blob: 04c9294e5345c7f04e7b9d9ccef23b016b838502 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/viz/service/display/skia_renderer.h"
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "cc/base/math_util.h"
#include "cc/debug/debug_colors.h"
#include "cc/paint/render_surface_filters.h"
#include "components/viz/common/display/renderer_settings.h"
#include "components/viz/common/features.h"
#include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/copy_output_request.h"
#include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/copy_output_util.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/aggregated_render_pass_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/compositor_render_pass_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/debug_border_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/picture_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/solid_color_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/texture_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/tile_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/yuv_video_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/platform_color.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/resource_format_utils.h"
#include "components/viz/common/skia_helper.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/delegated_ink_handler.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/delegated_ink_point_renderer_skia.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/display_resource_provider.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/output_surface.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/output_surface_frame.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/renderer_utils.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/resource_fence.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/skia_output_surface.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/client/shared_image_interface.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/shared_image_usage.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/sync_token.h"
#include "skia/ext/opacity_filter_canvas.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorFilter.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkDeferredDisplayList.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPath.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPixelRef.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkShader.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkString.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkColorMatrix.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkGradientShader.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkImageFilters.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkOverdrawColorFilter.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkRuntimeEffect.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkShaderMaskFilter.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrBackendSurface.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h"
#include "third_party/skia/modules/skcms/skcms.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_features.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_transform.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/angle_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/axis_transform2d.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/linear_gradient.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/skia_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/transform.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/transform_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/gpu_fence_handle.h"
namespace viz {
namespace {
// Smallest unit that impacts anti-aliasing output. We use this to determine
// when an exterior edge (with AA) has been clipped (no AA). The specific value
// was chosen to match that used by gl_renderer.
static const float kAAEpsilon = 1.0f / 1024.0f;
SkScalar remove_epsilon(SkScalar v) {
return v < std::numeric_limits<SkScalar>::epsilon() &&
v > -std::numeric_limits<SkScalar>::epsilon()
? 0
: v;
#endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_APPLE) || defined(USE_OZONE)
// The gfx::QuadF draw_region passed to DoDrawQuad, converted to Skia types
struct SkDrawRegion {
SkDrawRegion() = default;
explicit SkDrawRegion(const gfx::QuadF& draw_region);
SkPoint points[4];
// Additional YUV information to skia renderer to draw 9- and 10- bits color.
struct YUVInput {
YUVInput() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
float offset;
float multiplier;
SkDrawRegion::SkDrawRegion(const gfx::QuadF& draw_region) {
points[0] = gfx::PointFToSkPoint(draw_region.p1());
points[1] = gfx::PointFToSkPoint(draw_region.p2());
points[2] = gfx::PointFToSkPoint(draw_region.p3());
points[3] = gfx::PointFToSkPoint(draw_region.p4());
bool IsTextureResource(DisplayResourceProviderSkia* resource_provider,
ResourceId resource_id) {
return !resource_provider->IsResourceSoftwareBacked(resource_id);
unsigned GetCornerAAFlags(const DrawQuad* quad,
const SkPoint& vertex,
unsigned edge_mask) {
// Returns mask of SkCanvas::QuadAAFlags, with bits set for each edge of the
// shared quad state's quad_layer_rect that vertex is touching.
unsigned mask = SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags;
if (std::abs(vertex.x()) < kAAEpsilon)
mask |= SkCanvas::kLeft_QuadAAFlag;
if (std::abs(vertex.x() - quad->shared_quad_state->quad_layer_rect.width()) <
mask |= SkCanvas::kRight_QuadAAFlag;
if (std::abs(vertex.y()) < kAAEpsilon)
mask |= SkCanvas::kTop_QuadAAFlag;
if (std::abs(vertex.y() - quad->shared_quad_state->quad_layer_rect.height()) <
mask |= SkCanvas::kBottom_QuadAAFlag;
// & with the overall edge_mask to take into account edges that were clipped
// by the visible rect.
return mask & edge_mask;
bool IsExteriorEdge(unsigned corner_mask1, unsigned corner_mask2) {
return (corner_mask1 & corner_mask2) != 0;
unsigned GetRectilinearEdgeFlags(const DrawQuad* quad) {
// In the normal case, turn on AA for edges that represent the outside of
// the layer, and that aren't clipped by the visible rect.
unsigned mask = SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags;
if (quad->IsLeftEdge() &&
std::abs(quad->rect.x() - quad->visible_rect.x()) < kAAEpsilon)
mask |= SkCanvas::kLeft_QuadAAFlag;
if (quad->IsTopEdge() &&
std::abs(quad->rect.y() - quad->visible_rect.y()) < kAAEpsilon)
mask |= SkCanvas::kTop_QuadAAFlag;
if (quad->IsRightEdge() &&
std::abs(quad->rect.right() - quad->visible_rect.right()) < kAAEpsilon)
mask |= SkCanvas::kRight_QuadAAFlag;
if (quad->IsBottomEdge() &&
std::abs(quad->rect.bottom() - quad->visible_rect.bottom()) < kAAEpsilon)
mask |= SkCanvas::kBottom_QuadAAFlag;
return mask;
// This also modifies draw_region to clean up any degeneracies
void GetClippedEdgeFlags(const DrawQuad* quad,
unsigned* edge_mask,
SkDrawRegion* draw_region) {
// Instead of trying to rotate vertices of draw_region to align with Skia's
// edge label conventions, turn on an edge's label if it is aligned to any
// exterior edge.
unsigned p0Mask = GetCornerAAFlags(quad, draw_region->points[0], *edge_mask);
unsigned p1Mask = GetCornerAAFlags(quad, draw_region->points[1], *edge_mask);
unsigned p2Mask = GetCornerAAFlags(quad, draw_region->points[2], *edge_mask);
unsigned p3Mask = GetCornerAAFlags(quad, draw_region->points[3], *edge_mask);
unsigned mask = SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags;
// The "top" is p0 to p1
if (IsExteriorEdge(p0Mask, p1Mask))
mask |= SkCanvas::kTop_QuadAAFlag;
// The "right" is p1 to p2
if (IsExteriorEdge(p1Mask, p2Mask))
mask |= SkCanvas::kRight_QuadAAFlag;
// The "bottom" is p2 to p3
if (IsExteriorEdge(p2Mask, p3Mask))
mask |= SkCanvas::kBottom_QuadAAFlag;
// The "left" is p3 to p0
if (IsExteriorEdge(p3Mask, p0Mask))
mask |= SkCanvas::kLeft_QuadAAFlag;
// If the clipped draw_region has adjacent non-AA edges that touch the
// exterior edge (which should be AA'ed), move the degenerate vertex to the
// appropriate index so that Skia knows to construct a coverage ramp at that
// corner. This is not an ideal solution, but is the best hint we can give,
// given our limited information post-BSP splitting.
if (draw_region->points[2] == draw_region->points[3]) {
// The BSP splitting always creates degenerate quads with the duplicate
// vertex in the last two indices.
if (p0Mask && !(mask & SkCanvas::kLeft_QuadAAFlag) &&
!(mask & SkCanvas::kTop_QuadAAFlag)) {
// Rewrite draw_region from p0,p1,p2,p2 to p0,p1,p2,p0; top edge stays off
// right edge is preserved, bottom edge turns off, left edge turns on
draw_region->points[3] = draw_region->points[0];
mask = SkCanvas::kLeft_QuadAAFlag | (mask & SkCanvas::kRight_QuadAAFlag);
} else if (p1Mask && !(mask & SkCanvas::kTop_QuadAAFlag) &&
!(mask & SkCanvas::kRight_QuadAAFlag)) {
// Rewrite draw_region to p0,p1,p1,p2; top edge stays off, right edge
// turns on, bottom edge turns off, left edge is preserved
draw_region->points[2] = draw_region->points[1];
mask = SkCanvas::kRight_QuadAAFlag | (mask & SkCanvas::kLeft_QuadAAFlag);
// p2 could follow the same process, but if its adjacent edges are AA
// (skipping the degenerate edge to p3), it's actually already in the
// desired vertex ordering; and since p3 is in the same location, it's
// equivalent to p2 so it doesn't need checking either.
} // Else not degenerate, so can't to correct non-AA corners touching AA edge
*edge_mask = mask;
bool IsAAForcedOff(const DrawQuad* quad) {
switch (quad->material) {
case DrawQuad::Material::kPictureContent:
return PictureDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad)->force_anti_aliasing_off;
case DrawQuad::Material::kCompositorRenderPass:
// We should not have compositor render passes here.
return CompositorRenderPassDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad)
case DrawQuad::Material::kAggregatedRenderPass:
return AggregatedRenderPassDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad)
case DrawQuad::Material::kSolidColor:
return SolidColorDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad)->force_anti_aliasing_off;
case DrawQuad::Material::kTiledContent:
return TileDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad)->force_anti_aliasing_off;
case DrawQuad::Material::kYuvVideoContent:
case DrawQuad::Material::kTextureContent:
// This is done to match the behaviour of GLRenderer and we can revisit it
// later.
return true;
return false;
bool UseNearestNeighborSampling(const DrawQuad* quad) {
switch (quad->material) {
case DrawQuad::Material::kPictureContent:
return PictureDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad)->nearest_neighbor;
case DrawQuad::Material::kTextureContent:
return TextureDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad)->nearest_neighbor;
case DrawQuad::Material::kTiledContent:
return TileDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad)->nearest_neighbor;
// Other quad types do not expose nearest_neighbor.
return false;
SkSamplingOptions GetSampling(const DrawQuad* quad) {
if (UseNearestNeighborSampling(quad))
return SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kNearest);
// Default to bilinear if the quad doesn't specify nearest_neighbor.
// TODO(penghuang): figure out how to set correct filter quality for YUV and
// video stream quads.
return SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear);
// Returns kFast if sampling outside of vis_tex_coords due to AA or bilerp will
// not go outside of the content area, or if the content area is the full image
// (in which case hardware clamping handles it automatically). Different quad
// types have different rules for the content area within the image.
SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint GetTextureConstraint(
const SkImage* image,
const gfx::RectF& vis_tex_coords,
const gfx::RectF& valid_texel_bounds) {
bool fills_left = valid_texel_bounds.x() <= 0.f;
bool fills_right = valid_texel_bounds.right() >= image->width();
bool fills_top = valid_texel_bounds.y() <= 0.f;
bool fills_bottom = valid_texel_bounds.bottom() >= image->height();
if (fills_left && fills_right && fills_top && fills_bottom) {
// The entire image is contained in the content area, so hardware clamping
// ensures only content texels are sampled
return SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint;
gfx::RectF safe_texels = valid_texel_bounds;
// Check each axis independently; tile quads may only need clamping on one
// side (e.g. right or bottom) and this logic doesn't fully match a simple
// contains() check.
if ((!fills_left && vis_tex_coords.x() < safe_texels.x()) ||
(!fills_right && vis_tex_coords.right() > safe_texels.right())) {
return SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint;
if ((!fills_top && vis_tex_coords.y() < safe_texels.y()) ||
(!fills_bottom && vis_tex_coords.bottom() > safe_texels.bottom())) {
return SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint;
// The texture coordinates are far enough from the content area that even with
// bilerp and AA, it won't sample outside the content area
return SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint;
// Return a color filter that multiplies the incoming color by the fixed alpha
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> MakeOpacityFilter(float alpha, sk_sp<SkColorFilter> in) {
SkColor4f alpha_as_color = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha};
// MakeModeFilter treats fixed color as src, and input color as dst.
// kDstIn is (srcAlpha * dstColor, srcAlpha * dstAlpha) so this makes the
// output color equal to input color * alpha.
// TODO(michaelludwig): Update to pass alpha_as_color as-is once
// is resolved (adds Blend + SkColor4f variation).
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> opacity =
SkColorFilters::Blend(alpha_as_color.toSkColor(), SkBlendMode::kDstIn);
// Opaque (alpha = 1.0) and kDstIn returns nullptr to signal a no-op, so that
// case should just return 'in'.
if (opacity) {
return opacity->makeComposed(std::move(in));
} else {
return in;
// Porter-Duff blend mode utility functions, where the final color is
// represented as a weighted sum of the incoming src and existing dst color.
// See []
bool IsPorterDuffBlendMode(SkBlendMode blendMode) {
return blendMode <= SkBlendMode::kLastCoeffMode;
// Returns true if drawing transparent black with |blendMode| would modify the
// destination buffer. If false is returned, the draw would have no discernible
// effect on the pixel color so the entire draw can be skipped.
bool TransparentBlackAffectsOutput(SkBlendMode blendMode) {
SkBlendModeCoeff src, dst;
if (!SkBlendMode_AsCoeff(blendMode, &src, &dst)) {
// An advanced blend mode that can't be represented as coefficients, so
// assume it modifies the output.
return true;
// True when the dst coefficient is not equal to 1 (when src = (0,0,0,0))
return dst != SkBlendModeCoeff::kOne && dst != SkBlendModeCoeff::kISA &&
dst != SkBlendModeCoeff::kISC;
// Returns true if src content drawn with |blendMode| into a RenderPass would
// produce the exact same image as the original src content.
bool RenderPassPreservesContent(SkBlendMode blendMode) {
SkBlendModeCoeff src, dst;
if (!SkBlendMode_AsCoeff(blendMode, &src, &dst)) {
return false;
// True when src coefficient is equal to 1 (when dst = (0,0,0,0))
return src == SkBlendModeCoeff::kOne || src == SkBlendModeCoeff::kIDA ||
src == SkBlendModeCoeff::kIDC;
// Returns true if src content draw with |blendMode| into an empty RenderPass
// would produce a transparent black image.
bool RenderPassRemainsTransparent(SkBlendMode blendMode) {
SkBlendModeCoeff src, dst;
if (!SkBlendMode_AsCoeff(blendMode, &src, &dst)) {
return false;
// True when src coefficient is equal to 0 (when dst = (0,0,0,0))
return src == SkBlendModeCoeff::kZero || src == SkBlendModeCoeff::kDA ||
src == SkBlendModeCoeff::kDC;
SkYUVAInfo::Subsampling SubsamplingFromTextureSizes(gfx::Size ya_size,
gfx::Size uv_size) {
if (uv_size.height() == ya_size.height()) {
if (uv_size.width() == ya_size.width())
return SkYUVAInfo::Subsampling::k444;
if (uv_size.width() == (ya_size.width() + 1) / 2)
return SkYUVAInfo::Subsampling::k422;
if (uv_size.width() == (ya_size.width() + 3) / 4)
return SkYUVAInfo::Subsampling::k411;
} else if (uv_size.height() == (ya_size.height() + 1) / 2) {
if (uv_size.width() == ya_size.width())
return SkYUVAInfo::Subsampling::k440;
if (uv_size.width() == (ya_size.width() + 1) / 2)
return SkYUVAInfo::Subsampling::k420;
if (uv_size.width() == (ya_size.width() + 3) / 4)
return SkYUVAInfo::Subsampling::k410;
return SkYUVAInfo::Subsampling::kUnknown;
} // namespace
// chrome style prevents this from going in skia_renderer.h, but since it
// uses absl::optional, the style also requires it to have a declared ctor
SkiaRenderer::BatchedQuadState::BatchedQuadState() = default;
// Parameters needed to draw a CompositorRenderPassDrawQuad.
struct SkiaRenderer::DrawRPDQParams {
struct BypassGeometry {
// The additional matrix to concatenate to the SkCanvas after image filters
// have been configured so that the DrawQuadParams geometry is properly
// mapped (i.e. when set, |visible_rect| and |draw_region| must be
// pre-transformed by this before |content_device_transform|).
SkMatrix transform;
// `rect` from the bypassed RenderPassDrawQuad.
gfx::RectF rect;
// `visible_rect` from the bypassed RenderPassDrawQuad.
gfx::RectF visible_rect;
explicit DrawRPDQParams(const gfx::RectF& visible_rect);
// Root of the calculated image filter DAG to be applied to the render pass.
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> image_filter = nullptr;
// If |image_filter| can be represented as a single color filter, this will
// be that filter. |image_filter| will still be non-null.
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> color_filter = nullptr;
// Root of the calculated backdrop filter DAG to be applied to the render pass
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> backdrop_filter = nullptr;
// Resolved mask image and calculated transform matrix baked into an SkShader,
// which will be applied using SkCanvas::clipShader in RPDQ's coord space.
sk_sp<SkShader> mask_shader = nullptr;
// Backdrop border box for the render pass, to clip backdrop-filtered content
absl::optional<gfx::RRectF> backdrop_filter_bounds;
// The content space bounds that includes any filtered extents. If empty,
// the draw can be skipped.
gfx::Rect filter_bounds;
// Geometry from the bypassed RenderPassDrawQuad.
absl::optional<BypassGeometry> bypass_geometry;
// True when there is an |image_filter| and it's not equivalent to
// |color_filter|.
bool has_complex_image_filter() const {
return image_filter && !color_filter;
// True if the RenderPass's output rect would clip the visible contents that
// are bypassing the renderpass' offscreen buffer.
bool needs_bypass_clip(const gfx::RectF& content_rect) const {
if (!bypass_geometry)
return false;
SkRect content_bounds =
return !bypass_geometry->visible_rect.Contains(
SkiaRenderer::DrawRPDQParams::DrawRPDQParams(const gfx::RectF& visible_rect)
: filter_bounds(gfx::ToEnclosingRect(visible_rect)) {}
// State calculated from a DrawQuad and current renderer state, that is common
// to all DrawQuad rendering.
struct SkiaRenderer::DrawQuadParams {
DrawQuadParams() = default;
DrawQuadParams(const gfx::Transform& cdt,
const gfx::RectF& rect,
const gfx::RectF& visible_rect,
unsigned aa_flags,
SkBlendMode blend_mode,
float opacity,
const SkSamplingOptions& sampling,
const gfx::QuadF* draw_region);
// window_matrix * projection_matrix * quad_to_target_transform normally,
// or quad_to_target_transform if the remaining device transform is held in
// the DrawRPDQParams for a bypass quad.
gfx::Transform content_device_transform;
// The DrawQuad's rect.
gfx::RectF rect;
// The DrawQuad's visible_rect, possibly explicitly clipped by the scissor
gfx::RectF visible_rect;
// Initialized to the visible_rect, relevant quad types should updated based
// on their specialized properties.
gfx::RectF vis_tex_coords;
// SkCanvas::QuadAAFlags, already taking into account settings
// (but not certain quad type's force_antialias_off bit)
unsigned aa_flags;
// Final blend mode to use, respecting quad settings + opacity optimizations
SkBlendMode blend_mode;
// Final opacity of quad
float opacity;
// Resolved sampling from quad settings
SkSamplingOptions sampling;
// Optional restricted draw geometry, will point to a length 4 SkPoint array
// with its points in CW order matching Skia's vertex/edge expectations.
absl::optional<SkDrawRegion> draw_region;
// Optional mask filter info that may contain rounded corner clip and/or a
// gradient mask to apply. If present, rounded corner clip will have been
// transformed to device space and ShouldApplyRoundedCorner returns true. If
// present, gradient mask will have been transformed to device space and
// ShouldApplyGradientMask returns true.
absl::optional<gfx::MaskFilterInfo> mask_filter_info;
// Optional device space clip to apply. If present, it is equal to the current
// |scissor_rect_| of the renderer.
absl::optional<gfx::Rect> scissor_rect;
SkPaint paint(sk_sp<SkColorFilter> color_filter) const {
SkPaint p;
if (color_filter) {
p.setAntiAlias(aa_flags != SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags);
return p;
SkPath draw_region_in_path() const {
if (draw_region) {
return SkPath::Polygon(draw_region->points,
return SkPath();
void ApplyScissor(const SkiaRenderer* renderer,
const DrawQuad* quad,
const gfx::Rect* scissor_to_apply);
SkiaRenderer::DrawQuadParams::DrawQuadParams(const gfx::Transform& cdt,
const gfx::RectF& rect,
const gfx::RectF& visible_rect,
unsigned aa_flags,
SkBlendMode blend_mode,
float opacity,
const SkSamplingOptions& sampling,
const gfx::QuadF* draw_region)
: content_device_transform(cdt),
sampling(sampling) {
if (draw_region) {
enum class SkiaRenderer::BypassMode {
// The RenderPass's contents' blendmode would have made a transparent black
// image and the RenderPass's own blend mode does not effect transparent black
// The renderPass's contents' creates a transparent image, but the
// RenderPass's own blend mode must still process the transparent pixels (e.g.
// certain filters affect transparent black).
// Can draw the bypass quad with the modified parameters
// Scoped helper class for building SkImage from resource id.
class SkiaRenderer::ScopedSkImageBuilder {
ScopedSkImageBuilder(SkiaRenderer* skia_renderer,
ResourceId resource_id,
bool maybe_concurrent_reads,
SkAlphaType alpha_type = kPremul_SkAlphaType,
GrSurfaceOrigin origin = kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> override_color_space = nullptr,
bool raw_draw_if_possible = false);
ScopedSkImageBuilder(const ScopedSkImageBuilder&) = delete;
ScopedSkImageBuilder& operator=(const ScopedSkImageBuilder&) = delete;
~ScopedSkImageBuilder() = default;
const SkImage* sk_image() const { return sk_image_; }
const cc::PaintOpBuffer* paint_op_buffer() const { return paint_op_buffer_; }
const absl::optional<SkColor4f>& clear_color() const { return clear_color_; }
raw_ptr<const SkImage, DanglingUntriaged> sk_image_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<const cc::PaintOpBuffer> paint_op_buffer_ = nullptr;
absl::optional<SkColor4f> clear_color_;
SkiaRenderer* skia_renderer,
ResourceId resource_id,
bool maybe_concurrent_reads,
SkAlphaType alpha_type,
GrSurfaceOrigin origin,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> override_color_space,
bool raw_draw_if_possible) {
if (!resource_id)
auto* resource_provider = skia_renderer->resource_provider();
DCHECK(IsTextureResource(resource_provider, resource_id));
auto* image_context = skia_renderer->lock_set_for_external_use_->LockResource(
resource_id, maybe_concurrent_reads, /*is_video_plane=*/false,
override_color_space, raw_draw_if_possible);
// |ImageContext::image| provides thread safety: (a) this ImageContext is
// only accessed by GPU thread after |image| is set and (b) the fields of
// ImageContext that are accessed by both compositor and GPU thread are no
// longer modified after |image| is set.
if (!image_context->has_image()) {
paint_op_buffer_ = image_context->paint_op_buffer();
clear_color_ = image_context->clear_color();
sk_image_ = image_context->image().get();
LOG_IF(ERROR, !image_context->has_image() && !paint_op_buffer_)
<< "Failed to create the promise sk image or get paint ops.";
class SkiaRenderer::ScopedYUVSkImageBuilder {
ScopedYUVSkImageBuilder(SkiaRenderer* skia_renderer,
const YUVVideoDrawQuad* quad,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> dst_color_space) {
DCHECK(quad->a_plane_resource_id() == kInvalidResourceId ||
// The image is always either NV12 or I420, possibly with a separate alpha
// plane.
SkYUVAInfo::PlaneConfig plane_config;
if (quad->a_plane_resource_id() == kInvalidResourceId) {
plane_config = quad->u_plane_resource_id() == quad->v_plane_resource_id()
? SkYUVAInfo::PlaneConfig::kY_UV
: SkYUVAInfo::PlaneConfig::kY_U_V;
} else {
plane_config = quad->u_plane_resource_id() == quad->v_plane_resource_id()
? SkYUVAInfo::PlaneConfig::kY_UV_A
: SkYUVAInfo::PlaneConfig::kY_U_V_A;
SkYUVAInfo::Subsampling subsampling =
SubsamplingFromTextureSizes(quad->ya_tex_size, quad->uv_tex_size);
const int number_of_textures = SkYUVAInfo::NumPlanes(plane_config);
std::vector<ExternalUseClient::ImageContext*> contexts;
// Skia API ignores the color space information on the individual planes.
// Dropping them here avoids some LOG spam.
auto* y_context = skia_renderer->lock_set_for_external_use_->LockResource(
quad->y_plane_resource_id(), /*maybe_concurrent_reads=*/true,
auto* u_context = skia_renderer->lock_set_for_external_use_->LockResource(
quad->u_plane_resource_id(), /*maybe_concurrent_reads=*/true,
if (plane_config == SkYUVAInfo::PlaneConfig::kY_U_V ||
plane_config == SkYUVAInfo::PlaneConfig::kY_U_V_A) {
auto* v_context = skia_renderer->lock_set_for_external_use_->LockResource(
quad->v_plane_resource_id(), /*maybe_concurrent_reads=*/true,
if (SkYUVAInfo::HasAlpha(plane_config)) {
auto* a_context = skia_renderer->lock_set_for_external_use_->LockResource(
quad->a_plane_resource_id(), /*maybe_concurrent_reads=*/true,
// Note: YUV to RGB and color conversion is handled by a color filter.
sk_image_ = skia_renderer->skia_output_surface_->MakePromiseSkImageFromYUV(
std::move(contexts), dst_color_space, plane_config, subsampling);
LOG_IF(ERROR, !sk_image_) << "Failed to create the promise sk yuva image.";
ScopedYUVSkImageBuilder(const ScopedYUVSkImageBuilder&) = delete;
ScopedYUVSkImageBuilder& operator=(const ScopedYUVSkImageBuilder&) = delete;
~ScopedYUVSkImageBuilder() = default;
const SkImage* sk_image() const { return sk_image_.get(); }
sk_sp<SkImage> sk_image_;
// A read lock based fence that is signaled after gpu commands are completed
// meaning the resource has been read.
class SkiaRenderer::FrameResourceGpuCommandsCompletedFence
: public ResourceFence {
FrameResourceGpuCommandsCompletedFence() = default;
const FrameResourceGpuCommandsCompletedFence&) = delete;
FrameResourceGpuCommandsCompletedFence& operator=(
const FrameResourceGpuCommandsCompletedFence&) = delete;
// ResourceFence implementation.
void Set() override { set_ = true; }
bool HasPassed() override { return event_.IsSignaled(); }
gfx::GpuFenceHandle GetGpuFenceHandle() override {
return gfx::GpuFenceHandle();
bool WasSet() { return set_; }
void Signal() { event_.Signal(); }
~FrameResourceGpuCommandsCompletedFence() override = default;
// Accessed only from compositor thread.
bool set_ = false;
base::WaitableEvent event_;
// FrameResourceFence that gets a ReleaseFence which is later set to returned
// resources.
class SkiaRenderer::FrameResourceReleaseFence : public ResourceFence {
FrameResourceReleaseFence() = default;
FrameResourceReleaseFence(const FrameResourceReleaseFence&) = delete;
FrameResourceReleaseFence& operator=(const FrameResourceReleaseFence&) =
// ResourceFence implementation:
void Set() override { set_ = true; }
// If the fence handle has been set, |this| has passed aka the callback has
// been called.
bool HasPassed() override { return release_fence_.has_value(); }
gfx::GpuFenceHandle GetGpuFenceHandle() override {
return HasPassed() ? release_fence_.value().Clone() : gfx::GpuFenceHandle();
bool WasSet() { return set_; }
void SetReleaseFenceCallback(gfx::GpuFenceHandle release_fence) {
release_fence_ = std::move(release_fence);
~FrameResourceReleaseFence() override = default;
// Accessed only from compositor thread.
bool set_ = false;
// This is made optional so that the value is set after
// SetReleaseFenceCallback is called. Otherwise, there is no way to know if
// the fence has been set and a null handle is a "valid" handle.
absl::optional<gfx::GpuFenceHandle> release_fence_;
SkiaRenderer::SkiaRenderer(const RendererSettings* settings,
const DebugRendererSettings* debug_settings,
OutputSurface* output_surface,
DisplayResourceProviderSkia* resource_provider,
OverlayProcessorInterface* overlay_processor,
SkiaOutputSurface* skia_output_surface)
: DirectRenderer(settings,
is_using_raw_draw_(features::IsUsingRawDraw()) {
lock_set_for_external_use_.emplace(resource_provider, skia_output_surface_);
// There can be different synchronization types requested for different
// resources. Some of them may require SyncToken, others - ReadLockFence, and
// others may need ReleaseFence. SyncTokens are set when the output surface
// is flushed and external resources are released. However, other resources
// require additional setup, which helps to handle that.
current_gpu_commands_completed_fence_ =
current_release_fence_ = base::MakeRefCounted<FrameResourceReleaseFence>();
use_real_color_space_for_stream_video_ =
SkiaRenderer::~SkiaRenderer() = default;
bool SkiaRenderer::CanPartialSwap() {
return output_surface_->capabilities().supports_post_sub_buffer;
void SkiaRenderer::BeginDrawingFrame() {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::BeginDrawingFrame");
void SkiaRenderer::FinishDrawingFrame() {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::FinishDrawingFrame");
current_canvas_ = nullptr;
swap_buffer_rect_ = current_frame()->root_damage_rect;
// TODO(weiliangc): Remove this once OverlayProcessor schedules overlays.
if (current_frame()->output_surface_plane) {
void SkiaRenderer::SwapBuffers(SwapFrameData swap_frame_data) {
DCHECK(output_surface_->capabilities().supports_viewporter ||
viewport_size_for_swap_buffers() == surface_size_for_swap_buffers());
TRACE_EVENT0("viz,benchmark", "SkiaRenderer::SwapBuffers");
OutputSurfaceFrame output_frame;
output_frame.latency_info = std::move(swap_frame_data.latency_info);
output_frame.top_controls_visible_height_changed =
output_frame.choreographer_vsync_id = swap_frame_data.choreographer_vsync_id;
output_frame.size = viewport_size_for_swap_buffers();
if (use_partial_swap_) {
output_frame.sub_buffer_rect = swap_buffer_rect_;
} else if (swap_buffer_rect_.IsEmpty() && allow_empty_swap_) {
output_frame.sub_buffer_rect = gfx::Rect();
if (delegated_ink_handler_ && !UsingSkiaForDelegatedInk()) {
output_frame.delegated_ink_metadata =
output_frame.ca_layer_error_code = swap_frame_data.ca_layer_error_code;
swap_buffer_rect_ = gfx::Rect();
// Delete render pass overlay backings from the previous frame that will not
// be used again.
for (auto& backing : available_render_pass_overlay_backings_) {
gpu::SyncToken(), backing.mailbox);
#endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_APPLE) || defined(USE_OZONE)
void SkiaRenderer::SwapBuffersSkipped() {
gfx::Rect root_pass_damage_rect = gfx::Rect(surface_size_for_swap_buffers());
if (use_partial_swap_)
swap_buffer_rect_ = gfx::Rect();
void SkiaRenderer::SwapBuffersComplete(gfx::GpuFenceHandle release_fence) {
auto& read_lock_release_fence_overlay_locks =
auto read_fence_lock_iter = committed_overlay_locks_.end();
if (!release_fence.is_null()) {
// Set release fences to return overlay resources for last frame.
for (auto& lock : committed_overlay_locks_) {
// Find all locks that have a read-lock fence associated with them and move
// them to the back of locks. If we have a release fence, it's not safe to
// release them here. Release them later in BuffersPresented().
read_fence_lock_iter = std::partition(
committed_overlay_locks_.begin(), committed_overlay_locks_.end(),
[](auto& lock) { return !lock.HasReadLockFence(); });
// Right now, only macOS and Ozone need to return mailboxes of released
// overlays, so we should not release |committed_overlay_locks_| here. The
// resources in it will be released in DidReceiveReleasedOverlays() later.
for (auto lock_iter = committed_overlay_locks_.begin();
lock_iter != read_fence_lock_iter; ++lock_iter) {
#endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_APPLE) || defined(USE_OZONE)
// Current pending locks should have been committed by the next time
// SwapBuffers() is completed.
std::swap(committed_overlay_locks_, pending_overlay_locks_.front());
void SkiaRenderer::BuffersPresented() {
void SkiaRenderer::DidReceiveReleasedOverlays(
const std::vector<gpu::Mailbox>& released_overlays) {
// This method is only called on macOS and Ozone right now.
for (const auto& mailbox : released_overlays) {
// If this mailbox is for render pass overlay, mark the released render pass
// overlay backing as available to be re-used.
auto backing_iter =
[&mailbox](const RenderPassBacking& backing) {
return backing.mailbox == mailbox;
if (backing_iter != in_flight_render_pass_overlay_backings_.end()) {
auto iter = std::find_if(awaiting_release_overlay_locks_.begin(),
[&mailbox](const OverlayLock& lock) {
return lock.mailbox() == mailbox;
if (iter == awaiting_release_overlay_locks_.end()) {
// TODO( Re-enable this DCHECK on Ozone.
#if !defined(USE_OZONE)
// The released overlay should always be found as awaiting to be released.
DLOG(FATAL) << "Got an unexpected mailbox";
#endif // !defined(USE_OZONE)
#endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_APPLE) || defined(USE_OZONE)
bool SkiaRenderer::FlippedFramebuffer() const {
// TODO(weiliangc): Make sure flipped correctly for Windows.
// (
return false;
void SkiaRenderer::EnsureScissorTestEnabled() {
is_scissor_enabled_ = true;
void SkiaRenderer::EnsureScissorTestDisabled() {
is_scissor_enabled_ = false;
void SkiaRenderer::BindFramebufferToOutputSurface() {
current_canvas_ = skia_output_surface_->BeginPaintCurrentFrame();
if (debug_settings_->show_overdraw_feedback) {
current_canvas_ = skia_output_surface_->RecordOverdrawForCurrentPaint();
void SkiaRenderer::BindFramebufferToTexture(
const AggregatedRenderPassId render_pass_id) {
auto iter = render_pass_backings_.find(render_pass_id);
DCHECK(render_pass_backings_.end() != iter);
// This function is called after AllocateRenderPassResourceIfNeeded, so there
// should be backing ready.
RenderPassBacking& backing = iter->second;
current_canvas_ = skia_output_surface_->BeginPaintRenderPass(
render_pass_id, backing.size, backing.format, backing.generate_mipmap,
RenderPassBackingSkColorSpace(backing), /*is_overlay=*/false,
void SkiaRenderer::SetScissorTestRect(const gfx::Rect& scissor_rect) {
is_scissor_enabled_ = true;
scissor_rect_ = scissor_rect;
void SkiaRenderer::ClearCanvas(SkColor4f color) {
if (!current_canvas_)
if (is_scissor_enabled_) {
// Limit the clear with the scissor rect.
SkAutoCanvasRestore autoRestore(current_canvas_, true /* do_save */);
} else {
void SkiaRenderer::ClearFramebuffer() {
if (current_frame()->current_render_pass->has_transparent_background) {
} else {
// On DEBUG builds, opaque render passes are cleared to blue
// to easily see regions that were not drawn on the screen.
// ClearCavas() call causes slight pixel difference, so linux-ref and
// linux-blink-ref bots cannot share the same baseline for webtest.
// So remove this ClearCanvas() call for dcheck on build for now.
// TODO( add it back.
void SkiaRenderer::PrepareSurfaceForPass(
SurfaceInitializationMode initialization_mode,
const gfx::Rect& render_pass_scissor) {
switch (initialization_mode) {
void SkiaRenderer::DoDrawQuad(const DrawQuad* quad,
const gfx::QuadF* draw_region) {
if (!current_canvas_)
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::DoDrawQuad");
gfx::Transform target_to_device =
current_frame()->window_matrix * current_frame()->projection_matrix;
const gfx::Rect* scissor = is_scissor_enabled_ ? &scissor_rect_ : nullptr;
DrawQuadParams params =
CalculateDrawQuadParams(target_to_device, scissor, quad, draw_region);
// The outer DrawQuad will never have RPDQ params
DrawQuadInternal(quad, /* rpdq */ nullptr, &params);
void SkiaRenderer::DrawQuadInternal(const DrawQuad* quad,
const DrawRPDQParams* rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
if (MustFlushBatchedQuads(quad, rpdq_params, *params)) {
switch (quad->material) {
case DrawQuad::Material::kAggregatedRenderPass:
// RPDQ should only ever be encountered as a top-level quad, not when
// bypassing another renderpass
DCHECK(rpdq_params == nullptr);
case DrawQuad::Material::kDebugBorder:
// DebugBorders draw directly into the device space, so are not compatible
// with image filters, so should never have been promoted as a bypass quad
DCHECK(rpdq_params == nullptr);
DrawDebugBorderQuad(DebugBorderDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad), params);
case DrawQuad::Material::kPictureContent:
// PictureQuads represent a collection of drawn elements that are
// dynamically rasterized by Skia; bypassing a RenderPass to redraw the
// N elements doesn't make much sense.
DCHECK(rpdq_params == nullptr);
DrawPictureQuad(PictureDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad), params);
case DrawQuad::Material::kCompositorRenderPass:
// RenderPassDrawQuads should be converted to
// AggregatedRenderPassDrawQuads at this point.
DrawUnsupportedQuad(quad, rpdq_params, params);
case DrawQuad::Material::kSolidColor:
DrawSolidColorQuad(SolidColorDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad), rpdq_params,
case DrawQuad::Material::kTextureContent:
DrawTextureQuad(TextureDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad), rpdq_params, params);
case DrawQuad::Material::kTiledContent:
DrawTileDrawQuad(TileDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad), rpdq_params, params);
case DrawQuad::Material::kSharedElement:
DrawUnsupportedQuad(quad, rpdq_params, params);
case DrawQuad::Material::kYuvVideoContent:
DrawYUVVideoQuad(YUVVideoDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad), rpdq_params,
case DrawQuad::Material::kInvalid:
DrawUnsupportedQuad(quad, rpdq_params, params);
case DrawQuad::Material::kVideoHole:
// VideoHoleDrawQuad should only be used by Cast, and should
// have been replaced by cast-specific OverlayProcessor before
// reach here. In non-cast build, an untrusted render could send such
// Quad and the quad would then reach here unexpectedly. Therefore
// we should skip NOTREACHED() so an untrusted render is not capable
// of causing a crash.
DrawUnsupportedQuad(quad, rpdq_params, params);
// If we've reached here, it's a new quad type that needs a
// dedicated implementation
DrawUnsupportedQuad(quad, rpdq_params, params);
void SkiaRenderer::PrepareCanvas(
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& scissor_rect,
const absl::optional<gfx::MaskFilterInfo>& mask_filter_info,
const gfx::Transform* cdt) {
// Scissor is applied in the device space (CTM == I) and since no changes
// to the canvas persist, CTM should already be the identity
DCHECK(current_canvas_->getTotalMatrix() == SkMatrix::I());
if (scissor_rect.has_value()) {
if (mask_filter_info.has_value()) {
if (mask_filter_info->HasGradientMask())
if (cdt) {
SkMatrix m;
gfx::TransformToFlattenedSkMatrix(*cdt, &m);
#define MaskColor(a) SkColorSetARGB(a, a, a, a);
void SkiaRenderer::PrepareGradient(
const absl::optional<gfx::MaskFilterInfo>& mask_filter_info) {
if (!mask_filter_info || !mask_filter_info->HasGradientMask())
const gfx::RectF rect = mask_filter_info->bounds();
const absl::optional<gfx::LinearGradient>& gradient_mask =
int16_t angle = gradient_mask->angle() % 360;
if (angle < 0) angle += 360;
SkPoint start_end[2];
float rad_angle = gfx::DegToRad(static_cast<float>(angle));
float s = std::sin(rad_angle);
float c = std::cos(rad_angle);
if (angle % 180 > 90) {
float start_x = rect.width() * c * c;
float start_y = rect.height() - (rect.width() * s * c);
float end_x = rect.height() * s * c;
float end_y = rect.height() * c * c;
if (angle < 180) {
start_end[0] = {start_x, start_y};
start_end[1] = {end_x, end_y};
} else {
start_end[0] = {end_x, end_y};
start_end[1] = {start_x, start_y};
} else {
float start_x = -rect.height() * s * c;
float start_y = rect.height() * s * s;
float end_x = rect.width() * c * c;
float end_y = -rect.width() * s * c;
if (angle < 180) {
start_end[0] = {start_x, start_y};
start_end[1] = {end_x, end_y};
} else {
start_end[0] = {end_x, end_y};
start_end[1] = {start_x, start_y};
SkScalar positions[gfx::LinearGradient::kMaxStepSize];
SkColor gradient_colors[gfx::LinearGradient::kMaxStepSize];
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < gradient_mask->step_count(); ++i) {
positions[i] = gradient_mask->steps()[i].fraction;
gradient_colors[i] = MaskColor(gradient_mask->steps()[i].alpha);
SkPoint::Offset(start_end, /*count=*/2, rect.x(), rect.y());
sk_sp<SkShader> gradient = SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(
start_end, gradient_colors, positions, /*count=*/i, SkTileMode::kClamp);
void SkiaRenderer::PrepareCanvasForRPDQ(const DrawRPDQParams& rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
// Clip to the filter bounds prior to saving the layer, which has been
// constructed to contain the actual filtered contents (visually no
// clipping effect, but lets Skia minimize internal layer size).
bool aa = params->aa_flags != SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags;
current_canvas_->clipRect(gfx::RectToSkRect(rpdq_params.filter_bounds), aa);
SkPaint layer_paint = params->paint(nullptr /* color_filter */);
// The layer always consumes the opacity, but its blend mode depends on if
// it was initialized with backdrop content or not.
params->opacity = 1.f;
if (rpdq_params.backdrop_filter) {
} else {
params->blend_mode = SkBlendMode::kSrcOver;
if (rpdq_params.color_filter) {
} else if (rpdq_params.image_filter) {
// Canocalize the backdrop bounds rrect type; if there's no backdrop filter or
// filter bounds, this will be empty. If it's a rect or rrect, we must work
// around Skia's background filter auto-expansion. If it's an rrect, we must
// also clear out the rounded corners after filtering.
gfx::RRectF::Type backdrop_bounds_type = gfx::RRectF::Type::kEmpty;
if (rpdq_params.backdrop_filter &&
rpdq_params.backdrop_filter_bounds.has_value()) {
backdrop_bounds_type = rpdq_params.backdrop_filter_bounds->GetType();
// Initially the backdrop filter fills the entire rect; if we draw less than
// that we need to clear the excess.
bool post_backdrop_filter_clear_needed = !!params->draw_region;
// Explicitly crop the input and the output to the backdrop bounds; this is
// required for the backdrop-filter spec.
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> backdrop_filter = rpdq_params.backdrop_filter;
if (backdrop_bounds_type != gfx::RRectF::Type::kEmpty) {
gfx::RectF crop_rect = rpdq_params.backdrop_filter_bounds->rect();
// Only sample from pixels behind the RPDQ for backdrop filters to avoid
// color bleeding with pixel-moving filters.
if (rpdq_params.bypass_geometry) {
} else {
SkIRect sk_crop_rect = gfx::RectToSkIRect(gfx::ToEnclosingRect(crop_rect));
SkIRect sk_src_rect = backdrop_filter->filterBounds(
sk_crop_rect, SkMatrix::I(), SkImageFilter::kReverse_MapDirection,
if (sk_crop_rect == sk_src_rect) {
// The backdrop filter does not "move" pixels, i.e. a pixel's value only
// depends on its (x,y) and prior color. Avoid cropping the input in this
// case since composing a crop rect into the filter DAG forces Skia to
// map the backdrop content into the local space, which can introduce
// filtering artifacts: Instead just post-filter
// clearing will achieve the same cropping of the output at higher quality
post_backdrop_filter_clear_needed = true;
} else {
// Offsetting (0,0) does nothing to the actual image, but is the most
// convenient way to embed the crop rect into the filter DAG.
// TODO(michaelludwig) - Remove this once Skia doesn't always auto-expand
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> crop =
SkImageFilters::Offset(0.0f, 0.0f, nullptr, &sk_crop_rect);
backdrop_filter = SkImageFilters::Compose(
crop, SkImageFilters::Compose(std::move(backdrop_filter), crop));
// Update whether or not a post-filter clear is needed (crop didn't
// completely match bounds)
post_backdrop_filter_clear_needed |=
backdrop_bounds_type != gfx::RRectF::Type::kRect ||
crop_rect != rpdq_params.backdrop_filter_bounds->rect();
SkRect bounds = gfx::RectFToSkRect(
rpdq_params.bypass_geometry ? rpdq_params.bypass_geometry->visible_rect
: params->visible_rect);
SkCanvas::SaveLayerRec(&bounds, &layer_paint, backdrop_filter.get(), 0));
// If we have backdrop filtered content (and not transparent black like with
// regular render passes), we have to clear out the parts of the layer that
// shouldn't show the backdrop
if (backdrop_filter && post_backdrop_filter_clear_needed) {
if (rpdq_params.backdrop_filter_bounds.has_value()) {
SkClipOp::kDifference, aa);
if (params->draw_region) {
SkPath clip_path = params->draw_region_in_path();
if (rpdq_params.bypass_geometry) {
current_canvas_->clipPath(clip_path, SkClipOp::kDifference, aa);
void SkiaRenderer::PreparePaintOrCanvasForRPDQ(
const DrawRPDQParams& rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params,
SkPaint* paint) {
// When the draw call accepts an SkPaint, some of the rpdq effects are more
// efficient to store on the paint instead of making an explicit layer in
// the canvas. But there are several requirements in order for the order of
// operations to be consistent with what RenderPasses require:
// 1. Backdrop filtering always requires a layer.
// 2. The content bypassing the renderpass needs to be clipped before the
// image filter is evaluated.
bool needs_bypass_clip = rpdq_params.needs_bypass_clip(params->visible_rect);
bool needs_save_layer = false;
if (rpdq_params.backdrop_filter)
needs_save_layer = true;
else if (rpdq_params.has_complex_image_filter())
needs_save_layer = needs_bypass_clip;
if (rpdq_params.mask_shader) {
// Apply the mask image using clipShader(), this works the same regardless
// of if we need a saveLayer for image filtering since the clip is applied
// at the end automatically.
if (needs_save_layer) {
PrepareCanvasForRPDQ(rpdq_params, params);
// Sync the content's paint with the updated |params|
} else {
// At this point, the image filter and/or color filter are on the paint.
if (rpdq_params.color_filter) {
// Use the color filter directly, instead of the image filter.
if (paint->getColorFilter()) {
} else {
} else if (rpdq_params.image_filter) {
// Store the image filter on the paint.
if (params->opacity != 1.f) {
// Apply opacity as the last step of image filter so it is uniform
// across any overlapping content produced by the image filters.
MakeOpacityFilter(params->opacity, nullptr),
params->opacity = 1.f;
} else {
// Whether or not we saved a layer, clip the bypassed RenderPass's content
if (needs_bypass_clip) {
params->aa_flags != SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags);
void SkiaRenderer::PrepareColorOrCanvasForRPDQ(
const DrawRPDQParams& rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params,
SkColor4f* content_color) {
// When the draw call only takes a color and not an SkPaint, rpdq params
// with just a color filter can be handled directly. Otherwise, the rpdq
// params must use a layer on the canvas.
bool needs_save_layer =
rpdq_params.has_complex_image_filter() || rpdq_params.backdrop_filter;
if (rpdq_params.mask_shader) {
if (needs_save_layer) {
PrepareCanvasForRPDQ(rpdq_params, params);
} else if (rpdq_params.color_filter) {
// At this point, the RPDQ effect is at most a color filter, so it can
// modify |content_color| directly.
SkColorSpace* cs = nullptr;
*content_color =
rpdq_params.color_filter->filterColor4f(*content_color, cs, cs);
// Even if the color filter image filter was applied to the content color
// directly (so no explicit save layer), the draw may need to be clipped to
// the output rect of the renderpass it is bypassing.
if (rpdq_params.needs_bypass_clip(params->visible_rect)) {
params->aa_flags != SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags);
SkiaRenderer::DrawQuadParams SkiaRenderer::CalculateDrawQuadParams(
const gfx::Transform& target_to_device,
const gfx::Rect* scissor_rect,
const DrawQuad* quad,
const gfx::QuadF* draw_region) const {
DrawQuadParams params(
target_to_device * quad->shared_quad_state->quad_to_target_transform,
gfx::RectF(quad->rect), gfx::RectF(quad->visible_rect),
SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags, quad->shared_quad_state->blend_mode,
quad->shared_quad_state->opacity, GetSampling(quad), draw_region);
// Respect per-quad setting overrides as highest priority setting
if (!IsAAForcedOff(quad)) {
if (settings_->force_antialiasing) {
// This setting makes the entire draw AA, so don't bother checking edges
params.aa_flags = SkCanvas::kAll_QuadAAFlags;
} else if (settings_->allow_antialiasing) {
params.aa_flags = GetRectilinearEdgeFlags(quad);
if (draw_region && params.aa_flags != SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags) {
// Turn off interior edges' AA from the BSP splitting
GetClippedEdgeFlags(quad, &params.aa_flags, &*params.draw_region);
if (!quad->ShouldDrawWithBlending()) {
// The quad layer is src-over with 1.0 opacity and its needs_blending flag
// has been set to false. However, even if the layer's opacity is 1.0, the
// contents may not be (e.g. png or a color with alpha).
if (quad->shared_quad_state->are_contents_opaque) {
// Visually, this is the same as kSrc but Skia is faster with SrcOver
params.blend_mode = SkBlendMode::kSrcOver;
} else {
// Replaces dst contents with the new color (e.g. no blending); this is
// just as fast as srcover when there's no AA, but is slow when coverage
// must be taken into account.
params.blend_mode = SkBlendMode::kSrc;
params.opacity = 1.f;
params.ApplyScissor(this, quad, scissor_rect);
// Determine final rounded rect clip geometry. We transform it from target
// space to window space to make batching and canvas preparation easier
// (otherwise we'd have to separate those two matrices in the CDT).
if (ShouldApplyRoundedCorner(quad) || ShouldApplyGradientMask(quad)) {
// Transform by the window and projection matrix to go from target to
// device space, which should always be a scale+translate.
SkRRect corner_bounds = static_cast<SkRRect>(
SkMatrix to_device;
gfx::TransformToFlattenedSkMatrix(target_to_device, &to_device);
// SkRRect::transform should always succeed here, since we know
// corner_bounds is not empty and 'to_device' should just be scale+translate
SkRRect device_bounds;
if (!corner_bounds.transform(to_device, &device_bounds)) {
// TODO(crbug/1220004): We used to assert transform succeeded, but an
// unreproduceable fuzzer test case could trip it. To be safe, and to
// match the most likely scenario that the device transform has scale=0,
// just force the clip to empty so we don't draw anything.
} else {
if (ShouldApplyGradientMask(quad)) {
} else {
return params;
void SkiaRenderer::DrawQuadParams::ApplyScissor(
const SkiaRenderer* renderer,
const DrawQuad* quad,
const gfx::Rect* scissor_to_apply) {
// No scissor should have been set before calling ApplyScissor
if (!scissor_to_apply) {
// No scissor at all, which matches the DCHECK'ed state above
// Assume at start that the scissor will be applied through the canvas clip,
// so that this can simply return when it detects the scissor cannot be
// applied explicitly to |visible_rect|.
scissor_rect = *scissor_to_apply;
// PICTURE_CONTENT is not like the others, since it is executing a list of
// draw calls into the canvas.
if (quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kPictureContent)
// Intersection with scissor and a quadrilateral is not necessarily a quad,
// so don't complicate things
if (draw_region.has_value())
// This is slightly different than
// gfx::Transform::IsPositiveScaleAndTranslation in that it also allows zero
// scales. This is because in the common orthographic case the z scale is 0.
if (!content_device_transform.IsScaleOrTranslation() ||
content_device_transform.matrix().rc(0, 0) < 0.0f ||
content_device_transform.matrix().rc(1, 1) < 0.0f ||
content_device_transform.matrix().rc(2, 2) < 0.0f) {
// State check: should not have a CompositorRenderPassDrawQuad if we got here.
DCHECK_NE(quad->material, DrawQuad::Material::kCompositorRenderPass);
if (quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kAggregatedRenderPass) {
// If the renderpass has filters, the filters may modify the effective
// geometry beyond the quad's visible_rect, so it's not safe to pre-clip.
auto pass_id =
if (renderer->FiltersForPass(pass_id) ||
// If the intersection of the scissor and the quad's visible_rect results in
// subpixel device-space geometry, do not drop the scissor. Otherwise Skia
// sees an unclipped anti-aliased hairline and uses different AA methods that
// would cause the rasterized result to extend beyond the scissor.
gfx::RectF device_bounds(visible_rect);
if (device_bounds.width() < 1.0f || device_bounds.height() < 1.0f) {
// The explicit scissor is applied in the quad's local space. If the transform
// does not leave sufficient precision to round-trip the scissor rect to-from
// device->local->device space, the explicitly "clipped" geometry does not
// necessarily respect the original scissor.
gfx::RectF local_scissor(*scissor_rect);
gfx::RectF remapped_scissor(local_scissor);
if (gfx::ToRoundedRect(remapped_scissor) != *scissor_rect) {
// At this point, we've determined that we can transform the scissor rect into
// the quad's local space and adjust |vis_rect|, such that when it's mapped to
// device space, it will be contained in in the original scissor.
// Applying the scissor explicitly means avoiding a clipRect() call and
// allows more quads to be batched together in a DrawEdgeAAImageSet call
float x_epsilon = kAAEpsilon / content_device_transform.matrix().rc(0, 0);
float y_epsilon = kAAEpsilon / content_device_transform.matrix().rc(1, 1);
// The scissor is a non-AA clip, so unset the bit flag for clipped edges.
if (local_scissor.x() - visible_rect.x() >= x_epsilon)
aa_flags &= ~SkCanvas::kLeft_QuadAAFlag;
if (local_scissor.y() - visible_rect.y() >= y_epsilon)
aa_flags &= ~SkCanvas::kTop_QuadAAFlag;
if (visible_rect.right() - local_scissor.right() >= x_epsilon)
aa_flags &= ~SkCanvas::kRight_QuadAAFlag;
if (visible_rect.bottom() - local_scissor.bottom() >= y_epsilon)
aa_flags &= ~SkCanvas::kBottom_QuadAAFlag;
vis_tex_coords = visible_rect;
const DrawQuad* SkiaRenderer::CanPassBeDrawnDirectly(
const AggregatedRenderPass* pass) {
// If render pass bypassing is disabled for testing
if (settings_->disable_render_pass_bypassing)
return nullptr;
// TODO(michaelludwig) - For now, this only supports opaque, src-over quads
// with invertible transforms and simple content (image or color only).
// Can only collapse a single tile quad.
if (pass->quad_list.size() != 1)
return nullptr;
// If it there are supposed to be mipmaps, the renderpass must exist
if (pass->generate_mipmap)
return nullptr;
const DrawQuad* quad = *pass->quad_list.BackToFrontBegin();
// For simplicity in their draw implementations, debug borders, picture quads,
// and nested render passes cannot bypass a render pass
// (their draw functions do not accept DrawRPDQParams either).
DCHECK_NE(quad->material, DrawQuad::Material::kCompositorRenderPass);
if (quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kAggregatedRenderPass ||
quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kDebugBorder ||
quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kPictureContent)
return nullptr;
// TODO(penghuang): support composite TileDrawQuad in a sub render pass for
// raw draw directly.
if (is_using_raw_draw_ && quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kTiledContent)
return nullptr;
// If the quad specifies nearest-neighbor scaling then there could be two
// scaling operations at different quality levels. This requires drawing to an
// intermediate render pass. See
if (UseNearestNeighborSampling(quad))
return nullptr;
if (quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kTextureContent) {
// Per-vertex opacities complicate bypassing the RP and alpha blending the
// texture with image filters, so punt under that rare circumstance.
const TextureDrawQuad* tex = TextureDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad);
if (tex->vertex_opacity[0] < 1.f || tex->vertex_opacity[1] < 1.f ||
tex->vertex_opacity[2] < 1.f || tex->vertex_opacity[3] < 1.f) {
return nullptr;
// In order to concatenate the bypass'ed quads transform with RP itself, it
// needs to be invertible.
// TODO(michaelludwig) - See and;
// We can't use gfx::Transform.IsInvertible() since that checks the 4x4 matrix
// and the rest of skia_renderer->Skia flattens to a 3x3 matrix, which can
// change invertibility.
SkMatrix flattened;
if (!flattened.invert(nullptr))
return nullptr;
// A renderpass normally draws its content into a transparent destination,
// using the quad's blend mode, then that result is later drawn into the
// real dst with the RP's blend mode. In order to bypass the RP and draw
// correctly, CalculateBypassParams must be able to reason about the quad's
// blend mode.
if (!IsPorterDuffBlendMode(quad->shared_quad_state->blend_mode))
return nullptr;
// All Porter-Duff blending with transparent black should fall into one of
// these two categories:
DCHECK(RenderPassPreservesContent(quad->shared_quad_state->blend_mode) ||
// The content must not have any rrect clipping, since skia_renderer applies
// the rrect in device space, and in this case, the bypass quad's device space
// is the RP's buffer.
// TODO(michaelludwig) - If this becomes a bottleneck, we can track the
// bypass rrect separately and update PrepareCanvasForRDQP to apply the
// additional clip.
if (ShouldApplyRoundedCorner(quad))
return nullptr;
if (ShouldApplyGradientMask(quad))
return nullptr;
// The quad type knows how to apply RPDQ filters, and the quad settings can
// be merged into the RPDQs settings in CalculateBypassParams.
return quad;
SkiaRenderer::BypassMode SkiaRenderer::CalculateBypassParams(
const DrawQuad* bypass_quad,
DrawRPDQParams* rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params) const {
// Depending on bypass_quad's blend mode, its content may be irrelevant
if (RenderPassRemainsTransparent(
bypass_quad->shared_quad_state->blend_mode)) {
// NOTE: this uses the pass's blend mode since this refers to the final draw
// of the render pass itself
if (TransparentBlackAffectsOutput(params->blend_mode)) {
return BypassMode::kDrawTransparentQuad;
} else {
return BypassMode::kSkip;
// If we made it here, the bypass blend mode would have just preserved the
// bypass quad's content, so we can draw it directly using the render pass's
// blend mode instead.
// The bypass quad will be drawn directly, so update |params| and
// |rpdq_params| to reflect the change of coordinate system and merge settings
// between the inner and outer quads.
SkMatrix rpdq_to_bypass;
SkMatrix bypass_to_rpdq;
bool inverted = bypass_to_rpdq.invert(&rpdq_to_bypass);
// Invertibility was a requirement for being bypassable.
if (params->draw_region) {
// The draw region was determined by the RPDQ's geometry, so map the
// quadrilateral to the bypass'ed quad's coordinate space so that BSP
// splitting is still respected.
// Compute draw params for the bypass quad from scratch, but since the
// bypass_quad would have originally been drawn into the RP, the
// target_to_device transform is the full transform of the RPDQ. Must also
// include the RP's output rect as part of the scissor rect, since it would
// have been clipped to the edges of the RP's offscreen buffer normally.
DrawQuadParams bypass_params = CalculateDrawQuadParams(
gfx::Transform() /* identity */, nullptr, bypass_quad, nullptr);
// |params| already holds the correct |draw_region|, but must be updated to
// use the bypassed transform and geometry.
rpdq_params->bypass_geometry = DrawRPDQParams::BypassGeometry{
bypass_to_rpdq, params->rect, params->visible_rect};
// NOTE: params |content_device_transform| remains that of the RPDQ to prepare
// the canvas' CTM to match what any image filters require. The above
// BypassGeometry::transform is then applied when drawing so that these
// updated coordinates are correctly transformed to device space.
params->visible_rect = bypass_params.visible_rect;
params->vis_tex_coords = bypass_params.vis_tex_coords;
// Combine anti-aliasing policy (use AND so that any draw_region clipping
// is preserved).
params->aa_flags &= bypass_params.aa_flags;
// Blending will use the top-level RPDQ blend mode, but factor in the
// content's opacity as well, since that would have normally been baked into
// the RP's buffer.
params->opacity *= bypass_params.opacity;
// Take the highest quality filter, since this single draw will reflect the
// filtering decisions made both when drawing into the RP and when drawing the
// RP results itself. The ord() lambda simulates this notion of "highest" when
// we used to use FilterQuality.
auto ord = [](const SkSamplingOptions& sampling) {
if (sampling.useCubic)
return 3;
if (sampling.mipmap != SkMipmapMode::kNone)
return 2;
return sampling.filter == SkFilterMode::kLinear ? 1 : 0;
if (ord(bypass_params.sampling) > ord(params->sampling))
params->sampling = bypass_params.sampling;
// Rounded corner bounds are in device space, which gets tricky when bypassing
// the device that the RP would have represented
return BypassMode::kDrawBypassQuad;
SkCanvas::ImageSetEntry SkiaRenderer::MakeEntry(
const SkImage* image,
int matrix_index,
const DrawQuadParams& params) const {
return SkCanvas::ImageSetEntry(
{sk_ref_sp(image), gfx::RectFToSkRect(params.vis_tex_coords),
gfx::RectFToSkRect(params.visible_rect), matrix_index, params.opacity,
params.aa_flags, params.draw_region.has_value()});
SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint SkiaRenderer::ResolveTextureConstraints(
const SkImage* image,
const gfx::RectF& valid_texel_bounds,
DrawQuadParams* params) const {
if (params->aa_flags == SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags &&
params->sampling == SkSamplingOptions()) {
// Non-AA and no bilinear filtering so rendering won't filter outside the
// provided texture coordinates.
return SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint;
// Resolve texture coordinates against the valid content area of the image
SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint =
GetTextureConstraint(image, params->vis_tex_coords, valid_texel_bounds);
// Skia clamps to the provided texture coordinates, not the content_area. If
// there is a mismatch, have to update the draw params to account for the new
// constraint
if (constraint == SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint ||
valid_texel_bounds == params->vis_tex_coords) {
return constraint;
// To get |valid_texel_bounds| as the constraint, it must be sent as the tex
// coords. To draw the right shape, store |visible_rect| as the |draw_region|
// and change the visible rect so that the mapping from |visible_rect| to
// |valid_texel_bounds| causes |draw_region| to map to original
// |vis_tex_coords|
if (!params->draw_region) {
// Preserve the src-to-dst transformation for the padded texture coords
SkMatrix src_to_dst =
params->visible_rect = gfx::SkRectToRectF(
params->vis_tex_coords = valid_texel_bounds;
return SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint;
bool SkiaRenderer::MustFlushBatchedQuads(const DrawQuad* new_quad,
const DrawRPDQParams* rpdq_params,
const DrawQuadParams& params) const {
if (batched_quads_.empty())
return false;
// If |new_quad| is the bypass quad for a renderpass with filters, it must be
// drawn by itself, regardless of if it could otherwise would've been batched.
if (rpdq_params)
return true;
DCHECK_NE(new_quad->material, DrawQuad::Material::kCompositorRenderPass);
if (new_quad->material != DrawQuad::Material::kAggregatedRenderPass &&
new_quad->material != DrawQuad::Material::kTextureContent &&
new_quad->material != DrawQuad::Material::kTiledContent)
return true;
if (batched_quad_state_.blend_mode != params.blend_mode ||
batched_quad_state_.sampling != params.sampling)
return true;
if (batched_quad_state_.scissor_rect != params.scissor_rect) {
return true;
if (batched_quad_state_.mask_filter_info != params.mask_filter_info) {
return true;
return false;
void SkiaRenderer::AddQuadToBatch(const SkImage* image,
const gfx::RectF& valid_texel_bounds,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint =
ResolveTextureConstraints(image, valid_texel_bounds, params);
// Last check for flushing the batch, since constraint can't be known until
// the last minute.
if (!batched_quads_.empty() && batched_quad_state_.constraint != constraint) {
// Configure batch state if it's the first
if (batched_quads_.empty()) {
batched_quad_state_.scissor_rect = params->scissor_rect;
batched_quad_state_.mask_filter_info = params->mask_filter_info;
batched_quad_state_.blend_mode = params->blend_mode;
batched_quad_state_.sampling = params->sampling;
batched_quad_state_.constraint = constraint;
DCHECK(batched_quad_state_.constraint == constraint);
// Add entry, with optional clip quad and shared transform
if (params->draw_region) {
for (const auto& point : params->draw_region->points) {
SkMatrix m;
gfx::TransformToFlattenedSkMatrix(params->content_device_transform, &m);
std::vector<SkMatrix>& cdts = batched_cdt_matrices_;
if (cdts.empty() || cdts[cdts.size() - 1] != m) {
int matrix_index = cdts.size() - 1;
batched_quads_.push_back(MakeEntry(image, matrix_index, *params));
void SkiaRenderer::FlushBatchedQuads() {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::FlushBatchedQuads");
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(current_canvas_, true /* do_save */);
batched_quad_state_.mask_filter_info, nullptr);
SkPaint paint;
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> color_filter = GetContentColorFilter();
if (color_filter)
&batched_quads_.front(), batched_quads_.size(),, &batched_cdt_matrices_.front(),
batched_quad_state_.sampling, &paint, batched_quad_state_.constraint);
void SkiaRenderer::DrawColoredQuad(SkColor4f color,
const DrawRPDQParams* rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::DrawColoredQuad");
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(current_canvas_, true /* do_save */);
PrepareCanvas(params->scissor_rect, params->mask_filter_info,
if (rpdq_params) {
// This will modify the provided content color as needed for the RP effects,
// or it will make an explicit save layer on the current canvas
PrepareColorOrCanvasForRPDQ(*rpdq_params, params, &color);
if (rpdq_params->bypass_geometry) {
// Concatenate the bypass'ed quad's transform after all the RPDQ state
// has been pushed to the canvas.
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> content_color_filter = GetContentColorFilter();
if (content_color_filter) {
SkColorSpace* color_space = current_canvas_->imageInfo().colorSpace();
color = content_color_filter->filterColor4f(
color, SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB().get(), color_space);
// DrawEdgeAAQuad lacks color filter support via SkPaint, so we apply the
// color filter to the quad color directly. When applying a color filter
// via drawRect or drawImage, Skia will first transform the src into the
// dst color space before applying the color filter. Thus, here we need to
// apply the color filter in the dst color space and then convert back to
// the src color space. More formally:
// (C * Xfrm * CF * Xfrm_inv)[in Viz] * Xfrm[in Skia] = C * Xfrm * CF
if (color_space && !color_space->isSRGB()) {
SkPaint paint;
paint.setColor(color, color_space);
color = paint.getColor4f();
// PrepareCanvasForRPDQ will have updated params->opacity and blend_mode to
// account for the layer applying those effects. We need to truncate to an
// integral value of [0, 255] to match the explicit floor workaround in
// blink::ConversionContext::StartEffect.
color.fA = floor(params->opacity * color.fA * 255.f) / 255.f;
const SkPoint* draw_region =
params->draw_region ? params->draw_region->points : nullptr;
gfx::RectFToSkRect(params->visible_rect), draw_region,
static_cast<SkCanvas::QuadAAFlags>(params->aa_flags), color,
void SkiaRenderer::DrawSingleImage(const SkImage* image,
const gfx::RectF& valid_texel_bounds,
const DrawRPDQParams* rpdq_params,
SkPaint* paint,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::DrawSingleImage");
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(current_canvas_, true /* do_save */);
PrepareCanvas(params->scissor_rect, params->mask_filter_info,
int matrix_index = -1;
const SkMatrix* bypass_transform = nullptr;
if (rpdq_params) {
// This will modify the provided content paint as needed for the RP effects,
// or it will make an explicit save layer on the current canvas
PreparePaintOrCanvasForRPDQ(*rpdq_params, params, paint);
if (rpdq_params->bypass_geometry) {
// Incorporate the bypass transform, but unlike for solid color quads, do
// not modify the SkCanvas's CTM. This is because the RPDQ's filters may
// have been optimally placed on the SkPaint of the draw, which means the
// canvas' transform must match that of the RenderPass. The pre-CTM matrix
// of the image set entry can be used instead to modify the drawn geometry
// without impacting the filter's coordinate space.
bypass_transform = &rpdq_params->bypass_geometry->transform;
matrix_index = 0;
// At this point, the params' opacity should be handled by |paint| (either
// as its alpha or in a color filter), or in an image filter from the RPDQ,
// or in the saved layer for the RPDQ. Set opacity to 1 to ensure the image
// set entry does not doubly-apply the opacity then.
params->opacity = 1.f;
SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint =
ResolveTextureConstraints(image, valid_texel_bounds, params);
// Use -1 for matrix index since the cdt is set on the canvas.
SkCanvas::ImageSetEntry entry = MakeEntry(image, matrix_index, *params);
const SkPoint* draw_region =
params->draw_region ? params->draw_region->points : nullptr;
&entry, 1, draw_region, bypass_transform, params->sampling, paint,
void SkiaRenderer::DrawPaintOpBuffer(
const cc::PaintOpBuffer* buffer,
const absl::optional<SkColor4f>& clear_color,
const TileDrawQuad* quad,
const DrawQuadParams* params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::DrawPaintOpBuffer");
if (!batched_quads_.empty())
SkAutoCanvasRestore auto_canvas_restore(current_canvas_, true /* do_save */);
PrepareCanvas(params->scissor_rect, params->mask_filter_info,
auto visible_rect = gfx::RectFToSkRect(params->visible_rect);
if (params->draw_region) {
bool aa = params->aa_flags != SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags;
current_canvas_->clipPath(params->draw_region_in_path(), aa);
if (quad->ShouldDrawWithBlending()) {
auto paint = params->paint(nullptr);
// TODO(penghuang): saveLayer() is expensive, try to avoid it as much as
// possible.
current_canvas_->saveLayer(&visible_rect, &paint);
if (clear_color)
float scale_x = params->rect.width() / quad->tex_coord_rect.width();
float scale_y = params->rect.height() / quad->tex_coord_rect.height();
float offset_x =
params->visible_rect.x() - params->vis_tex_coords.x() * scale_x;
float offset_y =
params->visible_rect.y() - params->vis_tex_coords.y() * scale_y;
current_canvas_->translate(offset_x, offset_y);
current_canvas_->scale(scale_x, scale_y);
cc::PlaybackParams playback_params(nullptr, SkM44());
buffer->Playback(current_canvas_, playback_params);
void SkiaRenderer::DrawDebugBorderQuad(const DebugBorderDrawQuad* quad,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::DrawDebugBorderQuad");
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(current_canvas_, true /* do_save */);
// We need to apply the matrix manually to have pixel-sized stroke width.
PrepareCanvas(params->scissor_rect, params->mask_filter_info, nullptr);
SkMatrix cdt;
gfx::TransformToFlattenedSkMatrix(params->content_device_transform, &cdt);
SkPath path = params->draw_region
? params->draw_region_in_path()
: SkPath::Rect(gfx::RectFToSkRect(params->visible_rect));
SkPaint paint = params->paint(nullptr /* color_filter */);
paint.setColor(quad->color); // Must correct alpha afterwards
paint.setAlphaf(params->opacity * paint.getAlphaf());
current_canvas_->drawPath(path, paint);
void SkiaRenderer::DrawPictureQuad(const PictureDrawQuad* quad,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::DrawPictureQuad");
// If the layer is transparent or needs a non-SrcOver blend mode, saveLayer
// must be used so that the display list is drawn into a transient image and
// then blended as a single layer at the end.
const bool needs_transparency =
params->opacity < 1.f || params->blend_mode != SkBlendMode::kSrcOver;
const bool disable_image_filtering = disable_picture_quad_image_filtering_ ||
params->sampling == SkSamplingOptions();
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(current_canvas_, true /* do_save */);
// Unlike other quads which draw visible_rect or draw_region as their geometry
// these represent the valid windows of content to show for the display list,
// so they need to be used as a clip in Skia.
SkRect visible_rect = gfx::RectFToSkRect(params->visible_rect);
SkPaint paint = params->paint(GetContentColorFilter());
if (params->draw_region) {
} else {
current_canvas_->clipRect(visible_rect, paint.isAntiAlias());
if (needs_transparency) {
// Use the DrawQuadParams' paint for the layer, since that will affect the
// final draw of the backing image.
current_canvas_->saveLayer(&visible_rect, &paint);
SkCanvas* raster_canvas = current_canvas_;
absl::optional<skia::OpacityFilterCanvas> opacity_canvas;
if (disable_image_filtering) {
// TODO(vmpstr): Fold this canvas into playback and have raster source
// accept a set of settings on playback that will determine which canvas to
// apply. (
// saveLayer applies the opacity, this filter is only used for quality
// overriding in the display list, hence the fixed 1.f for alpha.
opacity_canvas.emplace(raster_canvas, 1.f, disable_image_filtering);
raster_canvas = &*opacity_canvas;
// Treat all subnormal values as zero for performance.
cc::ScopedSubnormalFloatDisabler disabler;
gfx::RectFToSkRect(quad->tex_coord_rect), gfx::RectToSkRect(quad->rect)));
raster_canvas->translate(-quad->content_rect.x(), -quad->content_rect.y());
raster_canvas->scale(quad->contents_scale, quad->contents_scale);
void SkiaRenderer::DrawSolidColorQuad(const SolidColorDrawQuad* quad,
const DrawRPDQParams* rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
DrawColoredQuad(quad->color, rpdq_params, params);
void SkiaRenderer::DrawTextureQuad(const TextureDrawQuad* quad,
const DrawRPDQParams* rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::DrawTextureQuad");
const gfx::ColorSpace& src_color_space =
const bool needs_color_conversion_filter =
((quad->is_video_frame && src_color_space.IsHDR()) ||
src_color_space.IsToneMappedByDefault()) &&
// Don't do color conversions for stream video.
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> override_color_space;
if (needs_color_conversion_filter) {
override_color_space = CurrentRenderPassSkColorSpace();
// TODO(b/221643955): Some Chrome OS tests rely on the old GLRenderer
// behavior of skipping color space conversions if the quad's color space is
// invalid. Once these tests are migrated, we can remove the override here
// and revert to Skia's default behavior of assuming sRGB on invalid.
if (!src_color_space.IsValid())
override_color_space = CurrentRenderPassSkColorSpace();
// Force SRGB color space if we don't want real color space from media
// decoder.
if (!use_real_color_space_for_stream_video_ && quad->is_stream_video) {
override_color_space = SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB();
ScopedSkImageBuilder builder(
this, quad->resource_id(), /*maybe_concurrent_reads=*/true,
quad->premultiplied_alpha ? kPremul_SkAlphaType : kUnpremul_SkAlphaType,
quad->y_flipped ? kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin : kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
const SkImage* image = builder.sk_image();
if (!image)
gfx::RectF uv_rect = gfx::ScaleRect(
gfx::BoundingRect(quad->uv_top_left, quad->uv_bottom_right),
image->width(), image->height());
params->vis_tex_coords = cc::MathUtil::ScaleRectProportional(
uv_rect, gfx::RectF(quad->rect), params->visible_rect);
// Use provided resource size if not empty, otherwise use the full image size
// as the content area
gfx::RectF valid_texel_bounds =
? gfx::RectF(image->width(), image->height())
: gfx::RectF(gfx::SizeF(quad->resource_size_in_pixels()));
// There are three scenarios where a texture quad cannot be put into a batch:
// 1. It needs to be blended with a constant background color.
// 2. The vertex opacities are not all 1s.
// 3. The quad contains video which might need special white level adjustment.
const bool blend_background =
quad->background_color != SkColors::kTransparent && !image->isOpaque();
const bool vertex_alpha =
quad->vertex_opacity[0] < 1.f || quad->vertex_opacity[1] < 1.f ||
quad->vertex_opacity[2] < 1.f || quad->vertex_opacity[3] < 1.f;
if (!blend_background && !vertex_alpha && !needs_color_conversion_filter &&
!rpdq_params) {
// This is a simple texture draw and can go into the batching system
DCHECK(!MustFlushBatchedQuads(quad, rpdq_params, *params));
AddQuadToBatch(image, valid_texel_bounds, params);
// This needs a color filter for background blending and/or a mask filter
// to simulate the vertex opacity, which requires configuring a full SkPaint
// and is incompatible with anything batched, but since MustFlushBatchedQuads
// was optimistic for TextureQuad's, we're responsible for flushing now.
if (!batched_quads_.empty())
SkPaint paint = params->paint(GetContentColorFilter());
float quad_alpha;
if (rpdq_params) {
// The added color filters for background blending will not apply the
// layer's opacity, but make sure there's no vertex_alpha since
// CanPassBeDrawnDirectly() should have caught that case.
quad_alpha = 1.f;
} else {
// We will entirely handle the quad's opacity with the mask or color filter
quad_alpha = params->opacity;
params->opacity = 1.f;
if (vertex_alpha) {
// If they are all the same value, combine it with the overall opacity,
// otherwise use a mask filter to emulate vertex opacity interpolation
if (quad->vertex_opacity[0] == quad->vertex_opacity[1] &&
quad->vertex_opacity[0] == quad->vertex_opacity[2] &&
quad->vertex_opacity[0] == quad->vertex_opacity[3]) {
quad_alpha *= quad->vertex_opacity[0];
} else {
// The only occurrences of non-constant vertex opacities come from unit
// tests and src/chrome/browser/android/compositor/,
// but they always produce the effect of a linear alpha gradient.
// All signs indicate point order is [BL, TL, TR, BR]
SkPoint gradient_pts[2];
if (quad->vertex_opacity[0] == quad->vertex_opacity[1] &&
quad->vertex_opacity[2] == quad->vertex_opacity[3]) {
// Left to right gradient
float y =
params->visible_rect.y() + 0.5f * params->visible_rect.height();
gradient_pts[0] = {params->visible_rect.x(), y};
gradient_pts[1] = {params->visible_rect.right(), y};
} else if (quad->vertex_opacity[0] == quad->vertex_opacity[3] &&
quad->vertex_opacity[1] == quad->vertex_opacity[2]) {
// Top to bottom gradient
float x =
params->visible_rect.x() + 0.5f * params->visible_rect.width();
gradient_pts[0] = {x, params->visible_rect.y()};
gradient_pts[1] = {x, params->visible_rect.bottom()};
} else {
// Not sure how to emulate
float a1 = quad->vertex_opacity[0] * quad_alpha;
float a2 = quad->vertex_opacity[2] * quad_alpha;
SkColor4f gradient_colors[2] = {SkColor4f({a1, a1, a1, a1}),
SkColor4f({a2, a2, a2, a2})};
sk_sp<SkShader> gradient = SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(
gradient_pts, gradient_colors, nullptr /*sk_sp<SkColorSpace>*/,
nullptr, 2, SkTileMode::kClamp);
// shared quad opacity was folded into the gradient, so this will shorten
// any color filter chain needed for background blending
quad_alpha = 1.f;
if (needs_color_conversion_filter) {
// Skia won't perform color conversion.
const gfx::ColorSpace dst_color_space = CurrentRenderPassColorSpace();
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> color_filter = GetColorSpaceConversionFilter(
src_color_space, quad->hdr_metadata, dst_color_space);
// From gl_renderer, the final src color will be
// vertexAlpha * (textureColor + backgroundColor * (1 - textureAlpha)), where
// vertexAlpha is the quad's alpha * interpolated per-vertex alpha
if (blend_background) {
// Add a color filter that does DstOver blending between texture and the
// background color. Then, modulate by quad's opacity *after* blending.
// TODO(crbug/1308932) remove toSkColor and make all SkColor4f
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> cf = SkColorFilters::Blend(
quad->background_color.toSkColor(), SkBlendMode::kDstOver);
if (quad_alpha < 1.f) {
cf = MakeOpacityFilter(quad_alpha, std::move(cf));
quad_alpha = 1.f;
// |cf| could be null if alpha in |quad->background_color| is 0.
if (cf)
if (!rpdq_params && !quad->is_stream_video) {
// Reset the paint's alpha, since it started as params.opacity and that
// is now applied outside of the paint's alpha.
DrawSingleImage(image, valid_texel_bounds, rpdq_params, &paint, params);
void SkiaRenderer::DrawTileDrawQuad(const TileDrawQuad* quad,
const DrawRPDQParams* rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::DrawTileDrawQuad");
DCHECK(!MustFlushBatchedQuads(quad, rpdq_params, *params));
// |resource_provider()| can be NULL in resourceless software draws, which
// should never produce tile quads in the first place.
// If quad->ShouldDrawWithBlending() is true, we need to raster tile paint ops
// to an offscreen texture first, and then blend it with content behind the
// tile. Since a tile could be used cross frames, so it would better to not
// use raw draw.
bool raw_draw_if_possible =
is_using_raw_draw_ && !quad->ShouldDrawWithBlending();
ScopedSkImageBuilder builder(
this, quad->resource_id(), /*maybe_concurrent_reads=*/false,
quad->is_premultiplied ? kPremul_SkAlphaType : kUnpremul_SkAlphaType,
/*override_color_space=*/nullptr, raw_draw_if_possible);
params->vis_tex_coords = cc::MathUtil::ScaleRectProportional(
quad->tex_coord_rect, gfx::RectF(quad->rect), params->visible_rect);
bool translate_only = params->content_device_transform.matrix().isTranslate();
bool using_raw_draw = builder.paint_op_buffer();
if (is_using_raw_draw_) {
if (using_raw_draw) {
DrawPaintOpBuffer(builder.paint_op_buffer(), builder.clear_color(), quad,
const SkImage* image = builder.sk_image();
if (!image)
// When a tile is at the right or bottom edge of the entire tiled area, its
// images won't be fully filled so use the unclipped texture coords. On
// interior tiles or left/top tiles, the image has been filled with
// overlapping content so the entire image is valid for sampling.
gfx::RectF valid_texel_bounds(gfx::SizeF(quad->texture_size));
if (quad->IsRightEdge()) {
// Restrict the width to match far side of texture coords
if (quad->IsBottomEdge()) {
// Restrict the height to match far side of texture coords
if (rpdq_params) {
SkPaint paint = params->paint(GetContentColorFilter());
DrawSingleImage(image, valid_texel_bounds, rpdq_params, &paint, params);
} else {
AddQuadToBatch(image, valid_texel_bounds, params);
void SkiaRenderer::DrawYUVVideoQuad(const YUVVideoDrawQuad* quad,
const DrawRPDQParams* rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::DrawYUVVideoQuad");
// Since YUV quads always use a color filter, they require a complex skPaint
// that precludes batching. If this changes, we could add YUV quads that don't
// require a filter to the batch instead of drawing one at a time.
gfx::ColorSpace src_color_space = quad->video_color_space;
// Invalid or unspecified color spaces should be treated as REC709.
if (!src_color_space.IsValid())
src_color_space = gfx::ColorSpace::CreateREC709();
// We might modify |dst_color_space| to be something other than the
// destination color space for the frame. The generated SkColorFilter does the
// real color space adjustment. To avoid having skia also try to adjust the
// color space we lie and say the SkImage destination color space is always
// the same as the rest of the frame. Otherwise the two color space
// adjustments combined will produce the wrong result.
gfx::ColorSpace dst_color_space = CurrentRenderPassColorSpace();
// Force sRGB output on Windows for overlay candidate video quads to match
// DirectComposition behavior in case these switch between overlays and
// compositing. See for details.
// Currently if HDR is supported, OverlayProcessor doesn't promote HDR video
// frame as overlay candidate. So it's unnecessary to worry about the
// compositing-overlay switch here. In addition drawing a HDR video using sRGB
// can cancel the advantages of HDR.
const bool supports_dc_layers =
if (supports_dc_layers && !src_color_space.IsHDR() &&
resource_provider()->IsOverlayCandidate(quad->y_plane_resource_id())) {
dst_color_space = gfx::ColorSpace::CreateSRGB();
// Pass in |CurrentRenderPassSkColorSpace()| here instead of |dst_color_space|
// so the color space transform going from SkImage to SkSurface is identity.
// The SkColorFilter already handles color space conversion so this avoids
// applying the conversion twice.
ScopedYUVSkImageBuilder builder(this, quad, CurrentRenderPassSkColorSpace());
const SkImage* image = builder.sk_image();
if (!image)
params->vis_tex_coords = cc::MathUtil::ScaleRectProportional(
quad->ya_tex_coord_rect, gfx::RectF(quad->rect), params->visible_rect);
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> color_filter = GetColorSpaceConversionFilter(
src_color_space, quad->hdr_metadata, dst_color_space,
quad->resource_offset, quad->resource_multiplier);
auto content_color_filter = GetContentColorFilter();
if (content_color_filter)
color_filter = content_color_filter->makeComposed(color_filter);
// Use provided, unclipped texture coordinates as the content area, which will
// force coord clamping unless the geometry was clipped, or they span the
// entire YUV image.
SkPaint paint = params->paint(color_filter);
DrawSingleImage(image, quad->ya_tex_coord_rect, rpdq_params, &paint, params);
void SkiaRenderer::DrawUnsupportedQuad(const DrawQuad* quad,
const DrawRPDQParams* rpdq_params,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
#ifdef NDEBUG
DrawColoredQuad(SkColors::kWhite, rpdq_params, params);
DrawColoredQuad(SkColors::kMagenta, rpdq_params, params);
void SkiaRenderer::ScheduleOverlays() {
// Always add an empty set of locks to be used in either SwapBuffersSkipped()
// or SwapBuffersComplete().
[[maybe_unused]] auto& locks = pending_overlay_locks_.back();
if (current_frame()->overlay_list.empty())
std::vector<gpu::SyncToken> sync_tokens;
// CrOS and Android SurfaceControl use this code path. Android classic has
// switched over to OverlayProcessor.
// TODO(weiliangc): Remove this when CrOS and Android SurfaceControl switch
// to OverlayProcessor as well.
for (auto& overlay : current_frame()->overlay_list) {
// Resources will be unlocked after the next SwapBuffers() is completed.
locks.emplace_back(resource_provider(), overlay.resource_id);
auto& lock = locks.back();
// Sync tokens ensure the texture to be overlaid is available before
// scheduling it for display.
if (lock.sync_token().HasData())
overlay.mailbox = lock.mailbox();
for (auto& dc_layer_overlay : current_frame()->overlay_list) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < DCLayerOverlay::kNumResources; ++i) {
ResourceId resource_id = dc_layer_overlay.resources[i];
if (resource_id == kInvalidResourceId)
// Resources will be unlocked after the next SwapBuffers() is completed.
locks.emplace_back(resource_provider(), resource_id);
auto& lock = locks.back();
// Sync tokens ensure the texture to be overlaid is available before
// scheduling it for display.
if (lock.sync_token().HasData())
dc_layer_overlay.mailbox[i] = lock.mailbox();
for (CALayerOverlay& ca_layer_overlay : current_frame()->overlay_list) {
if (ca_layer_overlay.rpdq) {
// Some overlays are for solid-color layers.
if (!ca_layer_overlay.contents_resource_id)
// TODO( Track IOSurface in-use instead of just
// unlocking after the next SwapBuffers is completed.
auto& lock = locks.back();
// Sync tokens ensure the texture to be overlaid is available before
// scheduling it for display.
if (lock.sync_token().HasData())
// Populate the |mailbox| of the CALayerOverlay which will be used to look
// up the corresponding GLImageIOSurface when building the CALayer tree.
ca_layer_overlay.mailbox = lock.mailbox();
#elif defined(USE_OZONE)
// Only Wayland uses this code path.
for (auto& overlay : current_frame()->overlay_list) {
if (overlay.rpdq) {
// Solid Color quads do not have associated resource buffers.
if (overlay.is_solid_color)
// Resources will be unlocked after the next SwapBuffers() is completed.
locks.emplace_back(resource_provider(), overlay.resource_id);
auto& lock = locks.back();
// Sync tokens ensure the texture to be overlaid is available before
// scheduling it for display.
if (lock.sync_token().HasData())
overlay.mailbox = lock.mailbox();
// For platforms that don't support overlays, the
// current_frame()->overlay_list should be empty, and this code should not be
// reached.
std::move(current_frame()->overlay_list), std::move(sync_tokens));
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> SkiaRenderer::GetColorSpaceConversionFilter(
const gfx::ColorSpace& src,
absl::optional<gfx::HDRMetadata> src_hdr_metadata,
const gfx::ColorSpace& dst,
float resource_offset,
float resource_multiplier) {
return color_filter_cache_.Get(
src, dst, resource_offset, resource_multiplier, src_hdr_metadata,
namespace {
SkColorMatrix ToColorMatrix(const SkM44& mat) {
std::array<float, 20> values;
for (uint32_t r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
values[r * 5 + c] = mat.rc(r, c);
SkColorMatrix mat_out;
return mat_out;
} // namespace
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> SkiaRenderer::GetContentColorFilter() {
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> color_transform = nullptr;
bool is_root =
current_frame()->current_render_pass == current_frame()->root_render_pass;
if (is_root && output_surface_->color_matrix() != SkM44()) {
color_transform =
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> tint_transform = nullptr;
if (is_root && debug_settings_->tint_composited_content) {
if (debug_settings_->tint_composited_content_modulate) {
// Integer counter causes modulation through rgb dimming variations.
std::array<float, 3> rgb;
uint32_t ci = debug_tint_modulate_count_ % 7u;
for (int rc = 0; rc < 3; rc++) {
rgb[rc] = (ci & (1u << rc)) ? 0.7f : 1.0f;
SkColorMatrix color_mat;
color_mat.setScale(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
tint_transform = SkColorFilters::Matrix(color_mat);
} else {
SkM44 mat44 = SkM44::ColMajor(
tint_transform = SkColorFilters::Matrix(ToColorMatrix(mat44));
if (color_transform) {
return tint_transform ? color_transform->makeComposed(tint_transform)
: color_transform;
} else {
return tint_transform;
SkiaRenderer::DrawRPDQParams SkiaRenderer::CalculateRPDQParams(
const AggregatedRenderPassDrawQuad* quad,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
DrawRPDQParams rpdq_params(params->visible_rect);
// Prepare mask.
ResourceId mask_resource_id = quad->mask_resource_id();
ScopedSkImageBuilder mask_image_builder(this, mask_resource_id,
const SkImage* mask_image = mask_image_builder.sk_image();
DCHECK_EQ(!!mask_resource_id, !!mask_image);
if (mask_image) {
// Scale normalized uv rect into absolute texel coordinates.
SkRect mask_rect = gfx::RectFToSkRect(
gfx::ScaleRect(quad->mask_uv_rect, quad->mask_texture_size.width(),
// Map to full quad rect so that mask coordinates don't change with clipping
SkMatrix mask_to_quad_matrix =
SkMatrix::RectToRect(mask_rect, gfx::RectToSkRect(quad->rect));
rpdq_params.mask_shader = mask_image->makeShader(
SkTileMode::kClamp, SkTileMode::kClamp,
SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear, SkMipmapMode::kNone),
const cc::FilterOperations* filters = FiltersForPass(quad->render_pass_id);
const cc::FilterOperations* backdrop_filters =
// Early out if there are no filters to convert to SkImageFilters
if (!filters && !backdrop_filters) {
return rpdq_params;
// Calculate local matrix that's shared by filters and backdrop_filters
SkMatrix local_matrix;
local_matrix.setTranslate(quad->filters_origin.x(), quad->filters_origin.y());
local_matrix.postScale(quad->filters_scale.x(), quad->filters_scale.y());
gfx::SizeF filter_size(quad->rect.width(), quad->rect.height());
// Convert CC image filters into a SkImageFilter root node
if (filters) {
auto paint_filter =
cc::RenderSurfaceFilters::BuildImageFilter(*filters, filter_size);
auto sk_filter = paint_filter ? paint_filter->cached_sk_filter_ : nullptr;
if (sk_filter) {
// Update the filter bounds based to account for how the image filters
// grow or expand the area touched by drawing.
rpdq_params.filter_bounds =
filters->MapRect(rpdq_params.filter_bounds, local_matrix);
// If after applying the filter we would be clipped out, skip the draw.
gfx::Rect clip_rect =
gfx::Transform transform =
if (!transform.IsInvertible()) {
return rpdq_params;
// If the transform has perspective, there might be visible content
// outside of the bounds of the quad.
if (!transform.HasPerspective()) {
gfx::QuadF clip_quad = gfx::QuadF(gfx::RectF(clip_rect));
gfx::QuadF local_clip =
cc::MathUtil::InverseMapQuadToLocalSpace(transform, clip_quad);
// If we've been fully clipped out (by crop rect or clipping), there's
// nothing to draw.
if (rpdq_params.filter_bounds.IsEmpty()) {
return rpdq_params;
rpdq_params.image_filter = sk_filter->makeWithLocalMatrix(local_matrix);
// Attempt to simplify the image filter to a color filter, which enables
// the RPDQ effects to be applied more efficiently.
SkColorFilter* color_filter_ptr = nullptr;
if (rpdq_params.image_filter) {
if (rpdq_params.image_filter->asAColorFilter(&color_filter_ptr)) {
// asAColorFilter already ref'ed the filter when true is returned,
// reset() does not add a ref itself, so everything is okay.
// Convert CC image filters for the backdrop into a SkImageFilter root node
// TODO(weiliangc): ChromeOS would need backdrop_filter_quality implemented
if (backdrop_filters) {
// Must account for clipping that occurs for backdrop filters, since their
// input content has already been clipped to the output rect.
gfx::Rect device_rect = gfx::ToEnclosingRect(cc::MathUtil::MapClippedRect(
params->content_device_transform, gfx::RectF(quad->rect)));
gfx::Rect out_rect = MoveFromDrawToWindowSpace(
gfx::Vector2dF offset =
(device_rect.top_right() - out_rect.top_right()) +
(device_rect.bottom_left() - out_rect.bottom_left());
auto bg_paint_filter = cc::RenderSurfaceFilters::BuildImageFilter(
*backdrop_filters, gfx::SizeF(out_rect.size()), offset);
auto sk_bg_filter =
bg_paint_filter ? bg_paint_filter->cached_sk_filter_ : nullptr;
if (sk_bg_filter) {
rpdq_params.backdrop_filter =
// Determine if the backdrop filter has its own clip (which only needs to be
// checked when we have a backdrop filter to apply)
if (rpdq_params.backdrop_filter) {
const absl::optional<gfx::RRectF> backdrop_filter_bounds =
if (backdrop_filter_bounds) {
// The backdrop filters effect will be cropped by these bounds. If the
// bounds are empty, discard the backdrop filter now since none of it
// would have been visible anyways.
if (backdrop_filter_bounds->IsEmpty()) {
rpdq_params.backdrop_filter = nullptr;
} else {
rpdq_params.backdrop_filter_bounds = *backdrop_filter_bounds;
// Scale by the filter's scale, but don't apply filter origin
// If there are also regular image filters, they apply to the area of
// the backdrop_filter_bounds too, so expand the backdrop bounds and
// join it with the main filter bounds.
if (rpdq_params.image_filter) {
gfx::Rect backdrop_rect =
filters->MapRect(backdrop_rect, local_matrix));
return rpdq_params;
void SkiaRenderer::DrawRenderPassQuad(const AggregatedRenderPassDrawQuad* quad,
DrawQuadParams* params) {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::DrawRenderPassQuad");
DrawRPDQParams rpdq_params = CalculateRPDQParams(quad, params);
// |filter_bounds| is the content space bounds that includes any filtered
// extents. If empty, the draw can be skipped.
if (rpdq_params.filter_bounds.IsEmpty())
auto bypass = render_pass_bypass_quads_.find(quad->render_pass_id);
// When Render Pass has a single quad inside we would draw that directly.
if (bypass != render_pass_bypass_quads_.end()) {
BypassMode mode =
CalculateBypassParams(bypass->second, &rpdq_params, params);
if (mode == BypassMode::kDrawTransparentQuad) {
// The RPDQ is masquerading as a solid color quad, which do not support
// batching.
if (!batched_quads_.empty())
DrawColoredQuad(SkColors::kTransparent, &rpdq_params, params);
} else if (mode == BypassMode::kDrawBypassQuad) {
DrawQuadInternal(bypass->second, &rpdq_params, params);
} // else mode == kSkip
// A real render pass that was turned into an image
auto iter = render_pass_backings_.find(quad->render_pass_id);
DCHECK(render_pass_backings_.end() != iter);
// This function is called after AllocateRenderPassResourceIfNeeded, so
// there should be backing ready.
RenderPassBacking& backing = iter->second;
sk_sp<SkImage> content_image =
quad->render_pass_id, backing.size, backing.format,
backing.generate_mipmap, RenderPassBackingSkColorSpace(backing),
DLOG_IF(ERROR, !content_image)
<< "MakePromiseSkImageFromRenderPass() failed for render pass";
if (!content_image)
if (backing.generate_mipmap)
params->sampling =
SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear, SkMipmapMode::kLinear);
params->vis_tex_coords = cc::MathUtil::ScaleRectProportional(
quad->tex_coord_rect, gfx::RectF(quad->rect), params->visible_rect);
gfx::RectF valid_texel_bounds(content_image->width(),
// When the RPDQ was needed because of a copy request, it may not require any
// advanced filtering/effects at which point it's basically a tiled quad.
if (!rpdq_params.image_filter && !rpdq_params.backdrop_filter &&
!rpdq_params.mask_shader) {
DCHECK(!MustFlushBatchedQuads(quad, nullptr, *params));
AddQuadToBatch(content_image.get(), valid_texel_bounds, params);
// The paint is complex enough that it has to be drawn on its own, and since
// MustFlushBatchedQuads() was optimistic, we manage the flush here.
if (!batched_quads_.empty())
SkPaint paint = params->paint(GetContentColorFilter());
DrawSingleImage(content_image.get(), valid_texel_bounds, &rpdq_params, &paint,
void SkiaRenderer::CopyDrawnRenderPass(
const copy_output::RenderPassGeometry& geometry,
std::unique_ptr<CopyOutputRequest> request) {
// TODO(weiliangc): Make copy request work. (
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::CopyDrawnRenderPass");
// Root framebuffer uses id 0 in SkiaOutputSurface.
AggregatedRenderPassId render_pass_id;
gpu::Mailbox mailbox;
const auto* const render_pass = current_frame()->current_render_pass;
if (render_pass != current_frame()->root_render_pass) {
render_pass_id = render_pass->id;
auto it = render_pass_backings_.find(render_pass_id);
DCHECK(it != render_pass_backings_.end());
mailbox = it->second.mailbox;
skia_output_surface_->CopyOutput(render_pass_id, geometry,
std::move(request), mailbox);
void SkiaRenderer::DidChangeVisibility() {
if (visible_)
void SkiaRenderer::FinishDrawingQuadList() {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SkiaRenderer::FinishDrawingQuadList");
if (!current_canvas_)
if (!batched_quads_.empty())
bool is_root_render_pass =
current_frame()->current_render_pass == current_frame()->root_render_pass;
// Drawing the delegated ink trail must happen after the final
// FlushBatchedQuads() call so that the trail can always be on top of
// everything else that has already been drawn on the page. For the same
// reason, it should only happen on the root render pass.
if (is_root_render_pass && UsingSkiaForDelegatedInk())
current_canvas_ = nullptr;
// Defer flushing drawing task for root render pass, to avoid extra
// MakeCurrent() call. It is expensive on GL.
// TODO( Consider deferring drawing tasks for
// all render passes.
if (is_root_render_pass)
void SkiaRenderer::GenerateMipmap() {
// This is a no-op since setting FilterQuality to high during drawing of
// CompositorRenderPassDrawQuad is what actually generates generate_mipmap.
void SkiaRenderer::UpdateRenderPassTextures(
const AggregatedRenderPassList& render_passes_in_draw_order,
const base::flat_map<AggregatedRenderPassId, RenderPassRequirements>&
render_passes_in_frame) {
std::vector<AggregatedRenderPassId> passes_to_delete;
for (const auto& pair : render_pass_backings_) {
auto render_pass_it = render_passes_in_frame.find(pair.first);
if (render_pass_it == render_passes_in_frame.end()) {
const RenderPassRequirements& requirements = render_pass_it->second;
const RenderPassBacking& backing = pair.second;
bool size_appropriate = backing.size.width() >= requirements.size.width() &&
backing.size.height() >= requirements.size.height();
bool mipmap_appropriate =
!requirements.generate_mipmap || backing.generate_mipmap;
if (!size_appropriate || !mipmap_appropriate)
// Delete RenderPass backings from the previous frame that will not be used
// again.
for (size_t i = 0; i < passes_to_delete.size(); ++i) {
auto it = render_pass_backings_.find(passes_to_delete[i]);
gpu::SyncToken(), it->second.mailbox);
if (!passes_to_delete.empty()) {
void SkiaRenderer::AllocateRenderPassResourceIfNeeded(
const AggregatedRenderPassId& render_pass_id,
const RenderPassRequirements& requirements) {
auto it = render_pass_backings_.find(render_pass_id);
if (it != render_pass_backings_.end()) {
auto color_space = CurrentRenderPassColorSpace();
// TODO(penghuang): check supported format correctly.
gpu::Capabilities caps;
caps.texture_format_bgra8888 = true;
// TODO( add support RGBA_F16 in LaCrOS.
auto format = color_space.IsHDR()
? RGBA_1010102
: PlatformColor::BestSupportedTextureFormat(caps);
auto format = color_space.IsHDR()
? RGBA_F16
: PlatformColor::BestSupportedTextureFormat(caps);
uint32_t usage = gpu::SHARED_IMAGE_USAGE_DISPLAY;
if (requirements.generate_mipmap)
auto mailbox =
format, requirements.size, color_space,
SkAlphaType::kPremul_SkAlphaType, usage, gpu::kNullSurfaceHandle);
RenderPassBacking({requirements.size, requirements.generate_mipmap,
color_space, format, mailbox}));
void SkiaRenderer::FlushOutputSurface() {
auto sync_token = skia_output_surface_->Flush();
void SkiaRenderer::PrepareRenderPassOverlay(
OverlayProcessorInterface::PlatformOverlayCandidate* overlay) {
auto* const quad = overlay->rpdq;
// The overlay will be sent to GPU the thread, so set rpdq to nullptr to avoid
// being accessed on the GPU thread.
overlay->rpdq = nullptr;
// The |current_render_pass| could be used for calculating destination
// color space or clipping rect for backdrop filters. However
// the |current_render_pass| is nullptr during ScheduleOverlays(), since all
// overlay quads should be in the |root_render_pass|, before they are promoted
// to overlays, so set the |root_render_pass| to the |current_render_pass|.
base::AutoReset<const AggregatedRenderPass*> auto_reset_current_render_pass(
&current_frame()->current_render_pass, current_frame()->root_render_pass);
auto* shared_quad_state =
absl::optional<gfx::Transform> quad_to_target_transform_inverse;
if (shared_quad_state->clip_rect ||
!shared_quad_state->mask_filter_info.IsEmpty()) {
// We cannot handle rotation with clip rect or mask filter.
// Flatten before inverting, since we're interested in how points
// with z=0 in local space map to the clip rect, not in how the clip
// rect at z=0 in device space maps to some other z in local space.
gfx::Transform flat_quad_to_target_transform(
bool result = flat_quad_to_target_transform.GetInverse(
DCHECK(result) << "flat_quad_to_target_transform.GetInverse() failed";
// The |clip_rect| is in the device coordinate and with all transforms
// (translation, scaling, rotation, etc), so remove them.
absl::optional<base::AutoReset<gfx::Rect>> auto_reset_clip_rect;
if (shared_quad_state->clip_rect) {
// TODO(dbaron): This operation is likely not to be valid if
// quad_to_target_transform_inverse.HasPerspective().
gfx::RectF clip_rect(*shared_quad_state->clip_rect);
// The |mask_filter_info| is in the device coordinate and with all transforms
// (translation, scaling, rotation, etc), so remove them.
if (!shared_quad_state->mask_filter_info.IsEmpty()) {
auto result = shared_quad_state->mask_filter_info.Transform(
if (!result) {
// Skia cannot transform a SkRRect with a matrix which contains epsilons,
// workaround the problem by removing epsilons in the matrix.
auto matrix = quad_to_target_transform_inverse->matrix();
matrix.setRC(0, 0, remove_epsilon(matrix.rc(0, 0)));
matrix.setRC(0, 1, remove_epsilon(matrix.rc(0, 1)));
matrix.setRC(1, 0, remove_epsilon(matrix.rc(1, 0)));
matrix.setRC(1, 1, remove_epsilon(matrix.rc(1, 1)));
result =
DCHECK(result) << "shared_quad_state->mask_filter_info.Transform() failed.";
const auto& viewport_size = current_frame()->device_viewport_size;
auto projection_matrix = gfx::OrthoProjectionMatrix(
/*left=*/0, /*right=*/viewport_size.width(), /*bottom=*/0,
auto window_matrix =
gfx::WindowMatrix(/*x=*/0, /*y=*/0, /*width=*/viewport_size.width(),
gfx::Transform target_to_device = window_matrix * projection_matrix;
DrawQuadParams params;
DrawRPDQParams rpdq_params{gfx::RectF()};
// Reset |quad_to_target_transform|, so the quad will be rendered at the
// origin (0,0) without all transforms (translation, scaling, rotation, etc)
// and then we will use OS compositor to do those transforms.
base::AutoReset<gfx::Transform> auto_reset_transform(
&shared_quad_state->quad_to_target_transform, gfx::Transform());
// Use nullptr scissor, so we can always render the whole render pass in an
// overlay backing.
// TODO(penghuang): reusing overlay backing from previous frame to avoid
// reproducing the overlay backing if the render pass content quad
// properties and content are not changed.
params = CalculateDrawQuadParams(target_to_device, /*scissor_rect=*/nullptr,
quad, /*draw_region=*/nullptr);
rpdq_params = CalculateRPDQParams(quad, &params);
const auto& filter_bounds = rpdq_params.filter_bounds;
// |filter_bounds| is the content space bounds that includes any filtered
// extents. If empty, the draw can be skipped.
if (filter_bounds.IsEmpty())
ResourceFormat buffer_format{};
gfx::ColorSpace color_space;
RenderPassBacking* src_quad_backing = nullptr;
auto bypass = render_pass_bypass_quads_.find(quad->render_pass_id);
BypassMode bypass_mode = BypassMode::kSkip;
// When Render Pass has a single quad inside we would draw that directly.
if (bypass != render_pass_bypass_quads_.end()) {
bypass_mode = CalculateBypassParams(bypass->second, &rpdq_params, &params);
if (bypass_mode == BypassMode::kSkip)
// For bypassed render pass, we use the same format and color space for the
// framebuffer.
buffer_format = GetResourceFormat(reshape_buffer_format());
color_space = reshape_color_space();
} else {
// A real render pass that was turned into an image
auto it = render_pass_backings_.find(quad->render_pass_id);
DCHECK(render_pass_backings_.end() != it);
// This function is called after AllocateRenderPassResourceIfNeeded, so
// there should be backing ready.
src_quad_backing = &it->second;
buffer_format = src_quad_backing->format;
color_space = src_quad_backing->color_space;
// Adjust the overlay |buffer_size| to reduce memory fragmentation. It also
// increases buffer reusing possibilities.
constexpr int kBufferMultiple = 64;
gfx::Size buffer_size(
cc::MathUtil::CheckedRoundUp(filter_bounds.width(), kBufferMultiple),
cc::MathUtil::CheckedRoundUp(filter_bounds.height(), kBufferMultiple));
auto it = std::find_if(available_render_pass_overlay_backings_.begin(),
[&buffer_format, &buffer_size,
&color_space](const RenderPassBacking& backing) {
return backing.format == buffer_format &&
backing.size == buffer_size &&
backing.color_space == color_space;
if (it == available_render_pass_overlay_backings_.end()) {
// Allocate the image for render pass overlay if there is no existing
// available one.
constexpr auto kOverlayUsage = gpu::SHARED_IMAGE_USAGE_SCANOUT |
auto mailbox =
buffer_format, buffer_size, color_space, kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
kPremul_SkAlphaType, kOverlayUsage, gpu::kNullSurfaceHandle);
RenderPassBacking{buffer_size, /*generate_mipmap=*/false, color_space,
buffer_format, mailbox});
overlay->mailbox = std::move(mailbox);
} else {
overlay->mailbox = std::move(it->mailbox);
const RenderPassBacking& dst_overlay_backing =
current_canvas_ = skia_output_surface_->BeginPaintRenderPass(
quad->render_pass_id, dst_overlay_backing.size,
dst_overlay_backing.format, /*mipmap=*/false,
RenderPassBackingSkColorSpace(dst_overlay_backing), /*is_overlay=*/true,
if (!current_canvas_) {
<< "BeginPaintRenderPass() in PrepareRenderPassOverlay() failed.";
// Clear the backing to ARGB(0,0,0,0).
current_canvas_->clear(SkColorSetARGB(0, 0, 0, 0));
// Adjust the |content_device_transform| to make sure filter extends are drawn
// inside of the buffer.
// Also adjust the |rounded_corner_bounds| to the new location.
if (params.mask_filter_info) {
// When Render Pass has a single quad inside we would draw that directly.
if (bypass != render_pass_bypass_quads_.end()) {
if (bypass_mode == BypassMode::kDrawTransparentQuad) {
DrawColoredQuad(SkColors::kTransparent, &rpdq_params, &params);
} else if (bypass_mode == BypassMode::kDrawBypassQuad) {
DrawQuadInternal(bypass->second, &rpdq_params, &params);
} else {
} else {
auto content_image = skia_output_surface_->MakePromiseSkImageFromRenderPass(
quad->render_pass_id, src_quad_backing->size, src_quad_backing->format,
if (!content_image) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "MakePromiseSkImageFromRenderPass() in "
"PrepareRenderPassOverlay() failed.";
if (src_quad_backing->generate_mipmap)
params.sampling =
SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear, SkMipmapMode::kLinear);
params.vis_tex_coords = cc::MathUtil::ScaleRectProportional(
quad->tex_coord_rect, gfx::RectF(quad->rect), params.visible_rect);
gfx::RectF valid_texel_bounds(content_image->width(),
SkPaint paint = params.paint(GetContentColorFilter());
DrawSingleImage(content_image.get(), valid_texel_bounds, &rpdq_params,
&paint, &params);
current_canvas_ = nullptr;
// Adjust |bounds_rect| to contain the whole buffer and at the right location.
#else // defined(USE_OZONE)
// Adjust |display_rect| to be include the expanded |filter_bounds|, and
// transformed.
// TODO(fangzhoug): Merge Ozone and Apple code paths of delegated compositing.
overlay->display_rect = gfx::RectF(filter_bounds);
auto buffer_rect =
gfx::RectF(overlay->display_rect.origin(), gfx::SizeF(buffer_size));
// Set |uv_rect| to reflect clipping from |buffer_size| to |filter_bounds|.
overlay->uv_rect = gfx::RectF{1.f, 1.f};
if (buffer_rect != overlay->display_rect) {
overlay->uv_rect = cc::MathUtil::ScaleRectProportional(
overlay->uv_rect, buffer_rect, overlay->display_rect);
#endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_APPLE) || defined(USE_OZONE)
void SkiaRenderer::EndPaint(bool failed) {
base::OnceClosure on_finished_callback;
base::OnceCallback<void(gfx::GpuFenceHandle)> on_return_release_fence_cb;
// If SkiaRenderer has not failed, prepare callbacks and pass them to
// SkiaOutputSurface.
if (!failed) {
// Signal |current_frame_resource_fence_| when the root render pass is
// finished.
if (current_gpu_commands_completed_fence_->WasSet()) {
on_finished_callback =
current_gpu_commands_completed_fence_ =
// Return a release fence to the |current_release_fence_|
// when the root render pass is finished.
if (current_release_fence_->WasSet()) {
on_return_release_fence_cb =
current_release_fence_ =
bool SkiaRenderer::IsRenderPassResourceAllocated(
const AggregatedRenderPassId& render_pass_id) const {
auto it = render_pass_backings_.find(render_pass_id);
return it != render_pass_backings_.end();
gfx::Size SkiaRenderer::GetRenderPassBackingPixelSize(
const AggregatedRenderPassId& render_pass_id) {
auto it = render_pass_backings_.find(render_pass_id);
DCHECK(it != render_pass_backings_.end());
return it->second.size;
void SkiaRenderer::SetDelegatedInkPointRendererSkiaForTest(
std::unique_ptr<DelegatedInkPointRendererSkia> renderer) {
delegated_ink_handler_ = std::make_unique<DelegatedInkHandler>(
void SkiaRenderer::DrawDelegatedInkTrail() {
if (!delegated_ink_handler_ || !delegated_ink_handler_->GetInkRenderer())
DelegatedInkPointRendererBase* SkiaRenderer::GetDelegatedInkPointRenderer(
bool create_if_necessary) {
if (!delegated_ink_handler_ && !create_if_necessary)
return nullptr;
if (!delegated_ink_handler_) {
delegated_ink_handler_ = std::make_unique<DelegatedInkHandler>(
return delegated_ink_handler_->GetInkRenderer();
void SkiaRenderer::SetDelegatedInkMetadata(
std::unique_ptr<gfx::DelegatedInkMetadata> metadata) {
if (!delegated_ink_handler_) {
delegated_ink_handler_ = std::make_unique<DelegatedInkHandler>(
bool SkiaRenderer::UsingSkiaForDelegatedInk() const {
return delegated_ink_handler_ && delegated_ink_handler_->GetInkRenderer();
DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
ResourceId resource_id) {
resource_lock.emplace(resource_provider, resource_id);
SkiaRenderer::OverlayLock::~OverlayLock() = default;
SkiaRenderer::OverlayLock::OverlayLock(SkiaRenderer::OverlayLock&& other) {
resource_lock = std::move(other.resource_lock);
render_pass_lock = std::move(other.render_pass_lock);
#endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_APPLE) || defined(USE_OZONE)
SkiaRenderer::OverlayLock& SkiaRenderer::OverlayLock::OverlayLock::operator=(
SkiaRenderer::OverlayLock&& other) {
resource_lock = std::move(other.resource_lock);
render_pass_lock = std::move(other.render_pass_lock);
#endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_APPLE) || defined(USE_OZONE)
return *this;
SkiaRenderer::OverlayLock::OverlayLock(gpu::Mailbox mailbox) {
bool SkiaRenderer::OverlayLockComparator::operator()(
const OverlayLock& lhs,
const OverlayLock& rhs) const {
return lhs.mailbox() < rhs.mailbox();
#endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_APPLE) || defined(USE_OZONE)
} // namespace viz