blob: 6cddbf9bc6f9d8aab6416997923d57d895332692 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/LayoutBox.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLElement.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTestHelper.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace blink {
class LayoutBoxTest : public RenderingTest {};
TEST_F(LayoutBoxTest, BackgroundObscuredInRect) {
"<style>.column { width: 295.4px; padding-left: 10.4px; } "
".white-background { background: red; position: relative; overflow: "
"hidden; border-radius: 1px; }"
".black-background { height: 100px; background: black; color: white; } "
"<div class='column'> <div> <div id='target' class='white-background'> "
"<div class='black-background'></div> </div> </div> </div>");
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObjectByElementId("target");
TEST_F(LayoutBoxTest, BackgroundRect) {
"<style>div { position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; padding: "
"10px; border: 10px solid black; overflow: scroll; }"
"#target1 { background: "
"url() border-box, green "
"#target2 { background: "
"url() content-box, green "
"local border-box;}"
"#target3 { background: "
"url() content-box, rgba(0, "
"255, 0, 0.5) border-box;}"
"#target4 { background-image: "
"url(), none;"
" background-clip: content-box, border-box;"
" background-blend-mode: normal, multiply;"
" background-color: green; }"
"#target5 { background: none border-box, green content-box;}"
"#target6 { background: green content-box local; }"
"<div id='target1'></div>"
"<div id='target2'></div>"
"<div id='target3'></div>"
"<div id='target4'></div>"
"<div id='target5'></div>"
"<div id='target6'></div>");
// #target1's opaque background color only fills the content box but its
// translucent image extends to the borders.
LayoutBox* layout_box = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("target1"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(20, 20, 100, 100),
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 140),
// #target2's background color is opaque but only fills the padding-box
// because it has local attachment. This eclipses the content-box image.
layout_box = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("target2"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(10, 10, 120, 120),
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(10, 10, 120, 120),
// #target3's background color is not opaque so we only have a clip rect.
layout_box = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("target3"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 140),
// #target4's background color has a blend mode so it isn't opaque.
layout_box = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("target4"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 140),
// #target5's solid background only covers the content-box but it has a "none"
// background covering the border box.
layout_box = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("target5"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(20, 20, 100, 100),
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 140),
// Because it can scroll due to local attachment, the opaque local background
// in #target6 is treated as padding box for the clip rect, but remains the
// content box for the known opaque rect.
layout_box = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("target6"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(20, 20, 100, 100),
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(10, 10, 120, 120),
TEST_F(LayoutBoxTest, LocationContainer) {
"<div id='div'>"
" <b>Inline content<img id='img'></b>"
"<table id='table'>"
" <tbody id='tbody'>"
" <tr id='row'>"
" <td id='cell' style='width: 100px; height: 80px'></td>"
" </tr>"
" </tbody>"
const LayoutBox* body = GetDocument().body()->GetLayoutBox();
const LayoutBox* div = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("div"));
const LayoutBox* img = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("img"));
const LayoutBox* table = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("table"));
const LayoutBox* tbody = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("tbody"));
const LayoutBox* row = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("row"));
const LayoutBox* cell = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("cell"));
EXPECT_EQ(body, div->LocationContainer());
EXPECT_EQ(div, img->LocationContainer());
EXPECT_EQ(body, table->LocationContainer());
EXPECT_EQ(table, tbody->LocationContainer());
EXPECT_EQ(tbody, row->LocationContainer());
EXPECT_EQ(tbody, cell->LocationContainer());
TEST_F(LayoutBoxTest, TopLeftLocationFlipped) {
"<div style='width: 600px; height: 200px; writing-mode: vertical-rl'>"
" <div id='box1' style='width: 100px'></div>"
" <div id='box2' style='width: 200px'></div>"
const LayoutBox* box1 = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("box1"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(0, 0), box1->Location());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(500, 0), box1->PhysicalLocation());
const LayoutBox* box2 = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("box2"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(100, 0), box2->Location());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(300, 0), box2->PhysicalLocation());
TEST_F(LayoutBoxTest, TableRowCellTopLeftLocationFlipped) {
"<div style='writing-mode: vertical-rl'>"
" <table style='border-spacing: 0'>"
" <thead><tr><td style='width: 50px'></td></tr></thead>"
" <tbody>"
" <tr id='row1'>"
" <td id='cell1' style='width: 100px; height: 80px'></td>"
" </tr>"
" <tr id='row2'>"
" <td id='cell2' style='width: 300px; height: 80px'></td>"
" </tr>"
" </tbody>"
" </table>"
// location and physicalLocation of a table row or a table cell should be
// relative to the containing section.
const LayoutBox* row1 = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("row1"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(0, 0), row1->Location());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(300, 0), row1->PhysicalLocation());
const LayoutBox* cell1 = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("cell1"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(0, 0), cell1->Location());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(300, 0), cell1->PhysicalLocation());
const LayoutBox* row2 = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("row2"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(100, 0), row2->Location());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(0, 0), row2->PhysicalLocation());
const LayoutBox* cell2 = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("cell2"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(100, 0), cell2->Location());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(0, 0), cell2->PhysicalLocation());
TEST_F(LayoutBoxTest, LocationContainerOfSVG) {
"<svg id='svg' style='writing-mode:vertical-rl' width='500' height='500'>"
" <foreignObject x='44' y='77' width='100' height='80' id='foreign'>"
" <div id='child' style='width: 33px; height: 55px'>"
" </div>"
" </foreignObject>"
const LayoutBox* svg_root = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("svg"));
const LayoutBox* foreign = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("foreign"));
const LayoutBox* child = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("child"));
// The foreign object's location is not affected by SVGRoot's writing-mode.
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(44, 77, 100, 80), foreign->FrameRect());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(44, 77), foreign->PhysicalLocation());
// The writing mode style should be still be inherited.
// The child of the foreign object is affected by writing-mode.
EXPECT_EQ(foreign, child->LocationContainer());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 33, 55), child->FrameRect());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutPoint(67, 0), child->PhysicalLocation());
TEST_F(LayoutBoxTest, ControlClip) {
" * { margin: 0; }"
" #target {"
" position: relative;"
" width: 100px; height: 50px;"
" }"
"<input id='target' type='button' value='some text'/>");
LayoutBox* target = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("target"));
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 100, 18), target->ClippingRect());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(2, 2, 96, 46), target->ClippingRect());
TEST_F(LayoutBoxTest, LocalVisualRectWithMask) {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::SlimmingPaintV2Enabled())
"<div id='target' style='-webkit-mask-image: url(#a);"
" width: 100px; height: 100px; background: blue'>"
" <div style='width: 300px; height: 10px; background: green'></div>"
LayoutBox* target = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("target"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 300, 100), target->LocalVisualRect());
TEST_F(LayoutBoxTest, LocalVisualRectWithMaskAndOverflowClip) {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::SlimmingPaintV2Enabled())
"<div id='target' style='-webkit-mask-image: url(#a); overflow: hidden;"
" width: 100px; height: 100px; background: blue'>"
" <div style='width: 300px; height: 10px; background: green'></div>"
LayoutBox* target = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("target"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 100, 100), target->LocalVisualRect());
TEST_F(LayoutBoxTest, ContentsVisualOverflowPropagation) {
" div { width: 100px; height: 100px }"
"<div id='a'>"
" <div style='height: 50px'></div>"
" <div id='b' style='writing-mode: vertical-rl; margin-left: 60px'>"
" <div style='width: 30px'></div>"
" <div id='c' style='margin-top: 40px'>"
" <div style='width: 10px'></div>"
" <div style='margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 10px'></div>"
" </div>"
" <div id='d' style='writing-mode: vertical-lr; margin-top: 40px'>"
" <div style='width: 10px'></div>"
" <div style='margin-top: 20px'></div>"
" </div>"
" </div>"
auto* c = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("c"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 100, 100), c->SelfVisualOverflowRect());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(10, 20, 100, 100), c->ContentsVisualOverflowRect());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 110, 120), c->VisualOverflowRect());
// C and its parent b have the same blocks direction.
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 110, 120), c->VisualOverflowRectForPropagation());
auto* d = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("d"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 100, 100), d->SelfVisualOverflowRect());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(10, 20, 100, 100), d->ContentsVisualOverflowRect());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 110, 120), d->VisualOverflowRect());
// D and its parent b have different blocks direction.
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(-10, 0, 110, 120),
auto* b = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("b"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 100, 100), b->SelfVisualOverflowRect());
// Union of VisualOverflowRectForPropagations offset by locations of c and d.
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(30, 40, 200, 120), b->ContentsVisualOverflowRect());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 230, 160), b->VisualOverflowRect());
// B and its parent A have different blocks direction.
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(-130, 0, 230, 160),
auto* a = ToLayoutBox(GetLayoutObjectByElementId("a"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 100, 100), a->SelfVisualOverflowRect());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(-70, 50, 230, 160), a->ContentsVisualOverflowRect());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(-70, 0, 230, 210), a->VisualOverflowRect());
} // namespace blink