blob: 56f50876de840a32520aad5371f8fad99df0584f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@class ContextMenuItem;
// ActivityServicePresentation contains methods that control how the activity
// services menu is presented and dismissed on screen.
@protocol ActivityServicePresentation
// Asks the implementor to present the given |controller|.
- (void)presentActivityServiceViewController:(UIViewController*)controller;
// Called after the activity services UI has been dismissed. The UIKit-provided
// UIViewController dismisses itself automatically, so the UI does not need to
// be dismissed in this method. Instead, it is provided to allow implementors
// to perform cleanup after the UI is gone.
- (void)activityServiceDidEndPresenting;
// Asks the implementor to show an error alert with the given |title| and
// |message|.
- (void)showActivityServiceErrorAlertWithStringTitle:(NSString*)title
// Asks the implementor to show a context menu with the given |title| and
// with the items in |items|. There must be at least one item in |items|.
- (void)showActivityServiceContextMenu:(NSString*)title