blob: 732cc732b8ddc7474149a9ef1af78cf0114b7ab8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace autofill {
// Make sure that there is at least one upper case and one number in the
// password. |password| must not be null, and must point to a string containing
// at least 3 lower-case letters.
extern void ForceFixPassword(std::string* password);
// Class to generate random passwords. Currently we just use a generic algorithm
// for all sites, but eventually we can incorporate additional information to
// determine passwords that are likely to be accepted (i.e. use pattern field,
// previous generated passwords, crowdsourcing, etc.)
class PasswordGeneratorFips181 {
// |max_length| is used as a hint for the generated password's length.
explicit PasswordGeneratorFips181(int max_length);
// Returns a random password such that:
// (1) Each character is guaranteed to be a non-whitespace printable ASCII
// character.
// (2) The generated password will contain AT LEAST one upper case letter, one
// lower case letter, and one digit.
// (3) The password length will be equal to |password_length_| (see comment
// for the constructor).
// Not thread safe.
std::string Generate() const;
// This method allows to substitute a replacement for the fips181 method
// gen_pron_pass, used by the generator to generate the password. This is
// useful in tests, for providing a deterministic generator.
static void SetGeneratorForTest(int (*generator)(char* word,
char* hypenated_word,
unsigned short minlen,
unsigned short maxlen,
unsigned int pass_mode));
// Unit test also need to access |kDefaultPasswordLength|.
static const int kDefaultPasswordLength;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PasswordGeneratorFips181Test, PasswordLength);
// The length of the generated password.
const int password_length_;
} // namespace autofill