blob: 42655e25e744925fa359e2f19b65c74c3b11c835 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/basic_interactions.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/i18n/time_formatting.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_data_util.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/script_executor_delegate.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/trigger_context.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/user_model.h"
namespace autofill_assistant {
namespace {
bool BooleanAnd(UserModel* user_model,
const std::string& result_model_identifier,
const BooleanAndProto& proto) {
auto values = user_model->GetValues(proto.values());
if (!values.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Failed to find values in user model";
return false;
if (!AreAllValuesOfType(*values, ValueProto::kBooleans) ||
!AreAllValuesOfSize(*values, 1)) {
DVLOG(2) << "All values must be 'boolean' and contain exactly 1 value each";
return false;
bool result = true;
for (const auto& value : *values) {
result &= value.booleans().values(0);
SimpleValue(result, ContainsClientOnlyValue(*values)));
return true;
bool BooleanOr(UserModel* user_model,
const std::string& result_model_identifier,
const BooleanOrProto& proto) {
auto values = user_model->GetValues(proto.values());
if (!values.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Failed to find values in user model";
return false;
if (!AreAllValuesOfType(*values, ValueProto::kBooleans) ||
!AreAllValuesOfSize(*values, 1)) {
DVLOG(2) << "All values must be 'boolean' and contain exactly 1 value each";
return false;
bool result = false;
for (const auto& value : *values) {
result |= value.booleans().values(0);
SimpleValue(result, ContainsClientOnlyValue(*values)));
return true;
bool BooleanNot(UserModel* user_model,
const std::string& result_model_identifier,
const BooleanNotProto& proto) {
auto value = user_model->GetValue(proto.value());
if (!value.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": " << proto.value()
<< " not found in model";
return false;
if (value->booleans().values().size() != 1) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__
<< ": expected single boolean, but got " << *value;
return false;
SimpleValue(!value->booleans().values(0), value->is_client_side_only()));
return true;
bool ValueToString(UserModel* user_model,
const std::string& result_model_identifier,
const ToStringProto& proto) {
auto value = user_model->GetValue(proto.value());
std::string result;
if (!value.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": " << proto.value()
<< " not found in model";
return false;
if (!AreAllValuesOfSize({*value}, 1)) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__
<< ": expected single value, but got a list instead";
return false;
if (AreAllValuesOfType({*value}, ValueProto::kUserActions)) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__
<< ": does not support stringifying user actions";
return false;
switch (value->kind_case()) {
case ValueProto::kStrings:
result = value->strings().values(0);
case ValueProto::kBooleans:
result = value->booleans().values(0) ? "true" : "false";
case ValueProto::kInts:
result = base::NumberToString(value->ints().values(0));
case ValueProto::kUserActions:
return false;
case ValueProto::kDates: {
if (proto.date_format().date_format().empty()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": date_format not set";
return false;
auto date = value->dates().values(0);
base::Time::Exploded exploded_time = {date.year(),
/* day_of_week = */ -1,,
/* hour = */ 0,
/* minute = */ 0,
/* second = */ 0,
/* millisecond = */ 0};
base::Time time;
if (!base::Time::FromLocalExploded(exploded_time, &time)) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": invalid date "
<< *value;
return false;
result = base::UTF16ToUTF8(base::TimeFormatWithPattern(
time, proto.date_format().date_format().c_str()));
case ValueProto::kCreditCards:
case ValueProto::kProfiles:
case ValueProto::kLoginOptions:
case ValueProto::kCreditCardResponse:
case ValueProto::kLoginOptionResponse:
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": kind not supported for "
<< *value;
return false;
case ValueProto::KIND_NOT_SET:
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": kind not set";
return false;
SimpleValue(result, value->is_client_side_only()));
return true;
bool Compare(UserModel* user_model,
const std::string& result_model_identifier,
const ValueComparisonProto& proto) {
auto value_a = user_model->GetValue(proto.value_a());
if (!value_a.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": " << proto.value_a()
<< " not found in model";
return false;
auto value_b = user_model->GetValue(proto.value_b());
if (!value_b.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": " << proto.value_b()
<< " not found in model";
return false;
if (proto.mode() == ValueComparisonProto::UNDEFINED) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": mode not set";
return false;
if (proto.mode() == ValueComparisonProto::EQUAL) {
SimpleValue(*value_a == *value_b,
ContainsClientOnlyValue({*value_a, *value_b})));
return true;
// All modes except EQUAL require a size of 1 and a common value type and
// are only supported for a subset of value types.
if (!AreAllValuesOfSize({*value_a, *value_b}, 1)) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": comparison mode "
<< proto.mode() << "requires all input values to have size 1";
return false;
if (!AreAllValuesOfType({*value_a, *value_b}, value_a->kind_case())) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": comparison mode "
<< proto.mode()
<< "requires all input values to share the same type, but got "
<< value_a->kind_case() << " and " << value_b->kind_case();
return false;
if (value_a->kind_case() != ValueProto::kInts &&
value_a->kind_case() != ValueProto::kDates &&
value_a->kind_case() != ValueProto::kStrings) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__
<< ": the selected comparison mode is only supported for "
"integers, strings, and dates";
return false;
bool result = false;
switch (proto.mode()) {
case ValueComparisonProto::LESS:
result = *value_a < *value_b;
case ValueComparisonProto::LESS_OR_EQUAL:
result = *value_a < *value_b || value_a == value_b;
case ValueComparisonProto::GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
result = *value_a > *value_b || value_a == value_b;
case ValueComparisonProto::GREATER:
result = *value_a > *value_b;
case ValueComparisonProto::EQUAL:
case ValueComparisonProto::UNDEFINED:
return false;
SimpleValue(result, ContainsClientOnlyValue({*value_a, *value_b})));
return true;
bool IntegerSum(UserModel* user_model,
const std::string& result_model_identifier,
const IntegerSumProto& proto) {
auto values = user_model->GetValues(proto.values());
if (!values.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": "
<< "Failed to find values in user model";
return false;
if (!AreAllValuesOfSize(*values, 1) ||
!AreAllValuesOfType(*values, ValueProto::kInts)) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": "
<< "all input values must be single integers";
return false;
int sum = 0;
for (const auto& value : *values) {
sum += value.ints().values(0);
SimpleValue(sum, ContainsClientOnlyValue(*values)));
return true;
bool CreateCreditCardResponse(UserModel* user_model,
const std::string& result_model_identifier,
const CreateCreditCardResponseProto& proto) {
auto value = user_model->GetValue(proto.value());
if (!value.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Failed to find value in user model";
return false;
if (value->credit_cards().values().size() != 1) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__
<< ": expected single CreditCardProto, but got " << *value;
return false;
auto* credit_card =
if (!credit_card) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": card not found for guid "
<< value->credit_cards().values(0).guid();
return false;
// The result is intentionally not client_side_only, irrespective of input.
ValueProto result;
user_model->SetValue(result_model_identifier, result);
return true;
bool CreateLoginOptionResponse(UserModel* user_model,
const std::string& result_model_identifier,
const CreateLoginOptionResponseProto& proto) {
auto value = user_model->GetValue(proto.value());
if (!value.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Failed to find value in user model";
return false;
if (value->login_options().values().size() != 1) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__
<< ": expected single LoginOptionProto, but got " << *value;
return false;
// The result is intentionally not client_side_only, irrespective of input.
ValueProto result;
user_model->SetValue(result_model_identifier, result);
return true;
} // namespace
base::WeakPtr<BasicInteractions> BasicInteractions::GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
BasicInteractions::BasicInteractions(ScriptExecutorDelegate* delegate)
: delegate_(delegate) {}
BasicInteractions::~BasicInteractions() {}
bool BasicInteractions::SetValue(const SetModelValueProto& proto) {
if (proto.model_identifier().empty()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error setting value: model_identifier empty";
return false;
auto value = delegate_->GetUserModel()->GetValue(proto.value());
if (!value.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error setting value: " << proto.value() << " not found";
return false;
delegate_->GetUserModel()->SetValue(proto.model_identifier(), *value);
return true;
bool BasicInteractions::ComputeValue(const ComputeValueProto& proto) {
if (proto.result_model_identifier().empty()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error computing value: result_model_identifier empty";
return false;
switch (proto.kind_case()) {
case ComputeValueProto::kBooleanAnd:
if (proto.boolean_and().values().size() == 0) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error computing ComputeValue::BooleanAnd: no "
"values specified";
return false;
return BooleanAnd(delegate_->GetUserModel(),
proto.result_model_identifier(), proto.boolean_and());
case ComputeValueProto::kBooleanOr:
if (proto.boolean_or().values().size() == 0) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error computing ComputeValue::BooleanOr: no "
"values specified";
return false;
return BooleanOr(delegate_->GetUserModel(),
proto.result_model_identifier(), proto.boolean_or());
case ComputeValueProto::kBooleanNot:
if (!proto.boolean_not().has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error computing ComputeValue::BooleanNot: "
"value not specified";
return false;
return BooleanNot(delegate_->GetUserModel(),
proto.result_model_identifier(), proto.boolean_not());
case ComputeValueProto::kToString:
if (!proto.to_string().has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error computing ComputeValue::ToString: "
"value not specified";
return false;
return ValueToString(delegate_->GetUserModel(),
proto.result_model_identifier(), proto.to_string());
case ComputeValueProto::kComparison:
return Compare(delegate_->GetUserModel(), proto.result_model_identifier(),
case ComputeValueProto::kIntegerSum:
if (proto.integer_sum().values().size() == 0) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error computing ComputeValue::IntegerSum: "
"no values specified";
return false;
return IntegerSum(delegate_->GetUserModel(),
proto.result_model_identifier(), proto.integer_sum());
case ComputeValueProto::kCreateCreditCardResponse:
if (!proto.create_credit_card_response().has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error computing ComputeValue::CreateCreditCardResponse: "
"no value specified";
return false;
return CreateCreditCardResponse(delegate_->GetUserModel(),
case ComputeValueProto::kCreateLoginOptionResponse:
if (!proto.create_login_option_response().has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error computing ComputeValue::CreateLoginOptionResponse: "
"no value specified";
return false;
return CreateLoginOptionResponse(delegate_->GetUserModel(),
case ComputeValueProto::KIND_NOT_SET:
DVLOG(2) << "Error computing value: kind not set";
return false;
bool BasicInteractions::SetUserActions(const SetUserActionsProto& proto) {
if (!proto.has_user_actions()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error setting user actions: user_actions not set";
return false;
auto user_actions_value =
if (!user_actions_value.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error setting user actions: " << proto.user_actions()
<< " not found in model";
return false;
if (!user_actions_value->has_user_actions()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error setting user actions: Expected " << proto.user_actions()
<< " to hold UserActions, but found "
<< user_actions_value->kind_case() << " instead";
return false;
auto user_actions = std::make_unique<std::vector<UserAction>>();
for (const auto& user_action : user_actions_value->user_actions().values()) {
// No callback needed, the framework relies on generic events which will
// be fired automatically when user actions are called.
return true;
bool BasicInteractions::ToggleUserAction(const ToggleUserActionProto& proto) {
auto user_actions_value = delegate_->GetUserModel()->GetValue(
if (!user_actions_value.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": "
<< proto.user_actions_model_identifier() << " not found in model";
return false;
if (!user_actions_value->has_user_actions()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__
<< ": expected user_actions_model_identifier to contain user "
"actions, but was "
<< *user_actions_value;
return false;
auto enabled_value = delegate_->GetUserModel()->GetValue(proto.enabled());
if (!enabled_value.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": " << proto.enabled()
<< " not found in model";
return false;
if (enabled_value->booleans().values().size() != 1) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__
<< ": expected enabled to contain a single bool, but was "
<< *enabled_value;
return false;
auto user_action_it = std::find_if(
[&](const UserActionProto& user_action) {
return user_action.identifier() == proto.user_action_identifier();
if (user_action_it == user_actions_value->user_actions().values().cend()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": "
<< proto.user_action_identifier() << " not found in "
<< *user_actions_value;
return false;
auto user_action_index =
user_action_it - user_actions_value->user_actions().values().cbegin();
return true;
bool BasicInteractions::EndAction(bool view_inflation_successful,
const EndActionProto& proto) {
if (!end_action_callback_) {
DVLOG(2) << "Failed to EndAction: no callback set";
return false;
.Run(view_inflation_successful, proto.status(),
return true;
void BasicInteractions::ClearEndActionCallback() {
void BasicInteractions::SetEndActionCallback(
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, ProcessedActionStatusProto, const UserModel*)>
end_action_callback) {
end_action_callback_ = std::move(end_action_callback);
bool BasicInteractions::RunConditionalCallback(
const std::string& condition_identifier,
base::RepeatingCallback<void()> callback) {
auto condition_value =
if (!condition_value.has_value()) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": " << condition_identifier
<< " not found in model";
return false;
if (condition_value->booleans().values().size() != 1) {
DVLOG(2) << "Error evaluating " << __func__ << ": expected "
<< condition_identifier << " to contain a single bool, but was "
<< *condition_value;
return false;
if (condition_value->booleans().values(0)) {
return true;
bool BasicInteractions::UpdateRadioButtonGroup(
const std::vector<std::string>& model_identifiers,
const std::string& selected_model_identifier) {
auto selected_iterator =
std::find(model_identifiers.begin(), model_identifiers.end(),
if (selected_iterator == model_identifiers.end()) {
return false;
auto values = delegate_->GetUserModel()->GetValues(model_identifiers);
if (!values.has_value()) {
return false;
if (!AreAllValuesOfType(*values, ValueProto::kBooleans)) {
return false;
if (!AreAllValuesOfSize(*values, 1)) {
return false;
for (const auto& model_identifier : model_identifiers) {
if (model_identifier == selected_model_identifier) {
delegate_->GetUserModel()->SetValue(model_identifier, SimpleValue(false));
return true;
} // namespace autofill_assistant