blob: 7716771009ce06dbf453366797f90a90e47d37cb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import sys
from aemu_target import AemuTarget
from device_target import DeviceTarget
from qemu_target import QemuTarget
def AddCommonArgs(arg_parser):
"""Adds command line arguments to |arg_parser| for options which are shared
across test and executable target types."""
common_args = arg_parser.add_argument_group('common', 'Common arguments')
common_args.add_argument('--package', action='append', required=True,
help='Paths of the packages to install, including '
'all dependencies.')
common_args.add_argument('--package-name', required=True,
help='Name of the package to execute, defined in ' +
'package metadata.')
type=os.path.realpath, required=True,
help=('Path to the directory in which build files '
'are located (must include build type).'))
common_args.add_argument('--target-cpu', required=True,
help='GN target_cpu setting for the build.')
help='target path under which to stage packages '
'during deployment.', default='/data')
common_args.add_argument('--device', default=None,
help='Choose to run on aemu|qemu|device. ' +
'By default, Fuchsia will run in QEMU.')
common_args.add_argument('-d', action='store_const', dest='device',
help='Run on device instead of emulator.')
common_args.add_argument('--host', help='The IP of the target device. ' +
help='The node-name of the device to boot or deploy '
'to. Optional, will use the first discovered '
'device if omitted.')
common_args.add_argument('--port', '-p', type=int, default=22,
help='The port of the SSH service running on the ' +
'device. Optional.')
common_args.add_argument('--ssh-config', '-F',
help='The path to the SSH configuration used for '
'connecting to the target device.')
help='Path to a Fuchsia build output directory. '
'Equivalent to setting --ssh_config and '
help='File to write system logs to. Specify - to '
'log to stdout.')
help='Do not show system log data.')
common_args.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', default=False,
help='Enable debug-level logging.')
common_args.add_argument('--qemu-cpu-cores', type=int, default=4,
help='Sets the number of CPU cores to provide if '
'launching in a VM.'),
common_args.add_argument('--memory', type=int, default=2048,
help='Sets the RAM size (MB) if launching in a VM'),
common_args.add_argument('--no-kvm', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Disable KVM virtualization'),
'--os_check', choices=['check', 'update', 'ignore'],
help='Sets the OS version enforcement policy. If \'check\', then the '
'deployment process will halt if the target\'s version doesn\'t '
'match. If \'update\', then the target device will automatically '
'be repaved. If \'ignore\', then the OS version won\'t be checked.')
def ConfigureLogging(args):
"""Configures the logging level based on command line |args|."""
logging.basicConfig(level=(logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO),
# The test server spawner is too noisy with INFO level logging, so tweak
# its verbosity a bit by adjusting its logging level.
logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.WARN)
# Verbose SCP output can be useful at times but oftentimes is just too noisy.
# Only enable it if -vv is passed.
logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.WARN)
def GetDeploymentTargetForArgs(args, require_kvm=False):
"""Constructs a deployment target object using parameters taken from
command line arguments."""
if args.system_log_file == '-':
system_log_file = sys.stdout
elif args.system_log_file:
system_log_file = open(args.system_log_file, 'w')
system_log_file = None
# Allow fuchsia to run on qemu if device not explicitly chosen.
if not args.device:
args.device = 'qemu'
target_args = { 'output_dir':args.output_directory,
'system_log_file':system_log_file }
if args.device == 'device':
target_args.update({ 'host',
'os_check':args.os_check })
return DeviceTarget(**target_args)
target_args.update({ 'cpu_cores':args.qemu_cpu_cores,
'require_kvm':not args.no_kvm,
'ram_size_mb':args.memory })
if args.device == 'qemu':
return QemuTarget(**target_args)
return AemuTarget(**target_args)