blob: a495cefa8539fa13c20cea098eb8a7d320ef38c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_handler.h"
#include "base/containers/adapters.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_structure.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_data_validation.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/signatures_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
namespace autofill {
namespace {
// Set a conservative upper bound on the number of forms we are willing to
// cache, simply to prevent unbounded memory consumption.
const size_t kAutofillHandlerMaxFormCacheSize = 100;
// Returns the AutofillField* corresponding to |field| in |form| or nullptr,
// if not found.
AutofillField* FindAutofillFillField(const FormStructure& form,
const FormFieldData& field) {
for (const auto& cur_field : form) {
if (cur_field->SameFieldAs(field)) {
return cur_field.get();
return nullptr;
// Returns true if |live_form| does not match |cached_form|.
bool CachedFormNeedsUpdate(const FormData& live_form,
const FormStructure& cached_form) {
if (live_form.fields.size() != cached_form.field_count())
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cached_form.field_count(); ++i) {
if (!cached_form.field(i)->SameFieldAs(live_form.fields[i]))
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
using base::TimeTicks;
AutofillHandler::AutofillHandler(AutofillDriver* driver) : driver_(driver) {}
AutofillHandler::~AutofillHandler() = default;
void AutofillHandler::OnFormSubmitted(const FormData& form,
bool known_success,
SubmissionSource source) {
if (IsValidFormData(form))
OnFormSubmittedImpl(form, known_success, source);
void AutofillHandler::OnFormsSeen(const std::vector<FormData>& forms,
const base::TimeTicks timestamp) {
if (!IsValidFormDataVector(forms) || !driver_->RendererIsAvailable())
// This should be called even forms is empty, AutofillProviderAndroid uses
// this event to detect form submission.
if (!ShouldParseForms(forms, timestamp))
if (forms.empty())
// Parse each of the forms. Because parsing a given FormData may invalidate
// and replace a form parsed before it (invalidating any pointers we might
// hold) we track the newly created form signatures instead of remembering
// the pointer values.
std::set<FormSignature> new_form_signatures;
for (const FormData& form : forms) {
const auto parse_form_start_time = TimeTicks::Now();
FormStructure* form_structure = nullptr;
if (!ParseForm(form, /*cached_form=*/nullptr, &form_structure))
AutofillMetrics::LogParseFormTiming(TimeTicks::Now() -
if (new_form_signatures.empty())
// Populate the set of newly created form structures and call the
// OnFormsParsed handler.
std::vector<FormStructure*> new_form_structures;
for (auto signature : new_form_signatures) {
FormStructure* form_structure = nullptr;
if (FindCachedForm(signature, &form_structure) && form_structure) {
} else {
OnFormsParsed(new_form_structures, timestamp);
void AutofillHandler::OnTextFieldDidChange(const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field,
const gfx::RectF& bounding_box,
const TimeTicks timestamp) {
if (!IsValidFormData(form) || !IsValidFormFieldData(field))
gfx::RectF transformed_box =
OnTextFieldDidChangeImpl(form, field, transformed_box, timestamp);
void AutofillHandler::OnTextFieldDidScroll(const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field,
const gfx::RectF& bounding_box) {
if (!IsValidFormData(form) || !IsValidFormFieldData(field))
gfx::RectF transformed_box =
OnTextFieldDidScrollImpl(form, field, transformed_box);
void AutofillHandler::OnSelectControlDidChange(const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field,
const gfx::RectF& bounding_box) {
if (!IsValidFormData(form) || !IsValidFormFieldData(field))
gfx::RectF transformed_box =
OnSelectControlDidChangeImpl(form, field, transformed_box);
void AutofillHandler::OnQueryFormFieldAutofill(
int query_id,
const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field,
const gfx::RectF& bounding_box,
bool autoselect_first_suggestion) {
if (!IsValidFormData(form) || !IsValidFormFieldData(field))
gfx::RectF transformed_box =
OnQueryFormFieldAutofillImpl(query_id, form, field, transformed_box,
void AutofillHandler::OnFocusOnFormField(const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field,
const gfx::RectF& bounding_box) {
if (!IsValidFormData(form) || !IsValidFormFieldData(field))
gfx::RectF transformed_box =
OnFocusOnFormFieldImpl(form, field, transformed_box);
void AutofillHandler::SendFormDataToRenderer(
int query_id,
AutofillDriver::RendererFormDataAction action,
const FormData& data) {
driver_->SendFormDataToRenderer(query_id, action, data);
bool AutofillHandler::GetCachedFormAndField(const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field,
FormStructure** form_structure,
AutofillField** autofill_field) {
// Maybe find an existing FormStructure that corresponds to |form|.
FormStructure* cached_form = nullptr;
if (FindCachedForm(form, &cached_form)) {
if (!CachedFormNeedsUpdate(form, *cached_form)) {
// There is no data to return if there are no auto-fillable fields.
if (!cached_form->autofill_count())
return false;
// Return the cached form and matching field, if any.
*form_structure = cached_form;
*autofill_field = FindAutofillFillField(**form_structure, field);
return *autofill_field != nullptr;
// The form is new or updated, parse it and discard |cached_form|.
// i.e., |cached_form| is no longer valid after this call.
if (!ParseForm(form, std::move(cached_form), form_structure))
return false;
// Annotate the updated form with its predicted types.
// There is no data to return if there are no auto-fillable fields.
if (!(*form_structure)->autofill_count())
return false;
// Find the AutofillField that corresponds to |field|.
*autofill_field = FindAutofillFillField(**form_structure, field);
return *autofill_field != nullptr;
bool AutofillHandler::FindCachedForm(FormSignature form_signature,
FormStructure** form_structure) const {
auto it = form_structures_.find(form_signature);
if (it != form_structures_.end()) {
*form_structure = it->second.get();
return true;
return false;
bool AutofillHandler::FindCachedForm(const FormData& form,
FormStructure** form_structure) const {
// Find the FormStructure that corresponds to |form|.
if (FindCachedForm(autofill::CalculateFormSignature(form), form_structure))
return true;
// The form might have been modified by JavaScript which resulted in a change
// of form signature. Compare it to all the forms in the cache to look for a
// match.
for (const auto& it : form_structures_) {
if (*it.second == form) {
*form_structure = it.second.get();
return true;
*form_structure = nullptr;
return false;
bool AutofillHandler::ParseForm(const FormData& form,
const FormStructure* cached_form,
FormStructure** parsed_form_structure) {
if (form_structures_.size() >= kAutofillHandlerMaxFormCacheSize)
return false;
auto form_structure = std::make_unique<FormStructure>(form);
if (!form_structure->ShouldBeParsed())
return false;
if (cached_form) {
// We need to keep the server data if available. We need to use them while
// determining the heuristics.
// Hold the parsed_form_structure we intend to return. We can use this to
// reference the form_signature when transferring ownership below.
*parsed_form_structure = form_structure.get();
// Ownership is transferred to |form_structures_| which maintains it until
// the form is parsed again or the AutofillHandler is destroyed.
// Note that this insert/update takes ownership of the new form structure
// and also destroys the previously cached form structure.
form_structures_[(*parsed_form_structure)->form_signature()] =
return true;
void AutofillHandler::Reset() {
} // namespace autofill