blob: 7f096c7b26b721eb31c9960e207f1bf7ce1931a2 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: Byte Buddy Android
Version: 7ed7903954b6cb3f85754eb14fb792ce4dc52b54
License: Apache 2.0
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: no
Shipped: no
Byte Buddy Android is used by the main ByteBuddy package, to wrap Android APIs to load generated classes (i.e. mocks) at runtime.
Local Modifications:
- Calls BaseDexClassLoader#addDexPath with isTrusted = false (so mockito can be used when debuggable_apks = false on bots).
- Delete import + references to edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings
- TargetApi -> RequiresApi from androidx (chromium presubmits require it).