blob: a5262c052fdcd7679ee04f261dcdd130a670dde1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/suggestion.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace autofill {
// Gmock matcher that allows checking a member of the Suggestion class in a
// vector. This wraps a GMock container matcher, converts the suggestion
// members to a vector, and then runs the container matcher against the result
// to test an argument. See SuggestionVectorIdsAre() below.
template<typename EltType>
class SuggestionVectorMembersAreMatcher
: public testing::MatcherInterface<const std::vector<Suggestion>&> {
typedef std::vector<EltType> Container;
typedef testing::Matcher<Container> ContainerMatcher;
const ContainerMatcher& seq_matcher,
EltType Suggestion::*elt)
: container_matcher_(seq_matcher),
element_(elt) {
virtual bool MatchAndExplain(const std::vector<Suggestion>& suggestions,
testing::MatchResultListener* listener) const {
Container container;
for (const auto& suggestion : suggestions)
return container_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(container, listener);
virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
ContainerMatcher container_matcher_;
EltType Suggestion::*element_;
// Use this matcher to compare a sequence vector's IDs to a list. In an
// EXPECT_CALL statement, use the following for an vector<Suggestion> argument
// to compare the IDs against a constant list:
// SuggestionVectorIdsAre(testing::ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4))
template<class EltsAreMatcher>
inline testing::Matcher<const std::vector<Suggestion>&>
SuggestionVectorIdsAre(const EltsAreMatcher& elts_are_matcher) {
return testing::MakeMatcher(
new SuggestionVectorMembersAreMatcher<int>(
elts_are_matcher, &Suggestion::frontend_id));
// Like SuggestionVectorIdsAre above, but tests the values.
template<class EltsAreMatcher>
inline testing::Matcher<const std::vector<Suggestion>&>
SuggestionVectorValuesAre(const EltsAreMatcher& elts_are_matcher) {
return testing::MakeMatcher(
new SuggestionVectorMembersAreMatcher<base::string16>(
elts_are_matcher, &Suggestion::value));
// Like SuggestionVectorIdsAre above, but tests the labels.
template<class EltsAreMatcher>
inline testing::Matcher<const std::vector<Suggestion>&>
SuggestionVectorLabelsAre(const EltsAreMatcher& elts_are_matcher) {
return testing::MakeMatcher(
new SuggestionVectorMembersAreMatcher<base::string16>(
elts_are_matcher, &Suggestion::label));
// Like SuggestionVectorIdsAre above, but tests the icons.
template <class EltsAreMatcher>
inline testing::Matcher<const std::vector<Suggestion>&>
SuggestionVectorIconsAre(const EltsAreMatcher& elts_are_matcher) {
return testing::MakeMatcher(
new SuggestionVectorMembersAreMatcher<base::string16>(elts_are_matcher,
} // namespace autofill