blob: 8d0582e87d50ffe602f20871946f31495311dbbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The Safe Browsing service is responsible for downloading anti-phishing and
// anti-malware tables and checking urls against them.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/scoped_multi_source_observation.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner_helpers_forward.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/net/proxy_config_monitor.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/services_delegate.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/buildflags.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/content/browser/safe_browsing_service_interface.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/core/browser/db/util.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/core/common/safe_browsing_prefs.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom-forward.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/incident_reporting/delayed_analysis_callback.h"
class PrefChangeRegistrar;
class PrefService;
namespace content {
class DownloadManager;
namespace network {
namespace mojom {
class NetworkContext;
class PendingSharedURLLoaderFactory;
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
} // namespace network
namespace prefs {
namespace mojom {
class TrackedPreferenceValidationDelegate;
} // namespace prefs
namespace extensions {
class SafeBrowsingPrivateApiUnitTest;
} // namespace extensions
namespace safe_browsing {
class PingManager;
class VerdictCacheManager;
class DownloadProtectionService;
class PasswordProtectionService;
class SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager;
class SafeBrowsingNetworkContext;
class SafeBrowsingServiceFactory;
class SafeBrowsingUIManager;
class TriggerManager;
// Construction needs to happen on the main thread.
// The SafeBrowsingService owns both the UI and Database managers which do
// the heavylifting of safebrowsing service. Both of these managers stay
// alive until SafeBrowsingService is destroyed, however, they are disabled
// permanently when Shutdown method is called.
class SafeBrowsingService : public SafeBrowsingServiceInterface,
public ProfileManagerObserver,
public ProfileObserver {
SafeBrowsingService(const SafeBrowsingService&) = delete;
SafeBrowsingService& operator=(const SafeBrowsingService&) = delete;
static base::FilePath GetCookieFilePathForTesting();
static base::FilePath GetBaseFilename();
// Called on the UI thread to initialize the service.
void Initialize();
// Called on the main thread to let us know that the io_thread is going away.
void ShutDown();
// NOTE(vakh): This is not the most reliable way to find out if extended
// reporting has been enabled. That's why it starts with estimated_. It
// returns true if any of the profiles have extended reporting enabled. It may
// be called on any thread. That can lead to a race condition, but that's
// acceptable.
ExtendedReportingLevel estimated_extended_reporting_by_prefs() const {
return estimated_extended_reporting_by_prefs_;
// Get current enabled status. Must be called on IO thread.
bool enabled() const {
return enabled_;
// Whether the service is enabled by the current set of profiles.
bool enabled_by_prefs() const {
return enabled_by_prefs_;
// The DownloadProtectionService is not valid after the SafeBrowsingService
// is destroyed.
DownloadProtectionService* download_protection_service() const {
return services_delegate_->GetDownloadService();
// NetworkContext and URLLoaderFactory used for safe browsing requests.
// Called on UI thread.
// TODO(crbug/1049833): Transition all callers of these functions to the
// per-profile methods below.
network::mojom::NetworkContext* GetNetworkContext();
virtual scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> GetURLLoaderFactory();
// Get the NetworkContext or URLLoaderFactory attached to |browser_context|.
// Called on UI thread.
network::mojom::NetworkContext* GetNetworkContext(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context) override;
virtual scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> GetURLLoaderFactory(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Flushes above two interfaces to avoid races in tests.
void FlushNetworkInterfaceForTesting();
const scoped_refptr<SafeBrowsingUIManager>& ui_manager() const;
virtual const scoped_refptr<SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager>& database_manager()
ReferrerChainProvider* GetReferrerChainProviderFromBrowserContext(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context) override;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
LoginReputationClientRequest::ReferringAppInfo GetReferringAppInfo(
content::WebContents* web_contents) override;
// Called on UI thread.
PingManager* ping_manager() const;
TriggerManager* trigger_manager() const;
// Gets PasswordProtectionService by profile.
PasswordProtectionService* GetPasswordProtectionService(
Profile* profile) const;
// Returns a preference validation delegate that adds incidents to the
// incident reporting service for validation failures. Returns NULL if the
// service is not applicable for the given profile.
CreatePreferenceValidationDelegate(Profile* profile) const;
// Registers |callback| to be run after some delay following process launch.
// |callback| will be dropped if the service is not applicable for the
// process.
void RegisterDelayedAnalysisCallback(DelayedAnalysisCallback callback);
// Adds |download_manager| to the set monitored by safe browsing.
void AddDownloadManager(content::DownloadManager* download_manager);
// Type for subscriptions to SafeBrowsing service state.
typedef base::RepeatingClosureList::Subscription StateSubscription;
// Adds a listener for when SafeBrowsing preferences might have changed.
// To get the current state, the callback should call enabled_by_prefs().
// Should only be called on the UI thread.
virtual base::CallbackListSubscription RegisterStateCallback(
const base::RepeatingClosure& callback);
// Sends serialized download report to backend.
virtual void SendSerializedDownloadReport(Profile* profile,
const std::string& report);
// Create the default v4 protocol config struct.
virtual V4ProtocolConfig GetV4ProtocolConfig() const;
// Get the cache manager by profile.
VerdictCacheManager* GetVerdictCacheManager(Profile* profile) const;
// Creates the safe browsing service. Need to initialize before using.
~SafeBrowsingService() override;
virtual SafeBrowsingUIManager* CreateUIManager();
// Registers all the delayed analysis with the incident reporting service.
// This is where you register your process-wide, profile-independent analysis.
virtual void RegisterAllDelayedAnalysis();
std::unique_ptr<ServicesDelegate> services_delegate_;
friend class SafeBrowsingServiceFactoryImpl;
friend struct content::BrowserThread::DeleteOnThread<
friend class base::DeleteHelper<SafeBrowsingService>;
friend class SafeBrowsingBlockingPageTestBase;
friend class SafeBrowsingBlockingQuietPageTest;
friend class extensions::SafeBrowsingPrivateApiUnitTest;
friend class SafeBrowsingServerTest;
friend class SafeBrowsingUIManagerTest;
friend class TestSafeBrowsingService;
friend class TestSafeBrowsingServiceFactory;
friend class V4SafeBrowsingServiceTest;
// Returns the client_name to use for Safe Browsing requests..
std::string GetProtocolConfigClientName() const;
void SetDatabaseManagerForTest(SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager* database_manager);
// Called to initialize objects that are used on the io_thread. This may be
// called multiple times during the life of the SafeBrowsingService.
// |sb_url_loader_factory| is a SharedURLLoaderFactory attached to the Safe
// Browsing NetworkContexts, and |browser_url_loader_factory| is attached to
// the global browser process.
// TODO( Remove the sb_url_loader_factory here.
void StartOnIOThread(std::unique_ptr<network::PendingSharedURLLoaderFactory>
// Called to stop or shutdown operations on the io_thread. This may be called
// multiple times to stop during the life of the SafeBrowsingService. If
// shutdown is true, then the operations on the io thread are shutdown
// permanently and cannot be restarted.
void StopOnIOThread(bool shutdown);
// Start up SafeBrowsing objects. This can be called at browser start, or when
// the user checks the "Enable SafeBrowsing" option in the Advanced options
// UI.
void Start();
// Stops the SafeBrowsingService. This can be called when the safe browsing
// preference is disabled. When shutdown is true, operation is permanently
// shutdown and cannot be restarted.
void Stop(bool shutdown);
// ProfileManagerObserver:
void OnProfileAdded(Profile* profile) override;
// ProfileObserver:
void OnOffTheRecordProfileCreated(Profile* off_the_record) override;
void OnProfileWillBeDestroyed(Profile* profile) override;
// Creates services for |profile|, which may be normal or off the record.
void CreateServicesForProfile(Profile* profile);
// Checks if any profile is currently using the safe browsing service, and
// starts or stops the service accordingly.
void RefreshState();
void CreateTriggerManager();
// Creates a configured NetworkContextParams when the network service is in
// use.
network::mojom::NetworkContextParamsPtr CreateNetworkContextParams();
std::unique_ptr<ProxyConfigMonitor> proxy_config_monitor_;
// This owns the URLRequestContext inside the network service. This is used by
// SimpleURLLoader for safe browsing requests.
std::unique_ptr<safe_browsing::SafeBrowsingNetworkContext> network_context_;
// Provides phishing and malware statistics. Accessed on UI thread.
std::unique_ptr<PingManager> ping_manager_;
// Whether SafeBrowsing Extended Reporting is enabled by the current set of
// profiles. Updated on the UI thread.
ExtendedReportingLevel estimated_extended_reporting_by_prefs_;
// Whether the service has been shutdown.
bool shutdown_;
// Whether the service is running. 'enabled_' is used by SafeBrowsingService
// on the IO thread during normal operations.
bool enabled_;
// Whether SafeBrowsing is enabled by the current set of profiles.
// Accessed on UI thread.
bool enabled_by_prefs_;
// Tracks existing PrefServices, and the safe browsing preference on each.
// This is used to determine if any profile is currently using the safe
// browsing service, and to start it up or shut it down accordingly.
// Accessed on UI thread.
std::map<PrefService*, std::unique_ptr<PrefChangeRegistrar>> prefs_map_;
// Tracks existing PrefServices. This is used to clear the cached user
// population whenever a relevant pref is changed.
std::map<PrefService*, std::unique_ptr<PrefChangeRegistrar>>
// Callbacks when SafeBrowsing state might have changed.
// Should only be accessed on the UI thread.
base::RepeatingClosureList state_callback_list_;
// The UI manager handles showing interstitials. Accessed on both UI and IO
// thread.
scoped_refptr<SafeBrowsingUIManager> ui_manager_;
base::ScopedMultiSourceObservation<Profile, ProfileObserver>
std::unique_ptr<TriggerManager> trigger_manager_;
SafeBrowsingServiceFactory* GetSafeBrowsingServiceFactory();
} // namespace safe_browsing