blob: 79a93bbb3ed439973aca9b1011fa0753195c7e72 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'variables': {
'remoting_host_installer_mac_roots': [
'remoting_host_installer_mac_files': [
'conditions': [
['OS=="mac"', {
'targets': [
'target_name': 'remoting_host_uninstaller',
'type': 'executable',
'mac_bundle': 1,
'variables': {
'bundle_id': '<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(branding_path) -t "@MAC_UNINSTALLER_BUNDLE_ID@")',
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
'xcode_settings': {
'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'host/installer/mac/uninstaller/remoting_uninstaller-Info.plist',
'INFOPLIST_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS': 'VERSION_FULL="<(version_full)" VERSION_SHORT="<(version_short)" BUNDLE_ID="<(bundle_id)"',
'mac_bundle_resources': [
# Localized strings for 'Info.plist'
'<!@pymod_do_main(remoting_localize --locale_output '
'"<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/remoting/remoting_uninstaller-InfoPlist.strings/@{json_suffix}.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" '
'--print_only <(remoting_locales))',
'mac_bundle_resources!': [
}, # end of target 'remoting_host_uninstaller'
# This packages up the files needed for the remoting host installer so
# they can be sent off to be signed.
# We don't build an installer here because we don't have signed binaries.
'target_name': 'remoting_me2me_host_archive',
'type': 'none',
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'host_name': '<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(branding_path) -t "@HOST_PLUGIN_FILE_NAME@")',
'host_service_name': '<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(branding_path) -t "@DAEMON_FILE_NAME@")',
'host_uninstaller_name': '<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(branding_path) -t "@MAC_UNINSTALLER_NAME@")',
'bundle_prefix': '<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(branding_path) -t "@MAC_UNINSTALLER_BUNDLE_PREFIX@")',
'actions': [
'action_name': 'Zip installer files for signing',
'temp_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/remoting/remoting-me2me-host',
'zip_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/remoting-me2me-host-<(OS).zip',
'variables': {
'host_name_nospace': '<!(echo <(host_name) | sed "s/ //g")',
'host_service_name_nospace': '<!(echo <(host_service_name) | sed "s/ //g")',
'host_uninstaller_name_nospace': '<!(echo <(host_uninstaller_name) | sed "s/ //g")',
'generated_files': [
'generated_files_dst': [
# TODO(sergeyu): Rename org.chromium.chromoting.me2me_host. e.g.
# to .
'source_files': [
'defs': [
'DMG_VOLUME_NAME=<(host_name) <(version_full)',
'DMG_FILE_NAME=<!(echo <(host_name) | sed "s/ //g")-<(version_full)',
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
'action': [
'python', 'host/installer/',
'--source-file-roots', '<@(remoting_host_installer_mac_roots)',
'--source-files', '<@(_source_files)',
'--generated-files', '<@(_generated_files)',
'--generated-files-dst', '<@(_generated_files_dst)',
'--defs', '<@(_defs)',
], # actions
}, # end of target 'remoting_me2me_host_archive'
'target_name': 'remoting_host_prefpane',
'type': 'loadable_module',
'mac_bundle': 1,
'product_extension': 'prefPane',
'defines': [
'dependencies': [
'include_dirs': [
# These source files are included directly, instead of adding target
# dependencies, because the targets are not yet built for 64-bit on
# Mac OS X -
# TODO(lambroslambrou): Fix this when Chrome supports building for
# Mac OS X 64-bit -
'sources': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
'variables': {
'bundle_id': '<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(branding_path) -t "@MAC_PREFPANE_BUNDLE_ID@")',
'xcode_settings': {
'ARCHS': ['i386', 'x86_64'],
'GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC': 'supported',
'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'host/mac/me2me_preference_pane-Info.plist',
'INFOPLIST_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS': 'VERSION_FULL="<(version_full)" VERSION_SHORT="<(version_short)" BUNDLE_ID="<(bundle_id)"',
'mac_bundle_resources': [
# Localized strings for 'Info.plist'
'<!@pymod_do_main(remoting_localize --locale_output '
'"<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/remoting/me2me_preference_pane-InfoPlist.strings/@{json_suffix}.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" '
'--print_only <(remoting_locales))',
'mac_bundle_resources!': [
'conditions': [
['mac_breakpad==1', {
'variables': {
# A real .dSYM is needed for dump_syms to operate on.
'mac_real_dsym': 1,
}], # 'mac_breakpad==1'
], # conditions
}, # end of target 'remoting_host_prefpane'
], # end of 'targets'
}], # 'OS=="mac"'
], # end of 'conditions'