blob: a53afe3cfb3d6f29995ecb8abcf2ca3f09a6e3e7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A wrapper around ssh for common operations on a CrOS-based device"""
import logging
import re
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
# Some developers' workflow includes running the Chrome process from
# /usr/local/... instead of the default location. We have to check for both
# paths in order to support this workflow.
_CHROME_PATHS = ['/opt/google/chrome/chrome ',
'/usr/local/opt/google/chrome/chrome ']
def RunCmd(args, cwd=None, quiet=False):
"""Opens a subprocess to execute a program and returns its return value.
args: A string or a sequence of program arguments. The program to execute is
the string or the first item in the args sequence.
cwd: If not None, the subprocess's current directory will be changed to
|cwd| before it's executed.
Return code from the command execution.
if not quiet:
logging.debug(' '.join(args) + ' ' + (cwd or ''))
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
p = subprocess.Popen(args=args, cwd=cwd, stdout=devnull,
stderr=devnull, stdin=devnull, shell=False)
return p.wait()
def GetAllCmdOutput(args, cwd=None, quiet=False):
"""Open a subprocess to execute a program and returns its output.
args: A string or a sequence of program arguments. The program to execute is
the string or the first item in the args sequence.
cwd: If not None, the subprocess's current directory will be changed to
|cwd| before it's executed.
Captures and returns the command's stdout.
Prints the command's stderr to logger (which defaults to stdout).
if not quiet:
logging.debug(' '.join(args) + ' ' + (cwd or ''))
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
p = subprocess.Popen(args=args, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=devnull)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if not quiet:
logging.debug(' > stdout=[%s], stderr=[%s]', stdout, stderr)
return stdout, stderr
def HasSSH():
RunCmd(['ssh'], quiet=True)
RunCmd(['scp'], quiet=True)
return True
except OSError:
return False
class LoginException(Exception):
class KeylessLoginRequiredException(LoginException):
class CrOSInterface(object):
# pylint: disable=R0923
def __init__(self, hostname = None, ssh_identity = None):
self._hostname = hostname
# List of ports generated from GetRemotePort() that may not be in use yet.
self._reserved_ports = []
if self.local:
self._ssh_identity = None
self._ssh_args = ['-o ConnectTimeout=5',
'-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
'-o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no',
'-o PreferredAuthentications=publickey',
'-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null',
'-o ControlMaster=no']
if ssh_identity:
self._ssh_identity = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(ssh_identity))
# Establish master SSH connection using ControlPersist.
# Since only one test will be run on a remote host at a time,
# the control socket filename can be telemetry@hostname.
self._ssh_control_file = '/tmp/' + 'telemetry' + '@' + hostname
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:['-M', '-o ControlPersist=yes']),
stdin=devnull, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
def local(self):
return not self._hostname
def hostname(self):
return self._hostname
def FormSSHCommandLine(self, args, extra_ssh_args=None):
if self.local:
# We run the command through the shell locally for consistency with
# how commands are run through SSH ( This work
# around will be unnecessary once we implement a persistent SSH
# connection to run remote commands (
return ['sh', '-c', " ".join(args)]
full_args = ['ssh',
'-o ForwardX11=no',
'-o ForwardX11Trusted=no',
'-n', '-S', self._ssh_control_file] + self._ssh_args
if self._ssh_identity is not None:
full_args.extend(['-i', self._ssh_identity])
if extra_ssh_args:
full_args.append('root@%s' % self._hostname)
return full_args
def _RemoveSSHWarnings(self, toClean):
"""Removes specific ssh warning lines from a string.
toClean: A string that may be containing multiple lines.
A copy of toClean with all the Warning lines removed.
# Remove the Warning about connecting to a new host for the first time.
return re.sub('Warning: Permanently added [^\n]* to the list of known '
'hosts.\s\n', '', toClean)
def RunCmdOnDevice(self, args, cwd=None, quiet=False):
stdout, stderr = GetAllCmdOutput(
self.FormSSHCommandLine(args), cwd, quiet=quiet)
# The initial login will add the host to the hosts file but will also print
# a warning to stderr that we need to remove.
stderr = self._RemoveSSHWarnings(stderr)
return stdout, stderr
def TryLogin(self):
assert not self.local
stdout, stderr = self.RunCmdOnDevice(['echo', '$USER'], quiet=True)
if stderr != '':
if 'Host key verification failed' in stderr:
raise LoginException(('%s host key verification failed. ' +
'SSH to it manually to fix connectivity.') %
if 'Operation timed out' in stderr:
raise LoginException('Timed out while logging into %s' % self._hostname)
raise LoginException('Permissions for %s are too open. To fix this,\n'
'chmod 600 %s' % (self._ssh_identity,
if 'Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)' in stderr:
raise KeylessLoginRequiredException(
'Need to set up ssh auth for %s' % self._hostname)
raise LoginException('While logging into %s, got %s' % (
self._hostname, stderr))
if stdout != 'root\n':
raise LoginException(
'Logged into %s, expected $USER=root, but got %s.' % (
self._hostname, stdout))
def FileExistsOnDevice(self, file_name):
if self.local:
return os.path.exists(file_name)
stdout, stderr = self.RunCmdOnDevice([
'if', 'test', '-e', file_name, ';',
'then', 'echo', '1', ';',
], quiet=True)
if stderr != '':
if "Connection timed out" in stderr:
raise OSError('Machine wasn\'t responding to ssh: %s' %
raise OSError('Unexpected error: %s' % stderr)
exists = stdout == '1\n'
logging.debug("FileExistsOnDevice(<text>, %s)->%s" % (file_name, exists))
return exists
def PushFile(self, filename, remote_filename):
if self.local:
args = ['cp', '-r', filename, remote_filename]
stdout, stderr = GetAllCmdOutput(args, quiet=True)
if stderr != '':
raise OSError('No such file or directory %s' % stderr)
args = ['scp', '-r' ] + self._ssh_args
if self._ssh_identity:
args.extend(['-i', self._ssh_identity])
'root@%s:%s' % (self._hostname, remote_filename)])
stdout, stderr = GetAllCmdOutput(args, quiet=True)
stderr = self._RemoveSSHWarnings(stderr)
if stderr != '':
raise OSError('No such file or directory %s' % stderr)
def PushContents(self, text, remote_filename):
logging.debug("PushContents(<text>, %s)" % remote_filename)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
self.PushFile(, remote_filename)
def GetFile(self, filename, destfile=None):
"""Copies a local file |filename| to |destfile| on the device.
filename: The name of the local source file.
destfile: The name of the file to copy to, and if it is not specified
then it is the basename of the source file.
logging.debug("GetFile(%s, %s)" % (filename, destfile))
if self.local:
if destfile is not None and destfile != filename:
shutil.copyfile(filename, destfile)
if destfile is None:
destfile = os.path.basename(filename)
args = ['scp'] + self._ssh_args
if self._ssh_identity:
args.extend(['-i', self._ssh_identity])
args.extend(['root@%s:%s' % (self._hostname, filename),
stdout, stderr = GetAllCmdOutput(args, quiet=True)
stderr = self._RemoveSSHWarnings(stderr)
if stderr != '':
raise OSError('No such file or directory %s' % stderr)
def GetFileContents(self, filename):
"""Get the contents of a file on the device.
filename: The name of the file on the device.
A string containing the contents of the file.
# TODO: handle the self.local case
assert not self.local
t = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
with open(, 'r') as f2:
res =
logging.debug("GetFileContents(%s)->%s" % (filename, res))
return res
def ListProcesses(self):
"""Returns (pid, cmd, ppid, state) of all processes on the device."""
stdout, stderr = self.RunCmdOnDevice([
'/bin/ps', '--no-headers',
'-o', 'pid,ppid,args:4096,state'], quiet=True)
assert stderr == '', stderr
procs = []
for l in stdout.split('\n'): # pylint: disable=E1103
if l == '':
m = re.match('^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.+)\s+(.+)', l, re.DOTALL)
assert m
logging.debug("ListProcesses(<predicate>)->[%i processes]" % len(procs))
return procs
def _GetSessionManagerPid(self, procs):
"""Returns the pid of the session_manager process, given the list of
for pid, process, _, _ in procs:
argv = process.split()
if argv and os.path.basename(argv[0]) == 'session_manager':
return pid
return None
def GetChromeProcess(self):
"""Locates the the main chrome browser process.
Chrome on cros is usually in /opt/google/chrome, but could be in
/usr/local/ for developer workflows - debug chrome is too large to fit on
Chrome spawns multiple processes for renderers. pids wrap around after they
are exhausted so looking for the smallest pid is not always correct. We
locate the session_manager's pid, and look for the chrome process that's an
immediate child. This is the main browser process.
procs = self.ListProcesses()
session_manager_pid = self._GetSessionManagerPid(procs)
if not session_manager_pid:
return None
# Find the chrome process that is the child of the session_manager.
for pid, process, ppid, _ in procs:
if ppid != session_manager_pid:
for path in _CHROME_PATHS:
if process.startswith(path):
return {'pid': pid, 'path': path, 'args': process}
return None
def GetChromePid(self):
"""Returns pid of main chrome browser process."""
result = self.GetChromeProcess()
if result and 'pid' in result:
return result['pid']
return None
def RmRF(self, filename):
logging.debug("rm -rf %s" % filename)
self.RunCmdOnDevice(['rm', '-rf', filename], quiet=True)
def Chown(self, filename):
self.RunCmdOnDevice(['chown', '-R', 'chronos:chronos', filename])
def KillAllMatching(self, predicate):
kills = ['kill', '-KILL']
for pid, cmd, _, _ in self.ListProcesses():
if predicate(cmd):'Killing %s, pid %d' % cmd, pid)
logging.debug("KillAllMatching(<predicate>)->%i" % (len(kills) - 2))
if len(kills) > 2:
self.RunCmdOnDevice(kills, quiet=True)
return len(kills) - 2
def IsServiceRunning(self, service_name):
stdout, stderr = self.RunCmdOnDevice([
'status', service_name], quiet=True)
assert stderr == '', stderr
running = 'running, process' in stdout
logging.debug("IsServiceRunning(%s)->%s" % (service_name, running))
return running
def GetRemotePort(self):
netstat = self.RunCmdOnDevice(['netstat', '-ant'])
netstat = netstat[0].split('\n')
ports_in_use = []
for line in netstat[2:]:
if not line:
address_in_use = line.split()[3]
port_in_use = address_in_use.split(':')[-1]
new_port = sorted(ports_in_use)[-1] + 1
return new_port
def IsHTTPServerRunningOnPort(self, port):
wget_output = self.RunCmdOnDevice(
['wget', 'localhost:%i' % (port), '-T1', '-t1'])
if 'Connection refused' in wget_output[1]:
return False
return True
def FilesystemMountedAt(self, path):
"""Returns the filesystem mounted at |path|"""
df_out, _ = self.RunCmdOnDevice(['/bin/df', path])
df_ary = df_out.split('\n')
# 3 lines for title, mount info, and empty line.
if len(df_ary) == 3:
line_ary = df_ary[1].split()
if line_ary:
return line_ary[0]
return None
def CryptohomePath(self, user):
"""Returns the cryptohome mount point for |user|."""
stdout, stderr = self.RunCmdOnDevice(
['cryptohome-path', 'user', "'%s'" % user])
if stderr != '':
raise OSError('cryptohome-path failed: %s' % stderr)
return stdout.rstrip()
def IsCryptohomeMounted(self, username, is_guest):
"""Returns True iff |user|'s cryptohome is mounted."""
profile_path = self.CryptohomePath(username)
mount = self.FilesystemMountedAt(profile_path)
mount_prefix = 'guestfs' if is_guest else '/home/.shadow/'
return mount and mount.startswith(mount_prefix)
def TakeScreenShot(self, screenshot_prefix):
"""Takes a screenshot, useful for debugging failures."""
# TODO(achuith): Find a better location for screenshots. Cros autotests
# upload everything in /var/log so use /var/log/screenshots for now.
SCREENSHOT_DIR = '/var/log/screenshots/'
self.RunCmdOnDevice(['mkdir', '-p', SCREENSHOT_DIR])
for i in xrange(25):
screenshot_file = ('%s%s-%d%s' %
(SCREENSHOT_DIR, screenshot_prefix, i, SCREENSHOT_EXT))
if not self.FileExistsOnDevice(screenshot_file):
'DISPLAY=:0.0 XAUTHORITY=/home/chronos/.Xauthority '
'-window root',
'-depth 8',
logging.warning('screenshot directory full.')
def RestartUI(self, clear_enterprise_policy):'(Re)starting the ui (logs the user out)')
if clear_enterprise_policy:
self.RunCmdOnDevice(['stop', 'ui'])
self.RmRF('/home/chronos/Local\ State')
if self.IsServiceRunning('ui'):
self.RunCmdOnDevice(['restart', 'ui'])
self.RunCmdOnDevice(['start', 'ui'])
def CloseConnection(self):
if not self.local:
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:['-O', 'exit', self._hostname]),
stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)