blob: 7fbaf37a7c72c5d63d4516b874431bdc1bfaa17e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/base/ime/win/imm32_manager.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/composition_text.h"
// Following code requires wchar_t to be same as char16. It should always be
// true on Windows.
static_assert(sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(base::char16),
"wchar_t should be the same size as char16");
// IMM32Manager
namespace {
// Determines whether or not the given attribute represents a target
// (a.k.a. a selection).
bool IsTargetAttribute(char attribute) {
return (attribute == ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED ||
// Helper function for IMM32Manager::GetCompositionInfo() method, to get the
// target range that's selected by the user in the current composition string.
void GetCompositionTargetRange(HIMC imm_context, int* target_start,
int* target_end) {
int attribute_size = ::ImmGetCompositionString(imm_context, GCS_COMPATTR,
NULL, 0);
if (attribute_size > 0) {
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> attribute_data(new char[attribute_size]);
if (attribute_data.get()) {
::ImmGetCompositionString(imm_context, GCS_COMPATTR,
attribute_data.get(), attribute_size);
for (start = 0; start < attribute_size; ++start) {
if (IsTargetAttribute(attribute_data[start]))
for (end = start; end < attribute_size; ++end) {
if (!IsTargetAttribute(attribute_data[end]))
*target_start = start;
*target_end = end;
// Helper function for IMM32Manager::GetCompositionInfo() method, to get
// underlines information of the current composition string.
void GetImeTextSpans(HIMC imm_context,
int target_start,
int target_end,
ui::ImeTextSpans* ime_text_spans) {
int clause_size = ::ImmGetCompositionString(imm_context, GCS_COMPCLAUSE,
NULL, 0);
int clause_length = clause_size / sizeof(uint32_t);
if (clause_length) {
std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> clause_data(new uint32_t[clause_length]);
if (clause_data.get()) {
::ImmGetCompositionString(imm_context, GCS_COMPCLAUSE,
clause_data.get(), clause_size);
for (int i = 0; i < clause_length - 1; ++i) {
ui::ImeTextSpan ime_text_span;
ime_text_span.start_offset = clause_data[i];
ime_text_span.end_offset = clause_data[i + 1];
ime_text_span.underline_color = SK_ColorBLACK;
ime_text_span.thickness = ui::ImeTextSpan::Thickness::kThin;
ime_text_span.background_color = SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
// Use thick underline for the target clause.
if (ime_text_span.start_offset >= static_cast<uint32_t>(target_start) &&
ime_text_span.end_offset <= static_cast<uint32_t>(target_end)) {
ime_text_span.thickness = ui::ImeTextSpan::Thickness::kThick;
} // namespace
namespace ui {
: is_composing_(false),
caret_rect_(-1, -1, 0, 0),
use_composition_window_(false) {
IMM32Manager::~IMM32Manager() {
void IMM32Manager::SetInputLanguage() {
// Retrieve the current input language from the system's keyboard layout.
// Using GetKeyboardLayoutName instead of GetKeyboardLayout, because
// the language from GetKeyboardLayout is the language under where the
// keyboard layout is installed. And the language from GetKeyboardLayoutName
// indicates the language of the keyboard layout itself.
// See
WCHAR keyboard_layout[KL_NAMELENGTH];
if (::GetKeyboardLayoutNameW(keyboard_layout)) {
input_language_id_ =
wcstol(&keyboard_layout[KL_NAMELENGTH >> 1], nullptr, 16));
} else {
input_language_id_ = 0x0409; // Fallback to en-US.
void IMM32Manager::CreateImeWindow(HWND window_handle) {
// When a user disables TSF (Text Service Framework) and CUAS (Cicero
// Unaware Application Support), Chinese IMEs somehow ignore function calls
// to ::ImmSetCandidateWindow(), i.e. they do not move their candidate
// window to the position given as its parameters, and use the position
// of the current system caret instead, i.e. it uses ::GetCaretPos() to
// retrieve the position of their IME candidate window.
// Therefore, we create a temporary system caret for Chinese IMEs and use
// it during this input context.
// Since some third-party Japanese IME also uses ::GetCaretPos() to determine
// their window position, we also create a caret for Japanese IMEs.
if (PRIMARYLANGID(input_language_id_) == LANG_CHINESE ||
PRIMARYLANGID(input_language_id_) == LANG_JAPANESE) {
if (!system_caret_) {
if (::CreateCaret(window_handle, NULL, 1, 1)) {
system_caret_ = true;
// Restore the positions of the IME windows.
LRESULT IMM32Manager::SetImeWindowStyle(HWND window_handle, UINT message,
WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam,
BOOL* handled) {
// To prevent the IMM (Input Method Manager) from displaying the IME
// composition window, Update the styles of the IME windows and EXPLICITLY
// call ::DefWindowProc() here.
// NOTE(hbono): We can NEVER let WTL call ::DefWindowProc() when we update
// the styles of IME windows because the 'lparam' variable is a local one
// and all its updates disappear in returning from this function, i.e. WTL
// does not call ::DefWindowProc() with our updated 'lparam' value but call
// the function with its original value and over-writes our window styles.
*handled = TRUE;
return ::DefWindowProc(window_handle, message, wparam, lparam);
void IMM32Manager::DestroyImeWindow(HWND window_handle) {
// Destroy the system caret if we have created for this IME input context.
if (system_caret_) {
system_caret_ = false;
void IMM32Manager::MoveImeWindow(HWND window_handle, HIMC imm_context) {
// Does nothing when the target window has no input focus. This is important
// because the renderer may issue SelectionBoundsChanged event even when it
// has no input focus. (e.g. the page update caused by incremental search.)
// So this event should be ignored when the |window_handle| no longer has the
// input focus.
if (GetFocus() != window_handle)
int x = caret_rect_.x();
int y = caret_rect_.y();
const int kCaretMargin = 1;
if (!use_composition_window_ &&
PRIMARYLANGID(input_language_id_) == LANG_CHINESE) {
// As written in a comment in IMM32Manager::CreateImeWindow(),
// Chinese IMEs ignore function calls to ::ImmSetCandidateWindow()
// when a user disables TSF (Text Service Framework) and CUAS (Cicero
// Unaware Application Support).
// On the other hand, when a user enables TSF and CUAS, Chinese IMEs
// ignore the position of the current system caret and uses the
// parameters given to ::ImmSetCandidateWindow() with its 'dwStyle'
// parameter CFS_CANDIDATEPOS.
// Therefore, we do not only call ::ImmSetCandidateWindow() but also
// set the positions of the temporary system caret if it exists.
CANDIDATEFORM candidate_position = {0, CFS_CANDIDATEPOS, {x, y},
{0, 0, 0, 0}};
::ImmSetCandidateWindow(imm_context, &candidate_position);
if (system_caret_) {
switch (PRIMARYLANGID(input_language_id_)) {
::SetCaretPos(x, y + caret_rect_.height());
::SetCaretPos(x, y);
if (use_composition_window_) {
// Moves the composition text window.
::ImmSetCompositionWindow(imm_context, &cf);
// Don't need to set the position of candidate window.
if (PRIMARYLANGID(input_language_id_) == LANG_KOREAN) {
// Chinese IMEs and Japanese IMEs require the upper-left corner of
// the caret to move the position of their candidate windows.
// On the other hand, Korean IMEs require the lower-left corner of the
// caret to move their candidate windows.
y += kCaretMargin;
// Japanese IMEs and Korean IMEs also use the rectangle given to
// ::ImmSetCandidateWindow() with its 'dwStyle' parameter CFS_EXCLUDE
// to move their candidate windows when a user disables TSF and CUAS.
// Therefore, we also set this parameter here.
CANDIDATEFORM exclude_rectangle = {0, CFS_EXCLUDE, {x, y},
{x, y, x + caret_rect_.width(), y + caret_rect_.height()}};
::ImmSetCandidateWindow(imm_context, &exclude_rectangle);
void IMM32Manager::UpdateImeWindow(HWND window_handle) {
// Just move the IME window attached to the given window.
if (caret_rect_.x() >= 0 && caret_rect_.y() >= 0) {
HIMC imm_context = ::ImmGetContext(window_handle);
if (imm_context) {
MoveImeWindow(window_handle, imm_context);
::ImmReleaseContext(window_handle, imm_context);
void IMM32Manager::CleanupComposition(HWND window_handle) {
// Notify the IMM attached to the given window to complete the ongoing
// composition, (this case happens when the given window is de-activated
// while composing a text and re-activated), and reset the omposition status.
if (is_composing_) {
HIMC imm_context = ::ImmGetContext(window_handle);
if (imm_context) {
::ImmNotifyIME(imm_context, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_COMPLETE, 0);
::ImmReleaseContext(window_handle, imm_context);
void IMM32Manager::ResetComposition(HWND window_handle) {
// Currently, just reset the composition status.
is_composing_ = false;
void IMM32Manager::CompleteComposition(HWND window_handle, HIMC imm_context) {
// We have to confirm there is an ongoing composition before completing it.
// This is for preventing some IMEs from getting confused while completing an
// ongoing composition even if they do not have any ongoing compositions.)
if (is_composing_) {
::ImmNotifyIME(imm_context, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_COMPLETE, 0);
void IMM32Manager::GetCompositionInfo(HIMC imm_context,
LPARAM lparam,
CompositionText* composition) {
// convert them into composition underlines and selection range respectively.
int length = static_cast<int>(composition->text.length());
// Find out the range selected by the user.
int target_start = length;
int target_end = length;
if (lparam & GCS_COMPATTR)
GetCompositionTargetRange(imm_context, &target_start, &target_end);
// Retrieve the selection range information. If CS_NOMOVECARET is specified,
// that means the cursor should not be moved, then we just place the caret at
// the beginning of the composition string. Otherwise we should honour the
// GCS_CURSORPOS value if it's available.
// TODO(suzhe): due to a bug of webkit, we currently can't use selection range
// with composition string. See:
if (!(lparam & CS_NOMOVECARET) && (lparam & GCS_CURSORPOS)) {
// IMM32 does not support non-zero-width selection in a composition. So
// always use the caret position as selection range.
int cursor = ::ImmGetCompositionString(imm_context, GCS_CURSORPOS, NULL, 0);
composition->selection = gfx::Range(cursor);
} else {
composition->selection = gfx::Range(0);
// Retrieve the clause segmentations and convert them to ime_text_spans.
if (lparam & GCS_COMPCLAUSE) {
GetImeTextSpans(imm_context, target_start, target_end,
// Set default composition underlines in case there is no clause information.
if (!composition->ime_text_spans.empty())
ImeTextSpan ime_text_span;
ime_text_span.underline_color = SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
ime_text_span.background_color = SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
if (target_start > 0) {
ime_text_span.start_offset = 0U;
ime_text_span.end_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(target_start);
ime_text_span.thickness = ui::ImeTextSpan::Thickness::kThin;
if (target_end > target_start) {
ime_text_span.start_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(target_start);
ime_text_span.end_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(target_end);
ime_text_span.thickness = ui::ImeTextSpan::Thickness::kThick;
if (target_end < length) {
ime_text_span.start_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(target_end);
ime_text_span.end_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(length);
ime_text_span.thickness = ui::ImeTextSpan::Thickness::kThin;
bool IMM32Manager::GetString(HIMC imm_context,
WPARAM lparam,
int type,
base::string16* result) {
if (!(lparam & type))
return false;
LONG string_size = ::ImmGetCompositionString(imm_context, type, NULL, 0);
if (string_size <= 0)
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(0u, string_size % sizeof(wchar_t));
::ImmGetCompositionString(imm_context, type,
base::WriteInto(result, (string_size / sizeof(wchar_t)) + 1),
return true;
bool IMM32Manager::GetResult(
HWND window_handle, LPARAM lparam, base::string16* result) {
bool ret = false;
HIMC imm_context = ::ImmGetContext(window_handle);
if (imm_context) {
ret = GetString(imm_context, lparam, GCS_RESULTSTR, result);
::ImmReleaseContext(window_handle, imm_context);
return ret;
bool IMM32Manager::GetComposition(HWND window_handle, LPARAM lparam,
CompositionText* composition) {
bool ret = false;
HIMC imm_context = ::ImmGetContext(window_handle);
if (imm_context) {
// Copy the composition string to the CompositionText object.
ret = GetString(imm_context, lparam, GCS_COMPSTR, &composition->text);
if (ret) {
// This is a dirty workaround for facebook. Facebook deletes the
// placeholder character (U+3000) used by Traditional-Chinese IMEs at the
// beginning of composition text. This prevents WebKit from replacing this
// placeholder character with a Traditional-Chinese character, i.e. we
// cannot input any characters in a comment box of facebook with
// Traditional-Chinese IMEs. As a workaround, we replace U+3000 at the
// beginning of composition text with U+FF3F, a placeholder character used
// by Japanese IMEs.
if (input_language_id_ == MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE,
composition->text[0] == 0x3000) {
composition->text[0] = 0xFF3F;
// Retrieve the IME text spans and selection range information.
GetCompositionInfo(imm_context, lparam, composition);
// Mark that there is an ongoing composition.
is_composing_ = true;
::ImmReleaseContext(window_handle, imm_context);
return ret;
void IMM32Manager::DisableIME(HWND window_handle) {
// A renderer process have moved its input focus to a password input
// when there is an ongoing composition, e.g. a user has clicked a
// mouse button and selected a password input while composing a text.
// For this case, we have to complete the ongoing composition and
// clean up the resources attached to this object BEFORE DISABLING THE IME.
::ImmAssociateContextEx(window_handle, NULL, 0);
void IMM32Manager::CancelIME(HWND window_handle) {
if (is_composing_) {
HIMC imm_context = ::ImmGetContext(window_handle);
if (imm_context) {
::ImmNotifyIME(imm_context, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_CANCEL, 0);
::ImmReleaseContext(window_handle, imm_context);
void IMM32Manager::EnableIME(HWND window_handle) {
// Load the default IME context.
// NOTE(hbono)
// IMM ignores this call if the IME context is loaded. Therefore, we do
// not have to check whether or not the IME context is loaded.
::ImmAssociateContextEx(window_handle, NULL, IACE_DEFAULT);
void IMM32Manager::UpdateCaretRect(HWND window_handle,
const gfx::Rect& caret_rect) {
// Save the caret position, and Update the position of the IME window.
// This update is used for moving an IME window when a renderer process
// resize/moves the input caret.
if (caret_rect_ != caret_rect) {
caret_rect_ = caret_rect;
// Move the IME windows.
HIMC imm_context = ::ImmGetContext(window_handle);
if (imm_context) {
MoveImeWindow(window_handle, imm_context);
::ImmReleaseContext(window_handle, imm_context);
void IMM32Manager::SetUseCompositionWindow(bool use_composition_window) {
use_composition_window_ = use_composition_window;
bool IMM32Manager::IsInputLanguageCJK() const {
LANGID lang = PRIMARYLANGID(input_language_id_);
return lang == LANG_CHINESE || lang == LANG_JAPANESE ||
lang == LANG_KOREAN;
void IMM32Manager::SetTextInputMode(HWND window_handle,
TextInputMode input_mode) {
if (input_mode == ui::TEXT_INPUT_MODE_DEFAULT)
const HIMC imm_context = ::ImmGetContext(window_handle);
if (!imm_context)
DWORD conversion_mode = 0;
DWORD sentence_mode = 0;
if (::ImmGetConversionStatus(imm_context, &conversion_mode, &sentence_mode)
== FALSE) {
BOOL open = FALSE;
ConvertInputModeToImmFlags(input_mode, conversion_mode, &open,
::ImmSetOpenStatus(imm_context, open);
if (open)
::ImmSetConversionStatus(imm_context, conversion_mode, sentence_mode);
::ImmReleaseContext(window_handle, imm_context);
// static
void IMM32Manager::ConvertInputModeToImmFlags(TextInputMode input_mode,
DWORD initial_conversion_mode,
BOOL* open,
DWORD* new_conversion_mode) {
*open = FALSE;
*new_conversion_mode = initial_conversion_mode;
} // namespace ui