blob: 78068007c5f03107bc5e2637bf27a6cddfb6c801 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/policy_builder.h"
class AccountId;
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
} // namespace base
namespace chromeos {
class FakeSessionManagerClient;
} // namespace chromeos
namespace policy {
class DevicePolicyCrosTestHelper;
namespace affiliation_test_helper {
// Creates policy key file for the user specified in |user_policy|.
// TODO(peletskyi): Replace pointer with const reference and replace this
// boilerplate in other places (
void SetUserKeys(policy::UserPolicyBuilder* user_policy);
// Sets device affiliation ID to |fake_session_manager| from
// |device_affiliation_ids| and modifies |test_helper| so that it contains
// correct values of device affiliation IDs for future use. To add some device
// policies and have device affiliation ID valid please use |test_helper|
// modified by this function. Example:
// FakeSessionManagerClient* fake_session_manager_client =
// new chromeos::FakeSessionManagerClient;
// DBusThreadManager::GetSetterForTesting()->SetSessionManagerClient(
// std::unique_ptr<SessionManagerClient>(fake_session_manager_client));
// policy::DevicePolicyCrosTestHelper test_helper;
// std::set<std::string> device_affiliation_ids;
// device_affiliation_ids.insert(some-affiliation-id);
// affiliation_test_helper::SetDeviceAffiliationID(&test_helper,
// fake_session_manager_client,
// device_affiliation_ids);
// If it is used together with SetUserAffiliationIDs() (which is the most common
// case) |fake_session_manager_client| must point to the same object as in
// SetUserAffiliationIDs() call.
// In browser tests one can call this function from
// SetUpInProcessBrowserTestFixture().
void SetDeviceAffiliationID(
policy::DevicePolicyCrosTestHelper* test_helper,
chromeos::FakeSessionManagerClient* fake_session_manager_client,
const std::set<std::string>& device_affiliation_ids);
// Sets user affiliation ID for |user_account_id| to |fake_session_manager| from
// |user_affiliation_ids| and modifies |user_policy| so that it contains
// correct values of user affiliation IDs for future use. To add user policies
// and have user affiliation IDs valid please use |user_policy| modified by this
// function. Example:
// FakeSessionManagerClient* fake_session_manager_client =
// new chromeos::FakeSessionManagerClient;
// DBusThreadManager::GetSetterForTesting()->SetSessionManagerClient(
// std::unique_ptr<SessionManagerClient>(fake_session_manager_client));
// policy::UserPolicyBuilder user_policy;
// std::set<std::string> user_affiliation_ids;
// user_affiliation_ids.insert("some-affiliation-id");
// affiliation_test_helper::SetUserAffiliationIDs(
// &user_policy, fake_session_manager_client, "",
// user_affiliation_ids);
// If it is used together SetDeviceAffiliationID() (which is the most common
// case) |fake_session_manager_client| must point to the same object as in
// SetDeviceAffiliationID() call.
// In browser tests one can call this function from
// SetUpInProcessBrowserTestFixture().
void SetUserAffiliationIDs(
policy::UserPolicyBuilder* user_policy,
chromeos::FakeSessionManagerClient* fake_session_manager_client,
const AccountId& user_account_id,
const std::set<std::string>& user_affiliation_ids);
// Registers the user with the given |account_id| on the device and marks OOBE
// as completed. This method should be called in PRE_* test.
void PreLoginUser(const AccountId& account_id);
// Log in user with |account_id|. User should be registered using
// PreLoginUser().
void LoginUser(const AccountId& user_id);
// Set necessary for login command line switches. Execute it in
// SetUpCommandLine().
void AppendCommandLineSwitchesForLoginManager(base::CommandLine* command_line);
extern const char kFakeRefreshToken[];
extern const char kEnterpriseUserEmail[];
extern const char kEnterpriseUserGaiaId[];
} // namespace affiliation_test_helper
} // namespace policy