blob: 46b233c1738eeb4c097422f2b960d6c7515a876a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/browser_switcher/browser_switcher_sitelist.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_switcher/browser_switcher_prefs.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace browser_switcher {
namespace {
// Returns true if |input| contains |token|, ignoring case for ASCII
// characters.
bool StringContainsInsensitiveASCII(base::StringPiece input,
base::StringPiece token) {
const char* found =
std::search(input.begin(), input.end(), token.begin(), token.end(),
[](char a, char b) {
return base::ToLowerASCII(a) == base::ToLowerASCII(b);
return found != input.end();
// URL is passed as a (url_spec, url_host) to avoid heap-allocating a string for
// the host every time this is called.
bool UrlMatches(base::StringPiece url_spec,
base::StringPiece url_host,
base::StringPiece pattern) {
if (pattern == "*") {
// Wildcard, always match.
return true;
if (pattern.find('/') != base::StringPiece::npos) {
// Check prefix using the normalized URL, case sensitive.
return base::StartsWith(url_spec, GURL(pattern).spec(),
// Compare hosts, case-insensitive.
return StringContainsInsensitiveASCII(url_host, pattern);
// Checks whether |patterns| contains a pattern that matches |url|, and puts the
// longest matching pattern in |*reason|.
// If |contains_inverted_matches| is true, treat patterns that start with "!" as
// inverted matches (which return false if matched).
bool UrlListMatches(const GURL& url,
const base::ListValue* patterns,
bool contains_inverted_matches,
base::StringPiece* reason) {
const std::string url_host =;
const std::string& url_spec = url.spec();
*reason = "";
bool matched = false;
for (const base::Value& pattern_value : *patterns) {
if (!pattern_value.is_string())
base::StringPiece pattern = pattern_value.GetString();
if (pattern.size() <= reason->size())
bool inverted =
base::StartsWith(pattern, "!", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE);
if (inverted && !contains_inverted_matches)
if (UrlMatches(url_spec, url_host,
(inverted ? pattern.substr(1) : pattern))) {
matched = !inverted;
*reason = pattern;
return matched;
} // namespace
BrowserSwitcherSitelist::BrowserSwitcherSitelist(PrefService* prefs)
: prefs_(prefs) {
BrowserSwitcherSitelist::~BrowserSwitcherSitelist() {}
bool BrowserSwitcherSitelist::ShouldRedirect(const GURL& url) const {
// Translated from the LBS extension:
if (!url.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS() && !url.SchemeIsFile()) {
return false;
const base::ListValue* url_list = prefs_->GetList(prefs::kUrlList);
base::StringPiece reason_to_go;
bool should_go = UrlListMatches(url, url_list, true, &reason_to_go);
const base::ListValue* url_greylist = prefs_->GetList(prefs::kUrlGreylist);
base::StringPiece reason_to_stay;
bool should_stay = UrlListMatches(url, url_greylist, false, &reason_to_stay);
// Always prefer the more specific entry of the two lists.
if (should_stay) {
if (reason_to_go == "*")
return false;
if (!reason_to_go.empty() && reason_to_go.size() < reason_to_stay.size())
return false;
return should_go;
} // namespace browser_switcher