blob: ec7efedc72678c9cba474c0d6e0474485cb2dd6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/network/network_state.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_profile_handler.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_type_pattern.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_ui_data.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_util.h"
#include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_utils.h"
#include "chromeos/network/shill_property_util.h"
#include "chromeos/network/tether_constants.h"
#include "components/device_event_log/device_event_log.h"
#include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
namespace {
const char kDefaultCellularNetworkPath[] = "/cellular";
// TODO(tbarzic): Add payment portal method values to shill/dbus-constants.
constexpr char kPaymentPortalMethodPost[] = "POST";
std::string GetStringFromDictionary(const base::Value* dict, const char* key) {
const base::Value* v = dict ? dict->FindKey(key) : nullptr;
return v ? v->GetString() : std::string();
bool IsCaptivePortalState(const base::Value& properties, bool log) {
std::string state =
GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kStateProperty);
if (!chromeos::NetworkState::StateIsPortalled(state))
return false;
if (!properties.FindKey(shill::kPortalDetectionFailedPhaseProperty) ||
!properties.FindKey(shill::kPortalDetectionFailedStatusProperty)) {
// If Shill (or a stub) has not set PortalDetectionFailedStatus
// or PortalDetectionFailedPhase, assume we are in captive portal state.
return true;
std::string portal_detection_phase = GetStringFromDictionary(
&properties, shill::kPortalDetectionFailedPhaseProperty);
std::string portal_detection_status = GetStringFromDictionary(
&properties, shill::kPortalDetectionFailedStatusProperty);
// Shill reports the phase in which it determined that the device is behind a
// captive portal. We only want to rely only on incorrect content being
// returned and ignore other reasons.
bool is_captive_portal =
portal_detection_phase == shill::kPortalDetectionPhaseContent &&
(portal_detection_status == shill::kPortalDetectionStatusSuccess ||
portal_detection_status == shill::kPortalDetectionStatusFailure ||
portal_detection_status == shill::kPortalDetectionStatusRedirect);
if (log) {
std::string name =
GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kNameProperty);
if (name.empty())
name = GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kSSIDProperty);
if (!is_captive_portal) {
NET_LOG(EVENT) << "State is 'portal' but not in captive portal state:"
<< " name=" << name << " phase=" << portal_detection_phase
<< " status=" << portal_detection_status;
} else {
NET_LOG(EVENT) << "Network is in captive portal state: " << name;
return is_captive_portal;
} // namespace
namespace chromeos {
NetworkState::NetworkState(const std::string& path)
: ManagedState(MANAGED_TYPE_NETWORK, path) {}
NetworkState::~NetworkState() = default;
bool NetworkState::PropertyChanged(const std::string& key,
const base::Value& value) {
// Keep care that these properties are the same as in |GetProperties|.
if (ManagedStatePropertyChanged(key, value))
return true;
if (key == shill::kSignalStrengthProperty) {
return GetIntegerValue(key, value, &signal_strength_);
} else if (key == shill::kStateProperty) {
std::string connection_state;
if (!GetStringValue(key, value, &connection_state))
return false;
return true;
} else if (key == shill::kVisibleProperty) {
return GetBooleanValue(key, value, &visible_);
} else if (key == shill::kConnectableProperty) {
return GetBooleanValue(key, value, &connectable_);
} else if (key == shill::kErrorProperty) {
if (!GetStringValue(key, value, &error_))
return false;
if (ErrorIsValid(error_))
last_error_ = error_;
return true;
} else if (key == shill::kWifiFrequency) {
return GetIntegerValue(key, value, &frequency_);
} else if (key == shill::kActivationTypeProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &activation_type_);
} else if (key == shill::kActivationStateProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &activation_state_);
} else if (key == shill::kRoamingStateProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &roaming_);
} else if (key == shill::kPaymentPortalProperty) {
if (!value.is_dict())
return false;
const base::Value* portal_url_value = value.FindKeyOfType(
shill::kPaymentPortalURL, base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (!portal_url_value)
return false;
payment_url_ = portal_url_value->GetString();
// If payment portal uses post method, set up post data.
const base::Value* portal_method_value = value.FindKeyOfType(
shill::kPaymentPortalMethod, base::Value::Type::STRING);
const base::Value* portal_post_data_value = value.FindKeyOfType(
shill::kPaymentPortalPostData, base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (portal_method_value &&
portal_method_value->GetString() == kPaymentPortalMethodPost &&
portal_post_data_value) {
payment_post_data_ = portal_post_data_value->GetString();
return true;
} else if (key == shill::kSecurityClassProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &security_class_);
} else if (key == shill::kEapMethodProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &eap_method_);
} else if (key == shill::kEapKeyMgmtProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &eap_key_mgmt_);
} else if (key == shill::kNetworkTechnologyProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &network_technology_);
} else if (key == shill::kDeviceProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &device_path_);
} else if (key == shill::kGuidProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &guid_);
} else if (key == shill::kProfileProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &profile_path_);
} else if (key == shill::kWifiHexSsid) {
std::string ssid_hex;
if (!GetStringValue(key, value, &ssid_hex))
return false;
return base::HexStringToBytes(ssid_hex, &raw_ssid_);
} else if (key == shill::kWifiBSsid) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &bssid_);
} else if (key == shill::kPriorityProperty) {
return GetIntegerValue(key, value, &priority_);
} else if (key == shill::kOutOfCreditsProperty) {
return GetBooleanValue(key, value, &cellular_out_of_credits_);
} else if (key == shill::kProxyConfigProperty) {
std::string proxy_config_str;
if (!value.GetAsString(&proxy_config_str)) {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse " << path() << "." << key;
return false;
if (proxy_config_str.empty())
return true;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> proxy_config_dict(
if (proxy_config_dict) {
proxy_config_ = std::move(proxy_config_dict);
} else {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse " << path() << "." << key;
return true;
} else if (key == shill::kProviderProperty) {
const base::Value* type_value =
value.is_dict() ? value.FindKeyOfType(shill::kTypeProperty,
: nullptr;
if (!type_value) {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse " << path() << "." << key;
return false;
std::string vpn_provider_type = type_value->GetString();
std::string vpn_provider_id;
if (vpn_provider_type == shill::kProviderThirdPartyVpn ||
vpn_provider_type == shill::kProviderArcVpn) {
// If the network uses a third-party or Arc VPN provider,
// |shill::kHostProperty| contains the extension ID or Arc package name.
const base::Value* host_value =
value.FindKeyOfType(shill::kHostProperty, base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (!host_value) {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse " << path() << "." << key;
return false;
vpn_provider_id = host_value->GetString();
SetVpnProvider(vpn_provider_id, vpn_provider_type);
return true;
} else if (key == shill::kTetheringProperty) {
return GetStringValue(key, value, &tethering_state_);
} else if (key == shill::kUIDataProperty) {
std::unique_ptr<NetworkUIData> ui_data =
if (!ui_data)
return false;
onc_source_ = ui_data->onc_source();
return true;
return false;
bool NetworkState::InitialPropertiesReceived(const base::Value& properties) {
NET_LOG(EVENT) << "InitialPropertiesReceived: " << name() << " (" << path()
<< ") State: " << connection_state_
<< " Visible: " << visible_;
if (!properties.FindKey(shill::kTypeProperty)) {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "NetworkState has no type: "
<< shill_property_util::GetNetworkIdFromProperties(
return false;
// By convention, all visible WiFi and WiMAX networks have a
// SignalStrength > 0.
if ((type() == shill::kTypeWifi || type() == shill::kTypeWimax) &&
visible() && signal_strength_ <= 0) {
signal_strength_ = 1;
// Any change to connection state will trigger a complete property update,
// so we update is_captive_portal_ here.
is_captive_portal_ = IsCaptivePortalState(properties, true /* log */);
// Ensure that the network has a valid name.
return UpdateName(properties);
void NetworkState::GetStateProperties(base::Value* dictionary) const {
// Properties shared by all types.
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kGuidProperty, base::Value(guid()));
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kProfileProperty, base::Value(profile_path()));
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kPriorityProperty, base::Value(priority_));
if (visible())
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kStateProperty, base::Value(connection_state()));
if (!device_path().empty())
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kDeviceProperty, base::Value(device_path()));
// VPN properties.
if (NetworkTypePattern::VPN().MatchesType(type()) && vpn_provider()) {
// Shill sends VPN provider properties in a nested dictionary. |dictionary|
// must replicate that nested structure.
std::string provider_type = vpn_provider()->type;
base::Value provider_property(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
provider_property.SetKey(shill::kTypeProperty, base::Value(provider_type));
if (provider_type == shill::kProviderThirdPartyVpn ||
provider_type == shill::kProviderArcVpn) {
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kProviderProperty, std::move(provider_property));
// Tether properties
if (NetworkTypePattern::Tether().MatchesType(type())) {
dictionary->SetKey(kTetherCarrier, base::Value(tether_carrier()));
dictionary->SetKey(kTetherSignalStrength, base::Value(signal_strength()));
// Tether networks do not share some of the wireless/mobile properties added
// below; exit early to avoid having these properties applied.
// Wireless properties
if (!NetworkTypePattern::Wireless().MatchesType(type()))
if (visible()) {
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kConnectableProperty, base::Value(connectable()));
// Wifi properties
if (NetworkTypePattern::WiFi().MatchesType(type())) {
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kWifiBSsid, base::Value(bssid_));
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kEapMethodProperty, base::Value(eap_method()));
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kWifiFrequency, base::Value(frequency_));
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kWifiHexSsid, base::Value(GetHexSsid()));
// Mobile properties
if (NetworkTypePattern::Mobile().MatchesType(type())) {
dictionary->SetKey(shill::kRoamingStateProperty, base::Value(roaming_));
void NetworkState::IPConfigPropertiesChanged(const base::Value& properties) {
if (properties.DictEmpty()) {
ipv4_config_ = std::make_unique<base::Value>(properties.Clone());
std::string NetworkState::GetIpAddress() const {
return GetStringFromDictionary(ipv4_config_.get(), shill::kAddressProperty);
std::string NetworkState::GetGateway() const {
return GetStringFromDictionary(ipv4_config_.get(), shill::kGatewayProperty);
GURL NetworkState::GetWebProxyAutoDiscoveryUrl() const {
std::string url = GetStringFromDictionary(
ipv4_config_.get(), shill::kWebProxyAutoDiscoveryUrlProperty);
if (url.empty())
return GURL();
GURL gurl(url);
if (!gurl.is_valid()) {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid WebProxyAutoDiscoveryUrl: " << path() << ": "
<< url;
return GURL();
return gurl;
void NetworkState::SetCaptivePortalProvider(const std::string& id,
const std::string& name) {
if (id.empty()) {
captive_portal_provider_ = nullptr;
if (!captive_portal_provider_)
captive_portal_provider_ = std::make_unique<CaptivePortalProviderInfo>();
captive_portal_provider_->id = id;
captive_portal_provider_->name = name;
std::string NetworkState::GetVpnProviderType() const {
return vpn_provider_ ? vpn_provider_->type : std::string();
bool NetworkState::RequiresActivation() const {
return type() == shill::kTypeCellular &&
activation_state() != shill::kActivationStateActivated &&
activation_state() != shill::kActivationStateUnknown;
bool NetworkState::SecurityRequiresPassphraseOnly() const {
return type() == shill::kTypeWifi &&
(security_class() == shill::kSecurityPsk ||
security_class() == shill::kSecurityWep);
std::string NetworkState::connection_state() const {
if (!visible())
return shill::kStateIdle;
DCHECK(connection_state_ == shill::kStateIdle ||
connection_state_ == shill::kStateAssociation ||
connection_state_ == shill::kStateConfiguration ||
connection_state_ == shill::kStateReady ||
connection_state_ == shill::kStatePortal ||
connection_state_ == shill::kStateNoConnectivity ||
connection_state_ == shill::kStateRedirectFound ||
connection_state_ == shill::kStatePortalSuspected ||
// TODO( Remove kStateOffline from this list
// when occurrences in chromium code have been eliminated.
connection_state_ == shill::kStateOffline ||
connection_state_ == shill::kStateOnline ||
connection_state_ == shill::kStateFailure ||
// TODO( Remove kStateActivationFailure from
// this list when occurrences in chromium code have been eliminated.
connection_state_ == shill::kStateActivationFailure ||
// TODO( Empty should not be a valid state,
// but e.g. new tether NetworkStates and unit tests use it currently.
return connection_state_;
void NetworkState::SetConnectionState(const std::string& connection_state) {
if (connection_state == connection_state_)
last_connection_state_ = connection_state_;
connection_state_ = connection_state;
if (StateIsConnected(connection_state_) ||
StateIsConnecting(last_connection_state_)) {
// If connected or previously connecting, clear |connect_requested_|.
connect_requested_ = false;
} else if (StateIsConnected(last_connection_state_) &&
StateIsConnecting(connection_state_)) {
// If transitioning from a connected state to a connecting state, set
// |connect_requested_| so that the UI knows the connecting state is
// important (i.e. not a normal auto connect).
connect_requested_ = true;
bool NetworkState::IsManagedByPolicy() const {
return onc_source_ == ::onc::ONCSource::ONC_SOURCE_DEVICE_POLICY ||
onc_source_ == ::onc::ONCSource::ONC_SOURCE_USER_POLICY;
bool NetworkState::IsUsingMobileData() const {
return type() == shill::kTypeCellular || type() == chromeos::kTypeTether ||
tethering_state() == shill::kTetheringConfirmedState;
bool NetworkState::IndicateRoaming() const {
return type() == shill::kTypeCellular &&
roaming_ == shill::kRoamingStateRoaming && !provider_requires_roaming_;
bool NetworkState::IsDynamicWep() const {
return security_class_ == shill::kSecurityWep &&
eap_key_mgmt_ == shill::kKeyManagementIEEE8021X;
bool NetworkState::IsConnectedState() const {
return visible() && StateIsConnected(connection_state_);
bool NetworkState::IsConnectingState() const {
return visible() &&
(connect_requested_ || StateIsConnecting(connection_state_));
bool NetworkState::IsConnectingOrConnected() const {
return visible() &&
(connect_requested_ || StateIsConnecting(connection_state_) ||
bool NetworkState::IsActive() const {
return IsConnectingOrConnected() ||
activation_state() == shill::kActivationStateActivating;
bool NetworkState::IsOnline() const {
return connection_state() == shill::kStateOnline;
bool NetworkState::IsInProfile() const {
// kTypeEthernetEap is always saved. We need this check because it does
// not show up in the visible list, but its properties may not be available
// when it first shows up in ServiceCompleteList. See
return !profile_path_.empty() || type() == shill::kTypeEthernetEap;
bool NetworkState::IsNonProfileType() const {
return type() == kTypeTether || IsDefaultCellular();
bool NetworkState::IsPrivate() const {
return !profile_path_.empty() &&
profile_path_ != NetworkProfileHandler::GetSharedProfilePath();
bool NetworkState::IsDefaultCellular() const {
return type() == shill::kTypeCellular &&
path() == kDefaultCellularNetworkPath;
bool NetworkState::IsCaptivePortal() const {
return is_captive_portal_ || is_chrome_captive_portal_;
std::string NetworkState::GetHexSsid() const {
return base::HexEncode(raw_ssid().data(), raw_ssid().size());
std::string NetworkState::GetDnsServersAsString() const {
const base::Value* listv =
ipv4_config_ ? ipv4_config_->FindKey(shill::kNameServersProperty)
: nullptr;
if (!listv)
return std::string();
std::string result;
for (const auto& v : listv->GetList()) {
if (!result.empty())
result += ",";
result += v.GetString();
return result;
std::string NetworkState::GetNetmask() const {
const base::Value* v =
ipv4_config_ ? ipv4_config_->FindKey(shill::kPrefixlenProperty) : nullptr;
int prefixlen = v ? v->GetInt() : -1;
return network_util::PrefixLengthToNetmask(prefixlen);
std::string NetworkState::GetSpecifier() const {
if (!update_received()) {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "GetSpecifier called before update: " << path();
return std::string();
if (type() == shill::kTypeWifi)
return name() + "_" + security_class_;
if (type() != shill::kTypeCellular && !name().empty())
return name();
return type(); // For unnamed networks, i.e. Ethernet and Cellular.
void NetworkState::SetGuid(const std::string& guid) {
guid_ = guid;
NetworkState::GetMojoActivationState() const {
using network_config::mojom::ActivationStateType;
if (IsDefaultCellular())
return ActivationStateType::kNoService;
if (activation_state_.empty())
return ActivationStateType::kUnknown;
if (activation_state_ == shill::kActivationStateActivated)
return ActivationStateType::kActivated;
if (activation_state_ == shill::kActivationStateActivating)
return ActivationStateType::kActivating;
if (activation_state_ == shill::kActivationStateNotActivated)
return ActivationStateType::kNotActivated;
if (activation_state_ == shill::kActivationStatePartiallyActivated)
return ActivationStateType::kPartiallyActivated;
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected shill activation state: " << activation_state_;
return ActivationStateType::kUnknown;
network_config::mojom::SecurityType NetworkState::GetMojoSecurity() const {
using network_config::mojom::SecurityType;
if (security_class_.empty() || security_class_ == shill::kSecurityNone)
return SecurityType::kNone;
if (IsDynamicWep())
return SecurityType::kWep8021x;
if (security_class_ == shill::kSecurityWep)
return SecurityType::kWepPsk;
if (security_class_ == shill::kSecurityPsk)
return SecurityType::kWpaPsk;
if (security_class_ == shill::kSecurity8021x)
return SecurityType::kWpaEap;
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported shill security class: " << security_class_;
return SecurityType::kNone;
// static
bool NetworkState::StateIsConnected(const std::string& connection_state) {
return (connection_state == shill::kStateReady ||
connection_state == shill::kStateOnline ||
// static
bool NetworkState::StateIsConnecting(const std::string& connection_state) {
return (connection_state == shill::kStateAssociation ||
connection_state == shill::kStateConfiguration);
// static
bool NetworkState::StateIsPortalled(const std::string& connection_state) {
return (connection_state == shill::kStatePortal ||
connection_state == shill::kStateNoConnectivity ||
connection_state == shill::kStateRedirectFound ||
connection_state == shill::kStatePortalSuspected);
// static
bool NetworkState::NetworkStateIsCaptivePortal(
const base::Value& shill_properties) {
return IsCaptivePortalState(shill_properties, false /* log */);
// static
bool NetworkState::ErrorIsValid(const std::string& error) {
return !error.empty() && error != shill::kErrorNoFailure;
// static
std::unique_ptr<NetworkState> NetworkState::CreateDefaultCellular(
const std::string& device_path) {
auto new_state = std::make_unique<NetworkState>(kDefaultCellularNetworkPath);
new_state->device_path_ = device_path;
return new_state;
// Private methods.
bool NetworkState::UpdateName(const base::Value& properties) {
std::string updated_name =
shill_property_util::GetNameFromProperties(path(), properties);
if (updated_name != name()) {
return true;
return false;
void NetworkState::SetVpnProvider(const std::string& id,
const std::string& type) {
// |type| is required but |id| is only set for ThirdParty and Arc VPNs.
if (type.empty()) {
vpn_provider_ = nullptr;
if (!vpn_provider_)
vpn_provider_ = std::make_unique<VpnProviderInfo>();
vpn_provider_->id = id;
vpn_provider_->type = type;
} // namespace chromeos