blob: 74b69135f93764ed4f5f64a2564f767f5bb5c77c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/components/multidevice/remote_device.h"
#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace multidevice {
// static
std::string RemoteDevice::GenerateDeviceId(const std::string& public_key) {
std::string device_id;
base::Base64Encode(public_key, &device_id);
return device_id;
// static
std::string RemoteDevice::DerivePublicKey(const std::string& device_id) {
std::string public_key;
if (base::Base64Decode(device_id, &public_key))
return public_key;
return std::string();
RemoteDevice::RemoteDevice() : last_update_time_millis(0L) {}
const std::string& user_id,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& pii_free_name,
const std::string& public_key,
const std::string& persistent_symmetric_key,
int64_t last_update_time_millis,
const std::map<SoftwareFeature, SoftwareFeatureState>& software_features,
const std::vector<BeaconSeed>& beacon_seeds)
: user_id(user_id),
beacon_seeds(beacon_seeds) {}
RemoteDevice::RemoteDevice(const RemoteDevice& other) = default;
RemoteDevice::~RemoteDevice() {}
std::string RemoteDevice::GetDeviceId() const {
return RemoteDevice::GenerateDeviceId(public_key);
bool RemoteDevice::operator==(const RemoteDevice& other) const {
return user_id == other.user_id && name == &&
pii_free_name == other.pii_free_name &&
public_key == other.public_key &&
persistent_symmetric_key == other.persistent_symmetric_key &&
last_update_time_millis == other.last_update_time_millis &&
software_features == other.software_features &&
beacon_seeds == other.beacon_seeds;
bool RemoteDevice::operator<(const RemoteDevice& other) const {
// |public_key| is the only field guaranteed to be set and is also unique to
// each RemoteDevice. However, since it can contain null bytes, use
// GetDeviceId(), which cannot contain null bytes, to compare devices.
return GetDeviceId().compare(other.GetDeviceId()) < 0;
} // namespace multidevice
} // namespace chromeos