| # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import("//chrome/common/features.gni") |
| import("//build/config/ui.gni") |
| import("//testing/test.gni") |
| |
| source_set("exo") { |
| sources = [ |
| "buffer.cc", |
| "buffer.h", |
| "data_device.cc", |
| "data_device.h", |
| "data_device_delegate.h", |
| "data_offer.cc", |
| "data_offer.h", |
| "data_offer_delegate.h", |
| "data_source.cc", |
| "data_source.h", |
| "data_source_delegate.h", |
| "display.cc", |
| "display.h", |
| "gaming_seat.h", |
| "keyboard.cc", |
| "keyboard.h", |
| "keyboard_delegate.h", |
| "keyboard_device_configuration_delegate.h", |
| "keyboard_observer.h", |
| "layer_tree_frame_sink_holder.cc", |
| "layer_tree_frame_sink_holder.h", |
| "notification_surface.cc", |
| "notification_surface.h", |
| "notification_surface_manager.h", |
| "pointer.cc", |
| "pointer.h", |
| "pointer_delegate.h", |
| "shared_memory.cc", |
| "shared_memory.h", |
| "shell_surface.cc", |
| "shell_surface.h", |
| "sub_surface.cc", |
| "sub_surface.h", |
| "surface.cc", |
| "surface.h", |
| "surface_delegate.h", |
| "surface_observer.h", |
| "surface_tree_host.cc", |
| "surface_tree_host.h", |
| "touch.cc", |
| "touch.h", |
| "touch_delegate.h", |
| "wm_helper.cc", |
| "wm_helper.h", |
| "wm_helper_ash.cc", |
| "wm_helper_ash.h", |
| "wm_helper_mus.cc", |
| "wm_helper_mus.h", |
| ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| "//ash", |
| "//ash/public/cpp:ash_public_cpp", |
| "//base", |
| "//cc", |
| "//cc/ipc:interfaces", |
| "//cc/surfaces", |
| "//device/gamepad", |
| "//device/gamepad/public/cpp:shared_with_blink", |
| "//gpu", |
| "//gpu/command_buffer/client:gles2_interface", |
| "//skia", |
| "//ui/aura", |
| "//ui/compositor", |
| "//ui/display/manager", |
| "//ui/events/devices:devices", |
| "//ui/gfx", |
| "//ui/gfx/geometry", |
| "//ui/gl", |
| "//ui/views", |
| "//ui/views/mus", |
| "//ui/wm", |
| "//ui/wm/public", |
| ] |
| |
| if (enable_exo_ozone_gamepad) { |
| defines = [ "USE_OZONE_GAMEPAD" ] |
| sources += [ "gaming_seat_ozone.cc" ] |
| deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ] |
| deps += [ "//ui/events/ozone:events_ozone_evdev" ] |
| } else { |
| sources += [ "gaming_seat.cc" ] |
| } |
| |
| if (is_chromeos) { |
| deps += [ "//chromeos" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| source_set("test_support") { |
| testonly = true |
| |
| sources = [ |
| "test/exo_test_base.cc", |
| "test/exo_test_base.h", |
| "test/exo_test_helper.cc", |
| "test/exo_test_helper.h", |
| ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| ":exo", |
| "//ash:test_support_without_content", |
| "//ash/public/cpp:ash_public_cpp", |
| "//base", |
| "//gpu", |
| "//skia", |
| "//testing/gtest", |
| "//ui/aura", |
| "//ui/compositor", |
| "//ui/gfx/geometry", |
| "//ui/views", |
| "//ui/wm", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| source_set("unit_tests") { |
| testonly = true |
| |
| sources = [ |
| "buffer_unittest.cc", |
| "display_unittest.cc", |
| "keyboard_unittest.cc", |
| "pointer_unittest.cc", |
| "shared_memory_unittest.cc", |
| "shell_surface_unittest.cc", |
| "sub_surface_unittest.cc", |
| "surface_unittest.cc", |
| "touch_unittest.cc", |
| ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| ":exo", |
| ":test_support", |
| "//ash", |
| "//ash:test_support_without_content", |
| "//ash/public/cpp:ash_public_cpp", |
| "//base", |
| "//base/test:test_support", |
| "//cc", |
| "//cc:test_support", |
| "//cc/surfaces:surfaces", |
| "//components/user_manager", |
| "//components/viz/service", |
| "//components/viz/test:test_support", |
| "//device/gamepad:test_helpers", |
| "//gpu/command_buffer/client:gles2_interface", |
| "//skia", |
| "//testing/gmock", |
| "//testing/gtest", |
| "//ui/aura", |
| "//ui/events:dom_keycode_converter", |
| "//ui/events:test_support", |
| "//ui/gfx", |
| "//ui/keyboard", |
| "//ui/message_center", |
| "//ui/views", |
| "//ui/wm", |
| ] |
| |
| if (use_ozone) { |
| deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ] |
| } |
| |
| if (enable_exo_ozone_gamepad) { |
| sources += [ |
| "../../ui/events/ozone/gamepad/gamepad_event.cc", |
| "gaming_seat_unittest.cc", |
| ] |
| deps += [ "//ui/events/ozone:events_ozone_evdev" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| test("exo_unittests") { |
| sources = [ |
| "../../ash/test/ash_test_suite.cc", |
| "../../ash/test/ash_test_suite.h", |
| "test/run_all_unittests.cc", |
| ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| ":unit_tests", |
| "//ash:test_support_without_content", |
| "//ash/public/cpp:ash_public_cpp", |
| "//base", |
| "//base/test:test_support", |
| "//cc:test_support", |
| "//components/viz/test:test_support", |
| "//device/gamepad:test_helpers", |
| "//mojo/edk/embedder:headers", |
| "//testing/gtest", |
| "//ui/aura", |
| "//ui/base", |
| "//ui/compositor:test_support", |
| "//ui/gl:test_support", |
| ] |
| |
| data_deps = [ |
| "//ash/strings:ash_test_strings", |
| "//ash/resources:ash_test_resources_100_percent", |
| "//ash/resources:ash_test_resources_200_percent", |
| ] |
| |
| if (is_linux) { |
| deps += [ "//components/exo/wayland:unit_tests" ] |
| } |
| } |