blob: 07b8f65a853ba649ef742b3fde7f80bab8925f51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
namespace buzz {
class XmlElement;
} // namespace buzz
namespace remoting {
namespace protocol {
class ChannelAuthenticator;
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::string& secret)> SecretFetchedCallback;
typedef base::Callback<void(
bool pairing_supported,
const SecretFetchedCallback& secret_fetched_callback)> FetchSecretCallback;
// Authenticator is an abstract interface for authentication protocol
// implementations. Different implementations of this interface may be
// used on each side of the connection depending of type of the auth
// protocol. Client and host will repeatedly call their Authenticators
// and deliver the messages they generate, until successful
// authentication is reported.
// Authenticator may exchange multiple messages before session is
// authenticated. Each message sent/received by an Authenticator is
// delivered either in a session description inside session-initiate
// and session-accept messages or in a session-info
// message. Session-info messages are used only if authenticators need
// to exchange more than one message.
class Authenticator {
// Allowed state transitions:
// When ProcessMessage() is called:
// After asynchronous message processing finishes:
// When GetNextMessage() is called:
enum State {
// Waiting for the next message from the peer.
// Next message is ready to be sent to the peer.
// Session is authenticated successufully.
// Session is rejected.
// Asynchronously processing the last message from the peer.
enum RejectionReason {
// Returns true if |message| is an Authenticator message.
static bool IsAuthenticatorMessage(const buzz::XmlElement* message);
// Creates an empty Authenticator message, owned by the caller.
static scoped_ptr<buzz::XmlElement> CreateEmptyAuthenticatorMessage();
// Finds Authenticator message among child elements of |message|, or
// returns nullptr otherwise.
static const buzz::XmlElement* FindAuthenticatorMessage(
const buzz::XmlElement* message);
Authenticator() {}
virtual ~Authenticator() {}
// Returns current state of the authenticator.
virtual State state() const = 0;
// Returns whether authentication has started. The chromoting host uses this
// method to starts the back off process to prevent malicious clients from
// guessing the PIN by spamming the host with auth requests.
virtual bool started() const = 0;
// Returns rejection reason. Can be called only when in REJECTED state.
virtual RejectionReason rejection_reason() const = 0;
// Called in response to incoming message received from the peer.
// Should only be called when in WAITING_MESSAGE state. Caller retains
// ownership of |message|. |resume_callback| will be called when processing is
// finished. The implementation must guarantee that |resume_callback| is not
// called after the Authenticator is destroyed.
virtual void ProcessMessage(const buzz::XmlElement* message,
const base::Closure& resume_callback) = 0;
// Must be called when in MESSAGE_READY state. Returns next
// authentication message that needs to be sent to the peer.
virtual scoped_ptr<buzz::XmlElement> GetNextMessage() = 0;
// Returns the auth key received as result of the authentication handshake.
virtual const std::string& GetAuthKey() const = 0;
// Creates new authenticator for a channel. Can be called only in
// the ACCEPTED state.
// TODO(sergeyu): Remove this method once migration to QUIC is finished.
virtual scoped_ptr<ChannelAuthenticator>
CreateChannelAuthenticator() const = 0;
// Factory for Authenticator instances.
class AuthenticatorFactory {
AuthenticatorFactory() {}
virtual ~AuthenticatorFactory() {}
// Called when session-initiate stanza is received to create
// authenticator for the new session. |first_message| specifies
// authentication part of the session-initiate stanza so that
// appropriate type of Authenticator can be chosen for the session
// (useful when multiple authenticators is supported). Returns nullptr
// if the |first_message| is invalid and the session should be
// rejected. ProcessMessage() should be called with |first_message|
// for the result of this method.
virtual scoped_ptr<Authenticator> CreateAuthenticator(
const std::string& local_jid,
const std::string& remote_jid,
const buzz::XmlElement* first_message) = 0;
} // namespace protocol
} // namespace remoting