blob: c2762ce7ae7e6d50d7556c25ea74e76b4d167edf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/constants/attestation_constants.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class Profile;
namespace chromeos {
namespace cert_provisioning {
// Used for both DeleteVaKey and DeleteVaKeysByPrefix
using DeleteVaKeyCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(base::Optional<bool>)>;
const char kKeyNamePrefix[] = "cert-provis-";
// The type for variables containing an error from DM Server response.
using CertProvisioningResponseErrorType =
// The namespace that contains convenient aliases for error values, e.g.
using CertProvisioningResponseError =
// Numeric values are used in serialization and should not be remapped.
enum class CertScope { kUser = 0, kDevice = 1, kMaxValue = kDevice };
// These values are used in serialization and should be changed carefully. Also
// enums.xml should be updated.
enum class CertProvisioningWorkerState {
kInitState = 0,
kKeypairGenerated = 1,
kStartCsrResponseReceived = 2,
kVaChallengeFinished = 3,
kKeyRegistered = 4,
kKeypairMarked = 5,
kSignCsrFinished = 6,
kFinishCsrResponseReceived = 7,
kSucceeded = 8,
kInconsistentDataError = 9,
kFailed = 10,
kCanceled = 11,
kMaxValue = kCanceled,
// Returns true if the |state| is one of final states, i. e. worker should
// finish its task in one of them.
bool IsFinalState(CertProvisioningWorkerState state);
using CertProfileId = std::string;
// Names of CertProfile fields in a base::Value representation. Must be in sync
// with definitions of RequiredClientCertificateForDevice and
// RequiredClientCertificateForUser policies in policy_templates.json file.
const char kCertProfileIdKey[] = "cert_profile_id";
const char kCertProfilePolicyVersionKey[] = "policy_version";
struct CertProfile {
CertProfileId profile_id;
std::string policy_version;
// Increment this when you add/change any member in CertProfile (and update
// all functions that fail to compile because of it).
static constexpr int kVersion = 2;
static base::Optional<CertProfile> MakeFromValue(const base::Value& value);
bool operator==(const CertProfile& other) const;
bool operator!=(const CertProfile& other) const;
void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
void RegisterLocalStatePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
const char* GetPrefNameForSerialization(CertScope scope);
// Returns the nickname (CKA_LABEL) for keys created for the |profile_id|.
std::string GetKeyName(CertProfileId profile_id);
// Returns the key type for VA API calls for |scope|.
attestation::AttestationKeyType GetVaKeyType(CertScope scope);
const char* GetPlatformKeysTokenId(CertScope scope);
// The Verified Access APIs are used to generate key pairs. For user-specific
// key pairs, it is possible to reuse the key pair that is used for Verified
// Access challenge response generation and name it with a custom name. For
// device-wide key pairs, the key pair used for Verified Access challenge
// response generation must be stable, but an additional key pair can be
// embedded (key_name_for_spkac). See
// http://go/chromeos-va-registering-device-wide-keys-support for details. For
// these reasons, the name of key that should be registered and will be used for
// certificate provisioning is passed as key_name for user-specific keys and
// key_name_for_spkac for device-wide keys.
std::string GetVaKeyName(CertScope scope, CertProfileId profile_id);
std::string GetVaKeyNameForSpkac(CertScope scope, CertProfileId profile_id);
// This functions should be used to delete keys that were created by
// TpmChallengeKey* and were not registered yet. (To delete registered keys
// PlatformKeysService should be used.)
void DeleteVaKey(CertScope scope,
Profile* profile,
const std::string& key_name,
DeleteVaKeyCallback callback);
void DeleteVaKeysByPrefix(CertScope scope,
Profile* profile,
const std::string& key_prefix,
DeleteVaKeyCallback callback);
// Parses |data| using net::X509Certificate::FORMAT_AUTO as format specifier.
// Expects exactly one certificate to be the result and returns it. If parsing
// fails or if more than one certificates were in |data|, returns an null ptr.
scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate> CreateSingleCertificateFromBytes(
const char* data,
size_t length);
} // namespace cert_provisioning
} // namespace chromeos