blob: dbdca27e07ea4802054760f010ed51ab74b94742 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef BASE_WIN_ATL_H_
#define BASE_WIN_ATL_H_
// Check no prior poisonous defines were made.
#include "base/win/"
// Undefine before windows header will make the poisonous defines
#include "base/win/"
// clang-format off
// Declare our own exception thrower (atl_throw.h includes atldef.h).
#include "base/win/atl_throw.h"
// clang-format on
// Now include the real ATL headers.
#include <atlbase.h> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
#include <atlcom.h> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
#include <atlcomcli.h> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
#include <atlctl.h> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
#include <atlhost.h> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
#include <atlsecurity.h> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
#include <atltypes.h> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
#include <atlwin.h> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
// Undefine the poisonous defines
#include "base/win/" // NOLINT(build/include)
// Check no poisonous defines follow this include
#include "base/win/" // NOLINT(build/include)
#endif // BASE_WIN_ATL_H_