingUsers:
case UpmExperimentVariation::kEnableForAllUsers:
return true;
case UpmExperimentVariation::kShadowSyncingUsers:
case UpmExperimentVariation::kEnableOnlyBackendForSyncingUsers:
return false;
NOTREACHED() << "Define explicitly whether UI is required!";
return false;
#endif // IS_ANDROID
bool RequiresMigrationForUnifiedPasswordManager() {
if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroid))
return false;
UpmExperimentVariation variation = kUpmExperimentVariationParam.Get();
switch (variation) {
case UpmExperimentVariation::kEnableForSyncingUsers:
case UpmExperimentVariation::kEnableOnlyBackendForSyncingUsers:
case UpmExperimentVariation::kEnableForAllUsers:
return true;
case UpmExperimentVariation::kShadowSyncingUsers:
return false;
NOTREACHED() << "Define explicitly whether migration is required!";
return false;
#endif // IS_ANDROID
bool ManagesLocalPasswordsInUnifiedPasswordManager() {
if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroid))
return false;
UpmExperimentVariation variation = kUpmExperimentVariationParam.Get();
switch (variation) {
case UpmExperimentVariation::kEnableForSyncingUsers:
case UpmExperimentVariation::kShadowSyncingUsers:
case UpmExperimentVariation::kEnableOnlyBackendForSyncingUsers:
return false;
case UpmExperimentVariation::kEnableForAllUsers:
return true;
<< "Define explicitly whether local password management is supported!";
return false;
#endif // IS_ANDROID
} // namespace password_manager::features